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♥♦Cleona Branna Wells♦♥
She gave Ann a big smile. "It's nice to have a roommate that can handle what you throw at her right?" She stood up and walked to her offering her hand to the snake, letting its tongue flicker over her skin, the to Ann. "I feel like this is a good start to a fantastic friendship." She smiled genuinely and gave a small whistle; Lumina flew from her shoulder to the perch nearby. "We communicate threw whistles mainly. She is roughly 4 years old." She gave a small twirl around, she was charming no doubt about that. "We are required in the dining room, well you are I must help Bernard out with bringing out the lunch. Follow mean, I suggest echo stay here for lunch though." She smiled and skipped out of the room hoping the other sound witch was trailing along behind her.

She navigated the stairs two at a time before leading her to the dining room. "Sit please, we should be out shortly with you meal." She smiled and entered the kitchen giving a smile to the man she became close to as a father. She scrunched her nose at her two 'younger siblings', in a playful manner. She busied herself with helping out Bernard with the finishing touches. She was use to his bossing around and it became a second nature listening to his ramblings and scolding. She plated half the food while Bernard did the othe half. "Is that everyone or are we waiting for some wanders to show up?" She asked him as she helped him set the table with everything he had prepared. It was a full table. Her seat was closer to Poppy and next to Stella. She thought Stella was an adorable little girl. Cleo took her seat after everything was set and smoothed out her dress.
Mentioned: Bernard and Ann
Interactions: Ann @IceQueen Bernard @Sav
Feeling: Happy.

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S t e r l i n g _ R o s e _ S m i t h
click me
Mood: Content, intrigued.

Interactions:Stella @Wonderful Thing , Cole @Infinite_Darkness , Tommy
Mentioned: Bernard, Adelaide @Infinite_Darkness

"That's better than nothing, it skipped my mother's generation and my grandmother's but my grandmother's Aunt was a witch. She died long before she could teach me anything, though I do have her ring." Sterling replied quickly, excusing herself as she ran up the steps to put Ebony back in his tank where he belonged. The curly haired girl was back soon enough. She had heard the bell from upstairs. "Sounds like lunch, shall we?" Sterling nodded and followed the boy into the dining room, taking a seat next to him. "Tell me your favorite spell that she taught you? I'm really curious, sorry." Lunch was great, cream of crab soup, salad and grape juice. Bernard was an amazing chef. Behind them, in the kitchen Stella and another older girl were talking to Bernard and little Tommy had seated himself at the table next to Cole.

Tommy caught sight of Cole's sweatshirt, pointing out the marvel characters on it. "That's Captain America! Ooh and that one is the Hulk and there's Iron man!" Tommy had salad dressing all around his mouth and had already spilled a little bit of juice on his shirt but he didn't seem to notice. "I wish I was Iron man, he's so cool." Tommy hummed, eyes round and alight with curiosity. "I watch cartoons in the mornin' in Bernie's room and sometimes the Avengers come on." He informed Cole as he munched on some more of his salad, picking out the onions as he went. Sterling looked over her shoulder and watched the cook interact with Florence. It was cute.

Bernard ushered Florence and Adelaide out of the kitchen, promising the child that the only dessert she would be getting would be a knuckle sandwich. He instructed her to eat her Lunch or her candy stash would get tossed in the fireplace. That seemed to get the girl moving, both Stella and Adelaide eventually sat down at the table. It seemed Bernard was only outwardly kind to the small kids. It was funny seeing such a grumpy man play around with them. Bernard disappeared deeper into the kitchen and Sterling leaned over a little to get a look at Tommy. "Hey Thomas, does Bernard watch cartoons with you in the morning?" She asked, just to encourage the little boy to keep talking.

"Sometimes! But he mostly just goes and makes breakfast." She idly wondered if Bernard was Tommy's dad or something. Or maybe the man just had a weakness for goofy little 5 year olds and chatter box 9 year olds. "Stella, if you only eat sweets, your teeth will fall out." Sterling warned from across the table, a amused smile on her lips. "They'll turn black and rot and you'll look like that nasty old witch from sleeping beauty."
Mood: Calm, Joyful-ish
Interactions: Tommy and Sterling @Sav, Stella @Wonderful Thing
Mentions: The Twins @Satan's Mistress, Sawyer @Dramma.
Location: Dining Table
Look: here

While the curly haired girl. Sterling, ran up to return her snake to its proper cage, Cole waited against the same door frame. He felt a small buzz in his pocket, it was his phone ringing with a notification. Pulling out the white galazy s6 edge, he read the text from a buddy back in New Orleans- that was where his grandmother lived. Cole hadn't informed anyone of his departure from the city and well only his grandmother knew where he was, so of course it brought alarm to people who considered Cole their best friend. Shrugging it off, Cole returned his phone to his pocket without texting his "friend" back.

As soon as he went to look up, Cole heard his name slip from the mouth of madame Lebeau. So his roommate was here, how...interesting. The mate looked quite like a wannabe biker, but that was just Cole's opinion. Besides, Cole felt like he looked like a comic book geek, but damn was he far from a geek. So, Cole decided to go with the whole "don't judge a book by it's cover" thing parents teach there children. However, he still felt like he wasn't that far off. Shifting his gaze to the two twins, Cole figured them to be chill. It wasn't their look, but the aura to them. It just felt like they would be someone that Cole to relate to somehow.

Upon hearing the footsteps of Sterling come running back down the stairs, Cole smiled and went into the dining hall with her."Tell me your favorite spell that she taught you? I'm really curious, sorry." Sterling asked him. Cole had to put some thought to this, but he had two spells that were his favorite. "Grams taught me some curses and one curse basically causes hallucinations of someone's worst nightmares. It's quite funny I must say, I used it on some bouncer when he found out I was underage. However my favorite is a spell that allows one to see their loved ones no matter where they are in the world. " Cole confessed. It was slightly funny to think about all the illegal things he had done since his problems surfaced, but then he thought of all the things right he did and how proud it made his mother, when he was with her, and his grandmother. Some part of him wanted to go back to see his mother, but that wasn't an option to him not anymore.

When Cole noticed the small boy, he smiled and both him and Sterling. "Well I love Marvel. Sometimes I wish I could be like Director Fury or QuickSilver, but alas I am only Cole." Cole told the boy with a smile. "Though I still watch the cartoons in the morning. What's your favorite cartoon, Tommy?" He asked the curly haired boy. Taking notice in Sterling's conversation with a small girl, he backed her up. "She has a point, you wouldn't want cavities. Painful buggers." Cole spoke, his Australian accent was husky, almost like one of those Hemsworth's brothers- preferably Chris Hemsworth. Turning his attention back to the small boy, he smiled. "Hey, Tommy. I saw that you like trucks, so do I. All cars in fact, maybe one of these days I can play with you." Cole offered before he looked at the food. Bernard was for sure an amazing chef and well Cole was all for this meal and looking forward to the next. "This smells amazing!" He said in satisfaction before digging in.


