After the Last Age OOC

Well, think it's everybody's turn to react to their new teammate. @Quakernuts, I have an idea for how to get you in a more appropriate body, but I'm too tired to go into it tonight. Will bring it up to you tomorrow and I want you to let me know what you think.
I'll be posting today sometime, although I'm not entirely sure when. Probably later in the afternoon
@QuiteContrary? Said you were posting. @Mythy the Dragon-Wolf's Cardinal might be the best candidate for cutting Serah loose, as he's got the most experience with blades.

Also, been thinking of specific episodes or storylines for each of your characters. @Ur Degaton, there can be one where Sam's mechanical skills are utilized by a particular group they come across, and he starts to think they appreciate him more than the team does. Of course it ends with him and the team even closer and the town/tribe whatever...haven't decided what to do with them. For @QuiteContrary, the scene where you felt embarrassed by Noemi's superior bust has inspired me to make you central to a plot I was already going for involving a villainess obsessed with beauty and perfection to horrifying degrees. @Quakernuts the new body we discussed giving your character is already the setup for Serah's own storyline in the future in an Old West-style town.

@Mythy the Dragon-Wolf, @RedArmyShogun and @EmperorsChosen I'm struggling at the moment to come up with individual stories with your characters as the focus. Noemi I might have something with her militant and orderly personality being abused by a charismatic villain claiming to try and restore order to this messed up world. And the only thing I can think of for Cardinal is some sort of combat tournament to free a group of basically slaves and the others can't fight because guns are considered cheating in the arena. Hm...
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I've just posted lol we could totally have a brainstorm sesh. I friggin love brainstorming
Well, I don't want to give away too much of the plots I have in mind, but what do you guys think of the ideas? You all have any others you'd like to suggest?
I'll give you feed back once I see what all's happening, but the military angle is what I considered as well, maybe even something like the Enclave, but no way they would still be around 5k years later. Someone calling on her urge to duty and command would be suitable, or even her trying to make the situation orderly herself and taken on the mantle of command from ancient contingencies would sound realistic for her I guess.
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Alright, so I believe I'm waiting on Ur Degaton to do whatever he's going to do, being the mechanic and all then I will post again (Depending on whether Quiet One wants to post before I do).
Also need @Mythy the Dragon-Wolf. Again, Mythy, your character is best equipped to cut him from his bonds.
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It'll be short and sucky but I'll try
Everyone hug Mythy!
Will get one out tomorrow, promise. Though now that the roots are cut I don't have too much to do
Can help cut the roots, aid in pulling off the mushrooms, maybe point out how you've lost so much of your memory you don't even know your own name. There's lots you can do.
@Quakernuts, good post, but I did mention in OOC before that it's not cryopods. It's more a forced hibernation that slows their functions. Like a heartbeat per year or something.
So you guys waiting on me? Reread, and it looks like Quaker wants to hear from one of the rest of you, but I can move us forward later tonight if that's what you're all waiting for.
I would just continue it likely, the mechanic already decided to take it with him.
Okay. Will try to get a post in at some point today. At latest, tomorrow.
I've been having some personal problems, so I'm sorry for not bringing us forward yet. You guys still interested?