ABANDONED | profiles

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™ T A K E N O B U

Original poster

in character || out of character || profiles

Politics, Anarchy and Nukes, oh my!

So the world has made it to the years 2116. Well, technically. Of course, this isn't without it's ups and downs. The world as we know it had ended very badly. Something about the United States doing some ridiculous things, North Korea got a little too bold, Russia decided it was time to show off their prowess. And China thought that they could monopolize the situation! Over the span of fifty years most countries had found themselves at the losing end of a long and gruesome world war. Economies collapsed, resources became scarce. Sickness rolled through zombiesattacked jkjk, no zombies. Just a really terrible epidemic. Small populations were completely wiped out.

But just as evolution continues on, so did the world. Countries rebuilt--some stronger than they had been before. The United States, though they lost the entire west side of the country, managed to regain itself ever so slightly. New York managed to stay relatively in tact. Laws, treaties, bills and acts were passed in order for the east side to sustain and rebuild the population. Though they tried to expand westward again, they simply could not deny that there was a large scar on their country from shoddy nuclear warfare. Just like Japan had a long since remaining scar from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the United States would have to watch as California, Washington and Oregon fell into the ocean. Whatever remained died slowly and faded into a jungle of silence.

Now... getting back to current times, New York is thriving. Technology is at the highest it's ever been. Sure, there is a strong influence from the large East Asian countries (practically everything is Chinese, Japanese or Korean), but you've also got your healthy dose of European culture through the strong hand of the UN! New York and surrounding areas had become THE cultural and technological melting pot of the world. Now completely commercialized, it's definitely a place of the bright tech-savvy future. However... even paradise has it's faults.

For whatever reason, you were picked to head west. It's about time we go back and explore what once was. The radiation should be at an all time low by now. Whether you were assigned to go out there, or ended up joining the party out of attempt to run from the law, you are now in a group of strangers, heading west. The chances of finding life are slim, but that doesn't hinder your ambition. There's so much potential when rediscovering land. What will you find? What won't you find? You've only seen what used to be there in the history books. This is the adventures of six travelers into a land that has long since been abandoned.
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