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Original poster

  • [dash=white]It has been winter for far too long now. The world was not built for stagnancy. Without change, there can be no future.
    You are that change.
    You must bring about the shifting of the seasons. [/dash]

  • Current Map in Spoiler
    You've discovered Murn's Shack, where a mysterious Ice Man told you to head south along the glowing trails of the Tormarr to a warm, purple field called the Whispering Wilds. Once you get through, head West to reach a city called Dohmara to find the next steps in your fate.


    Cabin Map



    You never knew this world. It was always just a part of a story you heard as a child: a world where the seasons no longer changed and for an eternity, Winter maintained its hold on the land. This world was said to be beautiful, but dangerous, for it loomed in a delicate balance, like a set of scales, ever-nearing its tipping point. Stagnancy is not the stuff of life. A world can only stay frozen for so long.

    You awake from a dream in a world you never knew. The cold air swirls around you and silently, snowflakes drift down from the sky, kissing your chilled skin before melting away. The sky is dark but for the dancing lights that dazzle the skyscape. The stars are outshone by these lights of blue and purple. The beauty is entangling, but something within you demands you look away. All around, you see a white blanket of snow and hear nothing but the gently breeze. Where are you? You do not know this world of Winter.

    It becomes quickly apparent that you are far from home. Are you alone? With some searching, you come to discover there are others, more like you that are lost, unsure of this strange, beautiful place. You come together, one of you noticing a strange creature leaping about in the distance. It looks to be a deer of sorts, but it is larger than any you've ever seen and its coat is white as the snowy landscape, its antlers are made of ice, and its eyes are a cool, purple.

    Together with the others, you decide teamwork is the best chance at survival. But none of you are sure how you got here or where you must go. And so, as a team, you venture out into this wintry world, seeking answers and seeking shelter. If you can survive, you may find yourself caught up in a magical adventure.

    Welcome, to the World of Winter.

  • 34r8xg6.png

    This roleplay will be an unpredictable adventure filled with curious opportunities driven by chance. I will be rolling dice consistently throughout to determine encounters and sub-adventures you will come across in the main plot. Your characters will be your own, but I will be giving you situations where your character fails or succeeds at certain actions and you must react accordingly. Like survival in the real world wilds, nothing is certain, you will face a number of difficult decisions; this is all a part of the survival experience.

    Two key features in this roleplay will be the bestowal of a magical ability and a companion or familiar from the world of Winter. You will not be able to choose either of these. They will be given out at various times as the plot progresses. If you are not mature enough to be okay with the unexpected and extended equailty (not everyone will have a power at the exact same time, not everyone will get a companion at the same time, but everyone will get one) then I fear this roleplay is not for you. A key aspect of any great adventure is the unexpected. This roleplay will be based around how your characters respond to the world and you will not have the same OOC power you would have in other roleplays. That is the point of this RP.

    +Do not complain about your ability or companion. I will take generic requests at the start of the RP but the surprise is the nature of the roleplay.+
    +Be mature, communicate, and be kind.+
    +Posting requirement is once per week, sometimes once per two weeks. My roleplays are long term. We all have vastly different schedules and so a week to two week long window helps ensure everyone has ample time to post. We'll aim for movement in the plot once a week.+
    +COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR GM. I'm patient as hell but I do expect effort.+
    +I EXPECT GOOD WRITING. You'll be PM'd by me if I don't accept your writing level. Poor writing makes it harder for your GM's and harder for your fellow players. I'm sorry but that's just the way it is.+

  • 1. Greenie playing Kirn
    2. Akashi playing Robert
    3. Cait playing Adeana
    4. Bitterblue playing Amalia
    5. Bitterblue Temporarily playing Arthur
    6. Soulserenity20 (GM) playing Sophia
    7. Soulserenity20 (GM) playing Jingim
    7. Reverend of Steel playing Olafur

    Severity Roll followed by a success or failure roll.

    1-5= Easy (one man can handle it) 1 hit required for defeat
    6-10=Average (Requires at least 2 chars) 2 hits required for defeat
    11-15=Hard (Requires at least 4 chars to beat) 4 hits required for defeat
    16-20=Impossible (Escape necessary)
    NOTE: Hits can be done by multiple chars or all by one, but the char requirement remains the same. You cannot face a 2 person foe alone, but you can be the only one of the two to hit it and effectively kill it.

    1-10=Success/Unharmed Escape
    11-20=Failure/Harmed Escape

    Success roll determines A: defeat or failure (rolls of 1-15) or B: whether you are damaged in your escape or not. If you do not meet the requirements, you MUST roll for flee damage. The battle ends when you are successful at defeating the foe or when you flee. Damage must be taken with each failure, but you may keep rolling to win or you may roll for retreat.

    1-5=Mild Harm
    6-10=Moderate harm
    11-15= Severe harm
    15-20=Not survivable, flee.

    Success roll determines if you are damaged or not in your survival.

    6-10=Mildly Useful
    11-15=Very Useful
    16-20=Life Changing


    No success roll required.