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Mood : Angry
Outfit : Here
Mentioned : Corrine @Sav Sterling @Sav Adelaide @Infinite_Darkness Interaction : Cole @Infinite_Darkness

[spacer]Sawyer was never so angry with someone as she took his cigarette and stomped on it. "Who do you even think you are?" He said at the women his words came out like poison. Deciding he had enough of the women he walked over to her, wanting to do something, anything. Although he held himself back with a grunt, knowing that he would never hit a women. When he was brought to the only person he could assume to be the headmistress, as she pointed out Sawyers roommate. Deciding it wasn't worth looking for his roommate yet, he removed his jacket, revealing a regular t-shirt underneath. With his outfit looking, somewhat, normal he laid the jacket on the handle of his suitcase and finally found his roommate. The first reaction he had was to roll his eyes, a superhero sweatshirt what was this guy five years old. Sawyer knew that he needed the boy though to find his room, and so he could change to something a little more presentable then his airplane attire.[/spacer][spacer]When he made his way to Cole, he noticed there was a curly haired attractive girl who seemed to like talking to him. 'Geek boy has got game I guess' was the first thought that entered his head, before letting the boy have his chance. He stood back before approaching him before realizing they weren't hitting on one another but instead talking about magic. Rolling his eyes realizing these people were already talking about magic when they just got here so he decided to finally approach the boy. He made his way up to Cole whom was sitting at the table, and looked at him without changing his expression at all. "Can you show me around, or at least to our room?" The black haired boy said to Cole with a small smile, that showed for a millisecond before looking around the dining room to see who exactly was here. When his eyes landed upon a girl with brown hair, she was pretty and he knew he was going to talk to her soon.[/spacer][spacer]Cole was nice enough to excuse himself from the table and show Sawyer up to their room. When they made it up there Sawyer turned back to Cole, "Thanks" he said before continuing into their room, assuming Cole would make his way back to the table. Throwing his stuff on the open bed he laid down on the comfy bed. Sighing he knew this would be awkward, the boy didn't seem like someone he'd get along with well, but it didn't matter. Sawyer knew he was here to control his powers so he could finally help people and stop them from doing the things he saw. Sawyer finally got up and started to unpack slowly before he changed into something more..respectful. He tucked some clothes away in the dresser and headed towards the dining room before taking a seat, and he already ate so he sat there while drinking some water. Sawyer wouldn't let anyone know it but he was scared nobody would like him here.[/spacer]​
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♦Location: The Academy-Her Room-The Kitchen-Dining Room ♦Mood: Confident & Social ♦Outfit: Black Widow

[fieldbox=", #ad42ff, solid"]

Petra had just got off the phone with her "mother", the woman who took her in after the tragic murder of her mother and the suicide of her father... or so that's what everyone thinks happened. Petra will keep the secret of what really happened to her parents to herself, no one will ever know that she actually killed her parents. "I'll speak with you later... love you too, mom." She sat her phone on the bed that she was now sitting on. Her roommate had left the room a few minutes ago, the girl was cute, maybe Petra could have her as a partner in crime in this place. She hoped someone would want to wreak havoc with her soon enough. That girl had asked her about what was in her tank, Petra had her pet in the big tank on her right side. She didn't want Bernard to touch Sinister, her pet spider. She smiled at the big adorable monster. She had him charmed before she came up stairs. He didn't have the evil look in his eyes that got him the name Sinister anymore... but she knew he still had it in him.

After putting her stuff away in the dressers that were closes to her side of the room, Petra ruffled her dark black curls before walking out of the room. As she walked towards the stairs, she couldn't help but look up towards the fourth floor... it was off limits to everyone. "What's up there that is soo special?" Petra wanted to find out, and when she wanted something... she usually got it. Since she just got here, she decided to not make any enemies on the first night, that could wait till tomorrow. She placed her hands on the banister, sliding them delicately down the wooden masterpiece. As she walked to where the kitchen would be, she looked towards the Living Room. "This place is beautiful... I will one day be the one running everything." Petra had a devilish grin on her face.

She made it to the kitchen, not paying attention to anyone in particular. "The food looks amazing, Bernard you are truly a master at what you do." She smiled at him, she wondered if he could tell that she was lying about the food... since she barely ate anything that didn't come in a powder substance... she was on a diet. No one likes a fat future Supreme. She went to the dining room. She sat there, just playing with her food. "I guess I'm not as hungry as I thought." She slid her plate to the center of the table.
Interaction(s): Sterling, Bernard
Mentioned: Sterling, Bernard

Tagged: @Sav


♦Location: His House-The Entrance Of The Academy-Dining Room ♦Mood: Excited ♦Outfit: Think Positive

[fieldbox=", #5ee689, solid"]

"How am I going to be late..." Victor McWilliams was still in Texas, not even anywhere close to Baltimore. How was someone with the power of Teleportation going to probably be the latest to arrive... soo ironic. "Okay... I think that's everything." He waved goodbye to his family, as he held onto his bags and got into the car that would bring him to the airport. The flight wasn't as long as he thought it would have been. He took a cab to the house... going up to the door with his bags. "Finally..." He smirked, opening the door. "Hello?" Victor didn't know where anyone was... but he heard voices in what he thought was the dining room. He walked in, waving his hands at everyone in there. "Hi! I'm Victor McWilliams, The Teleporting Warlock." He stood there, with his bags in his hands. "Can anyone show me my room?" He looked at everyone in the room, hoping someone would help him out a bit.

While Victor stood there, waiting for someone to pull him along or point him in the right direction... he looked at the design of the place. He couldn't believe that he was actually here... this was the place that was finally going to help him learn how to bring his teleporting to a new level. He did notice that it was a pretty unique looking home, but he liked unique... that's what made the world what it was today, unique individuals working together and making something magnificent.
Interaction(s): The Dining Room Peeps
Mentioned: The Dining Room Peeps

Tagged: @Sav @Infinite_Darkness @Wonderful Thing

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Reactions: Sav
Mood: Happy, Intrigued
Look: HERE
Interactions: Bernard + Sterling @Sav, Stella @Wonderful Thing, Sawyer @Dramma
Mentioned: Sawyer, Cole
Location: Dining room
Adelaide was preparing to enter the Dining room when she felt the small tug of her skirt pulling her in another direction. It was Stella escorting her into the kitchen. At first Adelaide had no clue why the girl was dragging her along to the kitchen, but as soon as they entered the room Adelaide heard what brought the two into the room. "This is Bernard like the dog. Tommy calls him Bernie, but I wanted to call him Beethoven, but he wouldn't let me." Stella chattered. "Bernard this is Marmalade, but you can't call her that, only I can. Also where's dessert?" Stella asked Bernard. Adelaide chuckled a little and looked up to Bernard. "I'm Adelaide, it's a pleasure to meet you Bernard." Adelaide introduced herself to him. It would take a little bit of getting use to hearing her name being Marmalade, but it what made Stella happy for the time being and getting along with your roommate was good in her book. "Lunch smells amazing by the way, Bernard. Anyways, Stella we should go take our seats." Adelaide mentioned before being ushered out of the kitchen by Bernard. [/bg]

Getting to the table, Adelaide took a seat across from a curly haired girl and a male wearing a Marvel's shirt. It was intriguing seeing what other's looked like, not that that was a bad thing. Adelaide had grown up thinking that witches were green with big noses and warts that covered their face, but to find out their real and look like normal people that was something else. Then again she was happy she didn't look like a green- big nose- wart faced witch. Looking to Stella, whom sat next to her, Adelaide smiled. "So someone has a sweet tooth. Just portion control it, saves on the tooth decay." She told the small girl. It was a mere suggestion, Adelaide had no power to instruct someone on what they eat, say, or do; god knows that Adelaide needed control on her actions. She was far from a goody-goody.

