Ambar: Snow and Ash OOC



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    [hr][/hr][center][size=150][font=palatino linotype][b]"[/b][color=#000000]Quote by or about your character if applicable[/color][b]"[/b][/font][/size]
    [size=150][center]>>Character Image Goes Here<<[/center][/size]
    [size=250][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][b]INTRODUCTION[/b][/font][/size]
    [[u]General Information[/u]]
    Origin:[/b] (What country?))
    [b]Occupation:[/b] (Could include class and or rank).
    [size=250][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][b]APPEARANCE[/b][/font][/size]
    Body Markings:[/b] (Scars, tattoos, other noteworthy markings of any kind).
    (1-3 paragraphs.)
    [b]Please do go into detail, don't rush yourself and be as descriptive as you can. This really makes the character come alive.[/b]
    [size=250][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][b]PERSONALITY[/b][/font][/size]
    [hr][/hr][/right][size=120][[u]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/u]] [/size]
    (1-3 paragraphs.)
    [size=250][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][b]ABILITIES[/b][/font][/size]
    [[u]Skills[/u]] [i]Please describe your character's skills in combat. Have they adapted a certain fighting style? Do they know how to fight with a sword, but not how to repair it? Can they infuse their weapon with magic? Can they fight hand to hand? Can they hunt? Make potions? Mend wounds? Make wonderful balloon animals? You get it... :)[/i]
    [[u]Spells/Magic Affinity[/u]]  [i]This isn't meant for you to list every damn spell your character has learned. Are they more proficient with a certain type of magic? Do they know a certain very powerful (or very illegal) spell? Stuff like that. And only if this is applicable! If your character doesn't know magic, then there's is no point to this.[/i]
    [list] [*][b](something you're lacking in regards to battle, or otherwise. This is VERY important. EVERYONE has weaknesses, and I would like for you to list those of your character here. this also really makes him/her come alive!):[/b] (description)
    [size=250][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][b]EQUIPMENT[/b][/font]
    (Feel free to use pictures!!
    What is your character wearing into combat? Is he or she wearing heavy, slowing armor? Something lighter, perhaps? What does it look like? What's it made of?)
    (Pictures welcome here as well!
    What does your character wear when not in combat? Do they have a raiment of fine clothes, that they wear to certain social events, and a set of clothes they wear on the road? What does it look like?)
    (Does your character carry around other trinkets?)
    [[u]Primary Weapon:[/u]]
    [b]Weapon Name:
    Weapon Type:
    [[u]Other weapons:[/u]]
    [b]Weapon Type:
    Weapon Type:
    [size=250][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][b]>>INSERT NAME<<'s Story[/b][/font][/size]
    [list][left]|[b] >>Family member<< [/b]|[/left]
    [list][left]|[b] >>Family member<< [/b]|[/left]
    [list][left]|[b] >>Family member<< [/b]|[/left]
    (What did your character do before they were marked?)
    [[u]Outlook on life[/u]]
    (Does your character hate elves but love orcs? Other way round? Don't care? What's his or hers thoughts about the different races, different countries and the general state of the world?
    If you find this to be a dreadful waste of time, you may skip this.)


    [spoiler][left][img][/img][/left][font=trebuchet][size=95][b]C A L L I O N[/b][color=transparent]XX[/color]|[color=transparent]XX[/color][i][url=SONG URL]SONG NAME[/url][/i]
    Feels feels feels.
    Relations relations.
    Feels feels feels.[/size][/font]
    [left][img][/img][/left][font=trebuchet][size=95][b]C E C I L I A[/b][color=transparent]XX[/color]|[color=transparent]XX[/color][i][url=SONG URL]SONG NAME[/url][/i]
    Feels feels feels.
    Relations relations.
    Feels feels feels.
    [left][img][/img][/left][font=trebuchet][size=95][b]P H A E D R A[/b][color=transparent]XX[/color]|[color=transparent]XX[/color][i][url=SONG URL]SONG NAME[/url][/i]
    Feels feels feels.
    Relations relations.
    Feels feels feels.[/size][/font]
    [left][img][/img][/left][font=trebuchet][size=95][b]M A R A[/b][color=transparent]XX[/color]|[color=transparent]XX[/color][i][url=SONG URL]SONG NAME[/url][/i]
    Feels feels feels.
    Relations relations.
    Feels feels feels.[/size][/font]
    [left][img][/img][/left][font=trebuchet][size=95][b]???[/b][color=transparent]XX[/color]|[color=transparent]G A R O S[/color][i][url=SONG URL]SONG NAME[/url][/i]
    Feels feels feels.
    Relations relations.
    Feels feels feels.[/size][/font]
    [left][img][/img][/left][font=trebuchet][size=95][b]???[/b][color=transparent]XX[/color]|[color=transparent]XX[/color][i][url=SONG URL]SONG NAME[/url][/i]
    Feels feels feels.
    Relations relations.
    Feels feels feels.[/size][/font][/spoiler]

