Academy of the Rose

Alandria had watched the display with wide eyed fascination. When offered the chance to touch it, she traced it with her finger tips before poking at the space between his hand and the water just to make sure. And then it was a ice ball and then water and then back in the bowl. The young woman couldn't help it. She started to giggle like a child that had just been shown a magic trick.

"You are really talented Kyle, that was beautiful." the young woman said before looking away and back at the ground. Then she jerked upright as a ringing filled the otherwise silent cabin. Her back was as straight as a log as she pulled a phone out of a hidden pocket in her skirt. She winced as she broke the skin of her lip where she'd bitten it to stop from laughing a moment before. She stared at it for a moment and then silenced it and shoved it brutally back in the hidden pocket.

"So you are a water elemental, with a speciality of water and wind. Wouldn't it be simpler to study earth instead of fire, your opposite? The way I see it--" she started to say before her phone went off again. She closed her eyes as if trying not to scream in frustration before reaching into her pocket and silencing it once again. "The way I see it, wouldn't it be easier to try the two that aren't your opposite?" This time she kept her hand in her pocket and silenced the phone the instant it began to ring. He'll stop calling eventually. She set her jaw and did not relax as her fingers found the silence button and stayed on it.
Her laugh was contagious causing Kyle to break up in a chuckle, when she let loose like that it was like she changed, her face lit up in a way that made her more beautiful, intrigued Kyle decided to try and make her laugh more often. Then a sound filled the small cabin, a mobile phone, Alandria tensed up instantly, curious, Kyle wondered who the caller could be when she blatantly ignored it like that but it was not his buisness to pry though maybe he'd aske her some other time. "You're right it would be easier to just learn earth or maybe combine my elements to get something else, but in the end I've found that it's much more your element that chooses you." He said, pondering over a way to explain how it worked as Alandria's phone rang again, but she kept silencing it and kept tensing up as well. "When I first learned it was water I was born with I was a tad surprised as I, as a kid wanted to control fire, the same it was with my second element, I was torn between earth and wind but in the end it was wind that I got stuck with. So who nows whenever I learn a third element, if I get skiled enough for that, what it may be." Curious himself over what he may learn later on. "I will always be most familiar with water though, and I wear a sapphire to hold a connection to water all the time, when I was young I used to concentrate on the necklace to help me focus, back then I had no one to instruct me after all."

Suddenly he noticed that Henry was not there anymore, one look over the kitchen told Kyle that the gardener wasn't in there now, of course he could be in another room but Kyle suspected he was with his beloved roses, using his earth and water powers to nourish them and make them grow. Sometimes he wondered if Henry would ever leave his garden or other vegetation on the academy in case he wasn't in need of sleep or food, flowers seemed to be the old man's entire life. Snapping his attention back to the girl he smiled and continued. "This academy is perfect for us with...powers, except normal subjects we have tailored classes dpending on our skills so we can learn to use and control ourselves, that's why this place is so important, and guarded closely."
Alandria's hands froze over the necklace she had been playing with with one hand. She had found it near the pond, and he said he wore a sapphire. Her cheeks blushed and she put the necklace quickly on the table. "Is this your sapphire? I'm sorry, I found it and it was so pretty that I didn't think it would be--Oh dear." she said, looking down at her hand--her other was still in the pocket silencing the repetitive ring. "I'm going to take this, I'll be right back." She said, glad to have a reason to leave before she became any more flustered. She rose from her chair clumsily, almost tripping over the table legs, before righting herself with a sheepish grin and fleeing to the outside air. It was cool and very easily cleared her mind of the silly fantasies that she had for a moment let herself believe in.

