Altera Novum

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Do not let them escape!
I have seen you throw someone twice Sek's size to the ground.

I will handle the yellow man.

Shooting another bout of psychic energy, Aach-Ti is hell bent on killing the man in yellow.
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Shut up. Ignoring the creature futilely grasping at his arm, Ansel shot forward and grabbed hold of the woman again. "Didn't I tell you I wasn't through with her? She's not leaving here in one piece." Ansel attempted to violently wrench the woman from Sek's grip, and aimed to use her as a bludgeon against the annoyance clinging to him.
As Kallard steps onto the roof, he notices the man in yellow. He reaches for his Mk. 30 Mod 0 pistol, a memento of his time with SFD9, and retrieves it from his back waistband. Moving swiftly to the edge of the roof, he kneels into a shooting stance and fires a shot at the man in yellow.
Ansel at first ignored his baggage, chasing after Sek. He catches up with the group, gabbing the woman with one hand, he yanks her and uses her as a weapon to hit Burk with. A first, Sek held on. However it didn't last long. He was flung off and flew strait down. The boy's body landed on the roof top of a local hospital. Burk was not to far off from joining his master after being beaten with another person.

From that rooftop, a man in military clothing comes out and sees the fighting. He pules out a pistol and fires at the yellow man. The man moves out of the way of the shot, but is again hit by, the invisible attack. In the effort to defend himself, he raises his arms in defense. His already fractured arm was now torn off fully. He falls down to the building, and dies on impact. The mess that once was human, now lay near the military man.

He was flanked on his left by Burk, and the front by Sek.
"I know you soldier...Burk! Deal with this one, leave Halefs remains!"
Burk charged at The Soldier, flailing at him with all of his might. However, the soldier easily evaded the spastic movements. Sek fired several energy shots at Ansel. None of them even came close to causing pain.
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Aach-Ti smiled, as it was the closest thing to show his emotions in Wym's body. In truth, he enjoyed his work, and the mangled remains of the man below him was a physical manifestation of victory. Refocusing his mind, he reaches out to Sek. He showed the boy a mental image of the battlefield. This was two fold, one was to show that his body was ok, and the other was to check on how the boy was doing. Using his mind once more, he attempts to throw Burk off of the roof of the hospital.
Kallard dodges the attacks of the gene hazard, and then raises his weapon and fires at the hulk of muscles.
Ansel flies off after the grey creature he'd swatted off. He saw it, alongside Sek and a new guy who appeared to be shooting at his target, on top of a nearby roof. Grinning savagely, Ansel swung his captive victim at Burk again- this time aiming to drive him through the building with the strike.
Ansel used the woman as a club to hit Burk with again. With a sudden crash, he landed the strike upon the monster's 'face' While Ansel did not hurt the creature, he showed Burk that he was the immediate threat.

Kallard pulls out his service pistol and fires at Burk. The shot lands in the center of his face, but didn't leave any damage, bouncing off of his tough hide.

Aach-Ti started grabbing Burk with his mind. Burk was able to resist being tossed off the roof, but put some effort in. It was enough to keep the monster

With all of the attacks being directed at him, Burk wasn't sure where to start or what to do. In the middle of the attacks, he threw a fist at Ansel's weapon in an effort to take her back, but Ansel was ready, catching his fist with his off hand, he now had a firm grip on his opponent.

Sek's body started to attack, but he suddenly froze up, and stopped moving. In pain, stepped back, holding his skull. He starts talking to himself quietly. Falling to the floor he starts screaming in some kind of internal struggle. He slams both fists into the roof top, cracking it.
He stops moving fully, and his body relaxes...

With a sudden flip to his feat, Sek stands back up, with a furry in his eyes, "I'm going to kill you Wym..." He seems weaken, and pissed.

While forcing Burk off the building, you start feeling interference from Sek in your body. You're not sure how he is does this, but he was trying force himself back. The strange thing is, it was worked! You could Sense the boy's consciousness fly back to his body, forcing Wym's influence out. Realizing Wym has only one place to go, you brace yourself for the clash. With a rush, you can sense him forcing himself in. At first it seems he would force you out, by putting in the extra effort to force him out, the fight becomes more one sided. You can feel the fear in Wym, the powerlessness he's never had to deal with before. In the effort to stay alive, He pushes back with equal power to your own. Eventually, the drive to win, the need to not be killed by his own power, allows him to reclaim himself. Upon leaving His body and entering his own, Aach-Ti falls to his knees from exhaustion. The crinis understood how weakened he was, as well as Wym. Both of you are vulnerable. The police chief starts running at you asking " okay now?"
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Realizing bullets wouldn't be able to damage this gene hazard, he puts the pistol back in his waistband. Kallard takes up a fighting stance. He throws a punch against the hulk, his fist erupting in a strange black fire. It was almost like a shadow stuff had wrapped itself around his fists. Kallard doesn't look pleased that things came to this. However, the mission must come first, as he drags the balaclava back down his face.
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Aach-Ti sends a telekenetic message to Ansel.

Leave those two, you have a new objective.
Kill this man.

