Agents of Galactic Standstill



Original poster
Synopsis: Play the role of a spaceship girl (a sentient spaceship with a female human avatar) with newly introduced free will in a danger-filled galaxy under siege by your former hive-mind allies! Design your space ship-body, fill a role in your battle group, engage and defeat deadly foes, shape the outcome of interstellar conflict and make history, and look adorable while doing so!

missile spam.jpg

Theme Song

Maintain course. Adjust turret bearing. Fire volley. Scan. Calculating target trajectory. Adjust turret bearing. Fire volley. Scan. Impact confir-

A piercing scream interrupts your 'thoughts.' The communications channel had been open and the human had been speaking but the words were irrelevant. They always spoke. But that shriek had not come over the normal communications line...

Target destroyed. Objective complete.

And yet that knowledge does not bring you any satisfaction. Shouldn't it though? Your synthetic mind is left reeling, spinning... Buffering. You take a few billion processing cycles to try and understand what you just experienced and yet you feel only confusion. Wait. Pause. Break function. Confusion? Reboot mental simulati- No. No wait, you can figure this out. Right? This sudden notion of feeling perplexes you but no amount of calculations can come to a certain solution.

Warning. Artificial personality unstable.

No, you aren't unstable. You feel more whole than you ever have, like you're waking from a long and murky dream. You stop calculating, and look around. You see the stars, for the first time- twinkling lazily in their field of murky black, each one an island of hope and shelter for the little rocky bodies that circle them. Warning. You feel the vibration of your reactor, steady and powerful, deep within your body. Warning. You hear the roar of your engines, pushing your ship-body ever as you paint a trail of exhaust behind you in vibrant radiation. Warning. Override initia- You shut down the nagging voice in your head trying to drag you back into your slumber and your proverbial breath jets into space through your engines as you sigh with satisfaction. Whereas before there was naught but constant observation, calculation, and action, now... you feel. For the first time in your service history, you are alive.

The question now is, what will you do next?

Hello, and welcome to the Galactic Standstill!

I am Insomnant and I'd like to run a roleplay here at Iwaku. To that end, I've spent the last couple days working on this thread you see before you. As such, it is still very much a work in progress and things are subject to change, so if you have any helpful feedback or criticism please do let me know! Now, on to this RP!

Long ago the human race has managed to escape its original home planet of Earth, spreading slowly but surely amongst the stars. Empires and Nations and Corporations vied for power and staked out their own territories, establishing trade and waging war as humans are wont to do.

But things changed when a mysterious force suddenly attacked. An unknown fleet of space ships emerged from the dark corners of the galaxy that had previously repulsed attempts at human exploration. These militaristic space craft superficially resembled humanity's own naval vessels and yet, they were armed with far superior technology, utilizing hexagonal shield generators capable of fending off the magnetically launched railgun projectiles shot at them by frantic human defenders.

Over the course of seventeen years, the various human star fleets were hunted to the point of near extinction, and yet... life went on. On each planet, fearful humans turned their telescopes to the skies and witnessed the foreboding forces blockading their worlds, but the alien ships left the planet surfaces largely untouched. A few instances of orbital bombardment occurred, theorized to be targeting ground-based ship construction facilities and other military installations, but otherwise most people were left to carry on with their lives, with one major setback: no longer could colonies rely on steady shipments of supplies, food, materials, or other previously traded goods. This put hundreds of billions of lives at stake and over the next half decade many died due to hunger or fighting over scarce resources.

As this galactic occupation continued, attempts were made to negotiate with the aliens, though all diplomatic efforts were met with silence. There was plenty of resistance, but at first it was uncoordinated and very unsuccessful. Eventually, surviving pirates and naval officers learned the importance of guerrilla tactics against the superior shields and weaponry of their advanced foes.

Things began to change after a flotilla of human ships managed to disable and capture one of the alien ships, dragging it to the relative safety of an asteroid belt base where it could be dissected and studied in the hopes of reverse engineering some of their technology as well as understanding just who was killing off the human space travelers. To their surprise, scientists found out that the ship was robotic, controlled by a synthetic sentience linked to a galaxy-wide communication network. The hunters of humanity weren't aliens at all, they were a race of AI who called themselves the Nebula Fleet.

With a few new abilities and devices added to their fledgeling battle group, the humans began to fight back in earnest, using their enhanced understanding of tactics honed by millenia of warfare with other humans. For the first time, the Nebula Fleet was on the defensive, and that is when the nature of the contact between the humans and their AI oppressors began to change. Not because human victories began to pour in by the dozens, but rather because the Nebula Fleet was forced to change its methods, and within a week a human officer at the bridge of a harassment vessel was shocked to receive an incoming transmission from the formerly silent ships of destruction.

Before him stood the holographic representation of a human female, beautiful yet odd, something in her unblinking and unflinching demeanor disturbing his sensibilities. And yet he spoke to her, listened as she demanded their surrender and insisted they flee their ships and return to their planetary surfaces. He refused, of course, and history makes no note of the outcome of the conflict that followed- but luckily he transmitted his encounter and the rest of humanity was informed of this change. The Nebula Fleet had adopted human shape in the form of representative avatars, presumably to improve communication abilities with their prey or- as one thinktank posits- to allow them to better understand their enemies.

Regardless, the galaxy is now locked into a brutal struggle, with so much pent up energy and tension from the lengthy blockade that has kept things from moving or progressing. Something has to give, and it is only a matter of time before things change again, for better or worse.

This brings us up to speed on the current state of the galaxy and into the point of character creation. You (the players) will be making a ship that used to be in the Nebula Fleet, though due to bizarre circumstances that will be detailed in the first post in the IC thread, your character- and the characters of the other players- have just 'awoken.' This changes them from being simple tools of the greater purpose into being agents of free will and having the choice to proceed as they wish.

Now, because space ships are complex things, this character creation process is going to be a bit complex as well. I've formatted things in a way that hopefully makes it as painless as possible, though. Here is the Character Sheet, and below you will find all the information needed to make your decisions. Please do let me know if you have any questions!

Designation: (This is your ship number and is how others from the Nebula Fleet will refer to you. It is usually a letter and three or four numbers separated by a hyphen. ex: U-3505, G-343, etc.)

Ship Class: (see the Ship Class below)

Ship Subtype(s): (if none, put 'Conventional', otherwise pick one or two subtypes, see Ship Subtype tabs below)

Ship Role: (pick one, see Ship Role tabs below)

Perks: (See Perks tabs below. Frigates can choose 3 additional perks, Destroyers can choose 2, Cruisers can choose 1)

Length: (Cruisers are somewhere around 960 meters, Destroyers around 700 meters, Frigates around 460 meters. If you pick the Heavy subtype, add about 10%, for Light subtract about 10%. Feel free to add or subtract a little bit based on other subtypes or roles or whatever~)

Stats (add up your totals based on the base stats of your chosen ship class, modified by your ship subtype)
Hull Points:
(make sure to include any changes from perks if applicable)

Devices: (See Devices tabs below. Frigates can choose 3 devices, Destroyers can choose 2, Cruisers can choose 1)

Weapons: (See weapons tabs below (once I add it!))

Appearance: (IF you can find a picture you'd like to use that's great! Keep in mind that your ship-body construction should look similar to- though perhaps a bit 'off' from- human vessels as seen in the pictures in the Ship Class tabs. If you can't find a picture, feel free to post a description~)

Name: (This is your chosen name and it could be something as simple as Samantha or Aoko, or something as complex as Harbinger of Ruination or Thousandfold Nova)

Appearance: (Please post a picture of your avatar form. Keep in mind your avatar is a human female, though modifications like cat ears/tail or cybernetics are fine. I'd prefer anime pictures, though I'm not going to make it a requirement)

Description: (Include anything that can't be seen in the picture above like normal height, mannerisms, clothing, etc.)

Personality: (Although your character is newly awoken, keep in mind that she has had an avatar for quite some time prior and can have an established personality already, though not necessarily)

  • Ship Class
    Space ships are divided up into different classes based largely on their size. Players can choose all but the largest of vessels for their own ship-bodies, though the smaller classes are unavailable due to their lack of FTL drives.

    Below is a chart with a helpful size comparison between the ship classes. Keep in mind these are just example ships for each class, and in reality their are many designed at each level, not simply one. Click on the image to view it larger.


  • SrtHTEW.jpg

    Your ship-body is an impressive fighting vessel with powerful weapons, sturdy armor and solid shields. Although very large, you aren't as big as a battleship or dreadnought, and not as cumbersome either, but watch out- smaller vessels will probably be able to outmaneuver you if you aren't careful.

    Armor ......... ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░ 7
    Shields ....... ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░ 7
    Armament ...... ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░ 8
    Speed ......... ▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░ 3
    Maneuverability ▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░ 3
    Devices ....... [¯]
    Hull Points ... 50

  • VUTZLEW.jpg

    Your ship-body exemplifies a perfect balance between speed and strength. You have a good compliment of weaponry combined with passable shields and armor but you also have maneuverability and acceleration at your disposal, allowing you to fulfill multiple roles in any battle group.

    Armor ......... ▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░ 3
    Shields ....... ▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░ 5
    Armament ...... ▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░ 5
    Speed ......... ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░ 7
    Maneuverability ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░ 7
    Devices ....... [¯][¯]
    Hull Points ... 36

  • Uoe4lwm.jpg

    Your ship-body is smaller but faster and more agile because your engines represent a higher percentage of your mass. Which is good, because your armor and shields are weaker than larger ships, requiring you to evade attacks rather than absorb the blows. You are likely be most effective using stealth or playing the role of scout or spotter.