She pulled the phone out and looked at the call id one more time. She could quiet it. She could also flee from this embarrassing situation. Closing her eyes she hit the silence button again and leaned against the house, sagging a little. A school for anyone with a power? What had she gotten herself into? She didn't need to answer the phone to know what the man on the other side would say. "Come home now or I'll beat you again." she said with a hoarse laugh before pushing herself up and looking at the sky, as if she could see the answer to her question there.
"You don't have to apologize..." he started saying, before Alandria continued speaking before leaving to finally take her call. Looking after the flustered girl Kyle picked up his necklace and fastened it around his neck, the familiar feeling making him feel more whole, no matter how strange that sounded, he sat inside for a bit waiting for Alandria to finish her call. Wondering again who it was that made her so nervous, so he had a strong curiousity, he'd always been like that, whatever happened no matter that it didn't concern Kyle he would still be more intrigued that the persons involved and didn't easily give up either. Standing up Kyle headed for the kitchen to get a glass of water but to get there he had to pass by the door, he stopped as he heard a voice outside, muffled but undoubtedly Alandria's, though why on earth she would be saying something like that he had no idea.

His insatiable curiousity took over and he opened to door instead, stepping out on the porch, cool air greeted him and in the darkening sky faint stars was starting to come out, it would take some time more though for the moon and stars to manage to light up the sky. "I hope you don't think I'm snooping," he said as he saw her beside the door. "I couldn't help but hear you though. Is everything alright?" He asked softly, not wanting to pry but also wanting to show her he was there if she needed a friend.
Alandria spun to look at the young man before laughing nervously, reaching up to scratch the back of her head. "Um, everything's fine. Just my father wanted me home a while ago. He's very," She paused as if trying to figure out an appropriate term. "It's like you and fire. He's fire, and the rest of the family is water. He gets very controlling, especially when alcohol is added to his fire." She supposed that it was a tad bit simplified, but she wasn't going to be found complaining about something she didn't have control over. She was still a minor, if only for another half-year. She put on a brace smile and stretched a little.

"I want to thank you for saving me, twice it would seem. Is there anything I can do to repay you?" the young human asked before stepping off the porch so that she stood under the rising moon. "Please, if there is anything I can do for you, tell me." She was trying to be nice. After all, this young man had not only saved her life from a whirlwind and a crazy neck biter, but had also let her in on a secret larger than anyone could imagine. She'd also gotten to keep her job!
Though nodding and seemingly accepting her explanation Kyle wondered to himself how much of her situation she toned down and how much was true, if it had been him he knew for sure he wouldn't speak of anything of his family openly to a stranger. "You don't need to give me anything, your thanks is enough," Kyle said, smiling to Alandria as she stepped off the porch. "And if you haven't been scared off by now I'd like to meet you again, off the school grounds if you don't want to risk any teacher or worker seeing you straying from work."

Kyle noticed the dark silhouette of Henry checking his bushes for the night, not particulary worried over him overhearing them, and if he did the gardener was one of the more reasonable off the academy's staff who didn't take their secret to the extreme, as shown when he'd saved Alandria instead of just letting her die to get rid of an eye witness. "It would probably be safer for you to not be here after dark in any case though." Kyle said, not sure how many other new students there were who didn't really have their power under control.
Alandria tilted her head and blushed softly. "Would I have offered you a reward if I had been scared off Kyle? You know for an elemental, you are kind of silly." she teased, trying to get out of the bad mood that her father's calling had set down on her. She looked back when she heard the sounds of a person walking around, her blue eyes darkening with suspicion until she saw that it was only the nice gardener. Then she turned back and tried to smile. "If you leave a message at the front desk I'll be coming back around tomorrow afternoon, you can pick were we meet. I-" she paused and looked down, thinking about what words would convey what she wanted him to know.

"I feel like I can come to trust you Kyle, for all that you aren't one hundred percent normal. I hope," another hesitation, "I hope that we can be friends, despite the differences; despite me being a rather boring human girl with exceptionally bad luck at attracting attention."

Alandria smiled up at him and then nodded, "You won't have to worry about me wandering around at night though. i doubt I'll really be given the chance--not that I would want a repeat of the attack--though a repeat of you saving me a third time would be kind of humorous." She was rambling and she knew it. Closing her eyes she smiled and raised a hand in a goodbye before turning to start off. She went slower than she would normally have since she didn't want to trip and make a fool of herself. That, would be absolute humiliation for the girl.
Chuckling at her words as he listened to her Kyle pondered for a moment. "I'm glad," He said sincerely. "I'm sure we can be friends, I would not have told you this much without trusting you either." She seemed brighter now than she'd been when her father had called, he prefered her like this, with a smile on her face, then again Kyle disliked any kind of anger and negative feelings though he was not above fighting to protect if need be as he'd almost been forced to do tonight. "And although I barely know you I'm certain that you are not boring," he added with his askew smile. "I'm sure it's alright to meet in the garden agian if you want," Kyle offered. This being one of his favourite places to be in, the calm and peaceful area with the roses giving off their faint yet lovely aroma. "Though if you feel like being careful of your boss we can meet outside, well outside the school's borders they can't hinder us from meeting normal people," he said. Not noticing how strange it must feel for Alandria when he spoke of others as normal humans.