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    Please note that you can click all images to see a larger version of them.




    Unlike Vesia, Stormgarde stands united. The country is under complete royal control. No wardens or earls. The noble families have elected the King, and support him. The king and his queen are very popular with both the nobles and the common people. This relieved a period of internal strife, and was vital to secure the future and the security of Stormgarde. Stormgarde was once a much larger kingdom than it is today, as it used to rule all of Vesia as well, but civil wars and other calamities split the nation.



    Years ago, Vesia was first to feel the power of the Orcish Empire. Strong leadership and a united nation became of paramount importance, to stop the orcs and save the kingdom. Vesia was once a much larger kingdom than it is today, but some of its western territories were claimed by the Orcish Empire during the war. The strong sense of unity and the idea of strong leadership has somewhat lessened over the years, however.

    The nation has a king, but it is not nearly as closely unified as its northern counterpart. Vesia is made up of numerous regions, each with a 'capital' and ruled by a Warden, who is then sworn to the king. It is common knowledge that the Wardens and other noble families have contested the current king of Vesia, however, and some openly oppose him still. Officially, the capital of the nation is Arn's Rock and the other regions are still under the king's control, but intrigue and ambition threaten the peace.



    Ruled by a Khan (think somewhat Mongol Empire). The lands they rule are flat and open with great plains, though mountainous and covered in dense forest in some areas. The orch Rungol Khan managed to unify all the orcish tribes and built the great Orcish Empire. Feared by all the other countries. Current Khan is named Grohvak Khan has pushed the border between the orcs and elves only slightly, as this revealed itself to be a hard thing to do. But for now there is a fragile peace. This conflict, however has increased the bitterness between the two races.



    Rinarwin is mostly comprised of deep forests. There are open plains as well though, and even a mountainous area, where the river, that splits into 3 has its source. The Elvish kingdom is ruled by a council, and they take great care to keep the laws of their lands, and taking as good care of it as they can.

    The elves build beautiful cities and wonderful homes, and no stranger can help but marvel at their craftsmanship. But if you do venture into their lands, be wary and be careful. The elves know their homeland, and do not make the mistake for one moment, to think that you've entered unnoticed. Though their lands are beautiful and the elves do what they can, to keep peace and balance in order, there are creatures in their deep, dark forests that stir.



    Caeld is a hard place. For hard people. The dwarves made their home here thousands and thousands of years ago. No one knows when exactly they settled here. The dwarves built their capital city of Kaer Valnar, and expanded from there. Now they control the whole island of Caeld. Caeld has a sister-kingdom, though, but they have sealed themselves off.

    Caeld is a rich nation, as the dwarves trade in precious metals they dig up from their mines. Many ships dock the harbours of Dimholt, to trade gems or beautifully crafted armor and weaponry.
    Not only is it a very mountainous land, but Caeld is also quite cold. Winter snows fall early here, and it gets even colder north of the mountains of Kaer Valnar. Who better than a hardy people like the dwarves to live in a hard land like this? Remember your pelts and your coats before you visit, or you won't have a good time!



