A World of Our Own..... (taken)

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"I didn't know plants felt like that," Vaid finished up his food and dismissed his plate with a wave of his hand. It reappeared in the kitchen, ready to be washed for the next day. "Well what does this flower wish to be then? Why not show me yourself?" Vaid flashed her a defiant smile, as if daring her to do it.
Lyra shook her head, looking up at him with a rebellious glint in her eyes. "Many don't understand the plants...I'll try to make this one happy..." She put the flower on the table before her, closing her eyes and breathing sharply. It took more effort to change something already living than it did to encourage growth in places. She exhaled, opening her eyes as the tips of the red faded to yellow. Pretty soon, the whole flower had turned into a yellow and she laughed. She wiped the sweat from her brow and waved away her dish while picking up the wine cup. "Success!" She cheered before taking a long gulp of it.
"Very nice!" Vaid gave her a light clap and smiled. Vaid wrote a few symbols on the table, a light smoke raising from the table. Vaid grabbed the rose and set it down on top of the runes and pressed his hand down on it. When he lifted his hand the runes were gone and so was the flower. Slowly yellow flower petals began to fall from the tall dark ceiling. "Are you looking forward to studying?"
Lyra gasped at the yellow petals drifting from the ceiling and held out her hand. "Of course I am...One day I want to travel to find my parents...if they exist." She caught a few of the yellow petals in her hand and smiled at them. She looked around, blushing when she noticed the almost emptied dining room.
"I hope that one day you'll be able to find them then," Vaid held his hand out to catch a petal. It landed softly on his hand and Vaid stared at it for a second, the petal felt warm in his hand. "We probably should get going soon. Tomorrow promises to be a long day." Outside the daylight had all but disappeared and the clock tower chimed softly in the night.
Lyra nodded and with a sigh and a faint goodbye she made her way up to her designated room. She lay down between the soft comforters and drifted off to sleep.
Vaid walked out onto a bridge and stopped to enjoy the sites. As he stared out at the faint lights in the forest an Elvish man walked towards Vaid. "Are you enjoying your time here so far?" The man stopped and held out his hand, "I'm Marri, we'll be working together to study Runic." Vaid took the man's hand and shook it, flashing a smile. "Very nice to meet you. I'm really looking forward to studying here." Marri gave a slight bow, "Good evening." Marri headed towards one of the other towers and Vaid headed towards his room to sleep.
Lyra woke the next day with a slight headache and petals crumpled in her hand. She rubbed her eyes, realizing that she had fallen asleep with the yellow petals grasped in her hand. She moaned, sitting up and changing into her clothes for the day before taking a look at herself in the mirror. There were bags underneath her bright green eyes and her hair was a mess. She tried to fix it, a grin on her face as she realized that today she would be starting classes. But first, and she nearly shivered at the thought, was breakfast. With anticipation, she nearly ran out of her room in order to get to the dining hall.
The sun crept in though the windows of Vaid's room, the clock tower rang loudly. Vaid rolled out of bed and onto the floor, stretching out. "Ohhhh today is going to be long," Vaid moaned and stood up, walking over to his dresser. He picked out green pants and a red shirt, threw on his shoes, and headed out of his room. This morning Vaid saw a lot more people than last night. Some of the Elves stared at him in disbelief, some ignored his existence, and others smiled at him as he passed. Vaid entered the dinning hall and sat down. In front of him a goblet of juice and a plate of eggs and steak appeared before him.
Lyra noticed the light bows made towards her by the elves. She bowed back, extending the same courtesy before running into the dining hall. There were already far more students this morning than there had been last night. She spotted the only other human and made her way over, sitting across the table from him. "Good Morning!" She smiled cheerily. She drank from the juice and waited for her platter to appear before her. A light tap came from a finger on her shoulder and she looked up to find a smiling face looking at her. She gasped, the tall and handsome male a cutting figure.