    Roller Site for Convenience
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[BCOLOR=transparent]The wind howls a sad and lonely song, the feeling of cold snow on the cheek forcing you awake. It is dark as your eyes open. Where you could possibly be, you have no idea. All you can see is a mountain stretching high above you, piercing the skies like a lance, its peak so high that the clouds above you hide it away with the light of the moon and stars. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]For now, the weather seems well enough. But for a light snow, there is nothing that seems to be urgent. The air is freezing cold, but for those of you with some sort of outerwear, it is tolerable. Save the wind, there are no sounds...all is silent...dark...tranquil. Yet, there are hidden dangers lurking just around the corner, waiting in this winter wonderland to leave you to the snow.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]One of the group, a man named Gabriel with lightly blonded hair and piercing blue eyes, was the first to stand and be seen among the whiteness of the horizon. The last thing he remembered was the sound of the pilots giving their regular announcements before a flight. He was exhausted and had fallen asleep soon after takeoff, nestled in his brand new, fluffy coat bought specifically for his trip to Siberia. He had been sweating when he dozed on the plane, but now the familiar chill of a wintry landscape kept the sweat away. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Blinking his eyes open, he looked for any signs of injury on himself only to see that he was in perfect shape - the same he had been on the plane. There was no fire, no he hadn't crashed. And he didn't think he could possibly be in the Himalayas, for none of the landscape looked anything like the images he had seen. Of course, for all he knew, he could be. They were tall mountains like the one he stood beside now. They were cold, and it often snowed there. After all, they were home to snow leopards, the fluffiest of the big cats. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]As his mind continued to ramble on, Gabriel took a better look around in hopes of at least finding his camera crew in the white snow. It was dark and hard to see, but his eyes adjusted in mere minutes, and he was able to discern the darker shapes still lying in the whiteness of the snow. Going to the nearest body he could see, he knelt down and placed his hand on the silhouette's shoulder. From what he could see, he was guessing it was a woman, but she was covered in multiple layers, so for all he knew, it could have been a man. As long as it was alive, though, he honestly couldn't care less.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Are you alright?" he asked softly, his voice just barely audible beneath the howling song of the wind.[/BCOLOR]
  • Love
Reactions: Shambles
Amalia stirred as the cold breeze blew, whistling ominously through the trees surrounding them. Instantly alert, Amalia jolted into an upright position. What the hell? How did she-Where were-WHERE IS MY WEAPON? These thoughts all rushed through her head, as she stood. Instinct had her scanning her immediate surroundings for any obvious threats, something was making the hair on the back of her neck stand up, and it wasn't the sudden change in location. Something was out there....other than 7 other figures who seemed to have magically been transported to wherever they were. A cold breeze made her shudder slightly. She was slightly cold, but she had bundled up fairly well before going to bed to prepare for a cold night, but this....this was new. Her hoodie was worn over a skin-tight tank-top, normally used as an undershirt for her uniform, and a decent set of sweatpants. Fortunately, she did have her tennis shoes on, force of habit. She also had a small knife in a well place sheath on her ankle, position so as not to stab her as she slept.

Once she took stock of their surroundings to make sure there were no obvious threats, Amalia joined the blue-eyed man in making sure the others were alright. She knelt down to the closest form, and put her fingers to the lady's neck, and found a pulse. She placed her hand on her shoulder and gently tried to shake her awake. Black hair flowed down the lady's neck as Amalia worked to get a response. "Hello, Miss. I need you to wake up for me, there ya go." The words came from her mouth with a heavy German accent. "Hi. Are you okay?" Amalia asked politely. She again scanned the horizon as the wind howled a haunting tune through the trees. She felt weird without her gun on her hip, the small blade wouldn't do much to stave off an attack. She once again turned her attention the the woman before her. "What's your name, miss?" [/dash][/fieldbox]
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The cold wasn't what brought her to life from what felt like an eternal, absolute sleep. The cold was familiar. She had gone to sleep with a group of tourists the night before and the cold had rocked her to sleep as the wind sang lullabies and swept her off into a world of dreams. But when she woke, she immediately realized things were not normal. The first thing she acknowledged was the snow. This set off warnings in her mind. Where was her sleeping bag? She hadn't fallen asleep on the snow. That was a death wish.

"Are you alright?" A man. But not the one of the men she had been out in the wilderness with. This one's voice was strong and lacked the Japanese accent of her group of tourists. Groaning as she tried to move, she realized her body had likely been out in the cold for some time now. It took some time for her to fully realize she was even awake, or alive. She rubbed her eyes with a gloved hand, the soft wool melting the frost from her lashes, and then opened her dark eyes.

"Where am I..?" It took a short while longer for her to prop herself up and eventually get into a sitting position. Something terrible crept into her mind and her gut stirred with a pit of fear as she realized the people in front of her were strangers and the people she had been responsible for were nowhere to be found. Looking around, the fear grew as she realized these were not the wilds of Russia, for they were foreign and if she knew one thing, it was the wilds that surrounded her home. What most disturbed her was the absence of the Japanese tourists she had been responsible for.

"Where are Tanaka, Yuki, and the others? Who are you people? Where are we? What happened?" These words began clear, but grew into more of a mumbled as she lost herself to the surroundings. This was not her home. Where was she?
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"It'll be alright, just hang in there." Amalia squeezed Adeanna's shoulder gently.

