About time I used one of these...



The entrance of the castle is still in an old romantic style with a huge staircase and the red carpet. On the direct left you will find the diner room as well as the kitchen, on the right you will find the living room. If you continue through the white door left of the staircase you will be brought to the Exercise Basement. Here you will find the Gym as well as the Pool. Behind the white door on the right of the staircase you will find the stairs that will lead to the Entertainment Basement. It holds both the Bar, Lounge and Club as well as the Cinema room.

If you follow the stairs upwards you can chose for the Left Wing or the Right Wing. However it will not be much of a difference. On both sides you will find two bedrooms, then a staircase towards the second floor, two more bedrooms and at the end a bathroom. The staircase of the Left Wing will lead you towards the Library and the staircase of the Right Wing leads to the Spell Training Room as well as the Duel Room.
Dining Room and Kitchen



Living Room




Exercise Basement




Entertainment Basement





Left Wing Bedroom One


Left Wing Bedroom Two


Left Wing Bedroom Three


Left Wing Bedroom Four


Left Wing Bathroom



Right Wing Bedroom One


Right Wing Bedroom Two


Right Wing Bedroom Three


Right Wing Bedroom Four


Right Wing Bathroom





Spell Training and Duel Room


  • Love
Reactions: junebug

Christopher Nast
Second Council Member of the Sorcerers
Heir to the Nast Cabal

Location: On the Phone, Living room

Mention: Cortez Cabal

Converstation: Bodyguard, Troy // Mister Johnson

The tinted windows of the Mercedes showed the fairytale landscape outside, yet the male couldn't care less about the beauty around him. His mind was set on more important matters than this stupid Council Meeting. The solution to the problem was so simple, just find the rebels and kill them. There problem solved and it would be a clear warning to anyone else getting such stupid ideas. Yet of course the Council didn't want to take such 'drastic and dramatic' measurements. They had to act in a 'civil and humane' way. Civil and humane didn't work with these kind of people. However this Council Meeting was not the only thing that had him annoyed as he waited for one very important phone call. "House has been found empty, Sir." The voice of the bodyguard next to him came sudden through the silence and the male pulled his gaze from the window. "Of course. Did they honestly think he would sit around and wait?" There was a sarcastic tone in his dark voice. The fact that the house had been empty did truly not surprise him, the fact that these fools still believed they could run from the Nast Cabal did surprise him however as he shook his head. "Find the rat. I doubt he can be far." And with that he dismissed the conversation as his gaze went towards the window again.

He had been right. He was always right. By the time they took the turn to the long road that would lead to the Neuschwanstein Castle, his cell phone rung. "Christopher Nast." He simply said, before listening to the party on the other side of the phone. He couldn't really care less about how they had found their target or in what state as long as he was still alive enough to be talked to. "Put him on the phone," He simply demanded halfway through the story of his SWAT-Team leader. There sounded some rustling, before he could hear whimpers and panting. "Mister Johnson…" He didn't say anything more for his voice would be enough to tell the other in how much trouble he was. Oh, how the Sorcerer wished he could be there in real. Watch that face pale, that body tense as the realization came of how much shit he was in. "I am truly disappointed by this kind of behavior," his voice was even and soft, "did you really think you could get away this easily?" He didn't really need an answer as the car came to a stop in front of the Castle gate. He listened to the male whimper some more, before he came up with some much overused excuses. They however all fell upon deaf ears as the Sorcerer moved out of the car. His bodyguard handing him his trolley as they could not follow him through that gate. He gave a soft nod of thanks as he stepped forward. His hand flicking up for a knock back spell to open the gates, yet that seemed to be unnecessary as the iron gates moved on their own. For only a second his lips curled up in a pleased smile as he moved on.

"Oh Raymond… can I say Raymond?" Not that he did care for what would be answered, but somehow it always gave people the idea he wasn't as mad as they had thought. "Of course, I understand that you have been in a difficult situation, but I cannot ignore what has happened. You have deliberately leaked classified information about our employers to no one less than the Cortez Cabal." Well, Raymond would never be smart enough to do so on his own, but just that accusation had been enough to make him spill everything. While walking up towards the entrance of the castle he simply listened to the names that were so easily ratted out. This had been far easier than he had thought. "Yes, yes, of course Raymond. I understand. It has not been your work alone, but still you betrayed me. After all that I have done for you," he sighed as he waited for the oak wood doors to open, "I have given that below average son of yours a job, I have paid all medical costs of your mother who has no use for me. I am currently even paying for her stay in a Cabal Senior Home. And what do I get in return?" The other started whimpering again, now begging for mercy, for how he had no choice, to please be forgiving. Yet those pleads didn't move the Sorcerer in the least as he let his trolley stand at the door, making his way towards the living room. "Don't worry, your behavior won't affect them. I can assure you of that. However I cannot let this kind of betrayal go without punishment. Goodbye, mister Johnson." Even if the phone had not been on speaker, the intensity of the pleads and begging would have been enough cue for his Team to guess what he had said, after all this was not the first time they were going through this. "Burn him." The command came short and without any emotion, as if he just ordered some take out instead of someone's death. Christopher waited a second longer to make sure that his order had been heard before ending the call. See, just kill them and the problem was solved. Not really, but he had enough other leads to go after now, thanks to mister Johnsons panic. It was only now that he sank down in the corner of the couch. His hands for a moment adjusting no existing crinkles in his suit as his ice blue eyes looked through the room to acknowledge anyone who would be there.

Adelia Beaumont
First Council Member of the Vampires

Location: Sleeping, Bedroom Two Left Wing

Mention: The old Galanter

Conversation: None

Emerald green eyes watched the castle that appeared before her and a smile came through on her features. It looked so beautiful, the old building and the untouched snow around it, yet if one looked closer, little paths from animals could be seen. Besides the lady, that now crossed over the open snow lands, knew better. The outside of the Castle may seem old, inside it was nothing like that. The woman was still not sure how she felt about that, yet she had understood that those younger than her needed some change. Yes, even though she didn't seem like she was older than 21, perhaps 22, she had seen the world around her change more than enough. Not always in a bad way, and not always in a good way. However changes were inevitable, when most creatures lived such a short and quick life. She looked over her shoulder towards the forest behind her. This place was truly perfect for its purpose. Far away from humans and with lots of nature to discover. No one would interfere with any magic casted, any skills shown or any wolf running around. There was however one little imperfection and that of course fell on their side, those who had lived for many years, the Vampires. No humans around meant they had to travel far for food, because she had never met many other Supernatural that were okay with a Vampire sucking their blood. Besides, human blood did taste much better. But she would survive… as she had always done.

Gracefully she moved forward, seeming to glide over the snow instead of walking. The footsteps she let behind in the virgin white blanket told differently though as she walked up towards the castle. "Adelia Beaumont, First Council Member of the Vampires," she stated as she reached up to the massive gate. For a moment all was silent, before the iron gates creaked and swung open to give her access to the castle. Suddenly the snow was all gone on the inner court, her heels making just soft sounds against the stones, yet the cold was still there. Damn cold. She pulled her black coat further close as she quickly went forward, knowing the castle would be warm and welcoming. Her copper red locks danced around her face as she made her way up the little stairs, the doors to the castle swinging open automatically as well as she stepped into the castle. Her eyes sliding over the familiar light wood and white marble, before stepping aside to take off her coat. Carefully she hung it away, before picking up her bag again and following the red carpet upstairs. It was a common misunderstanding that Vampires didn't need to sleep and she rather claimed her bedroom early. After all she had no idea whom else would show up. The old Galanter perhaps, the only Vampire that had surpassed her own age.

A pleasant twinkle came to her eyes as she thought back about the few times she had met the male. She wondered what name he had chosen to go by now, for she rarely changed her name. Every now and then she switched for her middle name, just like she switched between living in Verona, Florence and Venice. She hardly ever left the beautiful North Italy where she had born, turned and spend most of her years. In her first two centuries she had spent traveling the world, yet no other place felt like Italy to her and thus she had stayed. Only every now and then traveling for important visits and Council Gatherings like today. Luckily South Germany was not that far from her beloved home, she only had to cross through Austria. So that had not been too much trouble. Her hand left the balustrade as she took a turn towards the Left Wing, without checking she skipped the first door as she opened the second and stepped into the dark wood room. Her gaze went through the room, yet it truly had been empty as she set her bag on the side underneath the windows. She loved the overall vibe this room gave with the dark colors and great chandelier. That gothic look, perhaps a bit cliché, but Adelia didn't mind as she over looked the inner court of the castle. The sun was starting to rise now, the others would arrive throughout the whole day. For that Council Meeting Invitation had warned that the Castle could only be accessed from 4 AM to 4 PM on November the Seventeenth. It was 7 AM now as Adelia stepped backwards to the bed. A little nap would do no harm…
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Alexander Valdir
Second Council Member of the Werewolves
Beta of the Russian Pack

Location: Making pancakes in the Kitchen

Mention: Gustavo Cortez

Conversation: Sining along with the radio

His hot breath hung in little clouds before him as he took a moment to watch his surroundings. How he wished he could simply Change and explorer this place. It was full of wild life and still unclaimed territory. Yet it would be a bit weird to have a huge black wolf running around with a backpack… And it would be a bit awkward to end up at the castle completely naked for he was no longer on pack Territory now that he had crossed the German Border. Most of the travel he had made running, as the Russian Pack territory spread far more than just Russia. They had Poland, Belarus and Ukraine also in their territory as well as part of the Czech Republic and East-Austria. However Germany was completely out of their hands, for it were the Council had their seats and thus had to stay complete neutral. Too bad, since it was beautiful here. He took a deep breath, smelling mostly nature and animals, yet it was evident that other Supernaturals had already crossed through here or over the road a bit to his right. Hopefully one of them would have thought about making something to eat as his stomach growled, yet he doubted it. Still the idea of food made him sped up some more as the wood grew thinner and indicated that he would be close to the Castle.