    Dwarven Kingdom. This empire lies isolated on a great island. It has closed itself off to the other countries. The Kingdom is named after the two ruling families that founded it, Dûrg and Bekár lines. The dwarves that live within are still seen in the rest of the world, but once you leave, it's nigh impossible to get back in. These dwarves keep a watchful eye on the sea and their borders, and patrol them night and day. Towers, walls, gates, the works. None of the other races are allowed to come in. The dwarves that do leave this land, know that they may never see home again.

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    Elvish religion is based on the belief that the world is the physical manifestation, of a dream of The Great Spirit – the prime deity of elvish religion. The Great Spirit thus gave life to all things. The Goddess Namarië—lover to the Great Spirit—entered his dream and breathed magic into the world. As the Great Spirit had ignited the sun in the sky, so did Namarië give the moon its glow, and set it to chasing the sun across the sky. Therefore, the sun and moon are sacred to the Elves. The sun is a symbol of life, as it gives life to the sacred nature. The moon is sacred, as it is a symbol of the immortality of the elves and magic. But of course, you cannot have a religion with only two benign deities, can you? No.

    The entity responsible for all bad things in the world, is by the elves named Morgon. "the Other". Morgon does not exist in the physical world, i.e. The Great Spirit's dream. He lives in something called Morgon's Plane, Morgon's Nightmare or simply just the Nightmare. It has many names. He seeks to overtake the Great Spirit's Dream and corrupt it. He is responsible for evil, death and darkness, and therefore, whenever these things occur in the world, it's a result of Morgon seeping through and corrupting the Dream. His nightmare manifests itself as evil things in the world.

    In order to prevent (or maybe just post-pone) the end, the physical manifestation of the corruptive nightmare, must be purged. How this is done, however, elvish religion and lore says nothing about.

    Seven beings - the Rimärin Vel [Harbingers of Doom] - are the physical manifestation of Morgon's Nightmare. The Rimärin Vel must be defeated, if the dream of the Great Spirit must remain (relatively) uncorrupted. If not, the Rimärin Vel will wreak havoc, raise the armies of the dead and bring total darkness to the world.

    As Namarië was so in love with the Great Spirit and his dream, she was the one to grant immortality to the elves. Morgon's version of this gift is twisted, as his is that of undeath.

    Elvish Rituals coincide with the full moon, and the summer solstice. On the longest day of the year, the elves celebrate the Festival of the Unconquered Sun, a time of wondrous frivolity and joy. The elves drink copious amounts of wine, sweet ales and have a great time. The full moon obviously occurs more often, and is therefore reserved for lesser rituals that are more frequent in general. Like weddings, funerals and things like that. It is also customary for most elves (depending on how strong your faith is), to make a small offering to Namarië at Moonwells. These Moonwells are frequent throughout Rinarwin. It is also customary to drink from the Moonwell during the night of the full moon.


    The Dwarves believe that the Maker keeps everything in the world in balance. He is responsible for creation, as he hammered the world into shape, and sculpted the dwarves from stone, where after he gave them life. He is the patron of the dwarves and their craftsmanship. His sister is responsible for everything arcane - including magic. His brother is responsible for death and darkness. And this brother has always been jealous of the Maker's power. The Dwarves believe that the Heralds are agents of the Maker's brother, and he is using them to spread death and darkness in the world, contesting the Maker. The prophecy is carved into a great wall deep in Kaer Valnar, where its runes clearly state that the brother of the Maker will try to overthrow him and plunge the world into darkness, and that he will do so by sending forth the Heralds and capturing his own sister, to force her to twist her gift of magic and grant it to the Heralds.

    The Dwarves call the Heralds Grókar-Daez [Bringers (of) Darkness] in their own language.

    Everything was created, molded, forged, crafted by the Maker. He is responsible for creation. According to the dwarves, he hammered the world into shape, after molding it from his own breath, blood and sweat. The dwarves he made from stone, elves from the trees and the orcs from the ground. Humans he shaped from the salty sea. He is the source of the dwarves' skill and craftsmanship.

    The maker has a sister. She is simply named "the Sister". She is responsible for everything arcane in the world. Including magic.

    His brother is the one who is responsible for death, darkness and all things grim in the world. He has always been jealous of the Maker's power. Thus, jealousy is frowned upon in dwarfish culture. It is not a good thing, to covet something that someone else possesses.