Standing once again, Amalia joined the young man kneeling in front of the young lady resting back on her arms. "It looks like we are all stuck here for now; where here is, I have no idea. And I do not like not knowing." Amalia looked around, once more, the hairs on the back of her neck standing up once more. "I'm Amalia. I'm from Cochem, Germany." She stated once she had turned her attention back to the two in front of her. "What's your name, ma'am? Where are you from?" Amalia was worried about hypothermia, confusion was understandable, but she was also slurring her words. Amalia needed to make sure she was alright, or she would have to get a fire going, something she'd rather not do out in the open where they were vulnerable. [/dash]
The caress of fresh snowflakes on Olafur's exposed face startled him awake. Icicles clung to his beard and mustache like some kind of frost bitten wind chime. This wasn't the first time Olafur had woken up in the snow, however, he had fallen asleep in his barn, on some straw, after assisting one of his ewes with a particularly laborious birthing. Had he been sleep walking? He glanced about his surroundings for any recognizable landmarks that would provide some clue to his whereabouts. His eyes settled upon some people a short distance away, not all of them had awoken yet, some were up helping others already, small bits of their conversation wafted through the chilled air. Judging by their accents they certainly were not Icelandic and judging by the mountains in sight, which dwarfed any of the peaks he was familiar with, he could surmise that he had no idea where he was.

Olafur was struck with worry, he stood quickly, eyes darting every which way hoping to catch a glimpse of something recognizable, no matter how minute. He spun around and gasped. It was dark but in the moonlight he could see something else and he knew he was nowhere near home, heck, he was nowhere near Iceland! Obviously NOT sleepwalking. The forest that carpeted the landscape was something he could only have imagined in his wildest dreams. Nothing like this existed in his home country, not even close.

"Now I know I'm dreaming" He said to himself only half joking. Part of him was serious however, still hoping he might wake up again, safe and warm on the farm.

A sudden chill brought him back to reality and he realized his jacket was wide open and hat and gloves stuffed in the pockets. Quickly putting those on and zipping up his jacket he looked towards the other people. Deciding that people were much more appreciable when sleeping he headed in the direction of the nearest unmoving body. His caring nature justified that they were the most in danger of hypothermia anyways so he trudged through the snow to lend what assistance he could thinking as he went "Someone must know something about what's happening here" but dreading what was most likely the reality: they knew just as much as he did.

[BCOLOR=transparent]The fear in the woman's voice as she sat herself up was as apparent as the thick Russian accent that lilted her words. He had backed off enough to watch her look around a moment, adjusting to the landscape. "I don't know where we are, ma'am, but perhaps we can find out soon. Do you have feeling everywhere? Are your toes numb?" Knowing her origin, Gabriel was sure the woman already knew the importance of frostbite and hypothermia, but still, he had to check and make sure.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]When she did not answer immediately, realizing that her own group was missing, he put a hand on her knee to show his support. "I am missing friends as well, but I'm sure with effort, we can find them. For now, none of us have answers, but maybe we'll be able to find them once we get out of immediate danger. If you can stand, I'd like to make sure the others here in the snow are alright." [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It was right around this time that another woman walked up and began answering the mumbled questions of the Russian, her own words lilted with a thick, heavy German accent. It seemed the people in this group were from all over the world. The question was, where in the world could they be? Or was it even possible to think that they weren't in their own world any longer? Suddenly, the phrase, "We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto," made sense. Gabriel sighed, standing up and reaching his hand down in offering to the woman still seated in the snow. "I think we should save introductions until a more appropriate time. For now, this snow can be a monumental hazard to some of the others. I think we should check to make sure they are alright as well...and then see if we can't build a fire and a shelter until daylight. Shall we?"[/BCOLOR]

It took a few minutes, but Sophia eventually processed what the man was saying and nodded. Pulling herself up, she took the man's extended hand and heaved herself up out of the snow. Wiggling her toes and fingers, she smiled lightly. "Well," she said in her thick accent, "I can still feel everything, so that's something." She was certain she'd be capable of recognizing the signs in her own body if there were some kind of damage done by the cold. All around her, the wind continued to whirl and seemed to be picking up as time passed. Where were they?

Though she hardly noticed what they were saying, being so caught up the curious and foreign world that surrounded her, she picked up on the unusual presence of thick accents in each of their voices. Refusing to linger long on such a trivial thing, she tugged her coat on more closely and flipped her hood up. "We need to get out of the open. We need to find the others and I agree, we must set up camp. Survival is our first goal, though I'm quite sure that's apparent to everyone. It we move together and collect whoever else we find, we can move on to setting up camp more quickly." She squinted through the dark air and the falling snow, seeing a moving figure approaching. "Looks like we've got another one. They're walking, so this is a good start." The man in the grey coat continued to draw near and as he did, she noticed his face was adorned with a thick, blonde beard that matched the long hair flowing from his head. "Hey!" She waved her arm. It didn't take him long to notice the movement and soon he was on his way towards the three.

Turning back to the woman and the man, she tried to smile. "I am Sophia Petrov. I'm from Yaransk, Russia. Good to know you, Amalia." Then, turning to the man, she said "it isn't the time for small talk but it's never a bad time for kindness. It seems we'll need to work together, so at the very least, I'd like to know what to call you... Mr...?"
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Mowkie


Click Me!

Waking up in a foreign place wasn't something Gabriella Westwood was new to, sadly to say. She had woken up in the back of random guys cars a few times, at a friend's house after a crazy party... even in a church once or twice. She didn't know where she was, but this time it wasn't because she drunk a lot the night before. Just now waking up, feeling colder than she should've. She was dressed in her newest Winter Gear because her and a few of her close girl friends decided to go to a Private Ski Lodge on a whim. Something rich, hot and famous people usually did a lot. The only thing she remembered from last night was sitting near the fireplace in the Ski Lodge, waiting for her friends to get ready to go Skiing. Something they hadn't done at all since being there for almost an entire week. She must've dosed off while waiting for them.