Looking at the girl across the table from her, she smiled. "I'm Adelaide Smithson, it's nice to make your acquaintance." She spoke before continuing. "I love your sweater." The maroon color really blended with the girls skin tone and brought the whole look together. That and Adelaide loved the color maroon.

Going back to her meal, Adelaide continued to eat the deliciousness in front of her. The soup was outstanding in quality. It reminded her of the food her adoptive mother use to make; however, that thought made her nauseous as it also reminded her about the way she accidentally contorted her body in a unnatural way, leaving the thirty-some women paralyzed from the waist down. That was the darkest moment in Adelaide's past and that was the moment she wished she could forget. It's one thing to kill someone- ending any suffering that this life could bring- and it's another to take away the use of one's legs and leave them to navigate this cruel world in a new light, doomed to suffer worse than they did before. Last time Adelaide checked, Mary was living in a home before Gavin left her leaving no one to help her handle. Part of Adelaide felt Mary deserved every bit of it, but another part of her regretted ever getting angry to the point her powers activated at a horrible time.

Out of the corner of her eye, she notice a male in a leather jacket walk up to "Mr.Marvel" and ask he to show him the way to the room. Adelaide looked at him for a mere moment, trying to memorize his features and look away so he would be oblivious to her looking at him. Looking back to her meal, she thought for a moment. The guy was rather cute and well that gave Adelaide a good impression about him. He looked like a bad boy. Watching, slyly, as the two boys left the room, Adelaide looked up enough to seem like she was engaging herself with others at the table. Kelly had taught her that even if she had nothing to say to engage in the conversation even if it is just listening.

When the male returned to the dinner table, he had a change of clothing with made him look less like a man who might rob you if he really needed to, but more just like a typical bad boy. Either way, he was still cute to Adelaide. Though physical attraction wasn't everything to Adelaide, she admired personality a lot. One can't have fun with just a face, one has to be able to have something to talk about. There has to be depth. Don't get the girl wrong, she loved parties and hanging with people, but they had to be people worth spending her time with. Life is too short to waste with a moron. "Nice Jacket." She told him before looking away.


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Florence Stella Anderson
Age Manipulation

"No one even knows where my candy stash is..." Stella grumbled in irritation when instead of answering her question, Bernard just made her go sit down and threatened to burn her precious candy. Although she wondered if Bernard really did know where her stash was. She tried not to think about it, but candy was one of the main things that she thought about. That and Crumbs. Shaking her head, Stella dug into her food, bypassing the salad. For now there were new people to meet and talk to! Stella settled into her seat and filled half of her cup with apple juice and the other half with grape juice to make a nauseously sweet concoction which she sipped happily until Sterling said she would get cavities. Her jaw dropped in horror and a hand flew up to her mouth. Turning into an old witch wasn't really a concern for her as she could already turn into an old person and if she didn't like that, she could just turn back into her current age, but cavities meant the dentist and the dentist was a monster.

When the boy next to Tommy chimed in, Stella began to worry. Bernard, Nana and Corrine always said stuff about cavities but she figured they only said that cause they were old and sad. Well Nana and Corrine weren't old, but they acted old, so it was the same thing. But now other students were saying it and she was getting worried. She didn't want her teeth to turn black and fall out. And she didn't want to go to the dentist!

In a desperate attempt to ward off the apparent oncoming cavities, Stella jammed her fork into a pile of lettuce and shoved it into her mouth, sans dressing and all. "Euugh!" She groaned, wanting to spit the mouthful out, but she knew that Bernard would take dessert away from her forever if she did, so she swallowed the disgusting glorified leaves, chasing the taste down with her juice mix. Her disgusting display of horrible table manners was interrupted when a guy who introduced himself as Victor McWilliams walked in. He probably said some other things but his voice was drowned out by the fact that harp music was now playing in Stella's ears.

He was....SO CUTE! Suddenly, 9 year old Stella transformed into Teenage Stella and practically flew across the room to stand by the new guy's side. "I'll show you your room!" She blurted out, completely blanking on the fact that she wasn't supposed to even go to the boy's rooms. But, to get to the girl's floor you had to walk up the guys, so it's not like she was actually breaking the rules.

Grasping Victor's arm, teenage Stella shot him what would have been a glamorous smile if not for the leafy green sticking between her front teeth.

Tagged: @Shattered♦Secrets™ @Sav @Infinite_Darkness @Dramma
Note: Teenage Stella is the third picture.
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Reactions: Sav and Justin
~Ann Vinter~
Mood: Terrified and Slightly Relieved
Location: Girls floor with Cleo--> Kitchen with Cleo and Bernard
Mentioned: Cleo, Bernard @Sav, and Petra @Shattered♦Secrets™
Interactions: @Poisoned Rose Cleo

Ann smiled and nodded. "Yeah, this seems like a good partnership here. I am grateful." She mumbled, smiling over at her. She watched the bird on her arm carefully as she whistled at it, causing the bird to fly to a perch. It was amazing that she could communicate through whistles to her pet. Ann could never really communicate much to the snake, but she knew the little guy liked her a lot, considering that he was now wrapping around her arm. Perking up at the accusation of leaving her pet behind, Ann nodded and quickly reached for one of her bags. It took her a few minutes to get it set up, but she eventually put together the entire contraption, for the most part, and let her little snake crawl around inside his cage with the heat lamp. Standing back at full height, Ann walked out after her roommate, heading towards the kitchen.

Ann quite enjoyed having a large house, it made her feel less gigantic and elephant sized, though it was still going to be a struggle, seeing as their were small children around. Ducking into the kitchen, Ann looked around, finding a slightly smaller than her middle aged man finishing up lunch. Nodding towards the man, Ann tried to take a step forwards, until she realized there was a small child in the way. Doing a little hop step backwards, Ann somehow managed to get her long limbs over the small children in the kitchen. After a while of watching Cleo and the cook, supposedly named Bernard, prepare the dishes, while she dodged small children running around on the floor. Soon enough, the plates were ready, and Ann walked out into the kitchen, not quite expecting people to be there yet.