It indeed took just a few more steps to have reached the sudden end of the forest and before him the big Castle doomed up. For a moment he was taken aback, both by the impressiveness of the castle, as well at the idea he would spend the upcoming time in there with others that he didn't know at all. Yet it had been a command of the Alpha and it had been the only logical decision when that Invitation had come in. No way he would let his Alpha travel this whole distance on his one, not knowing where he would get himself into. Besides it was not like everyone was completely unknown to him, Gustavo was a Council Member as well, at least if the Wolf had remembered correctly. He took one last nature filled deep breath, before moving up to the Iron Gate. Did he forgot some kind of password, or was he supposed to say anything? He scratched the back of his head for a moment as he opened his mouth to state his name. Yet all of a sudden the Iron Gates moved and the male slid through the opening. Once on the inner court, he carefully took in his surroundings, every detail, every little hiding spot and every possible escape route was taken in. Even if he knew there was no threat here, it was automatic behavior to the Beta. Though his survey was done quite fast, that didn't mean it was less thoroughly as he walked up to the true castle entrance. His hand already moving to push open those doors as they automatically moved out of the way as well. Well, that sure was easy. He could have just ran up to here as a wolf and then change in a room while having to confront no one with his naked glory.

Once inside the castle he again took in all details, hearing some voice coming from his right. Normally he would most surely started to investigate there, had his left not pulled more of his attention. It took only a few steps to confirm his guess that it had been the diner room indeed, before his dark brown stare found probably their favorite place of this house, the kitchen. His usual bright smile was immediately back on his face as he moved forward to the very modern kitchen. His backpack carelessly casted slid of his back and thrown into a corner. Damn this really was all top notch. His hands slid over the clean white surface, before he grinned at the sight of those massive fridge and freezer. Both completely stacked to his delight, though he knew that it would quickly be empty. Definitely if two other werewolves would arrive here. He took out some milk and eggs, before closing the door of the fridge as he searched through the cabinets. Within minutes he felt completely at home as he even had found a radio and was now singing along with whatever song came up on the program, while preparing the dough for pancakes. Because seriously, who did not like pancakes? It was quick, easy, delicious and thus perfect Werewolf Food.
Hiroki Nakano
Zodiac Warrior of the Dog

FC: Jin Akanishi

  • Name: [Full name]
    Age: How old does your character look?]
    Gender: [Female/Male]
    Sexual Orientation: [What gender do you prefer?]
    Crush: [Pretty much means what it says, do you have anyone in interest?]
    Relationship:[Single, dating, crushing, etc.]

  • Hair Color:
    Eye Color:
    Piercings, tattoos, scars:

  • Personality:
    [Personality can or cannot be linked to your zodiac]

    [A paragraph minimum]

    - [Four minimum, add more if need be]

    - [Four minimum, add more if need be]

    - [Two minimum, add more if need be]

  • Occupation:
    - [This was your character's role before becoming a warrior]
    - [Describe how your character uses their Zodiac powers. It can be very detailed or very broad.]

    Martial Art:
    [What type of Martial Arts does your character use?]

  • Weapons:
    - [Two maximum]

    Theme Song/s:

    - [Anything else you have to add about your character which hasn't been covered already]
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Darleyn Guineverre Madelyn van Almend
Forced Ending

22 years old



Love in Paradise Studios

Casual Sexy

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Misha Volkov
One and One makes Three

26 years old


Tattoo artist

Love in Paradise Studios

On the Hunt
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Week 1
Monday - ThursdayDarleyn van Almend1+1 Male
Friday - Sunday1+1 FemaleHui-Jun Anderson
Week 2
Monday - ThursdayMaverickFE Male
Friday - SundayAlice CollinsTC Male
Week 3
Monday - ThursdayTC FemaleAdrian
Friday - SundayJenni CoopMisha Volkov
Week 4
Monday - ThursdayFA FemaleNE Male
Friday - SundayDanielle ChoiHS Male
Week 5
Monday - ThursdayDarleyn van AlmendHui-Jun Anderson
Friday - Sunday1+1 FemaleFE Male
Week 6
Monday - ThursdayMaverickTC Male
Friday - SundayAlice CollinsAdrian
Week 7
Monday - ThursdayTC FemaleMisha Volkov
Friday - SundayJenni CoopNE Male
Week 8
Monday - ThursdayFA FemaleHS Male
Friday - SundayDanielle Choi1+1 Male
Week 9
Monday - ThursdayDarleyn van AlmendFE Male
Friday - Sunday1+1 FemaleTC Male
Week 10
Monday - ThursdayMaverickAdrian
Friday - SundayAlice CollinsMisha Volkov
Week 11
Monday - ThursdayTC FemaleNE Male
Friday - SundayJenni CoopHS Male
Week 12
Monday - ThursdayFA Female1+1 Male
Friday - SundayDanielle ChoiHui-Jun Anderson
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Blue RoomRed RoomYellow RoomWhite RoomBlack RoomPurple RoomGreen RoomOrange Room
Week 1FE Male + AdrianDarleyn van Almend + HC FemaleHS Male + 1+1 MaleAlice Collins + 1+1 FemaleTC Male + Misha VolkovDanielle Choi + FA FemaleNE Male + Hui-Jun AndersonJenni Coop + Maverick Watson
Week 2Danielle Choi + Misha VolkovNE Male + FA FemaleJenni Coops + Hui-Jun AndersonFE Male + Maverick WatsonAdrian + 1+1 FemaleHC Female + 1+1 MaleDarleyn van Almend + TC MaleHS Male + Alice Collins
Week 3Jenni Coop + HC FemaleFE Male + 1+1 MaleDarleyn van Almend + 1+1 FemaleHS Male + Misha VolkovAlice Collins + FA FemaleTC Male + Hui-Jun AndersonDanielle Choi + Maverick WatsonNE Male + Adrian
Week 4NE Male + 1+1 MaleHC Female + Maverick WatsonJenni Coop + Misha VolkovDarleyn van Almend + Hui-Jun AndersonHS Male + TC MaleAlice Collins + Danielle ChoiAdrian + 1+1 FemaleFE Male + FA Female
Week 5TC Male + AdrianHS Male + Hui-Jun AndersonNE Male + 1+1 MaleFE Male + Misha VolkovDarleyn van Almend + FA FemaleJenni Coop + 1+1 FemaleAlice Collins+ Maverick WastonDanielle Choi + HC Female
Week 6Jenni Coop + 1+1 MaleFE Male + 1+1 FemaleDarleyn van Almend + Misha VolkovHS Male + FA FemaleHui-Jun Anderson + Maverick WatsonAdrian + HC FemaleDanielle Choi + NE MaleAlice Collins + TC Male
Week 7Darleyn van Almend + Maverick WatsonNE Male + Misha VolkovJenni Coop + FA FemaleAlice Collins + HC FemaleHS Male + AdrianDanielle Choi + 1+1 FemaleTC Male + 1+1 MaleFE Male + Hui-Jun Anderson
Week 8FE Male + HC FemaleDarleyn van Almend + 1+1 FemaleHui-Jun Anderson + AdrianTC Male + NE MaleDanielle Choi + Jenni CoopFA Female + Maverick WatsonAlice Collins + Misha VolkovHS Male + 1+1 Male
Week 9TC Male + FA FemaleDanielle Choi + Hui-Jun AndersonNE Male + Maverick WatsonJenni Coop + AdrianHC Female + 1+1 Male1+1 Female + Misha VolkovFE Male + HS MaleDarleyn van Almend + Alice Collins
Week 10Darleyn van Almend + AdrianHS Male + HC FemaleAlice Collins + 1+1 FemaleTC Male + 1+1 MaleMisha Volkov + Maverick WatsonNE Male + Jenni CoopsFA Female + Hui-Jun AndersonFE Male + Danielle Choi
Week 11Alice Collins + Hui-Jun AndersonTC Male + Maverick WatsonDanielle Choi + AdrianNE Male + Hc FemaleFE Male + Jenni CoopDarleyn an Almend + HS Male1+1 Male + 1+1 FemaleMischa Volkov + FA Female
Week 12HS Male + Maverick WatsonAlice Collins + AdrianTC Male + HC FemaleDanielle Choi + 1+1 Female1+1 Male + FA FemaleFE Male + NE MaleMisha Volkov + Hui-Jun AndersonDarleyn van Almend + Jenni Coop

Indoor Bar
TC Male, Jenni Coop, Azari Blondeau and 1+1 Female

The first day was the only day there would be much staff around and it would be the only day the participants would be told where to go and what to do. The first four participants that had been interviewed were immediately guided from the studios to separated cars. The time schedule was extremely tight as they had to make sure that none of the persons would run into each other before the actual start of this whole adventure. In two separated ferries they were eventually brought over towards the island. That alone had been quite a problem as well to make sure the participant from the top floor would not run into the participant they had installed on the lower deck of the ferries. Luckily so far, all had been going without any run ins.