"Well, I actually like being a saviour," he said with a chuckle and a humourus glint in his grey eyes. "Though I too would prefer you not being attacked again." Waving back at Alandria Kyle said good night to Henry before heading back to his small room. Spending some hours finishing his homework for his elemental and history class the next day, watching the moon through his window he found his thoughts going to Alandria, hoping she made it home in one piece and that her father wouldn't be furious with her for staying out late. Shaking off those thoughts Kyle watered his plants, and the rose, using his powers as always and put in a CD with soft piano music in his portable steroe before changing and going to bed.
Alandria left the campus and wandered back towards her house--a good hour's walk from the campus, though only a fifteen to twenty minute bus ride. She looked up at th emoon and thought about all the things that had happened. It seemed that the further she got from the school the sillier it all seemed. But then she remembered Kyle's smile and words and she found herself reliving it all again. It wasn't that she was in love with him, but it had been one of her more happier parts of the week and she didn't want to lose it. She was determined to make a better impression the next time they met--if they met.

When she arrived home, she slipped in without notice and hid out in her room so as to not bring her father's attention. She almost made it too. She went to bed sometime around midnight, wincing as the pillow pressed against a tender cheek. Setting her jaw, unwilling to cry, less she be heard by the ungrateful man, Alandria looked out her window and counted the stars, making a different wish on everyone until she fell asleep.

The next day the girl found herself doing her daily ritual--shower, make-up, cover-up, accept her father's ridicule for being out so late and 'worrying' him, leave the house to go to school. She hung out until her shift at the other school began. She found herself wishing that she would in some way able to meet Kyle again. As she entered the school's office, she looked around and found herself noticing small things that she never would have before--the secretary played with a small rock as she did her work which seemed to shift and change as she kneaded it, but was once again solid when she put it down; another worker seemed to stay out of direct sunlight, even if it took him three times as long to get to where he needed to go. Were they also the kinds of people that Kyle had talked about?
After breakfast with his classmates in the dorm kitchen where they had plenty fun in the kitchen using many of their abilities to prepare the food, despite what others may think it actually took longer time than the traditional way as they played more than worked. Going through school as normal and finished off his day with the practical test of his elemental class that he went to with Drew and a handful of other students, in the academy it was a mixed plethora of people and not overly many had the same powers or were of the same race so classes wasn't as full as in normal schools except for the standard subjects. On his way to his last class Kyle stopped by into the reception and left a note to Alandria before hurrying to his Math class.


I'll be at the garden all afternoon.


As the last class rang out Kyle headed to the rose garden as always, to the pond in the back his usual spot for thinking and training. Seating himself by the water he calmed his mind and imagined the water in his hand, the cool touch against his skin, how it moved on his command and the soft pressure against his skin when he froze it till ice and it melted from his body heat. This was how he had begun to learn manipulating water and he still used the same mantra in the back of his head without really needing it anymore. Without moving a muscle the water rose from the pond and pooled in Kyle's open palm, moving his right arm in a low arch the water rocked with his movement until it rocked over his hand creating a small waterfall but he caught the water before it touched the ground and pulled it upwards, through the air to a rosebush where he spread the water out with large, smooth archs with both arms, the flat sphere with water loosened by his command and a soft rain fell over the bush, dusting it with droplets and dampening the earth. Satisfied Kyle brushed his brown hair from his eyes and turned to the pool once more.
"That was rather beautiful."

Alandria walked out from where she had been watching behind a bush. She had received his message and had decided that it wouldn't hurt going to see him and confirm that it wasn't all just a dream. Today she had worn another skirt--this one a light blue with a white shirt. She had even put a small clip in her hair that would keep any of her short locks from falling into her face, though she was really wishing she could let them slide in front of her scar right about now.