By the time she had walked out though, there was a lot of people there. She appeared to be the tallest so far, which just made her feel even weirder. Swallowing, she chose any random seat and slid herself into the chair gently, trying to figure out a way to properly and comfortably fit her lanky limbs under the table. Shifting awkwardly, she gazed around the table at all the people that were currently sitting down. It seemed she was the odd one out, ish. The most stunning girl there was almost right across from her, a few seats to the right. She had this stunningly on point makeup on, and for only a second, Ann marveled at the look. That was until the girl flashed a fake smile and shoved away her food, because she wasn't hungry, or so she said. The girl instantly gave a bad vibe to Ann, and she vowed herself to stay far away from that woman, she would defiantly cause trouble. But if the wicked witch did come a knocking, Ann was prepared to knock back, with an iron fist.
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♥♦Cleona Branna Wells♦♥
Cleo's eyes shifted up when a new male's voice echoed through the dinning room. Her green eyes landed on the man, 'He is an attractive.' She was about to stand up when Stella used her age manipulation to age herself up and shot across the room to help him to his room. She sighed softly before standing up, "Stella-bell you know you are not allowed on the boys floor." Her demeanor was calm as ever as she addressed her little sister. "I don't wanna hear a 'But Nana.' Sit back at the table sweetie." She managed to pulled Stella away from the man with a small smile to him. She looked back at Tommy. "Tommy show Victor to your room sweetie. He is your roommate after-all." She pulled Stella back to her seat and whispered in her ear, "Eat your veggies and I will make you my extra special dessert." She sat down next to her and picked up her spoon taking a sip of the wonderful bisque that Bernard had prepared.
She looked up at the grey-eyed man and gave a smile to him. He made her feel something that was completely new to her, was she developing a crush... Cleo shook her head slowly before looking back down to her soup. In the five years she had been there Poppy had trained her to be well mannered young woman, who did not sway to her emotions so easily; then again Cleo never met a man who made her feel like this so it was new to her. She finished her soup and salad and sat back, "Poppy are we going to have our induction ceremony tonight during the rise of the moon?" She smiled some her charming nature showing it's head. Poppy had become like a mother to her while she was here like Bernard became her father and Stella and Tommy her younger siblings.

Mentioned: Victor @Shattered♦Secrets™ Stella @Wonderful Thing Poppy @Sav
Interaction: Victor @Shattered♦Secrets™ Stella @Wonderful Thing Poppy @Sav
Mood: Confused but over all happy
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Akasha and Sam Blackwood
Mood:Irritated and still intrigued.
Interactions: Corrine @Sav , Cole @Infinite_Darkness , @Dramma Sawyer
Tagged: non
Akasa and Sam watched the woman put there dogs fur on the plate. They looked at each other and frowned. They rolled their eyes and whistled. The dogs followed there owners, they had seen the maid and walked past her with a dark look. They we're normally well humored joksters. They how ever knew when someone was judging them. They brushed past he with an annoyed look. The dogs growled and barred from there teeth.

Akasha had seen Cole as well looking at them. She nods to him and walked for the kitchen. They had also seen Sawyer. They knew they could get a long with some of the others. They grabbed lunch and went to go sit outside. They weren't loners. They talk to Cole and Sawyer later.


Mood : Intrigued , Delighted , Pissed
Outfit : Here
Mentioned : Adelaide @Infinite_Darkness The Twins @Satan's Mistress Cleo @Poisoned Rose Interaction : Adelaide @Infinite_Darkness

[spacer]Sawyer had sat down at the table, not eating the soup. It was clam something and he was a vegan after all, and the fact he ate prior to this just made his appetite nonexistent. While sitting down he fixed his leather jacket looking down, trying to busy himself. When the girl he had caught a glimpse of earlier comment on his jacket. "Thanks babe" He said as he gave the girl a small smile. "What's your name, I'm Sawyer" Smiling he decided to give his full attention to this girl, she was gorgeous after all. Sitting there he did pay attention to some other people, like the twins who had walked into the room, got their lunch and left retreating outside. How antisocial Sawyer thought before he ended up looking around again as a girl, brought up the induction ceremony.[/spacer][spacer]Despite wanting to keep his full attention on Adelaide, he was very pissed. "What exactly is this induction ceremony?" He asked his words lingered in the air like poison. He wasn't going to do some stupid frat house hazing stuff to live here and control his powers. He had the power of premonitions, he couldn't hurt anyone so he wasn't gonna do any crazy things to be here. Although he calmed himself down maybe it was something simple, but he was very curious if he would walk out now or stay. [/spacer]​
S t e r l i n g _ R o s e

Mood: Annoyed at Sawyer, but playful with everyone else.
Interactions: Adelaide Smithson and Cole @Infinite_Darkness , Cleo Wells @Poisoned Rose , Petra @Shattered♦Secrets™
Mentioned: Sawyer Pearson @Dramma , Poppy, Marianne @IceQueen
[bg=#01453f] Well, that was sweet. Cole was lucky to have someone to teach him about his heritage, it made her wonder what her great aunt would've taught her is she had the chance. Her grandmother was overly religious in Sterling's opinion and refused to tell her anything about her Great Aunt. Funny. If man was created in God's image, whose image were they created in? The devil? Religion was strange. Sterling allowed herself to snort out a short laugh, lips quirking into something strange--felt like a smile but she had the feeling it really didn't look like one. Her face seemed to always rest in one expression. "That's really cool, teach me some time?" She seemed to possess an insatiable need for knowledge, Sterling was just one of those people who liked learning new things. Unless it pertained to math, of course. "I wish I knew more, who would've thought--y'know? We're not just freaks, we're a specific kind." Sterling smiled down at her plate. "Specifics always count."

Sterling watched Petra with a knowing gaze, her roommate's actions mildly irritating. Either she had a blossoming eating disorder or she didn't like the food, one or the other but Sterling had a feeling that it was the former. She looked away, and finished her soup. She never concerned herself with her weight--she ate until she was full, simple as that. Besides weight gain wasn't really written in her genetics. "Petra," she began picking the onions out of her salad as well, "How much magic do you know?" Simple enough question. "I would think that everyone here has at least one power specific to themselves, what's yours?" Olives were her favorite, goodness. The girl across from her, Adelaide, paid her a compliment and Sterling gave a half smile. "Oh? Thanks. Maroon is one of my top favorite colors. Somewhere behind Teal and Black." She shrugged a little and finished her food, washing the salad down with grape juice. "Nice to meet you too!~" She added in a after thought, a bit louder than she had planned on. Whoops.

"Fess up, then. What's your power, Adelaide Smithson? I'm Sterling Smith by the way." She drawled the girls name out on her tongue, tilting her head to the side inquiringly.

A tall girl at the end of the table just sat there awkwardly, all doe eyed and helpless looking. She mused that she could've given her a inch and pitied her but really, how annoying. She hoped that chick wasn't one of those attention seekers who did stupid stuff so people would give them attention, she had seen enough at that at public school. It was just like, 'Sorry your mom didn't hug you enough! But I really don't care. If you want to have a real conversation, come find me.' But the boyish looking girl at the end of the table didn't even bother to speak. Maybe she was just shy, or who knew? Who cared?

Cleo asked Poppy something about a induction ceremony and Sterling glanced in the woman's direction curiously. Oh goodness, she hoped that they weren't going to sacrifice a virgin or something. That'd just be awkward. Some boy at the end of the table, the one that had arrived out, snarled out a question about an induction ceremony. Sterling wrinkled her nose in disgust, turning to him irritation obvious on her features. He's been here for three minutes and he's already being a cry baby. So what if there's going to be an induction ceremony? It's not like he has anything better to do, they were here for a reason after all. Whiny ass brats. Ugh. But she said nothing, she had somewhat of a tolerance for pissy cry babies, lucky for the late kid.

