Alphabet Conversation!

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Unless you are Queen Victoria, and then you actually enjoy getting fat.
Why does she enjoy getting fat when getting fat is not a good thing?
Xerophagy made her hungry so she just wanted to eat all the time.

(I don't think I used that word correctly but words starting with X are ridiculous lol)
(what the heck is xerophagy?!?)

You definitely have a cool vocabulary - using words like xerophagy)
((Something about fasting))

Zack, my friend, has an even bigger vocabulary.
A BIGGER vocabulary?!
Everyone will develop a good vocabulary some day in the future
George Sampson will even maybe learn how to not dance?
I seriously hope that is the case.
Just one time of intelligence flowing out of her mouth is enough for me.
Laughing is what I want to do when I hear her
Oh. but herping might help!
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