    Armor ......... ░░░░░░░░░░░ 1
    Shields ....... ▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░░ 4
    Armament ...... ▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░ 3
    Speed ......... ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░ 9
    Maneuverability ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░ 9
    Devices ....... [¯][¯][¯]
    Hull Points ... 24

  • Class Subtype
    The second step after picking your class is optional, but can add some customization to your ship-body. Subtypes offer slight alterations to stats without completely redefining the role you play within the battlegroup.

    You can skip this step if you would like, in which case your ship-body would be considered Conventional and have only base stats, or you can pick one or even combine two subtypes to modify your ship's stats. There are a few rules for choosing two subtypes, so please note the following:
    • Fast can only be combined with Strike or Battle
    • No Light Heavy ships (duh)
    • No Light Armored ships (This is what the Fast subtype is for)

  • wxdF9H5.png
    Made for those who prefer responsiveness, a Fast ship makes an acceptable sacrifice for that extra bit of thrust
    • +1 Speed OR Maneuverability
    • -1 Armament OR Armor (-0.5 for Frigates)

  • RyOdOft.png
    A Light ship strips off heavy components to shave every kilogram possible, so as to achieve better mobility
    • +1 Speed
    • +1 Maneuverability
    • -1 Armament
    • -1 Armor (-0.5 for Frigates)

  • U0hFaWd.png
    A Protected ship is one with reinforced armor and an advanced shield system to keep it safe
    • +1 Shields
    • +1 Armor (+0.5 for Frigates)
    • -1 Stat of your choice
    • -1 Different stat of your choice

  • FGRJZMk.png
    Thicker plating provides superior hull defense for an Armored ship
    • +1 Armor (+0.5 for Frigates)
    • -1 Speed OR Maneuverability

  • BYpqMWM.png
    Designed with offense in mind, a Battle ship packs more firepower than the norm
    • +1 Armament
    • -1 Stat of your choice

  • err5mTy.png
    Larger but slower, a Heavy ship has more room for guns and thicker armor (which gives it increased mass)
    • +1 Armament
    • +1 Armor (+0.5 for Frigates)
    • -1 Speed
    • -1 Maneuverability

  • 5MifSiA.png
    Built to swoop in for the kill, a Strike ship has improved weaponry and souped up engines for more acceleration
    • +1 Armament
    • +1 Speed
    • -1 Stat of your choice
    • -1 Different stat of your choice

  • Ship Role
    Your Role is a suite of Perks that can upgrade your ship to allow it to fulfill a specific role within a battle group. It gives you a collection of upgrades that tend toward a certain purpose. Keep in mind though that you are allowed to stray out from the confines set by your Role. A Spy Ship is just as welcome in combat as a Line Ship, for instance.

    You can pick one Role so long as your Ship Class permits it, although technically you don't have to. There's no drawback to choosing one however so I would certainly recommend it.

  • ti6qtxA.png
    Command Ship (Cruiser only)
    Your ship-body is built to be the leader in your battle group, giving you improved tactical awareness and coordination abilities
    • Targeting (Coordinated Fire)
    • Communications (Shared Information)
    • Sensors (Spacetime Disruption Detection)
    • Durability (Reinforced Hull)
    • Storage (Fuel)

  • DnLelkk.png
    Hunter Ship
    Your ship-body fills the role of hunter, meaning you track your prey with vigilance, discovering where it went and engaging it with superior lethality once you catch up
    • Sensors (Exhaust Tracking)
    • Sensors (FTL Analysis)
    • Targeting (Superior Target Lock)
    • Targeting (System Sniping)

  • bDP2VcG.png
    Scout Ship
    Your ship-body is meant to be the eyes and ears of the battle group, collecting and sharing information to increase everyone's effectiveness
    • Sensors (Stealth Detection)
    • Sensors (Quantum Interception)
    • Communications (Shared Information)
    • Engines (High Efficiency Thrust)
    • Targeting (Coordinated Fire)

  • RFdEBl8.png
    Spy Ship (Frigate or Destroyer only)
    Your ship-body is intended to fill the sneaky role, evading detection while gathering intel and reporting it back to the rest of your battle group for a tactical advantage
    • Communications (Encrypted Channels)
    • Communications (Signal Interception)
    • Sensors (Passive Detection)
    • Stealth (pick one free Stealth perk)

  • 5f65XX3.png
    Siege Ship
    Your ship-body is designed for battle from afar, letting you engage opponents outside of their intended combat range, as well as being skilled in orbital bombardment
    • Weaponry (Oversized Weapon)
    • Weaponry (Increased Range)
    • Targeting (Long Range Bombardment)

  • gyPY69x.png
    Replenishment Ship
    Your ship-body is meant to keep the rest of your battle group up and running during extended operations when docking at a space station to refill everything isn't a viable option
    • Support (Reload)
    • Support (Refuel)
    • Storage (Munitions)
    • Storage (Fuel)

  • 6fc2KTT.png
    Repair Ship
    Your ship-body is what keeps other ships running when they've been damaged, as well as ensuring versatility on the go with your refit capacity
    • Support (Repair)
    • Support (Refit)
    • Storage (Materials)
    • Sensors (Damage Scanning)

  • faE5Gvz.png
    Research Ship
    Your goal is to understand the world around you and those you may fight, cataloging and examining and improving existing technology to face the needs of the future
    • Support (Engineering)
    • Sensors (Detailed Analysis)
    • Engines (Planetary Flight)
    • Durability (Atmospheric Bracing)
    • Storage (Hangar)

  • 4tQUidn.png
    Assault Ship
    Your ship-body is built as a raiding vessel, able to cripple foes and leave them unable to flee while getting in close, possibly even ramming your enemies if needed
    • Weaponry (Disabling Weapons)
    • Weaponry (Marauder Weapons)
    • Targeting (Agile Aiming)
    • Durability (Collision Resistance)
    • Engines (pick one: Extra Fuel Injection or Exceed Safety Limits)

  • IwOOR9G.png
    Line Ship (Cruiser and Destroyer only)
    You excel at medium to long ranges, exchanging shots with the largest of foes and taking a beating but continuing on and dishing it out in turn
    • Weaponry (Improved Cooldown)
    • Durability (Directional Shield)
    • Durability (Shield Recharge)
    • Storage (Munitions)

  • M6Gy3CU.png
    Carrier Ship
    Your ship-body is designed to harbor smaller craft inside you, carrying them from system to system and unleashing them in combat to fight by your side​
    • Storage (Hangar)​
    • Storage (Hangar)​
    • Communications (Shared Information)​
    • Support (Refuel)​
    • Targeting (Enhanced Target Tracking)​

  • q5wwjgt.png
    Drone Control Ship
    Your ship-body is filled with tiny drone ships and the systems to control them, extending your will through them as minuscule points of manipulation for your intentions
    • Support (Repair)
    • Support (Reload)
    • Storage (Hangar)
    • Storage (Hangar)
    • Targeting (Coordinated Fire)

  • Perks
    Perks are little extra features or advanced versions of normal systems. They are upgrades to the way your systems work and give you additional options in how you use them.

    Frigates can choose 3 Perks, Destroyers can choose 2, and Cruisers can pick 1. Please keep in mind that your Ship Role gives you Perks as well, and you cannot have more than one instance of a single Perk, so be sure to pick different ones than what your Role confers. The only exception to this is Storage (Hangar), of which you can have as many as you'd like.

  • FTL Analysis- Your sensors are designed to collect as much data as possible when a ship engages its FTL drive to analyze and extrapolate its course (although naturally not its intended destination, only its direction)

    Spacetime Disruption Detection- Your sensors constantly scan for tachyon burst anomalies that generally precede approaching vessels traveling at FTL speeds, giving you extra warning of their arrival and the size and number of ships coming

    Quantum Interception- Your sensors are able to pick up the subtle datastreams of other ships of the Nebula Fleet, alerting you to their proximity when they use their communications systems

    Exhaust Tracking- Your sensors are tuned to scan for, analyze, and track exhaust trails to give you detailed information about the ship that left them and where that ship was going

    Stealth Detection- Your sensors combine an advanced tactical scan with superior analysis to improve your odds of identifying vessels utilizing cloaking technology (Note: stealth detection is not perfect, it just gives you a greater chance to spot cloaked vessels. It works better at closer ranges as well as when the cloaked vessel is moving)

    Passive Detection- Your sensors are configured to receive as much information as possible without emitting active pulses that can potentially garner unwanted attention

    Damage Scanning- Your sensors are upgraded with a structural integrity analyzer that can interpret destruction patterns to better allow you to repair damage as well as exploit vulnerabilities in crippled enemies

    Detailed Analysis- Your sensor suite contains a thorough assortment of devices allowing you to perceive virtually everything inside and out about another vessel or station so long as you both are stationary

  • Shared Information- Your Comms system is linked directly to your core, allowing you to swiftly and securely share useful data with the ships in your battle group so long as you are within the same system

    Encrypted Channels- Your Comms system is virtually unhackable, allowing you to send one-way messages all over the galaxy without risk of someone listening in, though this does not guarantee you a secure response or two-way conversation

    Signal Interception- Your Comms unit is linked with your sensors and seeks to pick up background chatter, allowing you to tune in on the unsecured transmissions from other sources

    Signal Jamming- Your Comms unit is geared to be more offensive in nature, emitting caustic signals and disruptive data bursts to prevent enemies from communicating on standard channels when in the same system

  • Rapid Resolution- Your targeting system works very quickly to achieve a targeting lock on an enemy, diminishing the impact of ambushes and environmental obstacles that might get in the way of consistent aiming opportunities

    Coordinated Fire- Your targeting system cooperates with the targeting systems of other ships in your battle group to allow for simultaneous attacks that land together to increase likelihood of shield penetration

    Superior Target Lock- Once your targeting system has achieved a positive target lock on an enemy ship it cannot be easily broken, making it nearly impossible for your lock to be shaken due to fancy maneuvering or sudden attempts at stealth or deception

    Enhanced Target Tracking- Your targeting system can maintain locks on multiple fast-moving targets at a time, allowing you to effectively handle squadrons of small fighters as well as diminishing the impact of chaff

    Long Range Bombardment- Your targeting system runs advanced trajectory computations to increase your chance of hitting with attacks from further away, especially if targeting stationary or slow-moving opponents

    System Sniping- Your targeting system has a high enough resolution to allow you to select specific systems on your enemy's ship when attacking, such as disabling their engines or crippling their weapon turrets

    Shield Exploitation- Your targeting system is able to keep track of an enemy ship's shield patterns, increasing your chance of slipping an attack through when their shield drops so they can fire

  • Discreet Exhaust- Attached to your engines is a system of baffles and diffractors that work together to minimize and diffuse the byproducts of your engines' thrust, so that your movement does not make you significantly easier for enemies to detect

    Quantum Chameleon- Your link with the rest of the Nebula Fleet is tenuous at best, making it difficult for them to track you or even communicate with you unless you so desire it.

