Already Dead

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It'd be nice if you edited it to let me know whether he allowed her to do as she'd asked him, and then bring up the idea that as Anna was checking him out (or whatever) he heard the other guy come in, and then he became aggressive and blah blah blah. Catch my drift?
Go for it, man! uwu
Err, I actually meant those in italics to be his thoughts, but I didn't make that clear... my bad! I can just go with it, if you want.
My bad Dx I usually make all my speech in italics, but I'll edit it!
@Zeon I think we are still inside the motel, not outside of it!
justice moves his heed searching around the empty street,burned down buildings and some still on fire,he finds a carbine in a trash can and picks it up "jackpot"He smiles under his mask and keeps walking,he see's a hulking ripping apart a human and hides behind a destroyed car,he aims the a carbine at it and starts shooting,the monster yells as it runs on four legs coming to him,he rolls out of the way as the monster crashes into the car,he kneels and starts shooting the monster,it runs after him again and he takes the tomahawk out,it comes a foot away from him as he stabs the head and the thing flips over him,he puts the tomahawk back in his duffer bag and keeps walking down the street with his carbine,he see's a pharmacy,and walks to the door,it's completely dark inside,
"Diggers"he grabs his flash light out and tapes it to the automatic rifle,he walks in and he hears a screech as the digger runs away,he walks up the steps of the building and walk to the roof top "Diggers cant come up here" he blocks the door by putting a piece of wood in the door, and takes the gas mask off and takes the binoculars out,he watches for any monsters approaching the building

Everyone Say Hello to our new Antagonist!



Follows orders
Strong with weapons


Physically Weak


Quiet, headstrong, and crazed. Feels like she owes the leader of the Militia her life.

Home made Flame Thrower
5 Fuel Tanks
Sawed Off Shotgun
Dual Knives

Two Canteens: One with water, the other Whiskey
Charred Beef Jerky
@Kurureenu_Yurasu In my post I meant that the Humvee was kind of lit aflame, the fire was started from atop it, so trying to drive it at this point is probably a bad idea.
Well, crap. I'll fix my post. XD Thanks for pointing that out.
Yeah, just a small problem really, not sure how well Humvee's actually defend against fires if they're the source.
Neither do I, but I'm sure that they'll be rather similar to cars but with a slower burn. That is, assuming they're powered by diesel and knowing that diesel burns slower than gasoline. Then again, iunno. I shouldn't even be awake right now. XD
I dislike that I'm not getting these alerts on the website. Email is fine, but website is not, despite the fact I'm watching these threads... -n-
I'm getting them now but yeah, I have tried that many times.
↬miyako m o m o f u g i m o t o


xxxxi could've found a better way
xxxxyou know i never should have stayed
xxxxi could have done the things
xxxxthat i believed were wrong
xxxxyou know you're wrong..


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n a m e ;; miyako momo fugimoto { she prefers to just be called 'momo' } ➳ a g e ;; sixteen ➳ g e n d e r ;; female ➳ r a n k ;; survivor ➳ w e a p o n s ;; as of right now just a small pocket knife - she's yet to find anything really useful ➳ t h e m e s o n g ;; you are so beautiful - escape the fate ➳ d i s o r d e r s ;; anorexia, bulimia, depression, anxiety, insomnia ➳ t a l e n t s ;; draws, writes, plays drums, acoustic guitar, piano, ukulele, screaming and beatboxing

xxxxnow you're saying that it's latexxxx
it doesn't matter what i sayxxxx
you know you're just anotherxxxx
one of my mistakes..xxxx

f a l l i n l o v e

  • ➳ momo is the type of girl you'll find sitting at home while the rest of the school is at a party. she is rather quiet and can be very shy, which is why she has few friends. since she has been hurt before, it takes a lot for momo to open up to you. however, once she does, she becomes an entirely different person. she sheds herself of her quiet exterior and becomes a very sharp girl with an edge. momo also possesses quite a charm, which she well-knows how to use. when she wants something, she can be very fluent with her words and can be quite persuasive. normally, her rather attractive appearance can make you weak in the knees; but if that does not work, then all it takes is a bat of her eyelashes or a twirl of her hair to win your heart. she can be quite a flirt, which makes her charm one of her best qualities. momo also possesses quite a sharp tongue, which she is not afraid to use if it is really necessary. her sarcastic edge can make her somewhat fearful, however she doesn't enjoy using her words against others. as stated before she is quite shy, therefore not many people know of her sarcastic side. at the end of the day, momo is just your girl next door.
    ➳ momo was born in a small town in new jersey, not too far from the big city. she went to littleleaf elementary school, where she met her childhood best friend, ryuu. the two instantly connected; they did everything together, from walking home to school to poking 'round abandoned houses. momo grew up a happy girl.
    however, her pefect world was shattered when she turned 14, and discovered she was a lesbian. since her parents were very religious and would not accept her, she desperately hid the secret from them. the only person that she told was ryuu.he advised that she just told them, which she ended up doing. however, she was soon kicked out and sent off to live with her aunt and uncle. before angry and depressed, she began cutting and drinking the pain away. she lost herself in any and every drug she could find, and eventually she left her family's place and has bounced around ever since.

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Character Sheet


Name: Lux Carter

Age: 20 Years Old


Faction: Survivor

Strengths: Agility, Night time eyesight, Medicine and Close quartered combat (with weapon)

Weaknesses: Hunting, Long-range combat, Patience, and Stubborn

History: Lux was born and raised in a very small town before the outbreak took over. She spent most of her time wandering the woods at night studying herbs. At the time of the outbreak her parents were on vacation and Lux was left alone with her younger sister, Lea. Within a week of the outbreak, Lux lost her sister to the infected and her parents had never returned. She was forced to shoot her sister and put her out of her misery. In order to keep herself alive, She traveled meeting new people as she wandered. Exchanging her knowledge of medicine for shelter and food.

Personality: The order of these events violently affected Lux's behavior and life style. Opposed to the once giddy/ cheerful college student, She now resembled a more closed-off and mysterious female. She is friendly to almost all unless given reason not to. Although, her constant flashbacks prove it to be very difficult for her to build lasting relationships.

Gear: -Tan Leather Jacket
-White T shirt
-Ripped Blue Jeans
-Brown combat boots
-Pocket knife with 4 inch blade
-Back-pack full of various herbs and medicines
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