Alice In the country of hearts/clover/joker/dia (Group or 1x1)

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I've been trying to do a Heart/Clover/Joker/Dia No Kuni No Alice RP for as long as I've been RPing, but Im not sure that anyone would be interested?
Does anyone know this series, or be willing to do an RP with it either 1x1 or group styled?

It's a really fun manga series, and I used to love it when I was younger, I know it's grown a lot from the little Heart no Kuni no Alice books. Please tell me what series you'd prefer and what character youd be interested in!
sits in corner eyeing thread
Maybe throwing up a banner would get more attention to it?
Omg there are people that know about Heart No Kuni No Alice ? O.O
I adored the manga back in the day ^^ I believe I could give it a go if you go forth with this so count me in :)
My favs were Gray,Blood,Julius and Mary was adorable. Vivaldi was ok too.

It know it's not good but at least it's something??? (I picked hearts because that's the main line of the story, and there for the most likely to be recognized)
That would work!
And yeah, would you guys be interested in playing?
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Ab so lut ely
Heart no Kuni no Alice! Loved that manga!! Blood is just ♥
*is interested*
Looks like it ~ :D
Heart no Kuni no Alice~~ <3

Count me interested. I adore, love, asdfghjkl, everything related to Alice in Wonderland, including that bloody manga. :D
@Rina Sensei @WishfulNemo @darkflames13 @Justaddnutts
What characters would you guys be interested in playing, and how many? Because we have so few characters, do you think we should stick to one or two parts of wonderland (Blood's Mansion, or Heart's Castle) If we all played two characters, with the exception of one person playing three, we could potentially use all the characters of hearts, but because Alice can only be in one zone at one time, I think it would be beneficial for us to change the story a tad to Alice staying in Blood's Mansion, and us all taking one character from Blood's mansion. So there would be spots of Blood, Elliot, Tweedle Dee & Dum, Alice, and we could also add in Boris since he's a freeloader and is allowed in the mansion if you've caught up in the books and also read the Cheshire Cat to Waltz. But, as you also know Ace and Peter both visit and Blood and Elliot tend to go out to other places for visit. So if we were all to choose a main character from Blood's Mansion (and Boris) and then secondary characters from these different places, I think that would be the best way to go about it.

The characters to hearts are

Blood's Mansion:
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum (Counts as one character because their brotherly connection)

Heart's Castle:

Amusement Park:
Mary Gowland
Boris Airay

The Clock Tower:
Wait, we are going to follow the canon story? I thought we were going to adopt elements of the story and create our own plot?
Well since there are so many novels and changes within each story and in the plots of each book of the series we are developing our own plot, but we are using canon characters of course, and the basis of the story, the fact that outsiders are loved for their appreciation of life, meaning Alice, still stands.
Because without the canon characters or the rules that glue these characters together, (having to go to meetings in clover, having to recycle clocks, breaking clocks meaning punishment from ace, ect.) we'd literally just be playing wonderland instead of Heart no Kuni no Alice.

So I'm really not sure what you are asking, but this is a Heart/Clover/ect no Kuni no Alice RP, as stated.
Alice, pls? :3

(and twins? :333)
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Ah wait. Just to clarify, we're not RPing plot / story that's just based on the Heart no Kuni universe + creating our own characters and what not (basically what Nemo said, adopting elements of the story and creating our own plot), but rather we'll be playing the in the same story with the fixed characters?
(did that make sense? hoping that it did)
We will be playing canon characters, with a somewhat similar plot. Wonderland is chaotic, with ace after Blood and Elliot, other mafia gangs trying to take out heart castle and Blood's mafia, and most of the characters at each others throat, there is plenty to play in the actual universe of Alice in the Country of hearts already.
As I stated before, this is a Heart no Kuni no Alice RP.
Ah... Okay, then I will have to apologise. I was actually thinking that we were going to adopt elements of the story, like the Mafia Wonderland idea, but then with a little twist of our own to it. I will have to drop out then, for I'm not all that interested in following the canon. Good luck with your search though!
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