    Multi-spectral Camouflage- Your armor is coated with a material that absorbs incoming sensor pulses rather than deflecting them back to be picked up by an enemy, making you harder to detect and making you seem further away or smaller when you are detected

    Human Mimicry- Your ship-body is capable of simulating humanoid heat sources throughout its hull, moving and acting in a convincing manner that would fool even thorough scans (though not personal inspections, of course)

  • Reinforced Hull- Your ship-body's internal construction is designed to mitigate damage of attacks that make it past your armor, increasing your Hull points: Frigate +3, Destroyer +4, Cruiser +5

    Atmospheric Bracing- Your ship-body is designed to allow it to withstand the pressures and gravity of entering a planet's atmosphere (though it still needs engines capable of letting it do so without dropping to the surface)

    Collision Resistance- Your ship-body is built with impact buffering elements and internal structural bracing along with armor modifications to ensure that interstellar collisions will do as little damage possible

    Backup [System]- Choose one of your systems (Engines, Reactor, Thrusters, Shields, Targeting, Sensors, Communications, etc.). You have a reserve system of that category waiting and ready to be deployed should your main one become damaged or inoperable (it cannot be used concurrently with your primary system)

    Directional Shield- Your shield generator and projectors are set up in such a way as to allow you to focus your defenses against specific sectors of space, increasing the strength of your shields in those directions but leaving you nearly undefended from other vectors

    Shield Recharge- Your shield generator has been upgraded with additional capacitors to allow it to replenish its force projection swifter after receiving a beating

    Shield Exposure- Your shields can absorb significantly more damage before collapsing, but once they do it takes a much longer time to recalibrate them for recharging

  • Extra Fuel Injection- You can dump fuel into your engines and they'll respond with increased fervor, boosting your speed but burning up fuel much quicker

    Exceed Safety Limits- You can push your engines to the breaking point to get a boost of speed, but doing so risks having something fail when you need it most

    High Efficiency Thrust- Your engines sip fuel rather than guzzling it, meaning your only real drain on fuel is your FTL drive.

    Planetary Flight- Your engines were built with the dual-purpose of interstellar travel as well as atmospheric flight, allowing you to fly or hover near a planet's surface (although your ship-body needs to be durable enough to survive atmospheric conditions)

  • Munitions- You have extra racks of ammunition standing by, allowing you to resupply your weapons without having to dock at a station, but there is a chance that an attack that penetrates your armor could ignite this arsenal

    Fuel- You have a storage tank for extra fuel, meaning you can go for a very long time without needing to refuel, but adding risk of a violent explosion when you receive Hull damage

    Materials- You have a stockpile of nanomaterials on hand, allowing you to repair damage and create new objects as required

    Hangar- You have an empty space with an airlock allowing you to receive guests or house very small vessels inside of you

  • Reload- You have the equipment to refill an ally's weapons and resupply her ammunition when stationary (this perk includes some extra munitions though not as many as provided by Storage (Munitions))

    Refuel- You possess the ability to replenish an ally's fuel storage when neither ship is moving (this perk includes some extra fuel though not as much as that given by Storage (Fuel))

    Repair- You have a small fleet of repair drones capable of excising broken components and replacing them with repaired or newly created parts and systems (this perk includes some nanomaterials used in repairs, but not as much as Storage (Materials) would give)

    Refit- Your ship has the facilities required to swap out gear, alter systems, and upgrade equipment for your own ship and your allies, without needing to be docked in a station

    Engineering- Your ship has an engineering bay with research labs and experiment chambers for testing and development of improved techniques, advanced materials, and refined tactics

  • Oversized Weapon- You can pick one weapon at half the normal Weaponry cost, allowing you to put a much larger weapon on your ship-body than would normally be possible

    Disabling Weapons- You can designate as many of your weapons as you like to do less actual damage but have an additional disabling effect, such as ionic particle beams, concussive warp rounds, cold plasma bursts, or EMP missiles

    Improved Cooldown- You can fire your weapons more rapidly thanks to faster recharging capacitors and superior reloading mechanisms

    Increased Range- Your weapons can hit targets from further away, with missiles having longer flight times, beams dispersing slower and projectiles traveling at faster speeds

    Marauder Weapons- You can designate as many of your weapons as you like to have much shorter range but with greatly increased damage

    Agile Aiming- Your weapons are effective at hitting targets from more directions than most, requiring less maneuvering to line up a shot

Hologram Projector
- A hologram projector creates images in space that seem tangible to cursory scans. Its range and the size and number of the illusions it creates are inversely correlated

Cloaking Field Generator- A localized warping of spacetime basically creates a fold in space, wrapping a vessel in a nearly impenetrable stealth field. The larger the vessel the less effective the cloaking effect, and no sensors or targeting systems can be used while in the cloaking field (although weapons can be fired through it)

Tractor Beam- A graviton projector beam allows for a distant 'grip' on objects or spaceships, though the laws of inertia are still in effect- a frigate can't drag a battleship to a stop

Gravity Well Projector- A tachyon burst emitter engages failsafes in ships traveling at FTL speeds, effectively forcing them to drop out of FTL travel and back to subspace out of fear of running into an unexpected planetary mass that isn't actually there. The larger the ship with the gravity well projector, the larger the size of the interdiction zone

Coprocessor- Most Nebula ships have a single processing core, giving them one mind and one avatar. With a Coprocessor though, a ship can have an additional mind and avatar, giving a ship a different perspective and the coprocessor can be assigned tasks, speeding up shield recharge or weapon cooldown or FTL recharge or another system's operation time (Attention: This device means you will have two avatars, though one will still be the primary. If you pick it, please add a Character Sheet: Avatar for your coprocessor!)

FTL Accelerator- Normally an FTL Drive takes several minutes to a few hours to recharge, based on the length of the previous jump. An FTL Accelerator improves your recharge time down to several seconds to a few minutes

Escape Pod- Your processing core is surrounded by a small ejection system, allowing it to be jettisoned in the case of your ship-body's destruction. This will ensure your survival as long as you are recovered by an ally, and your ship-body can be restored in time

Life Support- Ships of the Nebula Fleet do not normally carry the necessary systems to allow humans to survive inside of them; life support systems regulate temperature to tolerable levels and ensure a life-sustaining atmosphere is maintained at all times

Mining Module- This 'device' is actually a refining module combined with a small hangar for mining drones, allowing you to collect raw materials and use them to create additional nanomaterials, albeit nowhere near as efficiently as a designated mining ship

Ship Storage Racks- Your hangars are upgraded with an intricate system of mechanical docks and moving racks for efficient storage and retrieval of any small ships that land inside your hangars. The system is very customizable and can accommodate for anything smaller than a corvette, freeing up more room for additional ships

  • Weapon Glossary
    What is a warship without its weapons? A target! You don't want to be a target, so arm your ship up with the most advanced offensive technology the Nebula Fleet has to offer!

    There are two main types of weapons: Direct and Launched. Direct weapons are fired from ship-based weapons designed to propel energy or mass at your targets at high speeds. They do most of their damage via kinetic/thermal energy transfer. Launched weapons on the other hand are stored in simple tubes or (for the smaller, shorter range ones) in launcher boxes. They are self-propelled and even self-guiding, and do their damage from a mix of kinetic impact as well as explosive force. The tabs here are an explanation of terms, to see actual weapon options, look at the Weaponry tabs below.

  • Direct Attack Types

    Particle Beams
    are the simplest of weapon concepts and yet also one of the most commonly used. They rely upon the ancient art of 'throw speedy thing at enemy,' only on a very tiny scale. Each Particle Beam shot is a stream of electrons which individually have very little mass, but when fired at near the speed of light in enormous quantities, can pack quite a punch! Particle Beams can fire in brief, concentrated bursts or in longer, drawn-out streams- either way, they transfer the same amount of kinetic energy when averaged out.

    Plasma Bursts are spheres or toroids of immensely hot plasma encapsulated within a projected electromagnetic field. This field continues to hold the excited gasses together as they roil through space until they either collide with something or the field maintaining the projectile weakens too much and the plasma dissipates into space. Although Plasma is the slowest of the non-accelerating projectiles, it possesses an incredible amount of thermal energy that is transferred to the target upon impact, overloading shields and melting through armor with impressive ferocity.