Feeling the snow lightly fall onto her exposed lips and chin, she started wiping them away. "Can someone PLEASE bring me a dry martini..." She said in her tired and barely conscious tone of voice. She didn't notice anything oddly different, until she felt the coldness and wetness of the snow and ground that she found herself resting on. "I paid good money for a nice and soft bed... what is this?" She was clearly speaking in her sleep, but was starting to wake up. When she finally did wake up, her mood would become even worst once she finally came out of her sleepy state.

As she finally fully woke up completely, Gabriella removed the hood of her coat from off the top half of her face. Blinking her eyes a few times in shock and disbelief and slight fear. "Where... where... what... what!" She screamed loudly in the darkness of night, feeling the coldness surrounding her. "This better be some stupid prank. Chelsea, Rose and Prada are all going to get my clothing dry cleaned for putting me out here." She smacked her fists into the light coat of snow covering the ground. She thought it was her friends playing some prank on her, not knowing what other reason there would be for her to be out in the wild at night, all alone... and also in such a cold environment.

She went to grab for her phone, but she didn't have it on her. "Are you kidding me?" Rolling her eyes, she finally spotted a huge mountain blocking anything in that direction from being seen. "Wait... I do NOT remember seeing a mountain when we arrived here last week." Gulping down some saliva, her eyes grew as big as saucers. "Where the hell am I?" Standing up, wiping the snow off her legs and backside, she turned around and saw a group of people, some sleep and some awake. She at least hoped the ones that were sleep, were actually only sleeping. "Oh this is just great, I've been kidnapped... wonderful!" Stomping her foot in the snow, as she practically ran towards the small group of conscious individuals.

Once she stood right next to the group of four, folding her arms and scolding them one at a time. "Are you the savages that kidnapped me? Is this a joke? I am not giving you any money and no one I know will pay ransom. If they do, I will kill them myself." She didn't know what was going on, but her fight-or-flight response was kicking in. She was ready to put up one hell of a fight if she had to. "Now tell me... how do I get back to California?" She was not having this right now. She just wanted to go home. No one was going to kidnap Gabriella Rosalina Westwood and think they could get away with it.

The television was on, and the table before the furniture was stacked up with take out food and alcoholic to none-alcoholic beverages. Empty glass or bottle. The living room was a mess, and the man himself was leaning against the sofa. The remote control was in his hand, but after drinking too much alcohol like always, he slept like a baby without even realizing it. Drowning in his sorrow and loneliness.

The crisp cold wind, the icey drops from the winter weather was dissolving the moment it touched his face, his red cheeks. Robert Barnaby was still sound asleep. He was somewhere else, gone from his warm and loving living room, to a place where the opposite had taken over. However, he was dreaming. it was different. It was loving, and sweet. He was with his daughter. Playing in a park. On an open field. It was basically what he wanted. He extended his hand to her, where she turned around, though that's when he woke up.

The cold had taken over, waking him up from his slumber. "Eek..!" He was somewhat stiff. He could see his own breath. The freezing weather was finally getting to him. Robert blinked a few times, wiped the tears off of his eyes. Still laying on the snow, he moved his head to the right side, before the left. "Where am I?" He whispered to himself.

His hands were cold, before he moved them closer, and pushing himself off of the ground. Wiping the snow off of his clothes, he turned around, looking at the bright but white surface. "Snow?" He confusingly added. Still feeling a bit groggy, he was not in the best of shape.

Almost about to fall back on his ass, he was able to keep his balance just in time. "O.. Okay.." Robert had a dull expression on his face. He tried to find his cell phone, hoping it was in his back pocket.

Obviously, it wasn't. Looking around the place again. This looked so unique, different. It must've been un-real. The snow, the mountains, the forest. Where the hell was he?

Rubbing his forehead, Robert felt that he may have finally, literally, drowned himself in alcohol. "This... It has to be a dream?"

".. Or is it hell?" He whispered to himself, before taking a few steps forward. He was wearing a loose casual shirt, and a blue t-shirt beneath it, with blue jeans and brown boots.

He was walking forward aimlessly. Keeping his hands, arms wrapped around himself to contain the warmth that was escaping his body because of the weather. 'If it's hell. I deserve it..."
♞✧ A R T H U R
' A R T '
L E V E S Q U E ✧♞

Clothes & Allure



Arthur felt a soft and cold breeze brush his cheek. It was a familiar sensation, but quite unexpected. It woke him from his slumber and the young man groaned as he slowly opened his dark blue eyes. The snowflakes stuck to his eyelid as he gently blinked them away and he absorbed the beauty of the white sky and the thousands of snowflakes falling from it.

Snow? He told himself as he moved his fingers. He felt the cool sensation of the snow beneath him. It was fresh, almost untouched and of a pure white. It was fluffy and it made him nostalgic.

A minute passed by while he was in some kind of thought and state of confusion. Yup, beautiful but damn cold. He said as he groaned and straightened himself up on the snow and crossed his arms around his knees.

Some girl was bitching about her friends and drying her clothes. Other women were presenting themselves. He thought he heard Russia, maybe Germany or something around that area. He had the intention of listening to them since they all looked clueless and he didn't want to impose his presence yet. He had no clue who they were and where they were.

Hence, why he preferred staying in the background while he listened to them. But for some reason, the girl next to him could not shut up and she started accusing him and everyone else around of kidnapping her.

He raised his eyebrows before looking at her and he just bent one knee as he scratched his cheek from his itchy beard and then pointed towards what seemed like a forest.

" Go South. You will find California, eventually, " he said sarcastically with a smile that said it all. Annoyance.

He rolled his eyes before 'undusting' his pants as he heard someone talk about hell.

