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Elliot lingered silently in the door's threshold, watching Vincent as he explored his new room. It was a odd thing to watch, small hands softly brushing against the new surfaces, as if he was in a museum rather than his own room. Had Elliot been the same way? In all honesty, he could not shake the odd feeling of deja'vu; however, Elliot felt his reaction had been slightly more emotional. Vincent seemed more mechanical, and Elliot felt that would make it difficult to fully adjust to this life...These strange beings, their actions all based on emotion, rarely following the logical answers...Elliot was the same, so it had been rather easy...he hoped Vincent would not have too much trouble.
"Come in already."
Vincent's command snapped Elliot out of his momentary daze, the Jupiter alien lightly shaking his head and removing himself from the doorway, walking to the plush blue carpet and setting himself down upon it, cross legged with his elbows resting lightly on his knees. Elliot had never been fully comfortable on soft surfaces, preferring the hardened texture of the floors, rather than the odd furniture Adam's team had taken the time to pick out. He blinked up at the other, looking much more his age that usual as he poked at one of the bandaid's on his face. "Eh? What's up?"
"What do you do all day?"
Elliot's eyes widened for a moment, giving away his surprise of being asked his patterns so suddenly. In truth, Elliot's life was filled with study: studying human books, studying the tiny humans television, and studying the humans that poked and prodded at him most of the day. He was usually outside, finding joy in the hot sun and fresh air offered, but other than that Elliot did not do much. Vincent's question caused Elliot to contemplate that. Was that really all he did? He was often left alone and to his own devices, Professor finding it best to learn from him by monitoring from a distance.
He was a good cook, having watched Food Network enough to learn a few chosen recipes. He was also learning martial arts, Adam claiming it was good from the mind...
"I guess I'm rather boring..." Elliot mumbled aloud, eyeing the walls as he lightly scratched his chin. His attention was pulled back as Vincent asked about the humans and outside. Elliot felt confused himself as he thought about that. "Outside?..."
Elliot smiled apologetically, rubbing the back of his neck as he shrugged. "No idea there, Vinny...Professor Adam doesn't want us going out in public yet. He thinks we aren't ready to meet the masses, apparently." He gave an awkward chuckle, his hands quickly waving to cease any of Vincent's disappointment. "But I know lots about humans!"
He leaned forward then, head resting on his palms as he smiled knowingly. It was great being able to teach someone something...He was no longer the clueless one.
"Humans are very emotional creatures...like me, but not as cool!... Well, you see..." he paused, fiddling with the fibers on the rug. "They like to make specticals of themselves, believing in this idea of 'fame'....I think it means that if people recognize you, they throw money at you and take your picture a lot." He gave a small laugh then, continuing his lesson. "They have this sort of pack mentality, liking to hang out with like minds while warding off enemy packs with insults via text messaging and Facebook arguments. They call it 'throwing shade' or 'Jading that fool'. The younger humans have a language all of their own, maintaining the motto 'YOLO' as well as 'Swag'. Plus, they hashtag everything." He held up his hands then, creating a hashtag sign with his fingers.
"They also have am odd obsession with their bodies, some wanting to be super fat, to the point where they lack the ability to move. Some believe in expandinh certain parts of their body, usually the lowee body or chest. Others believe on working out until they have that 'V' and '6 pack'. I have it!~" he stood up then, pulling up his shirt to show the lines of muscle so treasured by this race, his smile only widening as his excitement rose.
Clearly...he knew a lot on this subject
Elliot lingered silently in the door's threshold, watching Vincent as he explored his new room. It was a odd thing to watch, small hands softly brushing against the new surfaces, as if he was in a museum rather than his own room. Had Elliot been the same way? In all honesty, he could not shake the odd feeling of deja'vu; however, Elliot felt his reaction had been slightly more emotional. Vincent seemed more mechanical, and Elliot felt that would make it difficult to fully adjust to this life...These strange beings, their actions all based on emotion, rarely following the logical answers...Elliot was the same, so it had been rather easy...he hoped Vincent would not have too much trouble.
"Come in already."
Vincent's command snapped Elliot out of his momentary daze, the Jupiter alien lightly shaking his head and removing himself from the doorway, walking to the plush blue carpet and setting himself down upon it, cross legged with his elbows resting lightly on his knees. Elliot had never been fully comfortable on soft surfaces, preferring the hardened texture of the floors, rather than the odd furniture Adam's team had taken the time to pick out. He blinked up at the other, looking much more his age that usual as he poked at one of the bandaid's on his face. "Eh? What's up?"
"What do you do all day?"
Elliot's eyes widened for a moment, giving away his surprise of being asked his patterns so suddenly. In truth, Elliot's life was filled with study: studying human books, studying the tiny humans television, and studying the humans that poked and prodded at him most of the day. He was usually outside, finding joy in the hot sun and fresh air offered, but other than that Elliot did not do much. Vincent's question caused Elliot to contemplate that. Was that really all he did? He was often left alone and to his own devices, Professor finding it best to learn from him by monitoring from a distance.
He was a good cook, having watched Food Network enough to learn a few chosen recipes. He was also learning martial arts, Adam claiming it was good from the mind...
"I guess I'm rather boring..." Elliot mumbled aloud, eyeing the walls as he lightly scratched his chin. His attention was pulled back as Vincent asked about the humans and outside. Elliot felt confused himself as he thought about that. "Outside?..."
Elliot smiled apologetically, rubbing the back of his neck as he shrugged. "No idea there, Vinny...Professor Adam doesn't want us going out in public yet. He thinks we aren't ready to meet the masses, apparently." He gave an awkward chuckle, his hands quickly waving to cease any of Vincent's disappointment. "But I know lots about humans!"
He leaned forward then, head resting on his palms as he smiled knowingly. It was great being able to teach someone something...He was no longer the clueless one.
"Humans are very emotional creatures...like me, but not as cool!... Well, you see..." he paused, fiddling with the fibers on the rug. "They like to make specticals of themselves, believing in this idea of 'fame'....I think it means that if people recognize you, they throw money at you and take your picture a lot." He gave a small laugh then, continuing his lesson. "They have this sort of pack mentality, liking to hang out with like minds while warding off enemy packs with insults via text messaging and Facebook arguments. They call it 'throwing shade' or 'Jading that fool'. The younger humans have a language all of their own, maintaining the motto 'YOLO' as well as 'Swag'. Plus, they hashtag everything." He held up his hands then, creating a hashtag sign with his fingers.
"They also have am odd obsession with their bodies, some wanting to be super fat, to the point where they lack the ability to move. Some believe in expandinh certain parts of their body, usually the lowee body or chest. Others believe on working out until they have that 'V' and '6 pack'. I have it!~" he stood up then, pulling up his shirt to show the lines of muscle so treasured by this race, his smile only widening as his excitement rose.
Clearly...he knew a lot on this subject