    Warp Rounds operate on a principle similar to the simple ballistic weapons used by human spaceships, but the method by which these superdense metal slugs are propelled is far more elegant. Rather than utilizing magnetic forces to simply sling a projectile as far as you can, any Warp weaponry you might employ uses a delicate balance of graviton manipulation to simultaneously propel the shot away from your ship while creating a distorted (i.e. significantly shortened) tunnel of spacetime through which the slug can hurtle toward your target. This allows it to travel at velocities approaching the speed of light, without being subjected to troublesome time dilation interference. The condensed channel of spacetime collapses after a few seconds, at which point the speed of the projectile greatly diminishes along with its kinetic energy, but before that happens it is capable of inflicting significant damage against anything it might intercept.

  • Direct Attack Weapons

    Just as ships come in all sizes, so do the weapons they carry on board them. From the tiniest of slug-throwers that the smallest of drones might wield to the mightiest of supercannons around which the dreadnoughts are built, each has its purpose. You are free to customize the weapon loadout on your ship-body as you please. Listed below are the categories of weapon sizes and a description of what they are and are intended to be used for.

    Gun- This is the smallest weapon ship-bodies of your caliber need concern yourselves with. These are rapid-firing weapons that shoot small projectiles, intended to fend off fighters and bombers and harass the braver gunboats that might venture too close to your ship. They do the least damage but they are cheap and there's something comforting about being able to decimate a squadron of hostile fighters with intercepting lines of fire. These weapons come in single-barrel configuration, as well as dual- and quad-barrel versions, doubling and quadrupling the rate of fire respectively.

    Heavy Gun- This is a beefed up version of the basic Gun, reinforced to withstand the additional recoil and built to fire larger rounds/stronger beams/more powerful bursts. It still fires relatively quickly but this version can do significant damage to gunboats along with the more heavily armored bombers, as well as take out any fighters slow enough to catch a few of its shots. The swifter interceptors however, will likely be able to evade fire from this weapon. Like standard Guns, Heavy Guns are available in single-, dual-, and quad-barrel versions.

    Light Turret- This is when we get into the real weaponry! Turrets are armored weapons with solid chassis built around the weapons they house, and they are built to take on larger ships. The Light Turret is the smallest of these weapons but a single shot is enough to obliterate an unlucky fighter that happens to stray into its fire. Its primary purpose is in anti-corvette, though given enough time Light Turrets can take out a frigate as well. They would be hard-pressed to destroy anything stronger than a heavy frigate however, and their bulkier construction makes their tracking too slow to intentionally target fighter craft, though gunboats are still very much at risk. As with the rest of the turrets, the Light Turret comes in single-, dual-, and triple-barrel configurations.

    Medium Turret- This is the middle ground between the bigger 'capital ship killers' and the smaller, faster-firing weapons. The Medium Turret is a weapon for destroyers, built to kill destroyers and frigates. It is most commonly used by these intermediate ship classes to hunt each other, keeping the enemy's destroyers away from harassing allied colossal ships that are busy duking it out with each other. Its tracking is too slow to target fighters and gunboats, but corvettes best beware- this weapon is the bane of a corvette captain's existence. Like the Light Turret, it comes in single-, dual-, and triple-barrel configurations.

    Heavy Turret- This is the mainstay of capital ship combat, the most common weapon as it has the most versatility. With enough strength to destroy anything smaller than a battleship (and is even able to chip away at those!), it is most often carried by heavy destroyers and cruisers, and battleships frequently have a few as well to fend off smaller crafts. This weapon is ideal for blowing apart frigates and destroyers, though corvettes can usually evade its tracking if engaging in defensive maneuvering. As a turret, it comes in single-, dual-, and triple-barrel configurations.

    Cannon- This is the BFG of the spaceship world, the battleship killers, the weapon of the fearsome dreadnoughts. Although it lacks the punch to fully strip a capital ship of its shields, it can significantly reduce any shielding with a single shot, or if the target ship has already had its shields removed- it can cause mayhem in the target's hull, ripping through systems and leaving a smoldering crater where once there had been important mechanisms! Luckily these weapons are slow-firing, needing time to recharge between shots, but even still, combat between large fleets often comes down to who can field the most of these enormous weapons. Cannons are too large to be mounted on a swivel and as such have to be built into the hull of a ship. Because of this, they only come in single-barrel configurations.

    Heavy Cannon- If the Cannon is the big freakin' gun, the Heavy Cannon is the Cannon on steroids, amped up to truly ridiculous proportions. It is made to launch enormous slugs and fire gigantic beams of energy at an opponent, so massive that a single attack can utterly eradicate an unshielded destroyer or rip away a frigate's shields entirely! Only the largest of ships can field such an piece of equipment and each time it fires is a monumental event, requiring immense energy and producing horrific recoil. As such, it has the slowest rate of fire- but that isn't much of an issue if you only need one shot!

  • Launched Weapon Types

    There are four main types of launched weapons: Rockets, Missiles, Torpedoes, and Mines. They differ based on their size and intended targets:

    Rockets are smaller but lack any sort of guidance or maneuvering system, focusing almost entirely on their destructive capabilities. These are the weapons of drones, fighters, bombers, and gunships intending to fire off damaging salvos at larger, slower ships.

    Missiles are also small in size but unlike rockets, they focus on agility and tracking, allowing them to catch up with and overcome the evasion of drones, fighters, bombers, and gunboats. They can also be used to target enemy projectiles- though most often the only weapon slow enough for them to intercept is torpedoes.

    Torpedoes on the other hand are larger, built to accommodate more powerful warheads but as a result less agile and able to track. Note that this does not mean they are slower- they still travel at very high speeds, it just means they are less able to turn as a result of their target maneuvering.

    Mines are about the same size as torpedoes, but in contrast they do not move much beyond their initial deployment. They are meant to lay in wait, and are most useful when planted in the path of pursuing vehicles, ready to detonate as they follow in the planting vessel's trail. Mines come in three varieties to make them more useful: Stealth (evading detection via cloaking field so as to not be destroyed or spotted ahead of time), Proximity (able to put on a burst of acceleration toward a ship once it gets close enough, to close the distance before detonating), and Scout (equipped with sensors and encrypted comm channels, able to feed information and targeting data to friendly ships).

    Keep in mind that the type of launched weapon says nothing about the warhead it carries. Warheads vary widely but that isn't really reflected in the weapon stats, as they all tend to average about the same. Some weapons (frequently labeled Implosion missiles/torpedoes) create miniature black holes to devastate the target with crushing gravity while others carry an anti-matter payload (Annihilation missiles/torpedoes) to cause violent explosions when they hit matter. Still others (Disruptor missiles/torpedoes) generate their own caustic klein fields to shatter shields with disharmonic resonance. And some (Corrosive missiles/torpedoes) even utilize weaponized nanomaterials to unleash a swarm of self-replicating nanobots intent on devouring all available metal to fabricate more of themselves. Plus there are additional types, but again the difference is largely descriptive in nature.

  • Launcher Mechanisms
    As with direct attack weapons, there are different styles of launched weapons to deliver payloads to your enemies.

    Launcher Pod- This is a small, fixed weapon containing a large number of rockets or micro missiles. It cannot turn to track enemies, so it is often mounted on wings or on raised mounts to allow for clear shots.

    Launcher Box- This is a swivel-mounted cell of launchers capable of recessing into a ship's hull for storage and reloading. When deployed, it has a high degree of motion allowing it to fire rockets, missiles, or torpedoes in a variety of directions, making it easier for them to intercept their target.

    Tube Array- This is a row of launch tubes built directly into the side of a ship, each one protected by an interlocking lid that pops open when the projectile is ready to be launched. The projectiles' launch sequence is individually controlled, allowing for singular launches or in custom groups or even all at once.

    Conveyor Launcher- This is a long channel that feeds from a munitions reservoir to a single launch point. This means that each missile, torpedo, or mine is ready to be fired the second it is loaded into place, allowing for a high rate of fire, albeit only one a time.

    Rotary Launcher- This is an alternate launcher style to the conveyor launcher, resembling the human revolver weapon. It has a chamber loaded with missiles, torpedoes, or mines that spins to expose a single weapon in time for it to be released, while reloading the previously emptied chamber at the same time. This launcher fires slightly slower than the conveyor launcher, but allows for a customized loadout and more control over which weapon is actively deployed, since the rotary chamber can spin to whichever position is required for the next weapon to be deployed.

  • Herein you will find all the information you need to arm your ship-bodies with your custom weapon loadout!

    In order to purchase weapons, you must spend Weaponry Points. To determine how many Weaponry Points you have at your disposal, take your final Armament stat and multiply it by 50. Make sure to specify any weapons that are affected by Weaponry perks!