"May I join you?" She asked, hanging back at the break in the bushes that led to the pool. The young human didn't want to bother him if he was busy studying or practicing. She had been eagerly awaiting the break that would allow her to run off to the garden. "I mean if you aren't too busy and wouldn't mind the company." Her eyes noticed small things--how the pool seemed to be making small waves towards him like it was eager to get at him, how the flowers seemed to perk up so much after being touched by the water he'd summoned from the pool, how the droplets created a miniature rainbow over the bush.
Slightly surprised by the voice Kyle looked back over his shoulder to see Alandria stand there, he'd been concentrating so hard that he hadn't even heard her come. "Of course, and thank you, but it's mostly the water's doing I'm just controling it while the water itself add such a beautiful touch to all it rests on or above." He said, a smile dawning in his face, throwing his arm in a wide arch over the space beside him, small water droplets followed his hand and rained down into the pond again allowing Alandria to have a dry spot. "I'm just playing around, Mrs. Erlington would probably be furious if she caught me jsut playing when I could study, but that's a fire and earth affinity for ya' always so stubborn and prone to anger outbursts." He said the last with a slight sarcastic grin to show Alandria it wasn't a too serious presentation of the old teacher.

"Are you doing alright after last night? It can't be easy learning all this and then come bach the next day seeing it is really true and not a dream," he couldn't really put himself in her position but it was what he imagined it could feel like. Resting his hand slightly in the pool's clear, cool water pushing and pulling softly like the moon affecting the tides, it wasn't quite a concious move Kyle just like water, the feel of it and could play with it for hours on end without tiring, in the real world he'd be seen as obsessive, or even mentally challenged maybe but here it was natural to be with your element.
"I'm," she hesitated as she tried to think of a word. "Managing I suppose." Alandria wrapped her arms around herself and walked forward to stand next to him. She stood there for a few moments before she felt like a fool and slowly sat, wrapping her skirt around her. "It is strange. I mean, I keep wondering if this person or that person has powers and if so, what kind are they. I mean, it's not that I'm scared or anything. I find it rather interesting actually--minus the neck biting that is."

She laughed and shook her head before leaning forward to trace her fingers over the water. She jerked her hand back when she felt the coolness of the pool and shook her head as a smile grew. "I don't see how you can do it, put your hand in the water like that. It's so cold." She shook her head and wiped her hand on her skirts. "Or does being able to control water make the temperature not matter?"

Her eyes, which had been somewhat guarded the night before, had opened somewhat when she asked her questions. The young woman didn't let her gaze land on the young man for more than a few seconds. Instead she let her gaze wander from him tot he water, to the bush that had been 'rained on'.
"Well, yes, elemental powers do give you some immunity to your element. But a strong fire can still burn you, wind might blow you away and earth may swallow you, it's all about concentration." Kyle said trying to explain a feeling his kind were born with. "If I randomly stick my hand in water I feel the temperature but I can also use my powers to shut away the cold though it will still affect my body eventually. But right now I enjoy the cool feeling of the water, I've always liked colder water more than most people I've ever known." It was an unusaul feeling to explain this to a normal human, but at the same time Kyle admired her calmness and acceptance of all this. "You know you're very interesting Alandria. Others may have run off screaming last night already but you even came back here," Kyle said, smiling at her. He wondered if her reason for staying was something more than just interest or if she refused to quit because she had no choice. Shaking his head slightly he laughed inside himself, he always read too deeply into things and he was way too curious, only his mother's polite upbringing had hindered him from asking her straight out.

"You know all that work here except you have some kind of power," he said. "Most are humans though, just humans with some kind of power like me. But we do have some stranger students here as you can recall I take it." Vampires were one of those other races that always had a hard learning curve until they could co exist with humans with ease, but when they did it was almost impossible to discern one from a human, they didn't have long sharp fangs like in the books and movies but they could elongate their canines when hunting that was the reason a vampire was so hard to spot, but other races was sometimes equally hard to tell apart from humans. Now a days in a time without magic those with powers had learned to blend in well.