He didn't really know what to think of this, but he won't stay there for half an hour to introduce himself to everyone. He had yet figured out where they were.

As far as he knew, they come from different places but could all understand each other and it snowing, therefore Winter.

I just remember working on that wedding dress yesterday night and it was before Halloween? How am here? He said to himself as he shoved his hand in his pocket and his forehead creased while he thought of possibilities.

" Do you guys think this is some kind of prank or game? Do you recognize any of the landscape?" he then said out loud.​


SideNote: Just felt playful at the beginning xD It's probably not funny but whatever xD
Olafur squinted in the darkness, his eyes struggled to focus on the landscape in front of him. The pristine blanket of snow disguising the earths contours and seemed to sneak the odd rock, root, or branch under his feet as he walked, stumbling occasionally. Drawing nearer to the remaining slumbering bodies, eyes squinting, affixed on their location, intent on lending his assistance when a sudden motion from the corner of his eye pulled his gaze. Someone was waving him over from the small group and he altered his course towards them.

"Hi, Olafur Einarsson" Olafur said as he approached with hand outstretched toward no one in particular, hoping someone would relieve the awkwardness and complete his handshake. "I'm concerned about the others," he pointed to the bodies in the snow "we should find shelter soon, I don't know much about the weather of this place but I don't want to take chances."

As he finished he noticed one of the bodies sit up, a woman it appeared, none too happy either. In a huff she approached, spewing out accusations of kidnapping and complaining so loudly Olafur knew any hopes of being discrete would be long lost, in a rather short time. "Sweet Odin's beard" he muttered.

Turning to the others once more Olafur continued "I'd suggest the forest personally, more wildlife and resources for survival there I'd think"

At this point Olafur saw one more person sitting up in the snow but his concern shifted from those in the snow to the person walking towards him, showing no signs of injury or pain but certainly about to inflict some of the latter upon the group. Olafur braced himself.
Natural Disaster
Roll: 10 (Moderate Harm)
Identity: Ice/Snow Storm
Scenario: A storm has hit and you must escape into the cabin to survive. Roll for success at escaping uninjured.​

The events that unfolded left Sophia in a very uncomfortable state. She had collected herself enough now to know that they were on a clock, working against the wilds. Given the fact that they were all strangers to each other and each had an unknowable background, Sophia was beginning to feel anxious about their likelihood of survival. She wanted to move, find shelter, collect her thoughts, figure out a plan for survival but within a few minutes there was already some kind of drama unfolding. A blonde woman wearing expensive clothing had come over and accused them all of kidnapping her. A man with a beard made a remark about California with a tone that led her to believe he wasn't intent on keeping the peace. The man she had beckoned over, Olafur, seemed as displeased with the dramatic blonde as everyone else, but at least chose to keep his comments under his breath. Out of everyone, she only felt like she could rely on the man that had woken her, Gabriel, and the woman that had approached shortly after, Amalia.

Before the drama grew, Sophia whistled loudly and spoke out in a clear voice before anyone could interrupt her. "While I cannot understand any reason why someone would want to kidnap you for ransom only to bring you out into the frozen woods at night without a lick of gear, I understand that you are concerned. We all are. Now, unless you're so inclined to think we're all stupid enough to kidnap you for ransom and then risk your life in the wilds for some ridiculous reason, I think it'd be best if we save this for later and focus on finding shelter."

She looked around and then looked down at her clothing. She was wearing several layers, having spent the night outdoors in a small tent with a draft. She tugged her scarf from her neck and ripped hard on it until it gave way into a strip. She repeated this again and again until she had several. "We will tie these to the trees to lead any other survivors to our camp, but we cannot stay here. Look, see?" She gestured into the distance where the dark sky was turning a threatening tone of grey. "A storm. If it comes our way we will die out here, lost to the wind and the frost." She spoke clearly, but her voice was wavering as her anxiety began to well up inside her, drawing her thoughts to what the others might be thinking of her, what might happen to them, and countless other concerns. "We need to go. Now. Since none of us know these woods, we cannot favor any direction, so I vote, we walk this way." She looked at each of them very sternly before moving to a tree and tying a piece of the bright red fabric to its trunk. "Please," she said more quietly. "I have seen death left in Winter's wake. Do not bring me to see it again." And she began walking.

Sophia didn't stop walking for quite some time. The group that had joined together walked mostly in silence. Gabriel stayed close to her at the lead, and the others followed at their own pace. Part of her felt a pitting guilt for possibly leaving others behind, but with the storm on the horizon she knew that she could save no others if she could not have herself first. Survival was selfish.

They pressed on and after what felt like 2 or 3 hours, the storm she had noticed earlier had moved in. The landscape began to succumb to the swirling snow and temperatures began to plummet. Visibility dropped along with the temperature and it became more and more difficult to press on through the deepening snow, which was now up to her knees. Tugging on her hood's drawstrings, she silently pushed on, hoping for some relief when they broke over a hill and a vision of the divine seemed to appear before her.

"H-hey.... Hey! Look!" She spoke through chattering teeth with enthusiasm, gesturing to the others at a small, wooden cabin in the distance, no more than 500 yards away. "Come! We must move quickly!" The storm was picking up, but with the cabin in sight, spirits were lifted and the group moved along faster than they had been. As they pressed forward, Sophia began to feel the effects of the wind picking up as her flesh was battered by the sharp ice that swirled about in the storm. Having used her scarf for a signal to the others, she no longer had the protection she needed for her face. As a result, she sustained numerous cuts all across her face and neck. (This is my reaction to moderate damage being done as my character failed to escape the storm unharmed.)