Everyone turned to watch Stella run across the room, transforming mid step into a teenaged version of herself. Oh goodness. Seemed someone was crushing already. It was funny but also a little weird though very interesting to watch.

"I'll be back," she excused herself, "Going to the bathroom." Sterling left from the table, Kyle came by and picked her plate up and glass. Such a climb from the first floor to the third--no one would mind if she just stopped to use the boy's bathroom, would they? Quietly, she walked through the hall, boots thumping. She got to the boy's bathroom, pushing open the door easily. [/bg]

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M I N I A T U R E __ M A S T E R - P O S T
[Important, recommended that you read thoroughly.]

Mentioned: Lucien Archibald @s k u l l. , The Tucci brothers; Jacob 'Jake' Francisco Tucci @Infinite_Darkness and Harrison 'Henry' Tucci. Poppy LeBeau, Lillian Rose Montenegro @Dramma .

Candles bathed the bathroom in an otherworldly glow, the floor wet, water still dripping from the feminine hand that hung over the edge. A scream rang through the house, one of surprise rather than horror. Death was a familiar friend to some, to others a unescapable enemy. Sometimes death could be bestowed as a blessing. Sweet, dark relief from a world of pain and misery. A blonde girl was dead in the bath, eyes bloodshot, skin wrinkled, blood coloring the water. Murder. Death had been forced onto this young girl, shoved down her throat, clawing and tearing soft flesh on it's way down. Blood tracks ran from the girl's eyes, nose and open mouth, nude body covered by the rose petals and lingering suds in the water.​

Downstairs, Poppy LeBeau rose as did the others, rushing towards the sound. Screams--sad how many children were familiar with the sounds of terror, with the stench of death and decay. The lived it, breathed and ate it. To one in the room, murder was also a recurring part of their diet. Poppy LeBeau ascended the steps, lips pursed and eyes hard, bracing herself for what was to come. She knew it had been inevitable, the discovery of her nephew--yes nephew's body. After all, she was the one who had left it there. As the students gathered around the bathroom, there were more sounds of terror and fright from those innocent few. Thomas Nickelson had forced his way to the front, tripping over his own feet and landing hands first in a wet mixture of blood and water. He began to scream, loud and high pitched. His screams turned to sobs and the Headmistress was picking him up and shoving him into the arms of a student--Lillian Rose.

"Get the little ones out of here!" Her voice was sharp, like the crack of a whip or the prick of a needle. It demanded your attention, beckoned obedience.

Questions, there were so many questions and voices.

'Who is that?' 'What is she doing in the boys bathroom?' 'Murder?' 'There's a Murderer in the house!' 'Is she really dead?' 'We need to help her!' 'Someone do something!' 'All that blood!' 'We need to call the police! ' Some began to sob, other's ran.

Soon after, there was a frantic banging at the front door.

Henry Tucci
LeBeau turned to the wide eyed faces of her students, something more fearsome had taken her place. "Someone answer that door!" They scattered like cockroaches. At the front door were two young men--brothers, wearing raincoats, one 19 and the other 17. Once the door was opened, they explained that they had just moved in next door and in the process of unpacking, they heard the screams. Worry and concern creased their young faces, offering to call the police.

Upstairs, were some of the students and the staff remained, something else was taking place.

Jake Tucci
"This is my nephew, my Lucien." LeBeau solemnly informed those who remained, heartbreak scrawled over her features. "Someone killed my Lucien..." A delicate hand was pressed against the cold, gray forehead of the corpse, the other covered LeBeau's mouth, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Bernard, call the police." The hazel eyed man watched the woman for a long moment, eyes narrowed, lips pursed with suspicion. He turned to do as he was told but Sterling spoke up. Being the one who discovered the body, she found it difficult to simply walk away.

"W-wait," she swallowed and shook her head, as if to rid herself of her own apprehension. She had been staring at the body, the stench of coppery blood stained her lungs and the inside of her mouth. "I can fix this, I can help." She turned to the remaining students, voice quiet and tense. "Can someone help me get her--his? body out of the tub?" They covered Lucien Archibald with a towel and carried the corpse into his bedroom. The very one that Victor would be sharing with him. Blood dripped onto the floor, leaving a trail from the bathroom through the hallway and into the bedroom.

Unbeknownst to them, Poppy LeBeau was less than pleased.

Once the corpse was laid on the bed, Sterling moved closer, grabbing the blonde by her face to tilt her head up wards. She also turned her palms up, and brought her ankles together, opening her mouth as well. "She hasn't been dead long but there's still a decent amount of death inside her..." she murmured. One hand was pressed flat against the blonde's chest over her heart, the other against her stomach where she pushed. Sterling's nails dug into the somewhat mushy flesh of the blonde, she dragged her nails and left a trail of light behind. A minute passed before they saw results.

Color returned to the corpse, her back arched off the bed eyes wide open and mouth gasping for air before she started coughing up water and blood. Sterling smiled a little, cocking her head to the side before speaking--voice soft.
"Welcome back."​

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~Ann Vinter~
Mood: Terrified and Slightly Relieved
Location: Girls floor with Cleo--> Kitchen with Cleo and Bernard
Outfit: Here
Mentioned: Poppy, The Corpse, The Crowd In General, Henry And Jake
Interactions: @Sav Henry and @Infinite_Darkness Jake

Ann looked around the table as a scream rang loud and clear in her ears, causing her chest to swell with a rush of air. Along with most of the table, she rose from her seat, the wood stuttering along the floor as her long legs pushed the wood back. It took Ann less than a millisecond to feel the heavy thickness that now coated the air as several of the members from the table hurried out of the room and towards the stairs. This was already a living nightmare for Ann. She had lived through murdering someone once, seeing something like the lifeless face of a corpse would only bring the nightmares back into her mind. Back then, there was nothing for her to hold onto, no grasp at hope that maybe someone here could help the person, Ann had killed her mother in cold blood, with her own hands. They wouldn't hate her if she didn't go right? Was that alright?

Ann sat there frozen for a few seconds before her ears were meet with the screams of a young boy. Moving quickly across the floor, she headed up the stairs. Ann had a hard time dealing with children, but she couldn't let them be traumatized by this for the rest of her life. She couldn't let them loose the childish glow in their eyes that made their days brighter. Making sure that her socked feet didn't slip on the stairs, Ann made her way up the stairs to the second floor. It was day one and she was already breaking the rules, funny. Heading towards the bathroom at the end of the corridor, Ann arrived just in time to see Poppy shoving the children back. Ann looked down, finding that all the children were past her reach. She didn't feel like being rude and shoving people aside, and trying to find them. She was going to try and reach through people to get to the front, but the putrid smell of blood wafted through the hallway. Ann thought she might faint for a moment. Her mind went blank, the sounds swirling around her as she braced herself against the wall. As soon as she could see sort of strait again, Ann shuffled back down the hallway quickly, putting as much distance between her and the body as possible.