The interviewer checked his watch. They would have max five minutes to get off the ferry and into the house. "Please mister ..., follow me," the interviewer requested friendly, even if there was not really much of a choice. Good thing the cameras would not start rolling until all participants were in place. Any questions that the one they guided had were kindly avoided or mysteriously answered. "You will be starting at the Indoor bar, which I will show you right away." The interviewer didn't give the other male much time to look around, immediately leading him towards the bar. After all one of the other person would be led to the front pool in mere minutes.

He led the male quickly through the entrance, now he did give him a few moments to gaze at the grand Livingroom with two stairs leading to the upper floor. "It is amazing, isn't it?" He smiled as he led the male to the second room on the left, or better said the bar room. It was quite spacious and modern in style. There was a karaoke set with little stage on one side, two pool tables, a dart board and of course a long bar with high chairs. At the bar eight drinks were already standing ready and next to them lay four phones. These were the only phones that would work on the island, so even if the participants had decided to take their own phones with them -unlike instructed- nothing would leak out on beforehand. "Please take a seat, the others will join shortly," the interviewer said as he mentioned towards the high chairs.

"Just like the others I will give you a quick verbal explanation of the lay out of the island and the house, though I am sure you will find your way around quickly," the interviewer started with an reassuring smile, "here on the ground floor you will find all general room. Next to us is the kitchen, since you will all be responsible for food yourselves." He made a hand gesture towards the left. "On the other side of this room you will find the Library and next to that, behind the stairs, there is a huge gym. Directly next to it will also be an jacuzzi for some relaxing," the male explained. "On the second floor you will find all the bedrooms, which will all be shared with one person. Each week the arrangements will change, you will be messaged about that every Sunday afternoon on your phone." The rules had already been explained once to the participants. They had even been send out on paper together with the letter that said they were selected, yet the directors had decided that it was best to explain all of the rules once more.

Outside Pool
Vincenzo de Bonaparte, Danielle Choi, Mateo Flore and TC female

The female smiled as her eyes slid over the others body for a moment. Somewhat envious of the ladies that were on this island. And very glad she just happened to be scheduled to show this male around somewhat. "Now that you have a bit of an idea what is going on in the mansion, I will continue with the facilities outside," she smiled. Every now and then glancing at the watch on her wrist, since the time schedule was very tight and her superiors would not be happy if she fucked it up by staring at some eye candy

"As you can see in front of the mansion you will find the outdoor pool," she started, "over there the low cabinet can be changed into a disk jockey table. All music is downloaded towards the computer so you can also use it as a bit stereo. The lights of both the pool and under the roof over there will change colors depending on what music is played." The blonde presenter turned as she moved her hand to indicate the left side of the mansion. "There is also an outside bar on the left side of the mansion. Behind the mansion is another pool with a waterfall and some secluded secret room behind the waterfall. On the right side you will find the patio, complete with grill so you guys can have a bbq there if you would want."

A tray of drinks was brought by one of the other staff people. She carried it back over towards the pool. "To get you all in the mood we have prepared some drinks for you. This four are Sex on the Beach cocktails and these four are Tequila Tropical Sunrise," she explained further. If the male wanted to grab one of the cocktails right away, that was not her problem. However she hoped he would wait until the other three had arrived. She listened intently towards a message that was given to her in her earpiece. "Okay, moving on," she muttered into the little microphone that was clipped to the collar of her shirt.

Her attention was brought back to Vincenzo with a smile once more. "Everything on the island is free of charge. The alcohol will be stocked every day and there will be grocery deliveries every 12 hours, if you need anything. The phones," she spoke as she indicated the four cellphones that lay in the middle of the drinks, "have a grocery list app. The couple that is responsible for the cooking will be able to write down things that are needed from the stores. It will be delivered at 3 AM and 3 PM by staff members. The people that are not cooking, will also be unable to open the app, so communicate with each other. Any requests for specific alcohol can be put down in the grocery app as well. Or anything random that is missing."

The female made sure that the message got through. Even if the participants have been explained this already, or would find out soon enough. "The phones can also be used to message, text and call one and another on the island. You will start with an empty contacts list though. You cannot use it to access internet or any social media or someone that is not on the island." Something that had been told a million times already, but still she had to point that out another time. "Every Sunday afternoon you will get a message from the staff. It will tell you the color of the room you are staying in. The cooking schedule will also be updated today at 4PM and the first couple will immediately be responsible for cooking. For today they will have to do with the stuff that is in the fridge, though I am sure whomever has to cook will find something. Everyone needs to eat dinner at 6PM together. If anyone fails to do so, or is late, money shall be deducted from their account."

[COLOR=white ]Waterfalls
Alice Collins, Misha Volkov, Maverick Watson and NE Male

The brown haired lady had sat down on one of the decoration rocks. The drinks and phones were on a tray on one of the other rocks. "You will all start with an account that holds 10.000 dollars. In 12 weeks when you all leave this island you will get whatever money is still left on your account, or if it is a negative number you will have to pay for the damages," she explained calmly to the Asian looking lady. She smiled sweetly as she enjoyed the sun on her skin. The weather was really nice, but then again they were on a tropical island. So apart from the sudden harsh rain showers, it should always be nice weather here. Sunny and a clear blue sky, not bad for a paid vacation, really. Plus if she had a body like Alices, she would not mind showing that off to those hot single males

"There are several ways you can add or deduct money from the account. Any damages done to property will deduct money from the account, covering up any cameras will also be punished with money deductions and have last minute deliveries, not being at dinner or being in the wrong room after curfew will slink the amount of money," she continued. The first two things seemed quite logical to her. After all they had all signed an agreement to be filmed at any given times, except for on the toilets of course. They had full privacy there, as well as the showers. But the rest of the bathroom was being filmed. They just had gotten no accords to give naked features, since that would hint toward pornography and severely cut down the views probably. So if the participants decided to get naked in other rooms, it would mean a lot censoring.

"However it is way easier to add money to the account. Completing the assignments is one way. Not completing them will not deduct any money, unless differently specified in the assignments. Other ways to gain money is make out session. They will add a 500 dollar bonus for both parties. Is someone confesses their love to you, 1000 dollar bonus for you. Oral sex will add an extra 1500 dollar to the giving party and sex will add 2000 dollar to the accounts of the people involved." She rattled quickly on as the lady seemed to be a slight bit embarrassed. Well, yeah, it didn't sound too nice, but it would add drama to the show. Or so the directors had hoped. However the presenter doubted that this girl would be doing any of that just for the sake of adding money to the account.

"It are all bonuses though, so I am not suggest you have to do any of that!" She added as well. She truly did not feel like offending this Asian lady. "So there are all kind of assignments. Some have already been thought out, others will come from the viewers of this tv show. It will be individual assignments, couple assignments, group assignment and gender assignments. The individual assignments can be skipped if you want to. The others would be a bit harder, since the rest of the group might pressure you. Definitely for the group assignments, because those will only count if everyone does the assignment." The female interviewer smiled towards Alice. "The assignments are mostly meant to be silly and give everyone a good laugh. Both you as participants as the viewers at home," she reassured so the other lady would not think it was all about sex alone.
[COLOR=white ]
[COLOR=white ]

Darleyn van Almend, Adrian Wale, Scarlett Hawthorne and Hui-Jun Anderson

Relaxed she laid in the sun on the little sunbed. Her sunglasses down over her eyes as she more or less ignored the obviously stressing and obviously gay interviewer. "No no no. They cannot run into each other or all will be ruined!" He spoke into the microphone that was clipped to his shirt. It was nothing Darleyn van Almend was not used to with the many modeling work she did, there always seemed to be stressed people around her. So she had no trouble shutting this male out and ignore whatever he said, until it would be of any importance. Her Sex on the Beach cocktail was standing next to her as she already had sipped some from it. Not too much, but she had been thirsty.

"So, I was telling you about the rooms right?" The male asked. The blonde female nodded as she pushed her sunglasses back up in her hair so she could look at the male. "Okay, now the phones will be without a code, but you all can set in your own security code. It will be a four digit code that will work both on your phone as well as on the doors in the house," he explained and Darleyn nodded softly. She did listen to what he said, even if it seemed like she was not paying attention. "To lock a door you simply up in the code and then an asterisk. No one else will be enter that room after you and it will be indicated with a red light on the number pad. If you want the room to be available by other people as well, you type in that four digit code followed by a hashtag. If someone else uses an asterisk the room will be locked. If you want to reset it, you simply fill in the code followed by a zero."

The young female nodded, even though she had read through all of these rules already on the plane towards the studios for the interviews. She really didn't need the rules to be repeated to her. However this male seemed to be dead set on his task. She liked it much better if he was stressing over things so she could just sunbathe. "Yes, everyone is in position?" She lay back down on the wood, pulling the sunglasses down again. The male was giving some more instructions to other staff members. "I will now leave you alone, miss. Three other participants will soon join you. You are all divided in four groups of fours at different places. Don't forget it is dinner time at 6 pm and that the cooking schedule will be up at 4PM, which is in 54 minutes. Most importantly, have fun!" The male said and he quickly made his way out.