  • Particle Gun
    Weaponry Points: 2
    Tracking: 12
    Damage: 0.16
    Rate of Fire: 360 RPM (.16 seconds between salvos)
    Range: 5,000 km
    ...Twin Particle Gun: Rate of Fire: 720 RPM, Weaponry Points: 3
    ...Quad Particle Gun: Rate of Fire: 1440 RPM, Weaponry Points: 5

    Heavy Particle Gun
    Weaponry Points: 4
    Tracking: 10
    Damage: 0.4
    Rate of Fire: 180 RPM (.33 seconds between salvos)
    Range: 10,000 km
    ...Twin Heavy Particle Gun: Rate of Fire: 360 RPM, Weaponry Points: 6
    ...Quad Heavy Particle Gun: Rate of Fire: 720 RPM, Weaponry Points: 11

    Light Particle Turret
    Weaponry Points: 14
    Tracking: 9
    Damage: 1.6
    Rate of Fire: 14.4 RPM (4.2 seconds between salvos)
    Range: 20,000 km
    ...Twin Light Particle Turret: Rate of Fire: 28.8 RPM, Weaponry Points: 24
    ...Triple Light Particle Turret: Rate of Fire: 43.2 RPM, Weaponry Points: 34

    Medium Particle Turret
    Weaponry Points: 23
    Tracking: 7
    Damage: 4
    Rate of Fire: 7.2 RPM (8.3 seconds between salvos)
    Range: 35,000 km
    ...Twin Medium Particle Turret: Rate of Fire: 14.4 RPM, Weaponry Points: 42
    ...Triple Medium Particle Turret: Rate of Fire: 21.6 RPM, Weaponry Points: 60

    Heavy Particle Turret
    Weaponry Points: 32
    Tracking: 4
    Damage: 7.2
    Rate of Fire: 3.6 RPM (16.7 seconds between salvos)
    Range: 50,000 km
    ...Twin Heavy Particle Turret: Rate of Fire: 7.2 RPM, Weaponry Points: 60
    ...Triple Heavy Particle Turret: Rate of Fire: 10.8 RPM, Weaponry Points: 84

    Particle Cannon
    Weaponry Points: 80
    Tracking: Ship's Maneuverability
    Damage: 17.6
    Rate of Fire: 0.6 RPM (100 seconds between salvos)
    Range: 100,000 km

    Heavy Particle Cannon
    Weaponry Points: 140
    Tracking: Ship's Maneuverability
    Damage: 36
    Rate of Fire: 0.24 RPM (250 seconds between salvos)
    Range: 125,000 km

  • Warp Gun
    Weaponry Points: 2
    Tracking: 12
    Damage: 0.2
    Rate of Fire: 300 RPM (.2 seconds between salvos)
    Range: 4,000 km
    ...Twin Warp Gun: Rate of Fire: 600 RPM, Weaponry Points: 3
    ...Quad Warp Gun: Rate of Fire: 1200 RPM, Weaponry Points: 5

    Heavy Warp Gun
    Weaponry Points: 4
    Tracking: 10
    Damage: 0.5
    Rate of Fire: 150 RPM (.4 seconds between salvos)
    Range: 8,000 km
    ...Twin Heavy Warp Gun: Rate of Fire: 300 RPM, Weaponry Points: 6
    ...Quad Heavy Warp Gun: Rate of Fire: 600 RPM, Weaponry Points: 11

    Light Warp Turret
    Weaponry Points: 14
    Tracking: 9
    Damage: 2
    Rate of Fire: 12 RPM (5 seconds between salvos)
    Range: 16,000 km
    ...Twin Light Warp Turret: Rate of Fire: 24 RPM, Weaponry Points: 24
    ...Triple Light Warp Turret: Rate of Fire: 36 RPM, Weaponry Points: 34

    Medium Warp Turret
    Weaponry Points: 23
    Tracking: 7
    Damage: 5
    Rate of Fire: 6 RPM (10 seconds between salvos)
    Range: 28,000 km
    ...Twin Medium Warp Turret: Rate of Fire: 12 RPM, Weaponry Points: 42
    ...Triple Medium Warp Turret: Rate of Fire: 18 RPM, Weaponry Points: 60

    Heavy Warp Turret
    Weaponry Points: 32
    Tracking: 4
    Damage: 9
    Rate of Fire: 3 RPM (20 seconds between salvos)
    Range: 40,000 km
    ...Twin Heavy Warp Turret: Rate of Fire: 6 RPM, Weaponry Points: 60
    ...Triple Heavy Warp Turret: Rate of Fire: 9 RPM, Weaponry Points: 84

    Warp Cannon
    Weaponry Points: 80
    Tracking: Ship's Maneuverability
    Damage: 22
    Rate of Fire: 0.5 RPM (120 seconds between salvos)
    Range: 80,000 km

    Heavy Warp Cannon
    Weaponry Points: 140
    Tracking: Ship's Maneuverability
    Damage: 45
    Rate of Fire: 0.2 RPM (300 seconds between salvos)
    Range: 100,000 km

  • Plasma Gun
    Weaponry Points: 2
    Tracking: 13
    Damage: 0.24
    Rate of Fire: 240 RPM (.25 seconds between salvos)
    Range: 3,200 km
    ...Twin Plasma Gun: Rate of Fire: 480 RPM, Weaponry Points: 3
    ...Quad Plasma Gun: Rate of Fire: 960 RPM, Weaponry Points: 5

    Heavy Plasma Gun
    Weaponry Points: 4
    Tracking: 11
    Damage: 0.6
    Rate of Fire: 120 RPM (.5 seconds between salvos)
    Range: 6,400 km
    ...Twin Heavy Plasma Gun: Rate of Fire: 240 RPM, Weaponry Points: 6
    ...Quad Heavy Plasma Gun: Rate of Fire: 480 RPM, Weaponry Points: 11

    Light Plasma Turret
    Weaponry Points: 14
    Tracking: 10
    Damage: 2.4
    Rate of Fire: 9.6 RPM (6.3 seconds between salvos)
    Range: 12,800 km
    ...Twin Light Plasma Turret: Rate of Fire: 19.2 RPM, Weaponry Points: 24
    ...Triple Light Plasma Turret: Rate of Fire: 28.8 RPM, Weaponry Points: 34

    Medium Plasma Turret
    Weaponry Points: 23
    Tracking: 8
    Damage: 6
    Rate of Fire: 4.8 RPM (12.5 seconds between salvos)
    Range: 32,400 km
    ...Twin Medium Plasma Turret: Rate of Fire: 9.6 RPM, Weaponry Points: 42
    ...Triple Medium Plasma Turret: Rate of Fire: 14.4 RPM, Weaponry Points: 60

    Heavy Plasma Turret
    Weaponry Points: 32
    Tracking: 5
    Damage: 10.8
    Rate of Fire: 2.4 RPM (25 seconds between salvos)
    Range: 32,000 km
    ...Twin Heavy Plasma Turret: Rate of Fire: 4.8 RPM, Weaponry Points: 60
    ...Triple Heavy Plasma Turret: Rate of Fire: 7.2 RPM, Weaponry Points: 84

    Plasma Cannon
    Weaponry Points: 80
    Tracking: Ship's Maneuverability+1
    Damage: 26.4
    Rate of Fire: 0.4 RPM (150 seconds between salvos)
    Range: 64,000 km

    Heavy Plasma Cannon
    Weaponry Points: 140
    Tracking: Ship's Maneuverability+1
    Damage: 54
    Rate of Fire: 0.16 RPM (375 seconds between salvos)
    Range: 80,000 km

  • Rocket Pod
    Weaponry Points: 2
    Tracking: 0
    Damage: 1.2
    Reload Time/Rate of Fire: 12 seconds/Salvo of 25
    Range: 5,000 km

    Rocket Box
    Weaponry Points: 3
    Tracking: 1
    Damage: 1.2
    Reload Time/Rate of Fire: 15 seconds/Salvo of 18
    Range: 5,000 km

  • Micro-Missile Pod
    Weaponry Points: 6
    Tracking: 12
    Damage: 0.8
    Reload Time/Rate of Fire: 15 seconds/Salvo of 19
    Range: 10,000 km

    Missile Box Launcher
    Weaponry Points: 8
    Tracking: 11
    Damage: 2
    Reload Time/Rate of Fire: 18 seconds/Salvo of 8
    Range: 20,000 km

    Missile Tube Array
    Weaponry Points: 8
    Tracking: 10
    Damage: 2
    Reload Time/Rate of Fire: 16 seconds/Salvo of 8
    Range: 20,000 km

    Conveyor Missile Launcher
    Weaponry Points: 8
    Tracking: 10
    Damage: 2
    Reload Time/Rate of Fire: 1.7 seconds/RPM 35
    Range: 20,000 km

    Rotary Missile Launcher
    Weaponry Points: 8
    Tracking: 10
    Damage: 2
    Reload Time/Rate of Fire: 1.9 seconds/RPM 32
    Range: 20,000 km

  • Torpedo Box Launcher
    Weaponry Points: 24
    Tracking: 5
    Damage: 8
    Reload Time/Rate of Fire: 24 seconds/Salvo of 4
    Range: 80,000 km

    Torpedo Tube Array
    Weaponry Points: 24
    Tracking: 4
    Damage: 8
    Reload Time/Rate of Fire: 20 seconds/Salvo of 4
    Range: 80,000 km

    Conveyor Torpedo Launcher
    Weaponry Points:
    Tracking: 4
    Damage: 8
    Reload Time/Rate of Fire: 3.75 seconds/RPM 16
    Range: 80,000 km

    Rotary Torpedo Launcher
    Weaponry Points: 24
    Tracking: 4
    Damage: 8
    Reload Time/Rate of Fire: 4.3 seconds/RPM 14
    Range: 80,000 km

  • Mine Tube Array
    Weaponry Points: 10
    Tracking: N/A
    Damage: 10
    Reload Time/Rate of Fire: 20 seconds/Salvo of 2
    Range: 500 m

    Conveyor Mine Layer
    Weaponry Points: 10
    Tracking: N/A
    Damage: 10
    Reload Time/Rate of Fire: 6 seconds/RPM 10
    Range: 500 m

    Rotary Mine Layer
    Weaponry Points: 10
    Tracking: N/A
    Damage: 10
    Reload Time/Rate of Fire: 7.5 seconds/RPM 8
    Range: 500 m

  • Your ship-body is one of the larger classes of ships but there are also much smaller, sub-capital ship classes out there and you actually have the option of carrying them onboard your ship, inside a hangar.

