Alien: Kindred

"You're endangering the lives of the people out there! You do not know what has happned to them you Autamiton!" Jeff was beginning to grow mad with rage twards Walkfield as he gripped his hand away from the intercalm. His grip was pritty tight, nearly breacking hishand but he did not flintch, he was too proccupied with his duty as a Docter, to help thoughs in need.

"If you do not let go of my hand, I will shut you down manualy and open the door my self. You have till the count of three..." He looked deep into thoughs plain eyes as his lower lip began to quiver from the pain raidiating from his hand. He began his count down, "1..." He moved his feet so that his body now faced Walkfield, "Two..." his other hand was twitching, shacking as if he was about to unholster his revolver.

"Three! Activate Emergancy Shut Off Prodical: Alpha-Niner-Two-Six-Bravo!" And like that, Walkfeidls hand released Jeffs as it hovered there, frozen in time. Jeff had temperaraly shut down their saviour just to save the people outside. He regained his focuse onto the intercalm and asked again, "Where do i go from the cargo bay? How do I over-ride the system to let you in guys?" calmness on his voice was slowly regained.
Erik couldn't help but step in, "Weyland Yutani regulations state that no extraterrestrial contaminant must be let on the ship, personally I don't want him to open the door. So calm down and take a seat, let the synthetic make the decision, he does have acting command." He said calmly but with a stern tone.

Then Erik looked over to Wakefield. "I don't trust synthetics and I don't have to, but in this case I don't have a choice but to do what you say. Is there a way to quarantine the affected crew member on the ship? a brig or confinement room, observational cell?" He asked, but his eyes widened as a female whispered in his ear, "That's right, try to save em all now, couldn't do that back on the's okay I'll see you soon, brother....."

Wakefield blinked at Jeff, his hand hovering in the air in disbelief. Then he looked at Erik and frowned. His shout echoed around the quarters. "I am NOT a synth!"

On the intercom, Aaron's voice was already relaying instructions. "It's a manual pump-handle. Turn it counter-clockwise three times. The cargo bay is portside from the dining area, down one level."

Wakefield stood between Jeff and the dining area, his arm blocking the way, his stare fixed on Jeff. "This is not your decision. And you are confined to these quarters. Please do not interfere."

Beyond them, Crowther had turned her wheelchair around and approached them slightly, her hands outstretched. "Stop this, both of you! This isn't helping!"

More sobbing drifted through the intercom, mixed with the sounds of the storm.
Jeff peered down at him from behind his eyebrows as he lowered his head in hatered. There were peoples lives at sake and this robot like basterd was in his way. His anger rose steadly from all that was going on, the stress was killing him. Perhaps he shouldn't of down that cup of coffee so quickly, his hands bacan to shake. "Well the, If you're not a Synth, then you can feel this!" He gave him an upper cut to the stumech, pushing his fist into his gut. If he was a robot, it wouldn't of hurt Walkfeild and probely breack Jeff's hand in the process. If he was infact human, it would cause the wind to get knocked out of the man he had just hit, striking his diaphram.
The air left Wakefield's lungs in a sharp, painful cry, and he dropped like a rock, landing hard against the bulkhead.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Crowther screamed. She brought her wheelchair closer, trying to reach out to Wakefield as he rolled and wheezed, but they both as helpless as each other.

The others around the table had mixed reactions, but all alike stared at Jeff.

The doctor had just asserted his dominance for sure.
" I am not letting another man die under my watch! Not again!" Jeff shouted a the top of his lungs as the croud gathering around him. He was starting to hyperventelate from the stress, the walls closing in on him. He ran out of the room, port-side.

He did as what was instructed, going into the cargo bay, opening the emergency enterence and welcomed who was outside. The blast doors hissed at him as he felt the lock slip from his fingers. He looked out twards the fog but couldnt see anyone, all he could see was dust, mist, and high preasured winds. Slowly, dark images began to come into picture for him and he sighed in reliefe, thinking it was the people in danger outside.
The air was heavy in his lungs, a smell like vinegar and ammonia. Already it gave Jeff a headache. He had to remain still just to suck the air and filter oxygen from it. Ahead the dark shapes rushed at him, their blurred outlines becoming fully formed. He saw cold weather suits and breathing masks, skin pale around the mouth-pieces. There were two of them, and between them they carried the third.

"Look out," spoke the bearded man, with the voice he recognised as Aaron's. He pushed through the airlock, dragging his unconscious crewmate, so quickly that the other one, the woman, lost hold of the stretcher and crumpled in the airlock, face streaming with tears. Already Jeff could see that she was hyperventilating, despite the breathing mask. She must have been Verger, the second voice on the intercom.

"Lissa... God no..."

"We need the autodoc," Aaron was saying, as he set down the other end of the stretcher. "Have to contact the captain. Fuck..." He whirled suddenly and yelled at the woman. "VERGER! SEAL THE GODDAM DOOR!"

Verger, still sobbing, crawled further inside and pressed the manual override. The howling storm of the outside was silenced as the airlock cycled closed. And as quiet they fell they heard only her tears.

Aaron removed his mask and snapped his gaze to Jeff. "Help me with the stretcher. HURRY!"

On the floor between them the third crewmate, Lissa, the one they had carried in, was unmoving. Jeff looked down and saw, half-blurred in his myopia, the reason for Verger's terror, the reason for Aaron's urgency. The thing he had let inside the airlock.

Jeff nodded and did as he was told, what he was trained to do. He took the other sideof the stretcher and ran with the beirded man named Aaron. A slight calmness swept over his body to know that they were both alive and some what well, both of the ones who could stand atleast. jeff couldn't help but gaze at the person on the stretcher, something pale white was tight up against her face. It had fingers as skinny as a man's finger bones, it's nuckles pritty much tight up against its skin. It's body look like an insect but enlarged to a massive size. What the hell is that thing? Jeff had to tell them about that he knew medicin, that he was a feild medic on the collony they were just previously. "M-my name's Jeffery, the Feild Medic you picked up on the last job, If there's anything you need, just ask and I'll help as best I can.
"Well that's great!" Erik started as he reached the hallway just outside the cargo bay, "A ship full of the sick and dying and we let on something we know nothing about, this is wonderful." He said, his voice changing from grim and angry to a voice of slight delirium and panic, his battered body began twitching a bit, seeing the downed crew member as she was brought passed him towards Medical, something attached to her face, it was frightening to him profoundly, the voice of his sister didn't help, her words inciting more fear, "See that? It'll happen to you too, dear brother, the good doctor decided your fate, just like you decided mi--" He cut her off, "SHUT UP! YOU CAN'T TALK YOU'RE DEAD!!!" He shouted, his eyes had dilated some and his shoulder was twitching, "J..Just Lea--leave me alone!!!" He finished, his sister's form, battered, ghostly, and not real, just cackled and faded away. He slumped to the floor burying his face in his knees, his eyes clenched shut as he tried to shake the panic he felt, though it seemed it was there to stay.