    The dwarves believe that the Heralds are agents of the Maker's brother. They name him Murghul. Death. Murghul wants to use the Heralds to spread his darkness in the world. The prophecy of the Heralds is carved into a great wall, deep in the bowels of Kaer Valnar. Its runes clearly prophecies that Murghul will attempt to plunge the world into darkness, and that he will do so by sending forth the Heralds, and undo the work of his brother. That is how the world will end.


    Aroq'ahn Vazek is the Rakhan-orcish name for the Heralds, and it means Arokh's Riders. Aroqh (Arokh in common tongue) is the Orcish god of chaos. In orcish religion, he is the one who brings about the end of the world, through the Heralds (Arokh's Riders). Aroqh will unleash his seven riders upon the world, to signal the beginning of the end-times. As the orcs are well known for their reverence of the dead, they have great fear of the Aroqh's Riders, for they have the ability to raise the dead. Aroqh has always desired the goddess of hunt, Gulfin and according to prophecy, Aroqh will rape Gulfin and their offspring will be the god of death. This cannot happen, however, until Aroqh and Gulfin both take physical form. And this is the task of Aroqh's Riders; to facilitate the summoning of Gulfin and Aroqh into the world. This is prophesized to happen, by the Riders spreading chaos and unrest in the world. Then Aroqh's connection and influence will become greater, and eventually he will be able to enter the world, and drag Gulfin with him.

    According to the orcs, the world was created by the Mother. She created the world, the mountains, trees, rivers, oceans. But she was not content with what she had created. It was void. Bereft of life. So she sacrificed herself, and let her essence and spirit seep into the world. That is also why orcs quite literally mean 'Mother Earth'. Her essence and spirit gave life to everything.

    There are many gods in the orcish Pantheon, though:

    Aroqh – God of Chaos
    Gulfin – Goddess of the Hunt
    Marozh – God of War and Strife
    Grumbol – Craftmanship
    Duroqil – Goddess of Victory, Prowess and Success
    Mairakh – Goddess of Fertility
    Rub'hak – God of the Seas
    Sarcrul – Goddess of Hidden Things (incl. magic)
    Miraqh – Goddess of Justice and Peace.
    Arbol – God of Law.

    The 11th God of the orcish Pantheon will be the god of death, born by rape from Gulfin, by Aroqh. He will not have a name.


    The most widespread religion in both Stormgard and Vesia, is the belief in one single God. This God has no name, for he must not be named! This stems from the study of magic, actually. Magic is a creation of God, naturally. But when you study magic, you'll eventually be studying something called "Naming", which is the process in which you gain deeper knowledge and understanding of a specific subject or element of magic. Thus, you can control it. It would be sacrilege and blasphemy, to try to control God! Therefore he must not be named.

    This God has created everything. He has not, however, created good and evil. These concepts are entirely made up, by the peoples in the world. This of course, gives rise to plenty of interpretations of what is right and wrong, and what is needed to gain entry to the great Beyond. The great Beyond is the pristine world, where your spirit will be guided to, by God, if you have lived your life satisfactory. When you die, God will judge you and either guide your spirit to the great Beyond, or condemn you to eternal punishment.

    According to the Holy Church, you must not kill, steal, commit adultery, etc. The Church also has a 'rulebook' of sorts, called the Tennants of God.

    There is a branch of the Holy Church, that serves as its military arm. Among the people, these are collectively called the Hammer of God – a title the church itself does not use. These are also called Paladins, however.
    By royal decree, one third of the Royal Guard of Stormgarde, must be comprised entirely of Paladins. The Crown and the Church are very closely connected.

    According to this relatively new religion, the Heralds are 7 monarchs of the ancient world, that turned away from the Light. They were so consumed by their lust for power, that they became evil and twisted, and are waiting for the right moment to strike, where there will be enough sinners and people who have strayed from the right path.


    The Light is a sort of magic. A type of magic that is not taught by anyone except the church, and the church is very protective of its secrets. It is rumored to build on dwarfish magic (what little they know), as well as elements of what is taught at the Arcanum and the University. Paladins are the only ones trained in this magic. Some of it is taught to the priests of the Holy Church, which is why they are skilled healers.