Resting against a wall, Ann hunched over, taking huge gulps of air. It felt like death was clawing it's way back down to her gut, forcing her lunch up. And for the moment, she would not like to loose it. Thankfully, the door gave her enough of an excuse to excuse herself from the situation and preoccupy herself with something else. She didn't like talking much, but talking was sure as hell better than looking at a corpse. Gripping the banister of the stairs, Ann shuffled down the seemingly endless steps to the bottom, trying not to let the brief smell of blood mess with her senses too much. The last thing she needed was falling down the stairs and giving herself a concussion. Slowly making her way to the door, Ann pried it open gently, peering out at the two males that had arrived at the door. Suddenly, she found herself with a lump in her throat that refused to go away, and it was a long pause before Ann could properly answer them. "Uh, it's fine, I think for now. Nothing too major." She said with a light but failed attempt and breezing off the situation. Her face was as pale as a sheet, and she stared back at the two brothers like a deer in the headlights. She was horrible at talking to people, especially new people, which is why she preferred to stay mostly silent. It was another long pause before Ann cleared her throat, offering a small smile. "I'm Ann." She stated simply, finding herself at a loss for any other words to say.
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"Welcome back."

A voice called over the dark depths of hell. He was accompanied by the souls of the demised. They all began to vanish and a light shone upon his eyes. His body arched upward, eyes fluttered open, and mouth open to intake air. Pale blue orbs opened wide to see a mulatto skinned girl. In shock, he jolted upward, the towel fell from his feminine physique. The reaction his body gave was a cough that released water and blood. The pain had begun to pulsate from his lungs, his hands were placed where the pain originated. Nails dug into the flesh, close to slicing the flesh open.

The taste of iron was in his mouth - blood, blood it was. He felt his long damp hair clung against his back. His upper body crouched to keep the pain from affecting the rest of his body - it throbbed painfully, a blistering pain. He bit his lower lip and groaned softly.

He tilted his head at the crowd of concerned bodies. Pale blue bloodshot orbs hopped from person to person, till they halted at dark orbs. Poppy LeBeau stood in the crowd with a relieved expression etched onto her face. The enigma answered itself once he saw her face; he recollected his death.

Lucien returned to the academy after he visited Bethany's graveyard. Bethany died, she hung herself, or so they assume so. Lucien killed her, everybody believed it was something else, everybody but Poppy. His aunt was able to see him like a transparent glass box. The woman was aware of his goals, she would do what she must protect the other students; a noblewoman she was, but Lucien was not one to be cast aside. He recalled that he shifted into his womanly appearance to fit inside the bathtub easier. There were candles that surrounded him, rose petals that clung onto his body, and the excruciating pain of claws that sliced through his soft flesh.

His delicate fingertips glided on his neck to where his lungs were located. His fingertips picked up blood, but the wound was in the process of a quick heal. Blood stained his face, fingertips, and neck. There was no words to be spoken, only a thought,

"You fucking bitch, I'll fucking get you for this."

Animosity was on his eyes. Revenge was needed to sedate his anger. Before he could wreak havoc, he picked up inquiries from worried students - all curious of his wellbeing. He raised his upper-body to a proper seating position. His hand was still over his lungs, applied pressure to the pulsated pain. Each movement he made brought a surge of pain to his frail body. Unable to release a sound, he scanned the room once more, this time he met his savior.

He opened his mouth, inhaled and exhaled. He regained his breath back, able to take steadier breathing pattern. "Th-" His lips quivered, "Thank y-you." The soft feminine voice that left his lips was innocent compared to his masculine one. People queried his wellbeing further, he gesticulated he was okay. People began to leave, relieved that he was okay. The fewer the people in the room there were, he tugged onto the mulatto girls arm.

A sweet, pained expression was drawn on his alter-ego's face, Lucille. "C-could you possibly, g-get me something to drink?" His voice stuttered to the pain. A soft hiss escaped his teeth, "Please," His voice was urgent. As soon as the room was cleared from third party beings, Lucien looked at Poppy with animosity.

There was a sensation that tingled in his fingertips. "You killed me, you sent me to hell,"

"You made me forced to look at all the dead girls I ended,"

"You would kill your own nephew?" A sense of innocence formed his face. However, that innocence quickly shifted into fury. The nearest object beside Poppy was forced down aggressively, a simple wooden closet. The hard impact shattered the wood into splinters on the floor. Luckily, his death wasn't for nothing, he learned a new ability - telekinesis.

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♦Location: Dining Room-Boys Bathroom-Victor & Tommy's Room ♦Mood: Amused-Mortified(...Intrigued) ♦Outfit: Black Widow

[fieldbox=", #ad42ff, solid"]
Petra sat at the table, just staring at her plate. She gave it a little nibble, but decided that it wouldn't go down if she forced herself to eat. She could tell that some of the girls and guys around the table were staring at her... who the fuck cares if she eats or not? It's her life. She rolled her eyes, and than she looked at her roommate, Sterling. "I will show you my power if you show me yours first." She winked and stood from the table, she wasn't going to eat... so it didn't make sense for her to just sit there. She watched as a new guy came in the room... and the little girl, who turned into a teenager, ran over to him. Petra gave a small laugh, that little girl was something else. While Petra stood there, she heard one of the longer stayed residents, Cleo was it, ask Poppy LeBeau about their Induction Ceremony. Oh right! They needed one of those, she was ready for it too. Petra rolled her eyes at some idiot boy who asked what an Induction Ceremony was. "Are you fucking joking?" She shook her head in disbelief. This was really funny to her right now. Petra watched as Sterling left the dining hall. She wondered what the girl was up too...

Before Petra could say anything else, she heard a loud scream from what seemed like the Boys Floor. With some of the others in tow, Petra ran up the stairs. She spotted Sterling in the boys bathroom... and there was a girl, boy? Whatever, there was some person in the tub. They were dead and blood was pouring from everywhere on their body. Petra covered her mouth in shock and mortification. She had seen a lot of things and has done some horrible things, but still, seeing a dead body was not something she would ever be prepared for. She heard a loud and annoying banging at the front door, and turned to the sound. She could hear people rushing to the door, they would handle that.

Petra helped Sterling and the others bring the body to the room. She stood in the doorway of the room as she watched Sterling touch the dead body. She had a curious look on her face, she wanted to see what the girl was about to do. When the body came back to life, Petra took a step forward. She didn't believe this... Sterling had the power to bring the dead back to life? "Wow... impressive." She had a devilish look on her face. Petra sat on the other side of the now alive person. Petra saw how the boy/girl needed some time, so she left with the others. "What the fuck was that?" She asked Sterling in the hall.
Interaction(s): Sterling, Lucien
Mentioned: Sterling, Stella, Cleo, Sawyer, Lucien

Tagged: @Sav @Wonderful Thing @Poisoned Rose @Dramma @s k u l l.