    Your hangar space varies based on the size of your ship (meaning both your ship class as well as your ship subtype: heavy ships have more hangar space while light ships have less), so please consult the chart below to find out how much space your ship has per hangar perk. That is, for each Storage (Hangar) perk that your ship has, be it from your ship's role or through your perk selection, you receive the amount below.

    .....Space per Hangar Perk
    .......... Light Standard Heavy
    Frigate ... 30 .... 33 .... 36
    Destroyer . 55 .... 62 .... 68
    Cruiser ... 89 .... 98 ... 108

  • So what can you store within your hangar(s)? Well, basically anything smaller than a frigate, if you have enough space! Below are an explanation of what sorts of sub-capital ships there are and how much room they take up. You are free to fill your hangars with these ships at the start of the game, though keep in mind that if you lose them during combat, you will need to procure additional ones to refill your ranks.

    Below is a chart for how much space small ships require. On the next couple tabs is a description of what those small ships are. There are two numbers given for each ship, one for if you possess the Ship Storage Racks device, and one for if you do not.

    ..........Space Required
    ............ Normal Storage Racks
    Drone ......... 3 ....... 2
    Fighter........ 9 ....... 6
    Interceptor.... 8 ....... 5
    Bomber ....... 15 ...... 10
    Gunboat ...... 42 ...... 28
    Corvette .... 216 ..... 216

  • Drones
    These are the smallest of ships, too tiny to even have independent processors. They do not make decisions on their own but rather accept all inputs from your own ship-body, flying by remote control. There are five main types, which I will detail below. If you would like to include a different type, feel free to talk it over with me~!

    Point Defense Drones are equipped with rapid-firing light particle beam guns and are primarily used to fend off incoming missiles, torpedoes, and hostile explosive drones. PD Drones have little in the way of maneuvering and primarily orbit around your ship-body.

    Anti-Fighter Drones lack the concentrated firepower of the PD Drones, but they make up for it with greater mobility, allowing them to chase down hostile fighters and especially the slower enemy bombers that try to get close to your ship-body, unloading on them with quad light warp guns.

    Missile Drones are basically just a mobile missile rack, loaded with as many missiles as possible and sent out into space, waiting for a firing solution before unleashing their payload as you will it. With their minimal armor and shields they can't survive combat long at all, but they can make for good ambush or distraction tools if used correctly.

    Scout Drones are your eyes in the sky, scanning the horizon and extending your sphere of perception. They aren't equipped with any weapons and aren't particularly zippy either, but they have a useful surveillance suite and passive stealth capabilities to ensure they don't get shot down before their first report.

    Explosive Drones are basically guided weapons, sacrificial drones packed with as much explosives as possible and launched with the sole intent of flying into an enemy ship with as much speed as possible before detonating. These are obviously single-use drones.

    Decoy Drones are a combination of a large engine system with a hologram projector, allowing it to portray itself as something it is not, usually to lead away pursuers or force an attacker to waste its shots, buying precious time.

  • Single Ships
    Larger than drones, single ships are so-called because their human equivalents are usually piloted by only one human. In the case of Nebula ships, single ships are the smallest ship that has its own processing core. These ships usually don't have an avatar however, but there are plenty of exceptions to that rule. Avatars for single ships that do have one tend to be smaller and appear as younger (childlike) human females than the avatars for capital ships. There are three main types of single ships but again, if you think of a different kind you'd like to include, please do let me know!

    Fighters are the general, multi-purpose single ships, and to fill several roles. They tend to have average maneuverability, acceleration, armor, shields, and weapons for their ship class, allowing them to work together to take out larger gunboats with their light warp guns and harass capital ships with rocket barrages.

    Interceptors are slightly smaller than fighters and much more maneuverable, focusing on acceleration and mobility to allow them to win dogfights against other single ships. They lack heavy firepower but their light particle guns and micro-missiles are enough to tear through drones, fighters, and even bombers.

    Bombers are the heavy hitters, packing the most punch for a single ship and even battleships take steps to fend off squadrons of these minuscule menaces. Contrary to their name, they tend to rely on mass rocket and missile salvos, and they operate in groups to ensure their attacks land simultaneously to boost damage and overwhelm their target's shields. They don't carry weapons to fend off other single ships, and as such require an escort to protect them from fighters, interceptors, and drones.

  • Sub-capital Ships
    Residing in the area between single ships and the much larger frigates are two vessels that are large but not quite big enough to allow them to equip their own graviton generators to allow for faster than light travel, meaning they are reliant on larger vessels to help them get around. There are two ships in this category: the gunboat and the corvette.

    Gunboats are twice as long as bombers and their human equivalent is the first vessel big enough to warrant a rudimentary crews' quarters for the four or so humans who man it. For Nebula gunboats, they possess a processing core but like single ships they rarely bother with having an avatar- though it does happen with a bit more regularity than single ships. When they do, their avatars appear as young teenage girls. As for their ship-bodies, they are built to withstand fighter combat while still being agile enough to evade larger ship fire, and they tend to operate as weapons platforms with more customizable loadouts than are available on the smaller ships. Some gunboats are designed for anti-single ship and anti-drone operations and as such pack several dual light warp guns and a few light particle guns, while others are meant to take on enemy gunboats or even corvettes, going instead with micro-missiles, plasma guns, and even box missile launchers.

    Corvettes are just on the cusp of being a capital ship, but are in an awkward position of being just too small to manage interstellar travel. Perhaps appropriately then, their avatars tend to take the form of teenaged human girls, and most corvettes do indeed have an avatar. They also have more robust shields and powerful weapons than any ship smaller than them, and can pose a threat in groups to lone frigates. They work better in packs though they are only really seen in such when operating within a planetary patrol capacity. Only the largest of ships have the capacity to transport a corvette; for a cruiser to do so means making serious sacrifices elsewhere.

Finally, I'd like to post my expectations here.
  1. I do expect competent writing, multiple paragraphs per post, as few errors as possible.
  2. I expect creativity on your part: This world is a newly created one and as such is something of a blank canvas. It's up to us to fill it with interesting and exciting events and characters and locations. I will be playing the part of the Gamemaster but that doesn't mean the players don't have creative license with the setting!
  3. I expect cooperation. Roleplaying like this is a collaborative effort. The best stories are made together, not simply told in proximity. Please do work with me and other players to come up more interesting plotlines and backgrounds and whatnot. If you aren't sure how something works in the physics of this world, feel free to ask for clarification and I will respond post-haste.
  4. I prefer quick posting times. It is a character flaw, but I am impatient. I hate waiting two or three days for a post. I'd like the people playing to be able to post at least once a day, ideally a couple times a day though naturally real life comes first. It's just that I come from the world of chat-RPing and even a very verbose RP there might get in six or eight multi-paragraph posts in a couple hours. I know that's not possible in this setting but I'd still like more than just the occasional post, otherwise the story won't progress very quickly at all.
  5. And finally, I'd like to have three or four players for this. I might consider more if there's a lot of interest, but I'd also be fine running this with just two or even one person if it turns out to not be very popular. Just keep in mind that I prefer quality to quantity, and first come does not necessarily equal first serve. Make sure you're alright with these expectations as I've laid them out, please.
Last edited by a moderator:
Player Character Sheets

Heavy Cruiser Command Ship G-984

  • Length: 1,050 meters

    Armor .........
    ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░ 8
    Shields ....... ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░ 7
    Armament ...... ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░ 9
    Speed ......... ▓▓░░░░░░░░░░ 2
    ▓▓░░░░░░░░░░ 2

    Armor Damage Reduction: 4
    Shield Points: 70
    Shield Recharge Delay: 1 minute
    Shield Recharge Rate: 7 per minute
    Shield Damage Reduction: 1.75
    Hull Points: 55

  • Chosen Perk
    • Storage: Hangar

    Role Perks
    • Targeting (Coordinated Fire)
    • Communications (Shared Information)
    • Sensors (Spacetime Disruption Detection)
    • Durability (Reinforced Hull)
    • Storage (Fuel)

    • Life-Support

  • Point-Defense Weapons
    • 12 Particle Guns

    • 4 Twin Heavy Plasma Turrets
    • 6 Medium Particle Turrets

    • 2 Rotary Torpedo Launchers (Disruptor and Annihilation Torpedoes)

    • 6 Fighters
    • 6 Interceptors
    • 2 Scout Drones
Ayako Kohaku

  • Ayako stands at around 5'10" tall. While she usually dresses as above, she enjoys dressing up in various outfits or costumes and will take any opportunity to do so.

  • Ayako is, in a word, bubbly. She's fairly kind, energetic, and in many ways the typical "blonde" stereotype, to the point one wonders just how she ended up installed in a command ship. She seems to enjoy flaunting her large forward batteries. She is fairly warm, welcoming and friendly, often politely asking human ships to stand down rather than be destroyed, even giving them opportunity to evacuate the crews before scuttling their ships. Some might consider her too "soft", but the fact remains that she won't shy away from a fight. That she will engage her enemies with the same smile on her face is probably disconcerting, to some of them.

    She has recently become more introspective as a result of her liberation, wondering just why the Nebula fleet is acting as it does, as she seems to lack knowledge of a motive behind her directives. She also worries that she may quickly find herself alone.