The young lady sighed, finally able to enjoy her vacation and rest. Her lips pouted as she searched for the colorful straw, before actually opening her eyes when she could not find it. She set the cocktail away again. Laying here out in the sun might not give the best first impressions, definitely not with good looking strangers. She pushed her sunglasses up once more as she propped herself up on her elbows. That way she could look over the wooden trail that led towards the small place she was. It was a really cozy place as well, nice to have some late night talking. Her lips curled up to a pleasant and friendly smile as she could see a person coming her way. Her hazel brown eyes narrowed a bit, but she could not make out any features. Yet she did see another person coming up behind the first one as well. "Hey hey," she simply greeted for now.

Darleyn Guineverre Madelyn van Almend
Forced Ending

Sunbathing on the Patio

The obviously gay intervierwer


Casual Sexy
[COLOR=white ][/color]
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Misha Volkov
One and One makes Three

In the Water ~ Waterfalls

Cute Asian Woman aka Perfect Victim (Alice Collins)

Boring Interviewer // General

On the Hunt

This male just kept talking and talking and talking about the rules. Misha Volkovs head had been already spinning, when they had went over the facilities of the mansion. Sure he had read the rules they had gotten on paper. At some point. With an half eye. He was sure there would be at least one other person who had paid attention and would tell him what the rules were. He was stopped once more as they stepped onto the loose sand of the beach, very in the distance he could see two persons walking. The male that he was with now changed directions, such a trouble to make sure they would all not run into each other. The Russian male did not understand what the problem was, after all they would be all staying on the same island and run into each other at one point or another.

Eventually they took a little path through the palm trees and other exotic plants. The other male still talking about food, groceries, something? Had he not noticed that Misha was not at all paying attention? Well, perhaps this staff member was paid to say these words or he would not be paid at all. So who was Misha to stop him? It was not really annoying him as he watched a colorful bird fly up as they walked past. The person who had interviewed him at the studios suddenly stopped walking on a nature stone path. "We will wait here, in a bit you will meet the other four of your group and you will get something to drink and your phone," the male explained. Misha simply nodded as he climbed upon the bamboo balustrade along the path. He listened to the sounds around him, mostly unfamiliar bird calls and in the distance waterfalls. He just couldn't wait to be in the water.

"We are in position," the male suddenly said to whoever was asking that through the earpiece. That sounded awfully serious, almost like one of those shooter games he played. "Well, I will be leaving you now. Just follow the path and you will find your first group. The other groups are scattered over the island. Have fun," the interviewer said and quickly made his way out. Misha simply waved at him, before he walked the rest of the path towards the sound of the waterfalls. He was already taking off his shirt, revealing a chest piece tattoo and some nice abs. If there was water he was gonna jump in right away. He smirked as he noticed the perfect victim to pull with him. The Asian woman standing not far from the edge of the water, she was cute as well, which was definitely a nice bonus. He threw his shirt aside, not having to care for his phone or other not water proof belongings, since they were left behind at the studio, he started running.

"Water check~!" He yelled as some kind of warning, before grabbing the female at the waist and using his momentum, weight and speed to take her with him into the water. As soon as they hit the rather warm liquid he let her go though as he swum up towards the surface. His fingers running to his now messy half long black hair as soon as he was above waters. He laughed as he glanced over towards the lady he had taken with him, before actually checking if there were other people. "Good afternoon, the name is Misha Volkov," he said highly amused. Now this was an introduction not many people would forget. Or maybe they would. He did not care, he was having fun.
"Do not mistake kindness for weakness, for I am kind to everyone. Yet when someone is unkind to me, weak is not something they will remember of me"

Hiroki Nakano

Zodiac Warrior of the Dog




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Stalker Vampire


Baton Rouge --> His chambers


A servant


The King, Konstatin
The Queen, Saffron
His Brother, Valen



Finally he had reached familiar ground again. Though with all the traveling he did he was quite familiar with most places, but they all didn't held the charme as this place did. Except maybe for Cremona, the city he had been born and lived most of his human years. He took in a deep breath as his thin lips for a moment curled up to a smile as he entered the familiar streets of Baton Rouge. His home for the past three centuries, no matter on how many travels or assignments he was send, this place would always be his home. As a shadow the blonde male slipped through the streets, after all it was what he was infamous for, or his nick name would not have been Sjena, which meant shadow in Croatian. He did like that language a lot and he had adapted that name quickly for his many missions where people did not have to know his real name. Nowadays there were more vampires who knew him under that name, than the actually name he had been given by the Queen, after what probably had been a misunderstanding or mispronouncian. However he had loved the name Mikalai and taken it eagerly as his vampire name.

One would think a vampire prince to walk confident over this streets, but right now, Mikalai had no interest in seeing anyone, or talking to anyone. Not with the mission that had gone so wrong, a few days back. He was suppose to gather more information on the clans and their 'slavery' of humans, instead he had ended up with a bloodfest and an invitation for the next one. So right now, all he wanted to do was shower. A warm and hot shower to burn of the feeling of those hands on his body, nails on his skin, lips in his own neck and he didn't even care to remember where else they had been. Perhaps most men would call him lucky to wake up with two beautiful female vampires in his bed, Mikalai couldn't think of a worse nightmare.

Even now he shivered as he was reminded of the things he had done, and with that he didn't even think of the human bodies he had found after waking up. So much trouble and effort.... and all for nothing. He knew Konstatin was gonna be furious, and the young vampire did not blame the King. He took his full responsibility in this disaster, even if he had not been able to stop the bloodfest. He had not lost his own control, unlike the ladies he had been with. Yet still... he should have been able to prevent this, or at least get more out of it than another invitation. Maybe he could give it to Valen, his brother would probably be a lot happier with the female attention... and as an ambassador he would have more influence as well.

"Inform the King of my arrival," he said to one of the servants as soon as he stepped inside of the castle. His audience was probably wanted as well, but he really wanted to get the feeling of being touched from his body. Even if he had already taken two showers at the hotel he had been invited to. If anyone had called out for him, he had ignored them on his way to his own private chambers and he had quickly locked the doors behind him. For now he did not want any interruptions as he shed the clothes he wore on his way to the bathrooms. His rings, of which one was a daylight ring, were placed neatly at the sink, before he sunk into the hot waters of his bath. His eyes closing for a moment, happy to for one moment enjoy his rertun, before he would have to prepare for the wrath of his father.

One might thing that Konstatin might not be as cruel for his son as the others, but nothing was less through. In Mikalai's eyes the male was not cruel or harsh. He was strict, but that was what needed as a leader of so many vampires for so many centuries. The Queen could have a sharp tongue, but she as well showered him with love most of the time. A bit too much affection every now and then, but from her he had learned to accept it. Even enjoyed it time to time, though that was something he would hardly even admit. And by the time he was wrinkled as an old man he would never become he stepped out of the waters and dressed into his usually victorian styled clothing, before unlocking his chamber doors again. Waiting for a servant, or his brother, to pick him up for his audience with the King.
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Tristan Wakefield
New Wolf

Midnight Silver Wood Trail

'Ally girl' (Ally Walsh)
Blond Female (Vivian Gandillon)
Stunning Male (Alister Black)

No one specific

Shirts are optional

Baton Rouge, that had been his destination for the past few days, weeks even. Ever since that... that bloodbath those bloodsuckers had left behind. It was a long travel from Siberia to Baton Rouge and he had the money to use other ways of transport, but he didn't want to be among people, among humans, so he had taken the long road. Simply running, for days. He only changed back when he had no other option, but he was.. unstable to say the least. He only had to think of that empty crib, those lifeless eyes of the girl he loved so deeply, for the grief to take him, the anger to fuel him and the change to take over. He was driven by nothing but emotions and the instinct of survival and the need for a pack.

Cresent Lunar... Their Alpha used to tell them about this pack in Baton Rouge. Tristan Wakefield had no idea if it was a true pack or nothing but a legend. Yet he had not cared, with his own pack gone and slaughtered, he had no reason to stay in the cold Siberian mountains and thus he had started to travel, with the mysterious Baton Rouge as destination. Yet not without taking revenge on those bloodsuckers and he had gotten one of them, ripped apart to pieces and the trophy hung around his neck. Together with four other day light rings on a long leather string, long enough so he would be able to wear them in both forms. It was prety much the only thing he had taken with him. The rings and his memories.

But he had found his magical destination and he had found somewhat more sanity in his mysery. He had arrived last night, or early morning. He had not been sure anymore. The only thing that he really could remember was the temperature. Even in the evening it was hotter than a Siberian summer and had easily getting rid of the idea of wearing a shirt. It was something he hardly did even surrounded by snow, so here... shirts were definitely not necessary, and he opted for walking around in some low hanging jeans. He was aware of the truce and for the safety of his own and others he had stayed deep within the werewolf part. No one had seemed to pay particular attention to him as he was listening in on conversations around him. He watched how a female offered her cigarettes to her friends as they walked passed him.