After some time, the sound of footsteps on a wooden porch broke the storm's cries. Sophia banged jiggled the doorknob and nearly broke down in relief when it gave in to force and opened. The group made their way in and began to settle. Sophia sat down and began wiping the blood from her face. Nearly 14 cuts had begun to bleed from the storm and they now tingled painfully as she struggled to adjust to the change in temperature. "Gabriel." She called the first man she had met on this venture to her side. "Could you please see if you can collect some snow to melt. I need to clean these cuts as soon as possible." Speaking hurt, for she had a rather large set of cuts near the right side of her lip. Though these wounds were the worst part of her injury, she also felt the wind burn beginning to set in from the cold air ravaging her skin. Without any supplies to help her tend to her injuries, she felt a nervousness setting in.

{Accidentally rolled 2 dice, first will be used, as it will be in all cases. Result: 13, injured escape.}

Cabin Description
The Cabin consists of two rooms, the first being very large and open, the second much smaller. In the first there is a humble kitchen made of dark, natural wood that has been smoothed with time and use. There is no food to be found and only limited cookware. There is a small, wooden table with a single stool and a worn down couch with a wooden frame and what appears to be wool-covered cushions atop it. There is a coffee table and a rug underneath it, woven from a dark brown and white wool of some sort. The bedroom, in the back of the cabin, appears to have a blanket made from the same material as the rug made onto its bed and a large chest with a lock on it. There is a door leading down to a cellar with is largely empty, save a few barrels of a foul smelling fluid.

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♞✧ A R T H U R
L E V E S Q U E ✧♞

Currently sitting on a sofa warming himself up after finding rugs for everyone
Location: Cabin in the Forest


Arthur looked at Sophia as she spoke and he nodded. He was wondering why nobody answered his question, but he figured that with the storm coming and the amount of people around them, it was normal maybe his question was unheard. " Yeah, we should find shelter, " he said as he looked at Sophia. " Give me some of the strips, I'll help ya put them along the way. " he then added before finally walking through the forest.

Shortly after, the weather thickened and they could barely see anything in front of them. It was freezing and he knew he would catch a cold or something. Sure, he had a jacket but his hands were frozen and he could barely move any muscles in his body.

" I think I have frostbites, " he then said with his teeth clacking from the cold. He didn't understand how the Russia girl could still be moving so quickly and ready for action.

She had banged the door open and he was one of the first to walk in. He looked before briefly to see who was there and he noticed that the man who claimed this to be hell was out of view. Did he stay alone in this weather? Does he have a death wish? He asked himself. He wanted to go back and look for him but it would be impossible in his state. He would only end up dead in some ditch and found in the summer or spring.

His lips were cut, he felt like his clothes were frozen and he could barely move. The first thing he noticed when he walked inside the cabin were the wool sofas, a small kitchen, and a door.

He was shaking from the cold, clearly not taking it well. Then again, he was very sensitive to temperature in general. He walked towards the open door as he felt already a bit warmer despite the door wide open and the breeze coming in and sucking all the heat out.

" I'll see i-if anything inside c-can warm us up, " he said weakly before walking out of sight. He needed to find something to warm him up. A pair of clothes or anything. " Is there a goddamn fireplace?" he asked himself a bit angry since he ended up in a situation that was extremely confusing.

He walked into a bedroom and saw rugs. He immediately grabbed them with difficulty and started wrapping one around him and placing his hands in front of his mouth as he blew on them. He already felt a bit better but it didn't do anything for his feet. The sooner I bring this to the others, the faster I'll seat down and we just cramp up in a corner, He told himself as he grabbed the rugs and walked out of the rooms as rapidly as he could and just showed up at the living room noticing a few other figures coming in.

He passed them around silently before taking his own seat in the wool sofa, no question asked. It felt good not to be walking but he just wanted the door closed and for people to cramp up around him, " Get closer guys, " he said as he felt his lips crack.

That's when he coughed and it felt horrible for his throat. Like a thousand blades were passing through it. If I don't die tonight, I'll have one hell of a nasty cold. He told himself as he sniffed and passed his finger under his nose due to the itchiness of his frozen beard.

Tags: @Soulserenity20 @Mowkie @Reverend of Steel @Akashi @Justinaholic @Cait @Bitterblue
Robert Barnaby still had no idea about where he was. The weather was crispy cold. It was snowing. He was definetely not prepared for something like this. What he was wearing was definetely not suited for such a cold weather. But how was it winter? Was it really a dream? The man was standing right in the middle of an open field. Trees were around him. The wind was howling more so than ever.

His body was shaking ever so slightly. The cold was finally getting to him. "I am definetely not prepared for this.." He whispered to himself, as he was still walking aimlessly. Stopping in his tracks for a moment or two, he gazed at the sky. The blue sky that was eventually darkened by something ominous. Following its trail, his eyes moved from one point to another.

Something was brewing up there. Something that would come crashing down. In this very moment, he did not bat an eye. Why would he? Was there any point? His dull and glum expression did not waver. He moved his attention away from the sky, and from what was to come quite soon.

Robert Barnaby kneeled down on both his legs. "I'll just wait..Wait.." He spoke up, as his head was also tilted down, towards the surface. 'Yes, you wouldn't have it any other way, would you..?' He questioned himself.

He blinked a few times, old memories rushed through his mind. His eyes were red, and filled with water. Tears ran down his cheeks. "Heh.." A pitied but short, fake laugh escaped his lips.