♦Location: Dining Room-Front Door ♦Mood: Happy & Charming-Worried ♦Outfit: Think Positive

[fieldbox=", #5ee689, solid"]
Victor did not expect for everyone to be so friendly towards him, they all seemed to want to help him find his room. One girl really wanted to help him... she even changed her age and appearance. He had already seen her real age, and that was how he would always see her. He was glad when another girl had him freed from the younger one's grasp. The girl smiled at him, which he returned with a smile of his own. She was stunning, he had never seen a girl soo beautiful before. He rubbed the back of his head, and watched as she went back to her food. "Thanks... Tommy." He smiled at the little boy, the boy kind of reminded him of his little brother, Julian. Before Tommy could show him their room, a girl walked by him. Being a Gentleman, Victor stepped out the way. He stood there, waiting for his little tour guide to bring him to their room. Than he heard a scream...

Victor couldn't believe what he had seen when he went upstairs. It was a dead body, and it was a brutal death. He had came back downstairs to answer the door, seeing as he would be no use upstairs. He watched as a rather tall girl opened the door for the two men. Victor moved over to them, closing the door behind them. "Everything is okay... just a spider, and one of the girls got spooked by it, nothing to call the cops for." Victor shot his eyes towards the stairs, he hoped that they could fix the situation or do something, he didn't know how long he could stall these men. "So you just moved here? Where did you live before that?" Victor made small talk, he hoped that it would keep them from wanting to find out what was the real commotion.
Interaction(s): Stella, Cleo, Tommy, Ann, Henry, Jake
Mentioned: Stella, Cleo, Tommy, Sterling, Lucien, Ann, Henry, Jake

Tagged: @Wonderful Thing @Poisoned Rose @Sav @s k u l l. @IceQueen @Infinite_Darkness

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P o p p y _ L e B e a u

Mood: Enraged, murderous.
Interactions: Lucien @s k u l l. , Sterling

Mentioned: All the students.
Sterling Smith. She'd have to keep an eye on that girl--digging up things that were better off left buried. The room was emptied, shut and locked with a wave of her hand. Poppy crossed the room, picking up the back of a chair and dragging it closer to the bed. She looked up at the blonde, animosity rolling of him in waves. Poppy laughed as she sat down, eyes glittering like beetles on a broach. She had half the mind to kill the runt again--this time properly. Cut him into pieces and set the body on fire, bury the ashes. Lucien disgusted her, the rage and hate she had for the too pale child had accumulated over time--often it was easy to ignore but sometimes the urge to exterminate a pest just became too difficult to ignore.

"You killed me, you sent me to hell."

"Oh please child,"
the eyeroll that accompanied her words was followed by a scoff. "You act if you expected me to deny it. There are sure to be plenty more opportunities to come--so don't get comfortable." Venomous had never been an adjective that was associated with the blonde haired witch but in this setting, it was hard to imagine why. "You made me forced to look at all the dead girls I ended." A gentle smile was still being worn on her lips--the entire situation quite amusing really. She wouldn't get angry or frustrated, there was no need. She killed him once, she'd do it again, and again and again until she got the results she wanted. She wouldn't have a monster among her students. Precious students came to her looking for a haven, a place of peace and learning. Lucien loose among them would create the exact opposite. She had tried, to get him out of the way before the students had even learned of his existence--but bless their little hearts, they had ensured their own damnation, just by doing the right thing.

"No worries," Poppy's voice was soft as if she was consoling a fussy infant. "Next time I'll make sure you stay dead."

"You would kill your own nephew?"

"I would, I did, I will."

Lucien in a bout of telekinesis destroyed his own wardrobe, Poppy was unfazed. The familiar heat of telekinesis flooded her body, and forced Lucien's own to sit up, arms tight as his side. She leaned in as she pulled him closer, not stopping until they were nose to nose. "Keep in mind child, the only reason you're not burning at the stake is because of your mother. My sister. I won't sully her name with your ashes." Poppy stood, nose wrinkled with disgust and her lips pursed. She released her hold on Lucien, flinging his body back onto the bed."You stink. Why don't you take a bath?" Poppy's lip curled over her teeth as she snarled her words, exiting the bedroom soon after. Lucien was living on borrowed time, kill him again--so soon after his first death, would only frighten her students.

So he would live.

For now.

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Interactions: Sterling @Sav
Mentioned: Petra @Shattered♦Secrets™
Outfit: x
Mood: Freaked the heck out! Yet, curious and excited.

Cole was almost taking off guard when he returned to the table, after showing his roommate their room, by Sterling. Him? Teach? That was like...uh, he could do it, but he would really have to think about how to instruct her correctly. "Sure, maybe later." He said returning to his meal. Noticing a girl that was a bit way down from him and Sterling, Cole watched her for a moment. She was either a picky eater or liked having no food. Either way that wasn't the reason why Cole was looking at her. She was attractive and just his type. Looking at her, Cole had completely zoned out. It wasn't until he heard a shriek coming from up stairs. "What the?" He said shooting to his feet. He seemed to run up the stairs a bit faster than the rest, but slower than Poppy.

"Oh my!" He said upon arriving to the bathroom. There was a boy-girl-thing laying lifeless in the tub. What the hell was this? First night here and a murder took place. Cole came here to get away from murder and killing people, and yet someone here had no problem ending this dude...lady...thing. Looking a bit closer, Cole determined it was in fact a guy. Wow, dude looks like a lady. Looking at Sterling, he asked quietly. "Are you okay?" There was no way in hell she was okay, the girl had just found a body. However, before she could answer Poppy yelled for someone to answer the door. Was Cole really that deaf? Or so zoned into the situation that he was oblivious to the bell ringing.
Looking back to Sterling to ask her again, he was interrupted by the fact she said she could help. Help? How? He had wondered. Watching closely, Cole was shocked at the magic Sterling began to do after moving the boy, that seemed to be a girl. She was bringing him back! Holy crap. Cole thought, his expression seemed to show vividly. All he could do was cause death and destruction, this girl could bring back people from the dead. Cole simply watched her as she walked past him out into the hallway, he followed. The girl he was admiring before at dinner seemed to attack Sterling with questions. Bitch...but she's hot so it doesn't matter right now. His thoughts filled his mind. Although he wanted to know too. "You can literally bring back the dead, Sterling? That's like...crazy and totally unlike anyone I have ever heard of." He said in a calm voice. He still wanted Sterling to know that he wasn't an ass, but he wanted to talk about the fact she had the coolest power in the world.

Interactions: Saywer @Dramma, Poppy LeBeau @Sav
Mentioned: Lucien @skull, Ann @IceQueen, Victor @Shattered♦Secrets™
Outfit: HERE
Mood: Frightened, Disgusted, Scared.