He only caught some words of their conversation. A party? For werewolves? That should be interesting. His eyes slid over her companions, a blond woman, and a quite stunning man. His hazel eyes appreciated the muscles that showed by the way he held that beer. However his appreciation was of short notice as he noticed how the male held the woman next to him. For now he would stand no chance, but who knew later on the night and with some beer. After all, he had held his Delilah close like that as well, even when his interest lay mostly with males, if not exclusively. Never the less his interest was caught, both for the male as this party they spoke of. It would be a nice way to get to know more about this place, about the wolves and that legendary Cresent Lunar pack.

His lips curled up into a pleasant smile as he stepped forward. "Does that offer also extend to friendly strangers?" He asked as he took in the girl that had been called Ally-girl. He was not really a smoker, but he could enjoy a cigarette every now and then. And now it seemed like the perfect way to get a bit more into touch with these people, this place. "Tristan Wakefield is the name," he easily introduced himself. He never had much trouble with making contact with strangers, or making friends. He was a quite easy going guy, as long as you left him and his loved one in one piece that is. He grinned as he looked over the blonde female and the handsome male once more. "I just got into town and all I hear is people talking about parties and bonfires, so I guess this is indeed the right place for some fun," he continued with a bright smile on his face. Hopefully they would not mind his interruption, if so, he would be out of their hair in seconds. They were not the only people around here after all.
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【 "That seed will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach." 】

  • xxxxxxThe Basics
    Name: Mei Lam
    Nickname/s: 'Plum' (Her mom calls her 'my little plum.')
    Age: 23 years
    Gender: Female
    Sexual Orientation: Straight
    Crush: Luwalhati Dimapasoc (The Dragon Warrior)
    Relationship: Single, and Crushing

  • xxxxxxThe Appearances
    Hair Color: Black
    Eye Color: Dark-Brown
    Weight: 250LBs
    Height: 5"8 (She is taller than average)
    Piercings, tattoos, scars: She has a long scar on her back, which she has not told anyone how it came to be.

  • xxxxxxDigging Deeper
    For anyone who doesn't know her well, they would see her as a very talkative, clumsy, and odd individual. Despite her silly and innocent demeanor, she is selfless and brave when it comes to someone who is treated poorly. Mei is also known to be very optimistic and passionate about the things she does; whether it be cooking or when she is helping a simple errand.

    To her friends, she is good-natured and witty (she tries to), always making sure they are taken cared of. Her friendly attitude for them can be lovable and sweet, as she always wants to make sure they are ok. With kids, she can be very adventurous and fun-loving. According to some, though, it can be very daring which can also mean she would do some weird and dangerous stunts.

    Despite her determination, she can be very impulsive, sometimes not stopping to think before acting or speaking. She is also very gullible, which can have people easily fool her. She also rarely asks someone for help, so sometimes she feels alone when she does errands while others play. She also can be very subjective (driven by personal feelings, tastes, and opinions)

    She was raised by a kind couple and their oldest son who owns a food house. Mei doesn't know that she is adopted, found in the ashes of a massacred village. And her parents are keen to keeping it that way, for fearing she will have her heart broken.

    Growing up, Mei knew something was wrong with her by her isolation from her peers. She would often eat food as a source of comfort, which ended up with her gaining weight. It made her isolation grow worse, as the girls would tease her for being 'ugly' while men would not want to be associated with a 'pig.' So she would often keep to herself, and occupy her time by working at her parent's restaurant. Her only comfort was her brother, Chih-tui who had been a second opinion to how she should react to situations and had given encouragement to get better.

    It had been like that since she was twenty-one until her family got involved with the festival one day. She had decided to walk around, planning to buy some souvenirs for her family. She ended up at a shop that was next to another food place, most known for their seafood. She heard a verbal fight going on, happening to come from a man who drank too much alcohol. The waitress was pleading with him to stop, making it worse. Mei got in between them as the man swung a plate at the waitress. Hit on the head; Mei didn't notice her head was bleeding before she stabbed at his eyes with her fingers, and kicked his groin.

    Master Wiyung had been there to witness it and saw her potential, remember the prophecy for the pig warrior. When the fight was over, Mei was taken to the healer to recover. Then, she was greeted by Master Wiyung who had asked her how she learned her fighting style. Mei admitted that she learned it from the streets when a few men would go at it in the streets. He then went on to ask her to become one of the warriors, being of the Pig.

    Horrified of the status of Pig, Mei rejected it, only saying because there was no way due to her 'physique' and went back home. She didn't think much about it until suddenly items started moving around and her Mom called out to her thinking Mei spoke when it was the opposite. Fear went through her veins as objects floating on their own, as she ran trying to put the things back. That was when Master Wiyung appeared, explaining that it's her ability and it's something she cannot avoid.

    He offered that he can help her how to use it properly, but in return, she cannot avoid her destiny. Mei mulled it over before accepting, having to leave her family for awhile. She was happy later on to find out Chih-Tui was also a Zodiac warrior and was joining her on the adventure. With him, she didn't feel alone

    She met the other warriors when she came, feeling inferior compared to them. She knew her fighting style was very different, and unusual. She tried her best to fulfill her fate, despite her being so different, especially physically.

    As the two years went by, she came to love one of the warriors, Luwalhati Dimapasoc, who's the dragon warrior. She was charmed by his wisdom, and his artwork amazed her. His calm personality made her feel at peace, and she sometimes would daydream about it. She doesn't pursue it though, as she feels like he deserves someone better, and more beautiful than her.

    - Food
    - Kids
    - Cooking
    - Peace
    - Winning (Although she is not competitive)

    - Being Doubted
    - Disrespect
    - Injustice
    - Failing
    - Bitter Food

    - Snakes (To her dismay, as her ally is the Zodiac Warrior of Snake)
    - Heights

  • xxxxxxThose Warrior Details
    - Daughter of the Owner's of a Food-house (Specializes in Noodles and Dim-Sum)

    - Telekinesis: the ability to move objects through mind power. She uses it when she is trying to multi-task.
    - Telepathy: the communication of thoughts or ideas by means other than the known senses. She uses it whenever to talk to someone privately, or if to confuse her enemy.

    Martial Art:
    Kino Mutai (Also takes some form from Brazilian Ji-Jitsu)

  • xxxxxxThat Little Extra
    - Pots & Pans
    - Any item her Telekinesis can carry (as small as a vase, or as big as a horse cart)

    Theme Song/s:
    - Main Theme
    - Happy/Normal Theme
    - Sad/Somber Theme
    - Angry/Aggressive Theme
    - Determination Theme
    - Romantic Theme

    - Even though she is very optimistic, she is very sensitive about her body image
    - She doesn't think she will experience 'love' due to her weight, so her focus is mostly on her family business and her allies.

  • Relationships with everyone!

Under Construction

【 "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." 】


  • xxxxxxThe Basics
    Name: Gui Wiyung
    Nickname/s: Master Wiyung or Master
    Age: 57 years
    Gender: Male
    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
    Crush: N//A
    Relationship: Married; His wife and child live in Yeowon

  • xxxxxxThe Appearances
    Hair Color: Black
    Eye Color: Black
    Weight: 190lbs
    Height: 6"0
    Piercings, tattoos, scars: He has a scar on his two hands.

  • xxxxxxDigging Deeper
    He is known to be the most powerful and wise Master of all of Ningjing Gu. Being a master means he learned how to be self-reliant and very resourceful when it came to the art of Fighting, in which his passion for it shows. He can be very nurturing and empathetic toward his students (The Zodiac Warriors), as he knew what it was like to be young. He is also very observant to his students, as he looks for ways they can improve. This can make him a bit artistic as he believes all forms can be of use to at least one person. This makes him very receptive to the different arts, especially ones that come from Yeowon. He is also very intuitive, knowing when something is wrong and when something good happened; regardless...nothing can escape his ears. He is very loyal and protective (also self-protective) of his students.

    Despite his Sage-like Persona, he knows he has many flaws as well. Growing up, he was a very dominant and suspicious individual. He also can be very secretive to his students, but mostly he does this so the students can learn for themselves (he believes giving them the answer to things will not allow them to grow). He also can be very unyielding, which could make some people peeved. He is also known to be introverted so sometimes he would pass the time by meditating, so he can recharge from social interactions.



    - Tea
    - Martial Arts
    - His Students
    - Meditating

    - Danger
    - Being Lied to
    - Disobedience
    - Useless Fights

    - Becoming a Judgmental, and Hypocritical Teacher
    - Losing his way and his heart

  • xxxxxxThose Warrior Details
    - Janitor: Former
    Healer: Former
    Teacher: Former
    Martial Arts Master: Current
    - As a Teacher, he is very adaptable and understands the basics of all martial arts, so he is able to pinpoint all the different styles his students have. This makes him a Master of Martial Arts as he can use all of them.
    Martial Art:
    He uses all of them, but his favorite is Hung Ga

  • xxxxxxThat Little Extra
    - Liu Xing Chui (Meteor Hammer)
    - Sheng Biao (Chinese rope dart)
    Theme Song/s:
    - Main Theme
    - Happy/Normal Theme
    - Sad/Somber Theme
    - Angry/Aggressive Theme
    - Determination Theme
    - He writes to his wife and child daily, and sometimes uses his travels as an excuse to go see them. He tries to see them at least a few times a year (on his wife, and daughter's birthday)
【 "No matter where you go or what they may call you, you will always be my [little sister]." 】


  • xxxxxxThe Basics
    Name: Chih-Tui Lam
    Nickname/s: N//A, open to interpretation
    Age: Thirty Years
    Gender: Male
    Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
    Crush: U//C (To be determined once profiles are up)
    Relationship: Single

  • xxxxxxThe Appearances
    Hair Color: Black
    Eye Color: Brown
    Weight: 185lbs
    Height: 6"4
    Piercings, tattoos, scars: He has a tattoo of his zodiac sign on his lower back.

