Adventure and Fortune Await

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"Oh, I hadn't meant to offend you!" Nai'a says, ears and tails perked to show how worried she was. "I just meant, that, you know... you don't know much. No offense to that either. It's not a bad thing. You're very young for a dragon, aren't you?" she asked and then smiled. "Don't worry. We will learn new things together on our journey."
"It's okay, it just sounded like an offense." he replies, looking down at his fish a bit sad, eating another fish. "D-Do you have a family?" Tynebris stutters. "I am younger than most other dragons that live in my situation." he adds still stuttering. The dragon's tail stopped wagging, his head almost touching the ground on the floor. Furthermore, his eyes are half closed.
Nai'a watched as the dragon's entire being and attitude droop. She felt bad for triggering this sort of event, but at least he was willing to speak about it. "Uh, no. I don't have any family." She said, not giving any sort of explanation before changing the subject back to him. "What do you mean your situation?" she asked softly, finishing her fish and moving a bit closer to the dragon, wanting to rest a hand on his head. She was older than him by a year.
"I lost my parents." he replies quietly. "I ran away afterwards." Tynebris adds, getting quieter the more he speaks. "Gone, forever." he says, closing his eyes completely. His last fish lying in front of his snout, jumping wildly. However, Tyne ignores the fish, letting it fight till the end. He turns completely silent, his wings drooped to the ground. His head-earfins drooped too. The dragon, once full of energy, just releases a sigh and turns silent again. "I miss them." he whispers, moaning about the past.
When Tynebris finished, Nai'a smiled empathetically. She laid a gentle palm on his snout, her crimson eyes soft as she looked into his. "I lost my parents as well. They were murdered in a raid when I was only six, and I've been on my own since then. You are not alone, dragon."
Tynebris smiles a bit. "I'm sorry to hear that, Nai'a. I don't think you deserve such a cruel start in your life." he mutters, still a bit upset and sad from the current topic. "I hope neither of us will die in our adventure." the dragon says, a bit frightend by the thought of dying.
"We won't!" Nai'a exclaimed confidently. "Maybe there will be a few scares... but that's part of it all! It's adventure, it's freedom. It's life! A life outside this town." She threw the rest of her fish away towards the bank of the river.
"So no dying at all? Just getting hurt? That is all on the negative side?"he asks, his mood improving again. Eventually Tynebris finishes his last fish and says happily: "I am ready!"
"I suppose so," she laughed lightly. When the dragon announced he was ready, she grinned and went to his side. "Excellent! Is it fine if I ride you?" she asked, her fingers running over the smooth black scales. "We will travel more quickly if we fly."
"Do you really need to ride me? I dont really like it when someone rides my back" he says a bit shocked and looks at her. "I don't like it when people touch my scales for long, it irritates my senses." Tynebris adds.
"Oh!" Nai'a pulled her hand back from his scales quickly. "Sorry. Well, then, uh... we can just walk then, unless you want to fly above me." She offered a slight smile, though she was a bit disappointed. She wanted to know what it was like to fly a dragon, to be so high in the air and have the wind rushing around you. But she would respect his boundaries, and she hoped that maybe it was because he was so young that he didn't like to be mounted.

"Well, let's move then," she said and began walking east as they originally agreed on.
"Do you know what lies east? I never went in that direction before, are there many tree? Animals bigger than rats? More fish? Other fish with different names?" the curious dragon asks, barely even grasping for air, just asking, asking and more asking. His curiosity seems to know no bound. "Do you think we will meet more demons of your kind, or other dragons?" he asks even more.
Nai'a giggled to the dragon at his excitement. "I say that we will come across many things and many people. I haven't explored out of this town, so I only know as much as you do. Leave it to the adventure to tell us," she grinned.
"The adventure can speak?" the dragons asks, tilting his head, not getting the phrase. "That sounds scary, an adventure speaking, I never knew adventures can speak." he adds, standing still and looks at Nai'a. "I don't want the adventure to tell us bad things." Tynebris says frightened, shivering a bit.
Nai'a paused when Tynebris did and looked to him before smiling warmly once more. This young dragon had a lot to learn. "Don't worry, dragon. You will soon learn what I mean. Come," she said and started leading once more, moving graciously and wild-like with a sense of stealth just as a leopard would.
Tynebris continues following her, though at first he doesn't understand why her movements changed. "Why are you moving differently now?" the young dragon asks, having his head tilted a bit while still following Nai'a. He tries to copy her movements and lowers his position, sneaking as if he is trying to get ready to make a surprise attack, ... on nothing. "I do this when I approach a prey, but I see nothing to attack." the dragon says. Not even a second after giving his reason he stops sneaking and stands normally on his four legs.
Nai'a cocks a brow in puzzlement as she looks back to her new acquaintance. She watched him closely, laughing lightheartedly at his mimic of her movements before he returned to his natural position.

"This is just my natural gait," she answered. "I was cautious around you at first because I didn't know you. But this is how I walk normally. Because I'm half cat, remember?" she asked, swishing her tail.
"Oh, so because you are a half cat you walk differently compared to humans." he replies. "That is interesting. Do you also run differently, eat differently? Sleep differently? Jump differently?" the young dragon interogates friendly. "So many interesting things, are there more interesting things ahead of us that our adventure will ... tell us?" he asks, shivers frightend by the thought of the adventure speaking.
"Correct," Nai'a affirmed when Tynebris gave reason to her different walking. When he started asking more questions, she continued to smile and walk, not minding all the questions. "I have certain abilities that humans don't. I act like a feline sometimes. I can jump higher, I have more agility, more stamina. More stealth. I like to nap and am actually pretty nocturnal. But I don't eat differently.

"There are definitely more interesting things ahead of us. There are infinite interesting things," she grinned. "You will learn some, I will learn some, we will learn some together. That is all part of the adventure."
"I like the night." Tynebris replies as she said she is pretty nocturnal. "I can't wait to find out all the secrets from our adventure, I want to know all of it!" the dragon claims in a firm tone. Suddenly he sits down and pulls in his wings. "Let's fly, that is faster." the young dragon says, as he lowers his wings, offering her to hop on.
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