An Accident Waiting to Happen

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Looking around, Mei sighed, opening her eyes to squint upwards at the grey clouds. "Well," She paused, adjusting her glasses, "It wouldn't be the first I have heard of. It wouldn't be that bad."
Nami stood up dusting the sand off his jean shorts he got the answer he had wanted all along and now he can be at peace

"thanks Mei i appreciate the honesty"
Looking up at him, Meo sat up. "Where are you going at this hour?" She asked
Nami looked down at her and smiled i have a meeting that i am almost later for

"i'll meet you at our spot in a few hours ok?"
Looking up at Nami, she nodded, pulling her camera back out and starting to take pictures again
Nami failed to mention was how important this meeting was this could be the break Nami had been seeking

"if i can just get this deal i can set us both up for life Mei" he said to himself.
Mei sighed, looking out on the ocean. Her heart had never really considered dating Nami, but as she thought about it, it seemed like an ok idea. He could do what he loved, and she could do what she loved. Besides, they knew each other like the back of their hands.
Nami had always wanted to be an actor thats why he was so committed to this meeting with a highly regarded talent scout

"I need to give it my best shot for Mei's sake so we can live like kings"
Looking over her shoulder at the beach, Mei stood up and went to go back inside her house for some pop tarts, and some Netflix.
Nami quickly approached the talent agency office and the nerves started to kick in and sweat dripping from his brow onto the pavement

"you can do this Nami " he said as he pulled open the door
Looking around, Mei pushed open her door. Humming to herself, she grabbed the pop tarts, opening another pack.
As he walked in the door he could feel the cool air of the A/c blowing in his face and just then the secretary a delightful woman named Ms.Kimball said "ahh mr.Nami you're just in time he has been expecting you plz go right in"

"ahh thanks"he said with a coy smile as he approached the door he took another deep breath and pulled open the door.
Looking around, she sat down on the couch, and leaned back, deciding to take a nap.
Nami opened the door quite slowly and just then he heard a soft monotone voice say this "come now young man don't be such a slow poke i got other other talent lined up not just you" Nami quickly ran through the door and before him was a grey haired man with a handle bar mustache

"well this it the meeting of my life"or so he thought.
Mei www too busy being asleep to notice much at the moment.
"Now don't just stand there young man come have a seat i do not have all day"

as so there it was the talent meeting it lasted 2 hours and the convo got rather firey at times

((talent meeting to be covered in another flashback as will be the spot convo))
Nodding her head to the music that flowed through the room, Mei started to dance by herself.
Nami sighed as he left the talent agency he had done the best he could now all he could now was just wait for the talent scouts call if it were ever to come.
Mei brought herself out of the little daydream she was having, shaking her head. It had been years since then, and she was still taking pictures. His career had taken off and he had left her dragging along behind, wanting to be with him.
Nami shook himself out of his trance it was so simple back then and how close minded he was in terms of how he thought of her

"I knew that day on the beach would come back and bite us*
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