"What's your name, I'm Saywer." Saywer said, introducing himself. Adelaide smiled at the guy and introduced herself. "The names Adelaide." However, before their conversation continued both turned their attention towards the topic of the induction ceremony. The induction ceremony? Adelaide had completely forgotten about that. "Exactly what is supposed to go on?" She asked Poppy curiously. Despite Poppy hurrying her question the answer was cut short when a scream rang out from upstairs, seeming to send everyone to their feet and up the stairs. What the hell was that? Adelaide thought as she climbed the stairs with everyone else. Although Adelaide could already smell a stench coming from the location of the scream. Someone was dead. Once that smell hit her, she stopped in her tracks. It smelled so much like Xavier's body did. That was an accident, stop thinking about him. Adelaide silently pleaded with her mind.
Xavier was Adelaide's ex-boyfriend in New York. He was well a little bit more than she thought he was. Instead of the dance school student who seemed to make Adelaide happier than anything, he was a lie. Just some guy that attended dance school during the day, and slept with a hundred girls at night and snorted cocaine lines by the dozen. The sad thing was that fact Kelly told Adelaide that and she didn't believe her, but the night came when Xavier tried to rape her and Adelaide become angry; realizing all the things Kelly said were true and he was not someone she wanted to be with. However, Xavier wasn't going to let Adelaide free just like that, so one thing led to another and Xavier's upper body was facing the opposite his lower was. Adelaide likes to think it was an accident, but she knows she was in full control. She wanted that to happen to him.
Adelaide couldn't bring herself to walk any closer to that bathroom, just by hearing everyone's reactions she knew her theory was proven correct. She had been around too much death and hurt in her life and she came here to escape it, but she guessed she was wrong with that too. She was never going to be able to escape death. She sighed and watched the scene from a far. She really wouldn't be of any use unless the guy needed blood, well even then he would need some in his system still. Turning, she walked down the stairs after Victor and Ann were already answered the door. She walk passed the entry and into the living room, trying to pretend this horror show wasn't caused by the freak show of witches she was now living with, including herself. Could one of them have killed the guy Poppy kept saying was her nephew? Maybe, but who? Adelaide pulled out her phone and decided to play a game. Angry Birds. It was a pointless game, but it got her mind off of the situation taking place upstairs.

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Reactions: Justin
S t e r l i n g _ R o s e _ S m i t h
Mood: Stressed, worried, curious.

Interactions: Lucien @s k u l l. , Petra @Shattered♦Secrets™ , Poppy LeBeau
Mentioned: The Tucci Brothers @Infinite_Darkness
Location: Lucien's bedroom

"Sure, I'll be right back." Sterling was thanked, the blonde a trembling wet frail mess of blood. She was happy to help, but should couldn't help but feel off about the entire thing. She was distracted from her thoughts by Petra, the two heading down the steps to get to the kitchen. "What the fuck was that?", she hopped down onto the landing rather than taking the last few steps. "Resurgence. I can bring dead things back to life. Death is a gift--but sometimes it's an unwanted one that others choose to force upon you. Murder. That isn't right..." Her voice trailed off as she ran her hands over her face, nails scraping down her cheeks. Sterling sighed and grabbed a glass, filling it up with some grape juice from the pitcher on the table. "Now, you've seen mine--" Sterling forced a smile to her lips, she didn't want to think about the fact that there was a murderer among them, that it had to be either Kyle, Poppy, Bernard, Cleo, Stella or Tommy. The body had been sitting there too long for any of the new students to kill the blonde girl, Stella and Tommy were just little kids so that left Cleo, Bernard, Kyle and Poppy. "Tell me yours?" The two girls stood in the kitchen for a little while, wandering out when they heard the large crash come from upstairs.

"What was that?"
They didn't wait long before ascending the steps, just in time to see Poppy leaving the room. "Oh hello girls, so nice of you to keep my nephew company." A small smile graced the Blonde woman's face before she turned to start back down the stairs. Sterling turned to her, a question popping into her head. "Headmistress, the others are saying something about an induction ceremony?" She questioned, brow wrinkled. "We'll be having nothing of the sort, we have neighbours now, girls." Le Beau answered smoothly and then she was gone. They entered the room, one of the wardrobes laid broken and splintered on the floor and Sterling looked at the girl questioningly but said nothing of it. "What's your name?" She asked instead. "I'm Sterling." The curly haired witch handed over the glass of juice and sat in a chair that was close to the bed. She wanted to find out how she--he? It? Died. Word of neighbours had her hopping out of her chair to go peer out of the window in the room--how strange it was to think that people would want to live next to a boarding school.

She could hear them talking downstairs at the door--she had forgotten to take a good look on their way up. Crap. She'd just have to ask someone else later. "Petra, did you see who was at the door?" [/bg]

T h o m a s _ N i c k e l s o n
Click me
Mood: Horrified & Afraid

Location: With Lillian @Dramma
Interactions: Lillian Montenegro @Dramma,
Mentioned: Lucien @s k u l l. ,

[bg=#eff21d] Hiccuping sobs wracked the tiny 5 year old's body face covered in tears, palms and knees wet with blood. It was happening all over again--the dead girls. Dead dead dead dead dead dead, so much blood. He had just wanted to see what was going on, he hadn't known what was going to be inside. Tears were rolling down his cheeks, nose wet and lips trembling. He didn't want the students to start dying all over again. "Everything is gonna start dyin' now! Y-y-you and mr. birdy and his birdy family..." he swallowed thickly--in the middle of a sob so he ended up coughing a little. "We're all gonna be dead," his cries intensified and when he went to rub at his eyes, he smeared blood all over his face.[/bg][bg=#eff21d]

Too much for a little 5 year old to handle, he should've just stayed downstairs and ate his lunch.

He realised what he had done and sat stiff in Lillian's arms, holding his arms out and away from his body, day worsening by the second. He was dirty, still a little hungry and panicking. When was Bernie going to come and make everything all better again?

256_1shot_12_lockers_000 Tucci.jpg
Interactions: Ann @IceQueen, Victor @Shattered♦Secrets™ , Henry @Sav
Mentioned: His family
Mood: Suspicious and calm
Outfit: here

Jake watched the as a girl opened the door. He watched her body language as him and his younger brother explained that they just moved in next door and heard a scream coming from this house. "Are you sure it's nothing? It didn't sound like nothing." He said look at her. The girl seemed almost like she was going to be sick and well that made Jake suspect she was lying. However it wasn't until a tall colored male walked up and informed them that it was just a spider. "Spider, huh? Okay." He watched the male. Whoever this guy was, he was a horrible liar. To lie efficiently one must also have the ones around them backing their claim. "Well if it was only a spider, I'd suggest you'd get this girl checked out by a doctor. She looks rather ill." Jake said, his mouth then pressed together tightly. Looking over to his brother, Jacob smiled. "We should get going home, Mom will worry something really did go wrong here." He said before looking back to the guy in the house. "It was nice to meet you guys. Oh and try some Raid, kills spiders well." He told him. Jacob then turned and walked down the many stairs to the side walk, Henry following behind him. When they were finally out of ear shot, he looked at Henry. "There's something going on in that house, something not normal." He commented as the pair walked back to the house across the street.
Once inside the house, Jake shook the raincoat off and hung it up on the coat rack. Glancing to Harrison, he asked. "What do you think of them?" Jake couldn't tell whether or not he was just suspicious just to be suspicious of them. He wasn't that trusting of a guy and well lying about a spider was pretty ridiculous in his case. The dude could have said that she fell down some stairs and would be alright, or that she slipped in the shower, but a spider? What the hell! Jacob walked into the dining room where the rest of their family was at, boxes lining the walls. "Their fine apparently it was just a spider." He said scoffing. Spider my ass.

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