  • xxxxxxDigging Deeper
    He has been known to be a gentle and quiet individual. He has an elegant air to him which is the exact opposite of his little sister (who is very clumsy and 'unique'). With a polite and kind demeanor, he always tries to be welcoming to others who step foot into his house, and his life (even if temporary). He also has patience, which is much needed for Mei Lam as they grew up, and her presence has made him a responsible person. Like a rabbit, he is very quick, and on alert at all times, nothing goes by him without him knowing. He is known to be very skillful and is very persistent when it comes to it.

    But if someone looked down underneath, he had put on a superficial front for his life. Inside, he is a stubborn and melancholy man, who is very reserved of people and can be overly-discreet. He can be wary of strangers until he gets to know them more, letting his other self come out.

    Born as their only son, Chih-tui took most of the responsibility to get himself educated and learn the business, that he someday will run. It was a lonely ten years, as he always asked his parents to get a baby brother. But his parents always said his mother was 'infertile,' and that they were too busy to go through adoption.

    It was Chih-tui who had found Mei and brought her home He pleaded that the young baby boy (he thought the baby was a he at first) could stay. The parents hesitated but seeing their son's pleading eyes, they accepted. He would soon find out it was a baby girl. He was disappointed, but nonetheless, he had a sibling.

    So at age ten, he became the older brother for Mei. He was teased by his parents, as being too 'fatherly.' And even his father told him 'I'm the father, she doesn't need two.' But Chih-tui didn't listen and kept watching over her. He was the one who helped her out, and he would hang out with her (As both of them were introverted and didn't like their peers).

    Unlike Mei, though, he knew he had powers at a very young age, as he was very fast and used his air bending sometimes to save Mei from embarrassment. He didn't tell her about it until she was sought out by Master Wiyung because of her fight with a drunkard man. Knowing she was going to be alone, he admitted to his whole family he also had powers and that he was going to 'follow' her, and make sure she is ok.

    So he stepped up to Master Wiyung's place (Where the other zodiac warriors would be), and admitted his powers and to ask for acceptance here. Although surprisingly, Master Wiyung declined him because of Chih-tui 'being selfish'. Angry, Chih-tui demanded a fight and Wiying accepted. The battle lasted for five minutes, with Chih on the ground. He then asked why he was selfish, to which Wiyung said it was selfish that he was not allowing his 'little sister' to grow up. Shocked, he expressed only worry and not selfishness.

    Master Wiyung knew he meant no ill harm and told him he could stay as long as he allowed her to grow, unknown to everyone else. Chih-Tui admits it will be a challenge, as he only sees her as a 'little girl,' and not an adult.

    - Reading
    - His sister (Although weird), and his family
    - His comrades (And Master)
    - Horses

    - Bullies
    - Crowds
    - Bad Alcohol
    - Snowy Weather

    - His family getting hurt
    - Bring Shame to his Master and Comrades

  • xxxxxxThose Warrior Details
    - Son of the Owner's of a Foodhouse

    - Airbending: Can manipulate the wind to his desires, making it helpful for sailing, drying off water, flying around, and moving some objects (Although it's rough compared to Mei's)
    - Super Speed: He can run faster than the fastest horse in the world. People cannot find him when he is running, giving him the advantage of striking quick without notice.

    Martial Art:
    Niten Ichi-Ryu

  • xxxxxxThat Little Extra
    - Katana
    - Wakizashi

    Theme Song/s:
    - Main Song
    - Normal/Happy Theme
    - Sad/Somber Theme
    - Angry/Aggressive Theme
    - Determination Theme
    - Romantic Theme

    - Even though he respects Luwalhati for his maturity, he will urge Mei not to pursue him when he finds out about Luwa's tragic backstory (For fear he'll compare Mei to his late wife)

    - By the way he treats Mei, some might mistaken them as 'father-daughter', or in worst case scenario, see him as an overprotective boyfriend.

    - He is not fond of Hiroki due to the fact he always teases Mei (although he admits he is impressed with how Mei handles it)

xxxxxxThe Basics
"To Dream is to reveal your true Thoughts, Fears, Hopes, and Self."

FC - Kim Hyun Joong

  • Name:
    Ryunosuke, Rentaro
    Ren, Roo, Ryu, Cock (he hates it)
    Sexual Orientation:

  • xxxxxxThe Appearances

    Hair Color:

    Light brown with natural highlights
    Eye Color:
    Dark Green
    Piercings, tattoos, scars:
    Multiple scars on the back of his hands, wrists, and forearms as well as his back. Small faded burn marks around his eyes. A medium sized round burn mark on his left bicep. A few battle scars throughout his body.
    No piercings
    No tattoos

  • xxxxxxDigging Deeper


    Rentaro is that friend that always has a smile on his face, even at the most outrageous times. He loves to make people laugh and feel comfortable around him. Hes always got a free shoulder for you to cry on, or beat on if thats what you need to feel better. Hes a great listener and tries his best to be a problem solver as well. Hes thoughtful and sweet which has led to others to think him as weak and too soft. Which in some cases he might be, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty he'll be the most stubborn man you'll ever meet. He'll do just about anything to protect those he cares for, even sacrificing himself. Underneath the smile and goofy exterior he actually has many scars that haunt him in the twilight hours.

    Rentaro was born on the night of a new moon. His mother was a slave and his father was her owner, a slaver. His cries echoed through the valley his father's caravan was currently set up in for the night. Within an hour of his birth his father, a vicious cold man pulled Rentaro from his mother's arms even as she cried and pleaded for his return. His father took no pity though, he took her son to his own quarters while she stayed with the other slaves. Only letting her see Rentaro a few short times a day for feeding, changing, and rocking until he fell asleep as to not disturb his father.

    When Rentaro was only 3 his father began to separate him further from his mother so she could work more. Seeing her as nothing more than a piece of property that was only worth keeping as long as she was profitable. But Rentaro was stubborn and whenever he could he would sneak into the slaves quarters to visit his mother. His mother showered him with love and affection that his father never did. When his father began his basic teachings such as reading and writing, Rentaro's mom was the real one that taught him. Since she was patient and helpful where his father was impatient and violent.

    Even so Rentaro was a quick learner and even managed to impress his father, as much as the man could be impressed at least. He began combat training at 6 years old, something he was never overly fond of but did under his fathers strict instructions. Along with that came teachings of being a slaver and how only the powerful deserved to live with freedom while the weak were only useful as slaves or dead. Ren hated these teachings to the core of his soul, even though it was pounded into him every day he knew better. His mother was a slave, and she was not worthless, not to him at least.

    By age 10 Rentaro had excelled in his studies and combat training, so much so he was even able to defeat boys 4 years older than him. This made his father quite happy. But when it came time to test his skills as a slaver, everything began to go down hill. Ren refused to do what they wanted. He refused to punish, beat, yell, or do anything violent with the slaves. Even as his father screamed in his ear, goading him and putting him down. Even when his father finally snapped and began to beat him, hoping it would trigger something. He remained adamant.

    One night he snuck out of his room and into the slave quarters to visit his mother. When she saw his bruises and scrapes she was horrified. When he explained the reason she was both proud and sad. She told Ren to do as his father said, because eventually his father would deem him useless too and he would end up a slave...Or worse. But Ren didnt care if he became a slave, he wasnt his father and he wasnt going to be a slaver. It was a brave but foolish defiance. One that led to a day he would never forget.

    The day of his 12th birthday his father sent for him to come to the training grounds. Unsure of what to expect since it was never simple when it came to his father, Rentaro obeyed. On his arrival he found his father standing to the side of 3 slaves on their knees with bags of their heads, 3 of his fathers men standing behind them. With a sick feeling twisting his gut Ren asked what this was about. His father explained with a cold gleam to his eye. Rentaro was to decide which 2 of these slaves would live, while the 3rd would be cut down right in front of him. His father claimed that these slaves had disobeyed and tried to escape so they were sentenced to death. Ren couldnt believe what he was hearing, he stood frozen in utter fear.

    When he refused to choose his father explained further that if he didnt choose then they would all die. He didnt know what to do, he couldnt breathe. And when the swordsmen behind the women on the ground raised their swords he could of sworn his heart stopped. Right before they would of struck the fatal blow he cried out to stop. With tears in his eyes he shakily looked from one woman to the other, he couldnt tell anything about them other than their gender. How could he choose? How could he not? These thoughts swirled in his head until he thought he was going to be sick. At his father's insistent bark to choose he reluctantly choose the 2 on the right.

    With an evil grin his father signaled the men, and in one fell swoop they plunged their katana's in all 3 women. Completely shocked to his core Rentaro fell to his knees. Why? Why? WHY?? He shouted that word to his father who looked down at him with disdain. He told him it was for his own good, he needed to start acting like a slaver and stop being a weakling. Thats when he walked over and pulled the bag off one of the women. What he saw next would be forever burned into his memory. It was the lifeless gaze of his mother as she laid dead at his feet. His father told he had caught him visiting his mother a few nights previous and determined she was making him weak and turning Ren against him. That day, looking up at his father Rentaro swore to himself he would see the man dead if it was the last thing he did.