    There was also an older religion, which you can still find among the smaller villages in the far north of Stormgard, and the far south and south-east of Vesia.


    Magic in the world of Ambar, is different in each culture. That means, the way people view magic, what they think of it and what it is used for. And its origin, as well. Each race believes that their version of what magic is, where it comes from and how to use it is right, even though there are several striking similarities.

    The elves believe that magic is a gift from Namarië. That is why, when you are studying magic, you are named a Student of Namarië. Blood magic, necromancy, etc. is strictly forbidden in elvish society. One of the very few things, that will get you killed. They believe that blood magic (etc.) is a result of Morgon's corruption; it's a corruption of Namarië's gift to the elves.
    I elvish society, people who use this sort of corrupted magic, are viewed agents of Morgon, and they are said to assist him in entering the Dream (the World).

    In human society, magic is not believed to be the work of their (or any other) deity at all. It is just as normal as anything else in the world. Perhaps not everyone is equally adept at it, but it is still there. You have to study it, though. And quite intensely. It is not easy to become what the less adept might call a "spell-chucker". If you want to study magic (officially), you go to the Arcanum in Arn's Rock, Vesia, and the University in Fellmark, Stormgarde. The names of these institutions are different, yes, but they teach basically the same thing.

    Blood magic is also forbidden in both human kingdoms. The Holy Church, however, has the right to study it, by consensual license granted by both Vesia and Stormgard. They (officially) study it to better be able to perform healing magic.

    Un-official study of magic is illegal.

    In orcish culture, magic is not nearly as common. Those who wild its power, are called 'warlocks'. Magic, in orcish culture, is rarely used to help build things, grow things or mend the sick. Orcs simply don't know how to. Magic is therefore mostly used as a weapon. There are no laws against blood magic, necromancy, or the like. Which is odd, given that orcs have such respect for the dead. This is also why there aren't very many warlocks wandering the roads of Ogrin Koor, or any other settlement in the vast Orcish Empire. Orcs who want to become warlocks venture into the mountains, where they study in small enclaves, under older and wiser warlocks. Usually one or two orcs are chosen in each tribe.

    Orcs believe that magic is what remains of the essence of the Mother. As a result of all this, magic in orcish culture can be very gritty and bloody.

    The dwarves don't really use it. They never have. It has never really been a big part of orcish culture. But it is found among the Master Crafters – the legendary smiths and builders of the dwarves. In order to earn this title, they have to study some magic. They used it to imbue weapons, fortify their walls and structures as well as enhance armor etc.

    While blood magic is forbidden in almost every kingdom, this does not mean that no one practices it. Those that do, do so with the knowledge that they will probably be killed if discovered, and live as outlaws and outcasts mostly. While especially the the Iron Crown of Stormgard and the Holy church worked hard to eradicate any enclave of blood mages that might exist, about a century and a half ago, blood mages still exist. They must have improved their skill at hiding though, for it has been a very long time, since a greater group of blood mages have been found.

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    "Show me that you're human, you won't break. Oh, love your flaws and live for your mistakes."

    You'll be hard-up trying to find a more diverse race than the humans. From Stormgard's high-class denizens, paving the streets in gold and swaggering around in silk clothes, bright colors, and slim-fitting vests, to their poorer streets with their mish-mash of scarred individuals, from dark-skinned pirates to bangle-wearing women slinging their hips for coin. They're everywhere, and they're as different as the next person. Each one hails from dramatically different capitals.

    They speak what is called the 'common tongue'. The common tongue was created many years ago, to find a language all races could speak, to communicate with each other. Not all kingdoms are equally good at teaching it, but generally, most people can speak it sufficiently.

    Ruled by a king in both Stormgard and Vesia. Fond of magic. In human society, it is of paramount importance to have a profession, so you can support yourself and your family. But of course; the higher your birth, the more money you'll have and that means more options in life. People don't help each other the same way orcs and elves do. There's no end of disparity in the poorer parts; the slums are a sad part of human society. Historians speculate that this is the result of internal strife and bitter civil wars.

