Abandoned by...

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We gotta name them soon. :3

Hey i saw the manga nad I'm so gonna read i. The art is beautiful.
... Seems like you two got it all figured out, don'tcha? Well, I have no clue what I'm doing, so

RUBBER BABY BUGY BUMPERS and see ya later.
[MENTION=4534]Thomas McTavish[/MENTION] don't goooooooo
But I have no clue what I'm doing, honestly. Seriously, It's a rare occurrence I get this level of 'unsure what to do'.

Rubber baby bugger bumpers still stands, though.
It's a horror based on Abandoned by Disney, a CreepyPasta. No plot yet, we're just preppin characters.
Hm. A negative-colored mickey mouse costume ripping it's head off as yellow, chunky blood flew from the places it's fingers dug into it's neck... That's definitely not one of the main ingredients for nightmare stew.

I still don't know what I'm doing, though.
yeah, no plot yet, like i said. but if you want just prepare a character. :'D
Looks like I have to drop anyway. Too many problems to fix irl, not enough time to RP. Sorry.
...Do I really have to start it now? I know I said I would but ... I just- I'm not. .. I had a very crappy day. I can't think. I can try but I'd like to ask you something in return: Do our characters live together (more like, can they), and can they be boyfriends or something (Sorry I went stupid me mode and reread Positive kun to Negative kun as well and I just CAN'T I CANNOT EVEN I AM UNABLE TO CAN)
Well sure! Don't pressure yourself, I can wait. I think they should live together, in fact. So my Character can easily drag yours into all sorts of things. And he'll have no escape! x3
I have? :D

My character would apparently love bizzarre things and adventures. The moment he learns about "Abandoned by Disney" or whatever it is, he's going to be all set to book the flight and plan the itinerary with your character in tow.
Let's not use the same location, but if you helped me find images and research, I'd be forever thankful
By the way we can make this honor to horror and make your character yandere, it'd be interesting I think
Oh my, I'd love to make my cuddly and hyperactive character into a surprising yandere! Will he be like, the main bad guy in the end? :O

And I think I'd rather make up a place, if you don't mind.
Alright, we just really need at least one picture. And well, we'll see that eventually. When the time comes.
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