    And so he did, but at the cost of his sight. Afterward Ren lived off the land as a wanderer, helping those he could as he came upon them. Until he met Master Wiyung when he was 16, Wiyung told him he had a much more important purpose in life and thus began his training as the Rooster of the Zodiac.

    - Dumplings

    - Meditating
    - Training/Sparring
    - Reading
    - Crafting
    - Animals
    - Finding the bright/unique side to things

    - Fighting

    - His blindness
    - Bullies/Cruelty
    - Being helpless
    - Talking about his past too much
    - Blind Obedience
    - His birthday

    - Unintentionally hurting someone with his powers

    - His past coming back to haunt him
    - Spiders/Centipedes
    - Letting those that need him down
    - Losing his hearing

  • xxxxxxThose Warrior Details
    (ignore the hair its just his body)

    - Birth to 12: Slaver in training

    - 12 to 16: Wanderer/Jack of all trades
    - 16 to Present: Warrior training
    - Rentaro can enter another persons dreams and completely control them while also draining the energy from their body/soul.

    - Hes capable of imprisoning them in the dream as long as hes in it preventing them from waking up from it. Him and his victim but be asleep for this to happen and if he wants a specific target he needs personal item of theirs to form a connection.
    - Rentaro can force another into a temporary slumber if he uses a large amount of his power. He needs to be within 100ft of his victim(s) to do this.
    - Rentaro is capable of staying awake for days at a time with no side effects.
    - On the opposite end of things Rentaro can also control another's dreams in order to mentally/emotionally heal them.

    Martial Art:
    Praying Mantis Kung Fu

  • xxxxxxThat Little Extra
    - Tonfa

    - Feng Huo Lun (Wind and fire wheels)

    Theme Song/s:

    Wears a dark red blindfold when outside of the Estate
    Is able to "see" when inside dreams


    "The prettiest Smiles hide the the Deepest secrets. The prettiest Eyes have cried the most Tears and the kindest Hearts have felt the most Pain."

  • I <3 Hiroki
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  • Love
Reactions: Pyralithia
[BCOLOR=#000000] "When water is trapped, it will either find or carve a new way."


Zodiac Warrior of the Snake [/COLOR]

  • [BCOLOR=#000000]
    Jeong-Hui Something

    JEONG-HUI 정희, 正姬, 靜姬, 正熙 f & m Korean
    From Sino-Korean 正 (jeong) meaning "right, proper, correct" or 靜 (jeong) meaning "quiet, still, gentle" combined with 姬 (hui) meaning "beauty" or 熙 (hui) meaning "bright, splendid, glorious".




    Sexual Orientation

    Miss Sharp Wit ~ Daiyu

  • [BCOLOR=#000000]
    Hair Color

    Eye Color
    Dark Emerald

    70 kg or 174lbs

    1.91 or 6'3"

    Piercings, tattoos, scars
    ~ Orchid Tattoo under his left collarbone

  • [BCOLOR=#000000]
    Smooth and Charming
    Jeong-Hui is quite a charming man. He knows how to dress himself, and he certainly is aware that he is nice to look it. He can, and will, abuse this fact when he has to, but only to get himself out of trouble or loosen up tongues in a nonviolent way. He would never do this to intentional make some fall in love with them, just to break their hearts. Even if he is often perceived as a player, or even a boy toy. Despite his charms and talks, he doesn't nearly have as much experience in the bedroom as most people think.

    Sassy and Sarcastic
    No matter what situation or whom he is talking to, Jeong-Hui always has a reply. He likes to throw off people with his sarcasm and humor. He doesn't even mind making jokes at his own expenses, however rarely ever does this. It is very hard to shut him up, since the Snake will always have the last word. Still he is a great mood lifter in serious or horrifying situations. You can always count on him to make you smile one way or another, even when you don't want to. However at times, he loses control of his quick tongue and makes comments he should not have made or regrets making immediately.

    Persistent and Strong-Willed
    Some may call him stubborn, but that is not really true. If the Snake Warrior sets his mind on something, he will reach that goal, no matter how impossible it may seem. He is resourceful and adaptive and not one to quite easily. Though he is very aware of his strong and weak points. Nothing makes him more determined than someone telling him he cannot do a certain thing. It doesn't matter how much effort and time it will take him, but he will succeed and smile while they gaze at him in disbelieve.

    Patient and Forgiving
    Unlike many would think, Jeong-Hui is actually a very patient person. You can insult him all you want, and he will not give you any other reaction that sassy comments back. It is very hard to annoy the male. Even if you hurt him, he will most likely just brush it off and forgive you. He always likes to see the best in people and believes they mean it in the best ways. Besides he knows how he can hurt people with his comments every now and then, so he just assumes other people do not mean their stingy comments as well. However once you reach his limit, he will be ruthless and merciless and will get to know how sharp his tongue can really be. Yet the storm won't last long, before it is back to calm waters.

    Playful and Daring
    He is always in for something new, for a thrill or a game. He likes to keep himself entertained as well as others. Often he looks for his own boundaries and he likes to rile up the people around him every now and then. He is a male to live on the edge and always search for that kick. He can also get great enjoyment by trying to get other people out of their comfort zones, however in harmless ways. He is always up for a challenge and if you place a bet with him, you can be sure he will keep up his part.

    He was born only four minutes after his brother, and yet on a totally different day, which made him a completely different child. Where his brother was big and loud and rowdy, he was small and quiet and docile. He didn't cry much, he slept through his nights, he didn't fuzz, he didn't kick… he was the baby most parents would have wanted with his enchanting emerald eyes and perfect behavior. Even as a young child he knew just what to do to get that extra cookie, or get out of trouble, or pry that one toy from his brothers fingers. Yet on the other hand he also was the one who knew how to comfort and calm his brother, how to make him smile through his sadness and to calm him from his anger. Their powers showing in the form of their behavior already, for they were like fire and water and like water Jeong-Hui knew how to kill his brother quick temper.

    Their family never had had much, but they had each other and they were brought up with love. Lots of love. However when they were around twelve, disaster struck their family. They gotten the message that their beloved father had died. Heart attack, the doctors had said, from working too hard. Their mother tried to do whatever she could, taking double jobs, turning every coin five times before spending it. Yet there were days she could not give them three meals a day and those days became slowly more frequent over the year that followed. So frequent that Jeong-Hui noticed his mother losing weight, giving up her own meals to feed them and he would sneak back food to her bowl if he thought she was not looking. Though the young male knew that was not enough and thus he went out on the streets to see how he could help.

    Eventually he came across a place called Hidden Orchid (숨겨진 난초) where they were hiring males. He informed at the desk, easily convincing them that he and his twin were old enough, before he finally dragged his brother along with him. It started as an easy waiters job, yet the longer they worked there, the more they were worked into the job of a Taikomochi. Entertaining guests, storytelling, drinking with them, joking with them and everything became an everyday thing for them. Jeong-Hui had no trouble with bringing in customers and keeping clients, while also building up some regulars of his own, guests that paid extra to just be entertained by him. Around this time he also learned to fully control his power over water, something he had actually found out at a young age but never told anyone but his brother. He used it as a way to entertain, saying it were simply parlor tricks, and like a real magician never giving away the secrets. His name became familiar, and with that his group of customers only grew and he had become a specialty from the Hidden Orchid.

    At sixteen he was inked. It was not about being owned by the place, it was merely product marketing. Everyone who saw that tattoo would know he worked at the Hidden Orchid and thus would come to the establishment. It also was a way to make sure rivaling places could not give him a nicer offer, so two birds with one stone. Private parties had become normal for him, he hardly ever walked like the other Taikomochi on the main floor, unless he was specifically requested there (for a certain price). And with that development rumors started to float, rumors about him doing the usual stuff that happened at private parties in back rooms. And like that he had caught the interest of their landlord. An old male who had been known for eyeing younger boys and who had more than once made his moves on him. At first Jeong-Hui denied him, but soon he heard his mother complaining their rent price had went up for some reasons. And after a few months, he gave in. And once more his brother was the only one who knew, the only one he told.

    For some months it went quite well. The landlord only requesting a bit of touching, stroking, kisses, but nothing overly sexual. However his demands became more sexual, lap dances and stripping, became part of their meetings. Eventually touching and stroking down there and by the time he was 18, blowjobs had become part of his form of entertainment as well. At first one blowjob on rent day equaled not having to pay any rent. Yet that became two blowjobs… and then weekly… and then only enough for half of the rent. However Jeong-Hui kept refusing to go any further. For some time the landlord accepted that, until he came back more persistent than before. He would wait him up after work, follow him in the alleys, until Jeong-Hui saw no other option than to involve his brother. His twin picking him up when he was done, making sure he was never alone on the streets and the landlord back of again.

