An Accident Waiting to Happen

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Mei had her camera all set up and ready, and was walking around backstage trying to find the bathroom. Due to her press pass she was allowed in some places and not others, but not with a camera. Looking around the park, she wandered towards the general area of the bathrooms, trying to find them.
Nami walked down the sidewalk and just then he realized he really needed to use the bathroom but unfortunately he had zero idea where they were

"Oh crap i gotta piss so i better find the bathrooms quickly"
Walking aimlessly, Mei could hear footsteps in the distance, but she didn't bother looking. The conference was going to start soon and she needed to hurry to get back to her spot.
Nami was walking quite quickly cause he really needed to go and the conference was starting soon and just then he spotted a familiar face it was Mei

"Hey Mei" he said in a high voice
Mei was about to reach the bathrooms when she heard a voice behind her. Turning, she blinked back her surprise before her gaze hardened a bit. "Nami." She said stiffly, straightening her posture.
Nami narrowed his focus also jaw stiffening at the very sight of her he had not forgotten that night sure he was somewhat at fault but he was not gonna take full blame for it

"Can we work this out?"
Mei sighed, her posture letting up a bit. "I would love to have a long heart to heart right now but the press conference starts soon. Maybe we can talk after?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.
Nami sighed but breathed deep and nodded to her which was true they did not have time to hash this out here and now they both needed to be at the press conference

"meet at my studio apartment after the conference"
Nodding slightly, Mei went towards the bathrooms, closing the door behind her. Breathing a sigh, Mei went quickly before getting back to her press spot. The whole thing went by quite quickly, and soon she had a reportuar of pictures.
Nami entered the bathroom and took a heavy duty number 1 he breathed deeply his heart pounding his feelings for her had not changed one bit

"Damn why must i be so attracted to her like this"
Mei was already sitting out in the press area, snapping photos of the people onstage at the moment. Her cheeks were still flushed slightly, and she reached for the drink her partner had passed to her. Alcoholic, of course. She needed some way to get through the night.
Nami washed his hands and face with hot water to try and cool off and get back his composure before the conference got started

"I need to just get through this and have that heart to heart with Mei" he said with a slight smile
Mei fiddled with anything she could find as she waited for the big stars to come out on stage. She needed more photos of them
Nami took out a silver flask from out of the back of pouch he had on him

"I need some gin in order to relax" as he popped it open and took a quick swig of it
Looking back at her drink, Mei took another long swig and passed it back to her partner. "Get me something with more of a kick. I have a feeling I am not going to want to remember this conference." She mumbled.
Nami enjoyed the taste of gin it was just strong enough to numb his senses for the time being until he could get back to his apartment and get a beer

"Well time for me to go and do this" he says as he walks out the door and he towards the stage
Leaning against her chair, Mei perked at attention as the last guest got off the stage. Primed and ready, she ha Cher finger already over the flash button
Nami climbed the steps leading up to the stage nearly tripping and falling on the steps the gin was starting to take effect on him so he needed to hurry

"Ok now i just need to wait to be called on stage"
Mei was feeling a bit tipsy at he moment, but as long as the photos were fine she was all good to go.
Nami could feel his legs beginning to shake and he was starting to sweat and just then the announcer said this

"We are proud to introduce our newest star Nami!!!"

Nami stumbled onto the stage
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