'I'm a miserable man..' He thought to himself. Robert was just going to sit there and wait for the storm to take him, but thats when something odd happened. The wind was strong as it blew past him, throwing him somewhat of balance. He fell down on the snow, before something or someone laughed. A familiar laugh at that. "What?" He confusingly whispered to himself, before quickly standing up.

Robert looked in the direction of the laugh, but all he could see were a few figures far away, but close enough for him to barely see walking away. "HEY!!" He exclaimed. "ANYBODY THERE?!?" The weather, the strong wind quickly made sure his voice wouldn't reach these figures. Curiosity got the best of him. Robert thought he was in hell, but apparently, hell did not bring him there all by himself.

Thats when he started to follow these figures to get some answers. Walking through the snow until he reached a forest. He kept on walking and walking. He noticed something wrapped around some trees, and they were all from the same fabric. Was that some form of a sign? Robert did not stop, hoping he was walking in the right direction.

At some point he noticed a cabin right in the middle of things. He was extremely tired and cold. He was freezing and luckily, the storm did not do much damage other than make sure his body temperature was lowered significantly. Barely hanging onto consciousness, he approached the door. "Heysssss------" A thud was heard as the man crashed into the door, before falling down.

Robert was right outside the cabin. All he could see for the moment was the door opening up.

"Yes, I agree; I was just checking to be sure you were alright, making sure you didn't have hypothermia. But you've just assuaged that concern." She replied with a polite smile. She turned to Gabriel and smiled. "Hello, I'm-" Amalia was rudely cut off by a blonde woman accusing them of kidnapping her, and something about California. Giving the woman a cold look, she stood to her full height once more. She had a witty comment about to escape when Sophia beat her to it. Smirking softly, Amalia was actually quite grateful to have another person take the lead…she was getting quite cold as the wind picked up. She too, had noticed the storm and was growing uneasy, there was no way they were going to be able to stay here, but she wouldn't leave anyone behind..."We will tie these to the trees to lead any other survivors to our camp." Smart woman, why didn't I think of that? Amalia's thoughts were becoming muddled, she couldn't seem to focus.

Amalia stayed close to Sophia and Gabriel, the two who seemed to be natural leaders. "Please, I have seen death left in Winter's wake. Do not bring me to see it again." This caught Amalia's attention. From the tone and way Sophia said it intoned that she probably lost someone, someone close. This would likely be one of the causes that might drive her to survive at all cost….Amalia chuckled softly to herself as she realized she was profiling the woman before her. Force of habit, she guessed.

As the storm picked up, so did the wind. Amalia crossed her arms and hugged herself, trying to keep the cold at bay. She was not dressed for this at all...she slept in so little because she liked to snuggle under her heavy blankets at night, even if people called her crazy for sleeping in sweats and a hoodie in the middle of freaking October in Germany...She watched as Arthur and Sophia continued to tie the strips to the trees.

As the hours past, hypothermia began to set in. Amalia's thoughts became more and more incoherent, and her confusion became a little more eminent. She tried to level out with Sophia to ask her a question, but she tripped over her own feet and landed face first in the snow. Groaning in frustration at herself, she attempted to regain her footing without success. Finally, she managed to stand up; the world spun, and all she wanted to do at the moment was to lay back down and go to sleep...

"H-hey.... Hey! Look!"

Amalia's head jerked up. Oh look, a cabin. She stumbled through the front door and collapsed on the couch, asleep before her head hit the pillow....

When Amalia collapsed onto the couch with a loud, muffled thud, Sophia's first response was a wave of fear that trickled down her spine and pooled in her gut, making her nauseous. "What the... Amalia?" The woman's name felt foreign and Sophia said the word with a sense of unfamiliarity. Nevertheless, her care for the well-being of the woman was sincere. She pulled herself off the table she had been sitting on and made her way across the room to the couch. Kneeling down, she quickly realized the woman was out cold.

"Amalia?" She shook the woman gently in an attempt to wake her but there was no response. "This isn't good," she said to the others. "There is no reason for her to be asleep now, not like this. We have to wake her up." As she spoke, she felt Amalia's skin and found it to be icy cold. This hardly surprised her, the woman was hardly dressed for the weather, but the cold was particularly concerning when presenting along with the more worrisome symptom of passing out so suddenly.

She began unzipping and removing her large winter coat, setting it over the woman's legs. She then removed her sweater, a dark red fleece article that smelled so much of her home, and wrapped it around the woman's torso. The sweater still held Sophia's body heat and would slowly begin to warm her, but someone would need to help by massaging the woman to stimulate blood flow. "Please, I need help. Will someone help keep her warm? Is there no hearth?" She looked around worriedly. The cabin appeared severely under-stocked on supplies which led her to believe it had been abandoned for some time.

"We need a fire, food, and for someone to assess all those who have sustained injury. Does anyone have their first aid? Are any of you doctors?"
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"Marcus, Marcus, Marcus," a woman muttered, clicking her teeth with the end of a red pen. She exhaled with exhaustion as she put ink to paper - circling another error. "Wikipedia is not a valid source!" Adeana said to herself as she wrote those same words in the margin of the paper. This was the fifth citation of Wikipedia in Marcus's paper and there were still several pages to go. There was a loud groan and a tousle of papers before the woman decided to take a break, leaning deeply into the warm folds of the couch. She could get back to grading in five minutes...