    A few months after their 19th birthday the landlord was back full force again. And on one specific night, he had been able to call it in early night. Jeong-Hui decided to just risk it, arguing that the landlord was probably not aware of it. However nothing was less true when two alleys further he was suddenly grabbed and pinned against the wall. His throat was squeezed tight in order to stop any screams and any sounds coming from the young male. There was nothing to defend him with around and he only vaguely remembered the self-defense lessons they had had for their job. He didn't really think as he just suddenly hit towards the others throat, making the landlord stumble backwards. Yet the other recovered quickly grabbing again and pinning him again as clothes ripped. Panic and fear taking over as he tried to strike where he could, but he was no match to the older, and bigger, male. And he probably would have never been, had his brother not come to his rescue.

    Neither of them had noticed a second old man watching them. A far older man, and the same man that came to talk to them a few days later. An old man they quickly found out was Master Wiyung who had just found the Zodiac Warrior of the Snake and the Zodiac Warrior of the Tiger. Two forces so unlike of each other, and yet joined by birth. Jeong-Hui did not think as he more or less immediately accepted the offer. He had made the promise to himself to make sure that he would never feel as helpless and powerless as in that alley with the landlord, and Master Wiyung was just offering him the possibility to achieve that goal. He spend long days training, working out, trying all kind of different martial arts until he had found the Eagle Claw Techniques quite fitting. Quick attacks, yet mostly meant to defend and to disable an opponent without doing serious harm. He learned to use his control over water for more than just cool looking tricks, though there is still a lot he can learn and a lot he has to perfect. He even learned how to use the skills he had picked up from being a Taikomochi for all those years in benefit for the Warriors. He could spend hours at bars, just talking and entertaining people to find out information for the Master, about trouble, about other possible warriors. And every now and then he still goes back to being a Taikomochi, yet only on the main floor and no more private parties.

    ~ Challenges
    ~ Swimming
    ~ Sarcasm
    ~ Attention
    ~ Ice Cream
    ~ Alcohol
    ~ Story telling

    ~ Hot Temperatures or dry climates
    ~ Spicy food
    ~ Uptight people
    ~ People who takes things way too serious
    ~ People that think they can boss him around

    ~ Losing his brother. Despite that they often get under each other's skin, he would be no where without his brother.
    ~ Heights. No idea why, but the idea of being up in the air or even on a ladder or climbing a tree freaks him out.
    ~ Drowning. Water may be his element to control, it also has power over him and he is afraid that at one point he won't be able to fight it and thus drown because he loses control.
  • [BCOLOR=#000000]
    Taikomochi: the party masters who ensure that the guests have a fun time at the party by telling jokes, telling erotic tales and acting out skits, playing games and drinking sake. Jeong-Hui reputation included that he did more erotic stuff as well, but most of this is rumor.

    Water Bending
    ~ He mostly uses in a defensive way to shield himself and others by creating high waves of water between them and the opponents.
    ~ He also uses waves of water to knock back enemies
    ~ He can manipulate currents of water to transport things, himself or others, as long as they are within his sight and the natural current is not too strong (aka he would not be able to stop a waterfall)
    ~ Upside: Underwater breathing
    ~ Downside: he can only use the available water sources
    ~ Downside: he will quickly be exhausted in dry areas or hot temperatures
    ~ Upside: he never gets wet when it rains, nor those that say close to him

    Martial Art
    Eagle Claw Kung Fu: known for its gripping techniques, strikes, joint locks, takedowns and pressure point attacks. This style of Kung Fu is also called Faan Tzi Ying Jow Pai, Fann Tzi Ying Jow Pai, Ying Zhao Pai, etc. According to FightingArts.com, "Eagle Claw's specialty is developing the hand grip and finger pressure to grasp, trap, seize and manipulate opponents' limbs, joints, pressure points, veins and other targets". [/bcolor]
  • [BCOLOR=#000000]
    - [Two maximum]

    Theme Song/s

    - [Anything else you have to add about your character which hasn't been covered already]
  • [BCOLOR=#000000]
    The Rat ~

    The Ox ~

    The Tiger ~

    The Rabbit ~

    The Dragon ~

    The Horse ~

    The Goat ~

    The Monkey ~

    The Rooster ~

    The Dog ~ Hiroki Nakano

    The Pig ~


[BCOLOR=#000000] "Never underestimate the power of water. It can wash away land, kill fires, ruin metal and cut through stone, while being soft, flexible and persistent."
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[BCOLOR=black]"When water is trapped, it will either find or carve a new way." [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=black]Zodiac Warrior of the Snake [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=black] [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=black] [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=black] [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=black] [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=black]Nothing Special[/BCOLOR]

The Snake Warrior had left not much later than the other warriors that were sent towards the Pier. However he left in simple clothing and without his weapons. His off white shirt hanging open showing a bit of his chest and part of his decorated collarbone. His pants were black and a bit baggy. Nothing special and yet he could see many girls and women stop to just look at him for a moment as he wandered through town. His already charming smile only growing with those bits of attention as Jeong-Jin Tang made his way to a very particular shop in town, since he was on a mission to get something very particular. Something no one had done, for as far as he knew. He wasn't even sure how the idea had come to be, or whom of the other Zodiacs had brought it up, but as always he had been dead set on proving them wrong. And that was exactly the reason he was now standing in a little shop in town.

"Hello, I would like to get a tongue piercing," he declared right of the bat with a special charming smile to the girl behind the counter. She wasn't particular pretty, average size, and a bit chubby and he couldn't help to think back of their Pig Warrior as he grinned softly.
"I.. I am sorry, Sir, I have never heard of such thing. I.. I will have to get my brother," the girl said with a soft blush. Jeong only giving a soft nod as the girl scurried away from the counter she had been cleaning. Only seconds later an older, and male, version of her appeared. His expression far less pleasant as he stepped up to the counter.
"My sister said you'd like a tongue piercing?" The male spoke, his voice deep and obviously not amused. His expression sour like a lemon, as if this was some kind of bad joke. Still that did not change the radiant smile of the Snakes face as he nodded.
"Indeed, I would like that. Actually I would appreciate if you put this one through my tongue," he easily went on as if he was chatting to a friend. His finger pointing down to a little blue stave with equal blue balls on each side. As his gaze flicked back up he was met with an expression he was quite familiar with, as the male behind the counter seemed to debate whether Jeong was insane or fooling him. "It is a kind of bet, you know. Well not really, but I would really appreciate it if you could do this for me. I know it is an unusual thing, but-"
"You will need to stop talking, if you want that thing through your tongue," the male shut him up. Jeongs smirk only growing as he nodded quickly.
"Of course, that shall not be a problem. Not a problem at all," he muttered as he followed the other towards the back of the shop. "I could perfectly be silent for just a few minutes." His last words earning him a warning look as well as an expression of doubt, as the male directed him into a chair.

"Shhhank you," Jeong hissed slightly when all was done. The pain was not even that bad, yet his swollen tongue caused quite some trouble talking. Perhaps he would indeed be silent for some while, for setting the piercing had not hurt, but now a dull throbbing pain started to spread. Luckily ice cream was known to dull down pain and one of his favorite snacks, so technically this was a win-win situation and the male had said the swelling should be down by the next day. One day of silence. He could totally handle that. A smile that radiated triomph lay on his face as he walked back towards the Warrior residence. Oh he couldn't wait to see all their faces. Though perhaps he should keep it a secret, see how long it would take them to figure this out.

"Jeong! Jeong-Jin... Jeong." The chorus of his name pulled him back from his thoughts as he could see his usual group of little fans running his way. He smiled as he watched the children run over towards him and surround him. "Please do the trick. Show us the trick. The trick... please, Jeong," the children requested and who was he to deny them that pleasure. Normally he would tell them a story as well, but today it would just have to be a silent show. Luckily this public was easy to entertain as he walked over towards the purblic well. His hand reached down scooping up some water that quickly changed form into a fearsome Dragon. No matter how many times he showed this trick the children still look astonished as always as the Dragon changed into a small Rabbit, sitting on its hindlegs, before it turned into a Tiger. From there it changed to Ox and the big animal became suddenly a small Rat, before growing into a Pig. From a Pig they went to a Dog, followed by the Rooster and then the Monkey. The Monkey changed into a Goat and then turned into a Horse. Last but not least the water changed into a Snake and Jeong made a sudden hissing sound, playfully scaring the kids, before the water snake slithered back into the well. "Do some more! We wanna see more!" The chorus started as soon as they noticed the show had come to an end. Yet the young male gracefully moved up from the well and shook his head. "Tomorrow, perhapsssh, my little fansssh," he said. The children laughing as they thought the hiss was done on purpose, before their little group dispatched just like that.

Jeong took a deep breath. It was always nice to see those children smile and be fascinated by something so simple. Childrens innocence... he envied them somewhat as he continued on his way back towards the residence. There were no further encounters as he sneaked into the kitchen, though the sneaking was not really necessary. He found his little medicine, hidden deep down in the cold cabinet. Smiling brightly he opened the little container and grabbed a spoon, before making his way towards the river. The cold food indeed helping much with that dull annoying throb in his tongue, even it was slightly weird to eat with that piece of metal through his tongue. His movements graceful and swift as he moved towards the garden and his destination quickly changed. From far he could hear those lovely tones of music, which could only mean one thing as his smile grew even bigger if that was even possible. He followed the sound of the music and quickly found the most beautiful scene ever on earth. He let out a deep breath as he leaned against a tree, simply admiring the woman and the tranquility she spread.
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