"Hello, my name is Daniel and I shall be your instructor...Miss Lyra." The deep voice stated and she nodded in understanding.
"Good morning to you as well," Vaid smiled at Lyra as he quickly ate his food. Vaid hardly noticed the stranger walking up to meet them. "So you're to be Miss Lyra's natural magics instructors?"
Lyra looked down at the food on her plate, clearing her throat awkwardly. "Of course. I have heard great promise of your talents, Miss Lyra. Even though you come from an outlying family, your audition for enrollment was said to be wonderful." Lyra nodded, eating her food. She was a little off-put by the way he mentioned her family, as if it was a bad thing rather than a blessing. "Thank you, I think..." She watched as her instructor walked off, suddenly nervous. She looked up at Vaid, finishing her plate. "Have you met your instructor?"
Vaid nodded at Daniel as he walked away and then focused on Lyra. "I don't really have an instructor. I'm here to work with the Elves on the study of Runic based in the manipulation of raw energy," Vaid speared another piece of meat with his fork and chewed on it. The giant wooden tables began to slowly clear as people left to attend their classes and work.
Lyra waved away her plate and looked at Vaid. She continued to sip on the juice. "Oh, I see. I'm envious you can create something from nothing...."
"But you can control nature," Vaid waved away his plate as well as he began to stand. "I suppose we should get going to our appointments."
Lyra chuckled as she stood from her seat. "About all I can do right now is change existing plants color. I can do nothing without seeds from a plant..."
"Well study hard and you'll pick it up quickly. The teachers of natural magics here are some of the best," Vaid walked with her towards the exit.

((I feel like I'm losing my rping. I need longer posts! haha. I've never done a 1x1 rp before))
((don't worry. It will come to you, just wait.))

Lyra joined him, smiling. She walked along beside him and nodded, opening her mouth to say something. Daniel suddenly appeared beside her and stopped her in her tracks. "Ready for your first lesson?" He asked, smiling brightly down at her. She swallowed hard, nodding silently and the smile disappearing from her face. "Vaid, I will see you later..." She mumbled, following her teacher out to the garden area. She looked over her shoulder once, waving and grinning. She almost tripped and she chuckled before turning back around and trying to catch up with Daniel.
Vaid smiled at the two of them, wishing Lyra a silent good luck. He then turned and pulled a scrap of paper out of his pocket and set it down in front of him. The glyphs on it began to glow slightly as Vaid began muttering the incantation to the spell. He reached into himself and let the spell pull the power from him that it needed. A light glow seemed to cover him and then he vanished and the scrap of paper began to burn away. Vaid reappeared in a room high in one of the tress, standing in the middle of the room was Marri. "I knew when I didn't tell you where we were to meet that you'd still find me. Good job. This is our lab," he said as he swept his hand around the room. The room had four giant windows, one for each wall. There were tables with ink and paper and a couple of blackboards and chalk. A couple of book shelves were on the walls containing leather bound books, some for reference and some empty for them to write down their own discoveries. In the middle of the room was a small pit to build a fire, a series of arteries branched out from the bottom of the pit so warm smoke could escape while warming the floor of the entire room. There were a few chairs, couches, and coffee tables scattered about for their comfort. Vaid smiled and took in the room, finally a place where he could work. Birds sang their songs and flew here and there outside of the window in the warm sunlight. Vaid walked over to one of the bookshelves and grabbed two books, one empty and one for reference and sat down ready to work. He looked up at Marri, "I purpose that we work on finding a way to create a runic spell that will allow even the non-gift and non-magically educated to teleport," Vaid said to Marri as he began to scribble out information and variables.
Daniel led Lyra out to the garden and sat down in the middle of a patch of green turf surrounded by trees. Lyra sat across from him and allowed her eyes to wander. There were benches and a fountain in the center of the garden. From her spot on the outskirts she was able to see birdhouses in the trees. There were also a few treehouses and she looked at them in curiosity. Daniel allowed her to get used to her surroundings before pulling out a bag of various seeds. "Let's see just how much you know...I want you to identify the seeds and try to coax them to grow in this dryer soil..." He shook the bag out, five seeds falling to a patch of pale brown dirt. Lyra knew immediately that the soil would barely be able to grow anything and with five seeds....Daniel's true purpose must be to find how long it would take to tax her stamina. She looked up at him with wary eyes. If she tried all of the seeds, she could very well collapse. So, what was the true test? Endurance, skill, stamina, limitations?

Lyra nodded, unhappy about the test laid out before her. She picked up a small brown seed and held it up. She was relieved at the sight of it. "Daisy...will grow in almost any soil condition."
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