Cold. Freezing cold. Adeana jerked awake, immediately coughing on whatever she had inhaled. Her throat was on fire... no, more like frozen. She shifted, feeling a strange weight fall off of her body. Was she dreaming? Instinctively, the woman brought her arms up to cover herself and that was when Adeana became aware of herself shivering. A blanket of snow had fallen on top of her and must have been what she had accidentally breathed in. Still, it made no sense. Dreams weren't supposed to be painful. The cold was biting at her, chewing through her cotton hoodie and thin pajama bottoms. This couldn't be a dream.

Immediately she began to panic. Anxiety was rare for Adeana, an emotion that she only felt when she was truly threatened. This was one of those times. Her breathing quickened, her heart raced; yet, the woman refused to call out. She wasn't sure why. Maybe it was the eerie silence that held her back or perhaps it was the snow around her that was disturbed as if she was not the only one around. Honestly, that thought came as a relief and evolved into an isolated fear. What if those people were dangerous? Or what if they were just like her?

Whatever the answer, Adeana knew that she would need to find shelter and find it quickly. Following the footprints in the snow would be Adeana's best bet, but the snow was falling steadily and if she did not get a move on, those footprints would be erased if they were not gone already. She forced herself up, her arms cradling her body as her teeth chattered with the wind. There was silence all around her, but that didn't mean nothing was there, so as Adeana set forth on her quest she remained vigilant.

Time slipped away from the woman as she traveled. Her feet were numb, her lungs stung. Adeana was on the verge of giving up hope until she heard something through the cold. She could not tell the words, but it was clear that the sound was human. A man perhaps? For a moment, the woman almost smiled but a large gust of wind took the happiness from her.

The force almost knocked her forward into the snow. It probably would have if a tree had not been close enough for her to fling out her arm and stable herself. The weather had become increasingly agitated and there had been moments when the wind and pushed the footprints from her path. Still, it was growing worse. The trees were beginning to make slight popping noises and Adeana was growing more anxious by the minute.

She had compromised with herself, saying that she would think about what had brought her to this place after she was safe; however, she was beginning to think that wouldn't happen. It was in that moment of thought that she made a discovery. A cabin! It was close and there were... people? Yes, it looked like human forms. That must have been where she had heard the voice from, or close enough to it. She smiled and stepped forward when a sharp pain rushed through her head and suddenly everything was dark.

Adeana woke up sometime later. It couldn't have been too long since the snow had barely begun to accumulate on her body. Beside her was a rather large limb. Warmth traveled down her cheek and for a moment she thought it to be tears until she noticed the smell of iron. Cautiously she gently touched her temple and pulled away to reveal blood coating her fingers. That was when the pain hit, similar to a headache but worse.

The cabin was her only option. She had to get to it. The footprints around her were gone, but the moon was casting enough light that Adeana could make it out in the distance. Clumsily, she stood - bracing herself against a tree as her vision blurred. Gritting her teeth, she bought the end of her sleeve to her hand and placed it against the cut bleeding on her head. With her other arm, Adeana hugged herself and then she began to make her way to the lone cabin.

As she got closer, she realized that the door was open and people looked to be inside. The woman climbed up to the porch and noticed a man fallen in the doorway. Her heart jumped to her throat. Was he dead? There were others inside the cabin, but they seemed preoccupied. She got closer, voicing out a small "Hello?" before crouching down to the man and shaking him with her free hand. That was when she noticed his clothing. They weren't appropriate for the environment, just as her own clothes weren't. It was true. She wasn't alone.

Mentions: @Akashi
Olafur followed the group through the storm, not without feeling terrible for leaving behind the others, but his own survival instincts pushed those thoughts away as the storm grew in intensity. He kept his head down and focused on following the tracks ahead of him and the rhythm of his own footsteps. In short time his mind began to wander, memories of storms not unlike this one he had faced on the farm. Only then he was usually concerned about the well being of his animals, making sure they had enough food, water and bedding to keep them from freezing. His loyal companion Fenrir always by his side no matter what turbulent weather they had to face.

A cracking sound from above dispelled his daydream, a strong wind gust ripped the dead branch off a tree and hurled it towards him. He could have easily evaded the debris had it not surprised him like it did and his only reaction was to crouch and turn his back, covering his head with his hands. The branch struck and shattered across his back, the impact forced him into the snow.

Olafur winced as he stood up, "Holy Frigg, that's going to leave a bruise" he swore to himself, moving on quickly in case the whole tree decided to come down. Each footstep sending a pulse of pain up his back and slowing his progress. He had fallen behind but he could still hear the faint excited voices on the wind ahead of him. Picking up the pace, Olafur forced back the pain, shuffling through the growing depth of snow as quickly as he could muster. As he crested the hill and saw the cabin for himself he let out a hearty laugh and broke into a run.

When he arrived at the door the rest of the group was already trying to make themselves comfortable. He raised his hand to decline the offer of a rug one man was distributing. The pain in his back returned with this simple gesture and he immediately regretted running the rest of the way. The Russian woman whom had willfully put herself in charge was tending to another woman on the couch, her voice seemed to reverberate through the cabin "Please, I need help. Will someone help keep her warm? Is there no hearth?"

Olafur hustled over "What's this? Hypothermia?" without waiting for an answer he snapped his fingers at the redheaded man with the rugs he encountered earlier "Lets get some of those rugs over here!"

He turned his attention back to the Russian woman, "What do you need of me?" he asked, ready to lend all the assistance he could, setting his own injuries aside and grimacing all the while.

@B l u E s @Soulserenity20 @Bitterblue
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