I had to look up traits of narcissism to really answer this effectively. XD
-- Hyper Sensitive to Criticism
This is something I have always had a problem with, and I'm constantly having to battle it. It's a very negative trait, for the obvious reason that I might flip out over simple advice or suggestions.
-- Critical of Others
Yeeeaaah, true to the hypocrisy of narcissism, I can't take it but I dish it out. D: When I don't check myself, I can get nitpicky critical about others to that really obnoxious self righteous extreme.
-- Envious and Competitive!
Not in the healthy ways, but in the ridiculous ways. Like, I might start hating someone cause they get more attention than me. Or get really pissed off because a friend did better at a project.
-- Fluctuating between superior and inferior feelings!
I will have extreme moments of thinking I am the most awesome person in the world and thinking I'm way smarter/better/blahblah than others, and fifteen minutes later hit rock bottom and feel the exact opposite! o__o
-- Feelings of Entitlement!
I always feel like I deserve more than what I get, regardless of whether or not I worked for it or deserve it. :/
-- No Sense of Humor of Self Jokes
Thankfully this one isn't too bad, but when jokes at my expense keep on going, or happen a lot in a short time frame it kills me. x___X The humor I have in it fails and I start getting butthurt!
-- Center of the Universeness!
I always feel like I am the center of the universe. It doesn't help that I have this natural ability to collect and draw people to me. So it kinda fluffs up those ego feelings that I am just soooo important that everything revolves around me. That includes thinking stuff would fall apart without my presence!
-- Vanity!
My appearance is a big deal. I have to know that I look pretty, and I am constantly fussing in mirrors when I catch my reflection. I did always want to take a million pictures of myself and have them around to gaze at my own prettiness. c_c;
Ever. I'm always right and perfect in every way. Another one of those things I have to work hard at not to do. e_e;
-- Pathological lying!
I used to do this A LOT during my tween and teen years. :/ I don't know if that was directly related to narcissism or other issues.
I know I am a narcissist. XD I've always been kind of self righteous and uppity. It's been inherited and trained in to me by my mother and grandmother - WHICH BY THE WAY - thanks for digging up those feelings! x___x While looking up info to answer this post, I found a site "Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers" and what was described was so dead-on about what I grew up with, it's got me all twitchie now.
Anyways, because of that, I try to be really, really, really self aware and catch myself before I let those traits slip in to the "bad zones". .___.; Not always successful, but I have two crazy-ladies as examples to what I -could- be acting like if I don't behave. c__c