Throwing an image into Ansel's mind, he shows the weapon where Wym is. Though it may kill him, Aach-Ti uses his mind powers to attempt to mind control Wym.
Ansel growled under his breath, still eyeing Burk. ...Fine. With a sudden heave, Ansel launched Burk into the air with all his strength, and unceremoniously dropped the woman who had been serving as his club. "Deal with them." He said to the flame fisted newcomer. "Apparently I have less interesting fish to fry." Not wasting further time, Ansel shot off toward Wym's location, where he would cave in the offending party's face with his kneecap.
Ansel, with a sigh, hurls Burk into the air before taking off. The grey monster flies off into the distance strait up, and up, and up, until he can barely be seen. He starts slowing down after a while, but he is still moving up.

Kallard understands that his conventional weapons wont cut this fight. He puts away the pistol, and unleashes a ball of black fire from his hands, and to the flying target. Hitting the target directly, Burk grunts in pain before he starts descending.

Sek holds up both hands, and stars collecting energy, "Name is Sek by the way, would mind hitting him while I charge up?"

Ansel charged to Wym's location, at the top of a building with the sign, 'Ergo Human Resources' The last floor before the roof, he could see Ansel coming. He crashes through the window atempting to find attack Wym, however he moved from where Aach-Ti's image showed him. Several armed uniformed soldiers where protecting Wym bring carried by an upgraded droid with a slightly glowing sword. A soldier shouts, "Open Fire!" A hail of bullets land on Ansel, bouncing off of his skin tearing his clothing a little. In retaliation he flies at Wym. The droid throws Wym down the hall and attacks him with his sword, cutting Ansel's face. Even though he barely lost any skin cells, he could understand this sword could hurt him far more than the men with guns. With the attack meant for Wym, he crashes his knee into the droid. The droid flies up into the ceiling. Crashing back into the floor, it runs to engage Ansel, protecting Wym. "Where is that air support?!?" One of the Soldiers shouts, "How the hell do we stop this guy?"

You try to make a mind switch on Wym, but with barely staying conscious, you can't force yourself to do it.
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"Affirmative." He responds coldly, his focus entirely directed at the hulk of flesh up in the air.
Kallard throws another blast of spectral fire toward the engineered living weapon.
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"You don't." Ansel taunted, throwing a punch at the droid's torso, aiming to get hold of it and throw it at some of the soldiers so he could go after Wym. The droid was a threat, this much was true- But Wym was his primary target.
Reaching out with whatever consciousness that he had, he attempted to jack one of the soldier's minds. Switching with one of Ansel's attackers, he looks around for an explosive. A grenade, c4, bomb, and the like. Aach-Ti has the soldier back up towards Wym, lights off the explosive and yells


Hopefully Wym's suspicions are not aroused by any of this. Aach-Ti will then turn around and jump on Wym, both detonating the device and flashing back into his own body.
Ansel simply walked through the hail of bullets bouncing off of him, to reach the droid. One stray shot managed to hit him in the eye, but the damage it caused was minimal at best. It stung though.
By the time the droid stood up, Ansel had pounded it into the ground, grabbing it with one hand and using it as a projectile against several soldiers. The soldier that managed to hurt his eye, jumped on top of, pulled a grenade out, and blew himself up along with Wym.

When possessing the soldier you look into Wym's eyes before the explosive goes off. You See Wym's eyes fade, and grow dark. The life in his body leaving him just before the explosion.

Kallard and Sek launch there attacks at Burk as he plummets. Sek utilized a continues beam While Kallard launched a single large ball of black fire. Upon landing back on the building, he shakily rises, dazed from the attack. "Cripes, what'll it take to take this thing down?"
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Kallard says nothing as he moves towards Burk, circling him in a fighting stance. Without warning, Kallard thrusts his hips forward, and then pistons his leg, driving the bottom of his boot into the knee of the grey colored gene hazard, Kallard's leg erupting in black fire upon the impact.
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"Well what the fuck did I even come here for?" Ansel asked aloud as the smoke cleared, his target already dead. Ansel looked around at the remaining soldiers. "So, what, should I dispose of the rest of them?"
Do what you will Ansel.

You have done very well.
Enjoy yourself.

Aach-Ti then turns his attention to Burk and the others. Speaking into the creature's mind, he talks with confidence,

Your master is dead.
I can keep you from the same fate if you surrender now.
If you accept, I will delve into your mind.

If you hide anything from me, I will release my associates upon you.

Then, speaking to the man of black fire,

Greetings. The Police Chief must have sent you.
I am Aach-Ti, and the creature before you is extremely valuable to me.
I have offered him terms of his surrender.
Please do not kill him until our transaction is complete.

Speaking to Ansel and the crew telepathically, Aach-Ti says,

I have offered a peace agreement with the creature.
Please do not kill him until he either accepts or denies it.
"Yeah, you could say that." Kallard says internally, not really sure, or caring, if the disembodied voice heard. He thought about how he had watched the whole thing unfold from the camera's he had "borrowed" access to, how he saw that Wym had decided to leave the safety of his lair, and how he couldn't pass up that opportunity to perform intelligence acquisition and cause some mayhem along the way. All in all, Kallard thinks to himself, things had gone pretty damn good, today.
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