"So have you guessed anything about the people you work with here?" Kyle asked eagerly, interested in knowing how much she had spotted, he picked up his hand from the pool, the water on his skin dripping off like water of a goose before he casually shook his head to remove his bangs from his eyes.
Alandria nodded as she listened to the explanation. "So even if you are a person that can user water you can still get hypothermia or drown," She said to clarify it for her before he called her interesting and she couldn't help but flick her eyes at him again, a calm smile mounting itself onto her features.

"I think the only reason I'm not running away is because I always wished that things like this were real. it would mean that there were more than just religion or science to explain things. That and I've seen scarier things than a man my age make it rain over a single bush or create an icicle." She was looking away from him now, thinking over the night before, "Or having someone try to bite my neck." She reached up and ran her finger down her scar, forgetting that there was make-up there to cover up the bruise from her father's anger. She was lost in thinking about all this new information that she didn't notice the make-up that was rubbing off on her finger until she pulled it away. Wincing at the sight of it, she turned her head so that the area that had been reveal was not easily seen by the young man. She even went as far as to take the clip out of her hair and let some of the hair fall forward.

"So I'm the only one without a power here? That is kind of intimidating I suppose. The people I work with? I think one of them can control the earth--I think. I always see her with a rock and if you watch the rock it looks like it's changing shape in her hand. I don't know though because I only started to notice it today. Yesterday I just thought it was some kind of optical illusion. Oh! And there's this young man that never really goes into sunlight--I noticed that today too," she said thoughtfully, though there was excitement hidden in her words, like she was exploring a new world.
"I guess so," Kyle said slowly to Alandria. Wondering just what a teenage girl could have seen that was worse than having a vampire wanting you for snack, he looked at her, at her scar more correctly, she was rubbing over it and he swore he could see dark skin beneath the make up that came off but she let her hair shield his view before he could make sure. It looked very much like a bruise to him and she couldn't have got it at the academy, Kyle's eyes narrowed slightly. But he answered her statement instead of demanding answers.

"Yeah, Claire's an earth spirit. It's very much like an elemental but not really human though, she has powers over all things in the earth, rocks, earth, mud, flowers things like that. And I'm willing to bet my powers on the man you saw was a vampire, they don't burn to a crisp like in the legends but it is a nasty experience for them anyhow and they get tired when there's too much light and they get sunburned easily." He smiled slightly at that, if she payed attention Alandria would find many different people at the academy, even those she may not even have heard of in legends. "I'm glad I'm an elemental though, I'm still human, although one with powers, but I and others like me we can blend in unlike others that are other species entirely those have it tough."

He cast another look at her from the side, nawing slightly on his bottom lip, a bad habit that he couldn't get rid off. "Alandria, are you really okay? Is someone hurting you?"
Alandria was used to the Question. It came from teachers and strangers alike and she had learned early on that it was best to tell a white lie rather than bring the wrath down on her father. At least here she would be able to distract him with a different topic than to lie. After all, he barely knew her, and she barely knew him. It would be easy to bring up another topic, right?

She smiled brightly over at Kyle, "So there are other types of people, besides the ones that you just described? What kind of species are there? Do they all come here, or are there places like this all over the earth?" They were questions that the young woman wanted to know, but they served a different purpose as well. She shifted in her seat so that she could sit closer to the water, her eyes on the liquid as she spoke. She bent over it and traced a finger along it, as if she wished it would do things for her like it did for Kyle. Only, when she saw her reflection, she sat back and looked back over at Kyle, waiting for his answers. She noticed a cute little thing where he was nibbling his bottom lip and couldn't help but smile a little. It was nice to see that young women weren't the only ones to do that. Alandria had the urge to reach over and stop him before he bit right through it, but instead she just fiddled with her hair clip, her eyes falling to look at that instead.