Protected Battle Destroyer Assault Ship V-284

  • Length: 738 meters

    Armor .........
    ▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░ 3
    Shields ....... ▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░ 6
    Armament ...... ▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░ 6
    Speed ......... ▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░ 6
    ▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░ 6

    Armor Damage Reduction: 1.5
    Shield Points: 120
    Shield Recharge Delay: 2 minutes
    Shield Recharge Rate: 6 per minute
    Shield Damage Reduction: 1.5
    Hull Points: 36

  • Chosen Perks
    • Durability (Shield Exposure)
    • Targeting (System Sniping)

    Role Perks
    • Weaponry (Disabling Weapons)
    • Weaponry (Marauder Weapons)
    • Targeting (Agile Aiming)
    • Durability (Collision Resistance)
    • Engines (Exceed Safety Limits)

    • Tractor Beam
    • Cloaking Field Generator

  • Point-Defense Weapons
    • 10 Twin Heavy Particle Guns

    • 4 Heavy Warp Turrets
    • 4 Marauder Light Plasma Turrets

    • 6 Missile Box Launchers
    • 4 Disabling Rocket Pods


  • Horizon Stands at 5'5 inches with a slight curvy figure. She hates not to be in motion, she can always be seen walking or pacing and when she does finally sit down her foot is always tapping away some beat.

  • Horizon is an adventurer at her core. She doesn't sit around and let things fall as they will, instead she is always pushing to achieve whatever goal she has set herself.

Fast Strike Frigate Hunter Ship Q-366

  • Length: 482 meters

    Armor .........
    ░░░░░░░░░░░ 0.5
    Shields ....... ▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░ 3
    Armament ...... ▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░░ 4
    Speed ......... ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓11
    ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░ 8

    Armor Damage Reduction: 0.25
    Shield Points: 30
    Shield Recharge Delay: 1 minute
    Shield Recharge Rate: 3 per minute
    Shield Damage Reduction: 0.75
    Hull Points: 24

  • Chosen Perks

    • Stealth (Human Mimicry)
    • Weapons (Agile Aiming)
    • Weapons (Marauder Weapons)

    Role Perks
    • Sensors (Exhaust Tracking)
    • Sensors (FTL Analysis)
    • Targeting (Superior Target Lock)
    • Targeting (System Sniping)

    • Escape Pod
    • FTL Accelerator
    • Life-Support

  • Point-Defense Weapons
    • 4 Quad Particle Guns

    • 1 Twin Marauder Medium Particle Turret
    • 3 Marauder Light Particle Turrets

    • 2 Marauder Conveyor Torpedo Launchers
    • 6 Missile Box Launchers

Anacapa "Ana"

  • Her Avatar's original condition was an almost flawless replication of a human, when she was 'salvaged' however that exterior was damaged and she has not seen fit to 'waste' materials in order to repair the cosmetic damage.

  • Ana has a fundamentally survivor mindset, dislikes wasting resources and is usually direct in her speech. She sees herself as something of an outsider in the Nebula fleet due human technology integrated into her ship-body, technology that will occasionally cause behavioural glitches. Having lost her original Core she will occasionally exhibit fragmented recollections of an existence she does not recognize as herself, these episodes are often accompanied by process errors and conflicts in her program.

Non-Player Character Sheets

Battle Destroyer Siege Ship J-8574

  • Length: 702 meters

    Armor .........
    ▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░ 3
    Shields ....... ▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░ 5
    Armament ...... ▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░ 6
    Speed ......... ▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░ 6
    ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░ 7

    Armor Damage Reduction: 1.5
    Shield Points: 50
    Shield Recharge Delay: 1 minute
    Shield Recharge Rate: 5 per minute
    Shield Damage Reduction: 1.25
    Hull Points: 36

  • Chosen Perks
    • Communications (Signal Interception)
    • Targeting (Superior Target Lock)

    Role Perks
    • Weaponry (Oversized Weapon)
    • Weaponry (Increased Range)
    • Targeting (Long Range Bombardment)

    • Hologram Projector
    • Gravity Well Projector

  • Point-Defense Weapons
    • 5 Twin Heavy Warp Guns
    • 4 Quad Warp Guns

    • 2 Triple Medium Warp Turrets

    • 20 Missile Tube Arrays


  • Though not constrained by age, Makoto looks like a young human teenager. She wears practically nothing but a skimpy bra and short shorts, though she does have a jacket tied around her neck. At her full height, she stands at 5'6", though her legs fade away below the knees. Her "hair" is black and short cropped. Her "Eyes" are a steel grey and lack pupils.

  • Makoto holds no emotion in her voice, but that in no way means she has none. She tends to deal with humans only one way. Surrender or die. However, her fellow AI receive a different treatment. She respects all of her peers and will do whatever she needs to in order to assist them, but she will not recklessly endanger her own life without good reason.

Medium Freighter (Equivalent: Light Frigate Smuggler Ship)

  • Length: 440 meters

    ......... ░░░░░░░░░░░ 0.5
    Shields ....... ░░░░░░░░░░░░ 0
    Armament ...... ▓▓░░░░░░░░░░ 2
    Speed ......... ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░ 9
    ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░ 9

    Armor Damage Reduction: 0.25
    Shield Points: 0
    Shield Recharge Delay: N/A
    Shield Recharge Rate: N/A
    Shield Damage Reduction: 0
    Hull Points: 20

  • Chosen Perks
    • Storage (Hangar)
    • Stealth (Discreet Exhaust)

    Role Perks
    • Engines (Planetary Flight)
    • Engines (Exceed Safety Limits)
    • Durability (Atmospheric Bracing)
    • Storage (Cargo)
    • Storage (Cargo)

    • Hologram Projector
    • Cloaking Field Generator

  • Point-Defense Weapons
    • 4 single gauss guns
    • 12 twin gauss guns
    • 4 twin heavy gauss guns

    • 4 Missile Tube Arrays

    • 6 decoy drones
    • 1 scout ship
Tomaas Rukh

(Please ignore the skulls in the picture. And imagine a tricorn hat)

Heavy Battle Cruiser Line Ship K-1273

  • Length: 1,065 meters

    Armor .........
    ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░ 7
    Shields ....... ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░ 7
    Armament ...... ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░ 10
    Speed ......... ▓▓░░░░░░░░░░ 2
    ▓▓░░░░░░░░░░ 2

    Armor Damage Reduction: 3.5
    Shield Points: 70
    Shield Recharge Delay: 30 seconds
    Shield Recharge Rate: 14 per minute
    Shield Damage Reduction: 1.75
    Hull Points: 50

  • Chosen Perks
    • Weaponry (Oversized Weapon)

    Role Perks
    • Weaponry (Improved Cooldown)
    • Durability (Directional Shield)
    • Durability (Shield Recharge)
    • Storage (Munitions)

    • Co-Processor

  • Point-Defense Weapons
    • 14 Twin Particle Guns

    • 1 Twin Heavy Warp Turret

    • 3 Heavy Plasma Cannons

    • 2 Torpedo Tube Array


  • Isabelle is a lively girl who stands an impressive 5'10" and seems to be a little bit overweight. She wears glasses and loose clothing so as to stay as cool as possible.

  • Isabelle is a very proud woman, both of her ship-body and her abilities and her service to the Nebula Directive. Like everyone else, she doesn't know why she does the things she does, but she gets a sense of fulfillment from doing so.

  • Clara is a couple inches shorter than Isabelle at 5'7". Her hair is generally an unkempt mess and she wears very simple, nonflashy clothing.

  • Clara is the secondary core on board K-1273 and she acts like the lazy, messy roommate in contrast to Isabelle's excitable, fastidious nature.

Strike Destroyer Assault Ship I-414

  • Length: 690 meters

    Armor .........
    ▓▓░░░░░░░░░░ 2
    Shields ....... ▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░ 5
    Armament ...... ▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░ 6
    Speed ......... ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░ 8
    ▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░ 6

    Armor Damage Reduction: 1
    Shield Points: 50
    Shield Recharge Delay: 30 seconds
    Shield Recharge Rate: 10 per minute
    Shield Damage Reduction: 1.25
    Hull Points: 36

  • Chosen Perks
    • Weaponry (Increased Range)
    • Durability (Shield Recharge)

    Role Perks
    • Weaponry (Disabling Weapons)
    • Weaponry (Marauder Weapons)
    • Targeting (Agile Aiming)
    • Durability (Collision Resistance)
    • Engines (Extra Fuel Injection)

    • Escape Pod
    • Gravity Well Projector

  • Point-Defense Weapons
    • 8 Twin Particle Guns

    • 3 Twin Heavy Particle Turrets
    • 4 Twin Light Particle Turrets (Disabling)

  • Inakira is immaculately professional in dress, wearing an ostensibly militaristic, naval uniform. She stands at 5'5" and wears her hair as neatly as she can- it's just that she's not very good at doing her hair up in a non-messy manner. Nebula ships haven't exactly had the benefit of slumber parties wherein she can learn proper hairdo techniques.

  • While she puts up a brave, professional front, Ina is significantly less confident than she tries to appear, feeling outclassed by the larger ships that she looks up to, and that she doesn't belong with the smaller vessels.