    The main profession in Vesia is farming, as Vesia has large and rich farmlands. A king rules the nation, but this is in turn split into smaller regions, each ruled by a warden. The royal family is not very popular, and some nobles have even openly contested the king. Stormgard is much more united than Vesia, though. The king has the love of the people. The economy is table, though people are still poor. It all depends on birth and profession. Stormgard has a very high production of iron and other metals, and boasts a very professional and well-trained army.



    "Here we are, don't turn away now. We are the warriors who built this town."

    Big. Very big. And strong. Like they were built for war, or moving around large boulders all day. These brutes are native to the Orcish Empire. Or well, an area smaller than that, actually. They have taken quite a bit of land from the elves, and even conquered half of the Isle of Marn. Their skin is tan, some are slightly greenish and some have almost red tones. Varies, as with every other race.

    The orcs are ruled by a Khan. The Khanate is usually passed down from father to son, until another decides to challenge for power. You are allowed to challenge the khan (or any chieftain, in fact) for power; this is sacred law. Orcs respect things taken or won by power and force. They have a great reverence for nature, life and death. They hunt their food with a passion. They form great war bands when they do go to war, where they are a terrifying opponent on the battlefield, but definitely not invincible. Oh, and orc women are not what you think they are, or what the rumors say. They do not look like wild boars, or smell like it. They can be very beautiful.

    There are thousands of tribes in the Orcish Empire, each led by a chieftain. They're a nomadic people and move around constantly. The only "static" cities are Ogrin Koor, Burgûn, Rakhon Maar, Grim Maroq and Razvaki. They have been keeping to themselves for quite a while. Unrest can be felt coming from within, and the khan seems to be making more and more irrational and aggressive decisions. Some brave (or foolish) orcs ignore his mad orders and keep moving around.

    The orcish language is very guttural and brutish. Not difficult to understand and grasp, but difficult for elves and humans to pronounce. Dwarves have it slightly easier, as their language also has the same hard consonants.


    "You are the wolf, and I am the moon, and in the endless sky we are but one. We are alive, in my dreams, wolf and I."

    Slender, fit and agile. That's how most elves are built. Oh, and they are immortal! Converted to a human's lifespan, it looks like elves stop aging when they reach the age of around 45-50 years old. Elves value their religion, life, nature and balance. Well, almost all of functioning elvish society does. Believe it or not, not all of Rinarwin is perfection. Raes Ulin even has slums!

    Typically, fair and easy on the eye, tall and walking with light steps and straight backs. Pointed ears. Also, tattoos are very popular with elves, just like jewelry and other beautiful and elegant things. Given that elves are immortal and that no one wants the same person to sit the throne forever, Rinarwin is ruled by a council, where each member can sit for a period of 10 years and no longer. Their language is smooth and elegant, but difficult to get right and fully understand for other races.

    In elvish society, everyone takes their time with everything. Be it finding a profession and working with this profession. They have all the time in the world, so they work towards perfecting their craft. This is also why most elves have, at some point, served in the military. They're sought out for their jungle's strong materials, odd trees stronger than steel; those reserved for the weapons they wield. Very few people have been given the honor of having such a weapon crafted for them.



    "You wanna take a drink of the promised land? Gotta wipe the dirt off your hands."

    The 'first ones' and 'ancient ones'. They claim to be the oldest of the four races. The dwarves are a hardy people. Small, broad and strong of arm. Most of them have calloused hands, both men and women, as most of dwarfish work involves using your hands. Smithing, jewel crafting, mining, iron and woodworking. Working the furnaces, constructions etc. They are excellent smiths, as well. Everyone in the world covet a dwarfish blade.

    There are two kingdoms. Caeld, which is ruled from Kaer Valnar, by a king with total control and influence. His word is law. The other kingdom, is assumed to still be ruled by the descendants of the Dûrg-Bekári line, but no one knows.

    The men sport long beards with gold and silver rings, big noses and a weathered face. Dwarves may be small, but they are not to be underestimated on the battlefield. If you don't believe that, then you can try charging a dwarfish phalanx, or one of their shield walls.


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