((Hope your New Years went well ^^))
She was avoiding the question and he let her, after all they'd met only yesterday it was nosy to ask so intimate questions so soon but if she thought he would forget it all together she was wrong, he'd just wait for a better opportunity. "Of course there is," he said, answering her bright smile with one of his one though a determined glint still resided in his grey eyes. "There's many, and many come to schools just like this one, there aren't too many of them, a few on most continents but it's a great place for us to learn control and to get in contact with others like us. For examples there is, except elementals and vampires, all kinds of spirits, shapeshifters, witches, warlocks, werewolves, faeries and even old beings from greek myth and such, they have all learned to hide their true form so they can fit in on Earth and live their lives in peace." Kyle said, he himself wasn't certain of how many different creatures was out there or how many that had been wiped out by man or other creatures.

"Of course not all of them are cuddly and kind but the same goes the other way around, not all vampires are evil for example, likewise with werewolves, it's all about how much will power and determination they have, like all humans are not good or evil and many are in between, yet," Kyle said and raised his hand. "What would humans think by only seeing this?" He continued as water rose to his palm, only to splash down again when he lowered his arm again. "I don't think humanity is able to handle some of the more, different, creatures hiding in the shadows, but maybe one day we can all coexist."


Pretty good, not much barking this year (or last year maybe:P) even, I hope you had a good time as well:D
"I hope to be there when that day happens," Alandria said with a smile his way. "There'll always be those that are frightened. The only way to prove to them that it isn't anything to fear is to take the first step and help out in some way. I can think of many ways that you could make friends." She looked down at her lap and blushed. "I mean, I am a idealist, and that'll never change, but I do hope that someday you'll be able to help others with your gift. I would love to see a day like that occur."

She understood what he meant though--in realistic terms. There would be a day long from then when all the different peoples could live together. But it wouldn't be any time soon. She could already imagine the insanity that would occur if these creatures appeared in the outside world all of a sudden. No one would trust one another. It had to happen slowly. And there was little she or her fellow friend here could do except wish and hope. "I'd like to meet different species I think. I mean I know it's all against the rules and everything, but it would be interesting. Werewolves and vampires and faeries, they all sound so exotic. Well I suppose I met a vampire last night, though I do feel a bit sorry for the poor lad. I mean it was kind of my fault that he got into that trouble with you and Mr. Henry," she rambled, smiling out at the water. "I was walking in an unfamiliar place when I was told to go straight home by my boss. If anyone is to blame for that fiasco last night it's me. Which reminds me, are you sure you don't want anything for saving me twice in one day besides to meet up with me sometimes? I really do owe you." She was nervous. It showed with her rambling. She just couldn't help it. She wasn't going to lie and say that she was completely fine with the idea of all sorts of creatures out there--it made her nervous and excited and eager to meet others.


Barking? xD That sounds interesting. :) Mine was all right.
Kyle smiled, a bit sadly but sincerely. "So would I but I doubt it will happen during my life time, maybe some of the vampires or faeries will see it though?" He liked her view of things, it was a refreshing ideal from most humans he'd met, to see the world realistically yet with hope and an open mind. "Well to help people outside the school would have to be in secret, but maybe with all the new interest in the supernatural and the modern humans it will be easier for them to see the truth then a few hundred years ago."

"It may be forbidden on school grounds for humans to see our secret but outside they have no authority to stop us, so if you happened to meet my friends out in the town then they can't say anything," Kyle smile, a bit of deviousness in his face. "And the vampire from last night, he was a new student, one who hasn't learned self control yet, with determination vampires can resist the blood lust just like humans can resist their cravings for a favourite snack or food, it harder I hear but fully possible." One of his teachers were a vampire and he coexisted with humans perfectly so far as Kyle knew, but there was also cover ups happening, the academy took care off all the accidents when their students or ex students messed up. "Well it was a bad idea," Kyle agreed, chuckling slightly. "But it isn't all your fault, that guy is here to learn and no matter if it's his first month here he should know better." Kyle was glad elementals were just like humans though with power, it would suck being another species entirely, to be utterly different and dangerous to humanity and with such a limited chance to find a partner with the hope that it would actually work, even if a cross species relationship worked out fine many, like vampires and faeries lived far longer than humans.

"I honestly don't need anything from you," he assured her. "I wouldn't know what to ask for either, but if you want lets save it as a possible future favour or something, if I'm ever in trouble?"


It's our dogs that would bark but those we have now isn't as spooked by fireworks as our older dogs were:) the worse part is that if one starts the other will follow>.<