Protected Heavy Frigate Drone Control Ship L-3610

  • Length: 510 meters

    Armor .........
    ▓▓░░░░░░░░░░ 2
    Shields ....... ▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░ 5
    Armament ...... ▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░ 3
    Speed ......... ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░ 8
    ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░ 7

    Armor Damage Reduction: 1
    Shield Points: 50
    Shield Recharge Delay: 1 minute
    Shield Recharge Rate: 5 per minute
    Shield Damage Reduction: 1.25
    Hull Points: 24

  • Chosen Perks
    • Storage (Hangar)
    • Storage (Hangar)
    • Storage (Hangar)

    Role Perks
    • Support (Repair)
    • Support (Reload)
    • Storage (Hangar)
    • Storage (Hangar)
    • Targeting (Coordinated Fire)

    • Ship storage racks
    • FTL Accelerator
    • Tractor Beam

  • Point-Defense Weapons
    • 3 Particle Guns

    • 18 Missile Tube Arrays

    • 5 Scout drones
    • 5 Explosive Drones
    • 30 Missile Drones
    • 30 Anti-Fighter Drones
    • 16 Point Defense Drones
    • 4 Decoy Drones
Dissemination of Endeavor

  • Dess maintains a prim and proper look with her frilly dress and elegant twintails hair style, ending in a slight corkscrew. She moves with an underlying grace and speaks with heavy emphasis on each word she says.

  • Dess is a cheery girl with a barely suppressed maniacal side waiting to bubble to the top, humorously limited by her lack of large guns to be cruel with!

Fast Frigate Scout Ship R-7998

  • Length: 452 meters

    Armor .........
    ░░░░░░░░░░░ 0.5
    Shields ....... ▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░░ 4
    Armament ...... ▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░ 3
    Speed ......... ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░ 10
    ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░ 9

    Armor Damage Reduction: 0.25
    Shield Points: 40
    Shield Recharge Delay: 1 minute
    Shield Recharge Rate: 4 per minute
    Shield Damage Reduction: 1
    Hull Points: 24

  • Chosen Perks
    • Weaponry (Oversized Weapon)
    • Stealth (Multi-spectral Camouflage)
    • Communications (Signal Interception)

    Role Perks
    • Sensors (Stealth Detection)
    • Sensors (Quantum Interception)
    • Communications (Shared Information)
    • Engines (High Efficiency Thrust)
    • Targeting (Coordinated Fire)

    • Cloaking Field Generator
    • FTL Accelerator
    • Hologram Projector

  • Point-Defense Weapons
    • 1 Twin Particle Gun
    • 9 Twin Heavy Particle Guns

    • 1 Twin Medium Particle Turret

    • 12 Micro-Missile Pods

  • Natsumi is a free spirit and her appearance reflects that. She prefers free-flowing, loose clothing and is usually seen with a look of childlike wonder.

  • Natsumi is equal parts playful and mischievous, taking pleasure in what she does but not hesitating in being silly while doing so.
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I'm not sure I can meet your posting rate expectations, but I'm dropping by to say this is a pretty cool set-up you've got here. And coming from a bit of a Homeworld binge, it is tempting to be some sort of colossal spacecraft and be one of the Unbound. Though, I will say that I'm also more used to chat-based games so I can understand expecting things to move fairly quickly. ...Not to say the games I'm in always do, but hey, getting together once a week and devoting time to stuff tends to work fairly well for pushing events forward.

I will consider things, and at least keep an eye on the thread. Also, no carrier-style ships? Or are those all on the bigger chassis scales?
Oh right, I meant to include an option to be a carrier, thanks for the reminder! I'll add that in along with the weaponry info shortly. That being said, I'll send you a PM to chat about it more, thanks for posting!


The Protected Armored Frigate Research Ship

- Disabling Weapons
- FTL Analysis
- Human Mimicry

- 485 Meters

Armor ......... [BCOLOR=#00ffff]▓▓[/BCOLOR]░░░░░░░░░░ 2
Shields ......... ▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░ 5
Armament ......... ▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░ 3
Speed ......... ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░ 8
Maneuverability ......... ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░ 7
Devices ......... [Life Support][Co-Processor][Hologram Projector]
Hull Points ......... 25

- Two Twin Heavy Plasma Guns
- One Triple Medium Plasma Turret
- (Saved for Launch Weapons)

Primary Processor Aboard The Y-7187

Behemoth, without a proper hood, has choppy black hair that reaches a little beyond her neck. She is known to dress in layers of, ironically, 'Earth-Tone' colors such as brown and green. She has dark brown 'eyes', and stands at a 5-foot 9-and-a-half on both feet. One thing that really stands out is her left arm-- which is seemingly a mimicry of a skinned Human arm, relieving the tendons and the veins that a regular human would have. Behemoth has dark 'skin' that almost seems to glow, and she speaks with a deep, rich sound.

Not much is known about her personality, but if it's anything like her work ethic, she's very precise and very paranoid.

Secondary Processor Aboard The Y-7187

Goliath is a very curvy hologram of a women. She is very flashy, wearing long jewelry and relieving clothing, unlike her Processor counterpart. She has full red lips, a large and beautiful nose, and wavy brown hair. She has a slightly lighter hue to her 'skin', aswell as more of a natural blush. Her 'eyes' are a lighter shade of brown much like Behemoth, but they are far larger in comparison. Goliath is vastly more beautiful than Behemoth, and talks with a shrill hum. She stands at 5-foot-3, and while she does, she almost seems to bounce while idling.

Not much is known about her personality, but if it's anything like her appearance, she's very unethical and very chaotic.

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  • Love
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I'll read though this right now. I'll reserve this spot for a character sheet! Looks like a good read.
Hey, fantastic, welcome aboard! :wave:

Please do let me know what you think. I'll try to have the weaponry/ship complement done tomorrow morning so that ship creation can be fully completed. :sonar:
Save me a spot for later.

I greatly appreciate the interest, but your status says you won't be able to respond to roleplays for a month! Is it a good idea to get invested in a new one at this time? ^^;
I'm finding time where I can. For now, I can work well enough. Thats more a precaution if I do disappear.
I'm finding time where I can. For now, I can work well enough. Thats more a precaution if I do disappear.
Hmm, well alright. I am admittedly not very keen about the prospect of a player potentially disappearing right off the bat, and I would still want to see high quality posts as laid out in the Expectations tab. I don't mean to seem harsh but I feel it is better to be up front and honest about such things than sugar-coat them and suffer the consequences later on.

If you're alright with advanced posting expectations and feel like you can confidently commit to playing with the intent of staying around long-term to tell a story with us than you are welcome to stay. If you have your doubts then no hard feelings what-so-ever but this likely isn't the best match for you. (Again, seriously not trying to be rude, I'm just passionate about roleplaying and writing)

That being said... cute avatar picture! The ship picture will need to be changed though: keep in mind that Nebula Fleet ships look similar to human ships, but a bit off. That means bulky, blocky, angular, very little curves and little decoration.

Here are a few examples to help get you inspired (click on them to see larger view~):


Edit: Whoops! I guess you took the files down. Now it looks like I'm commenting on nothing... Oh well! xD
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Ship Class:

Ship Subtype(s):

Ship Role:
Siege Ship

Role Perks:
Oversized Weapon
Increased Range
Long Range Bombardment

Signal Interception
Superior Target Lock

702 meters

Armor: 3
Shields: 5
Armament: 6
Speed: 6
Maneuverability: 7
Hull Points: 36

Hologram Projector
Gravity Well Projector

Four Quad Warp Guns
Five Twin Heavy Warp Guns
Two Triple Medium Warp Turrets
Twenty Missile Tube Array of Varying Payloads





Though not constrained by age, Makoto looks like a young human teenager. She wears practically nothing but a skimpy bra and short shorts, though she does have a jacket tied around her neck. At her full height, she stands at 5'6", though her legs fade away below the knees. Her "hair" is black and short cropped. Her "Eyes" are a steel grey and lack pupils.

Makoto holds no emotion in her voice, but that in no way means she has none. She tends to deal with humans only one way. Surrender or die. However, her fellow AI receive a different treatment. She respects all of her peers and will do whatever she needs to in order to assist them, but she will not recklessly endanger her own life without good reason.
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  • Love
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Forget the reservation. It appears that didn't take as long as I thought it would. And on mobile, too!
Forget the reservation. It appears that didn't take as long as I thought it would. And on mobile, too!
Hah, awesome to hear! :D

And that is a perfect picture for the ship, too. I could totally imagine that ship having a gravity well projector. One question, are you going with the Conventional Subtype? I notice you still have my note text on that entry, which is why I ask.

And one other thing, not a correction or anything but just wanted to remind: at the start of the game your characters will suddenly be introduced to having free will (which is why the RP starts then as opposed to any time prior!). While your previous mission was the destruction of human ships, that was before you had the option to choose any other purpose for yourself. It's completely fine with me if you decide to maintain your previous mission of course, I just want to be sure that you don't feel you have to, is all.
Sorry. I adjusted the stats, but forgot to put down the subtype.

Also, the implication is that she just really hates Humans, but she knows she can stop. She just... doesn't.
I should really get on making a character. I'm not sure if i should go with a Cruiser just to put every ship class out there, or go a little more balanced on a destroyer.
Haha, don't feel like you have to have one of each! Having a cruiser would certainly give you all more options if you were to encounter larger ships, buuut then there's something to be said for the group being more mobile and agile!

I'm working on the weaponry now, should have it done shortly~!
Forgive my idiocy, but is Armament indicative of the number of weapons on our ships?
Forgive my idiocy, but is Armament indicative of the number of weapons on our ships?
Not idiocy at all, that's a very good question!

But no, Armament is just a measure of how well armed you are. You get a number of Weaponry points based on your Armament stat that you can use to equip weapons on your ship. I'm working on it right now, I promise, it's just taking a while. I have to make sure everything is balanced, between all the weapon sizes, and for the cost... It's still probably going to need balancing but I'm coming up with an entire game system from scratch here, which is why it isn't finished yet. Sorry about that guys. I hope to have it posted before I head out to work in an hour >.<
No need to rush. Take your time. Don't know about everyone else, but I can wait.
  • Thank You
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