A Wonderland Story

  • Thread starter Raylin Rose Avalon
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Raylin Rose Avalon

Original poster
Welcome one and all to A Wonderland Story where you can come and be one of the many characters Wonderland has to offer.

We will be playing in the style of the Tim Burton movie, so the place will actually be called Underland. We will only have enough spots for the main characters, so only limited space is available, but this is a group role-play.

Below is a list of the characters the ones without a Iwaku username beside them is open.

Character | Username
Alice Kingsley- RaylinRoseAvalon
The Mad Hatter/Tarrant Hightopp- Kazuaki
The Red Queen/Iracebeth of Crims- Sexybae
The White Queen/Mirana of Marmoreal- BloodFang
The Knave of Hearts/Ilosovic Stayne- Male
Tweedledee- Male/Female
Tweedledum- Male/Female
The White Rabbit/Nivens McTwisp- Male
The Cheshire Cat/Chessur- EternalMusic
The Caterpillar/Absolem- Male
The March Hare/Thackery Earwicket- Male
The Dormouse/Mallymkun- Male
The Dodo/Uilleam-Male
The Bloodhound/Bayard Hamar-Male

Here's to help with names of things a bit.

"Glossary of Underland Terms"

Bandersnatch- a creature under the control of the Red Queen
Brillig- 4 o'clock in the afternoon the time you begin broiling things for dinner
Crims- the central land of Underland
Downal wyth Bluddy Behg Hid- "Down with the Red Queen" the slogan of the Resistance
ezel- high, go up
fairfarren- farewell, "May you travel far under fair skies"
Frabjous day- the day Alice slays the Jabberwocky and frees Underland from the oppression of the Red Queen
frumious- filthy with a very bad smell
Futterwacken- a dance of unbridled joy
gallymoggers- crazy
Gribling- the day Alice will return to Underland
guddler's scut- thief's ass
Gummer Slough- a dangerous swamp of thick viscous mud
Horunvendush Day- the day the Red Queen took control of Underland
Jabberwocky- a deadly creature, the Red Queen's ultimate weapon
Jubjub Bird- a flying creature under the control of the Red Queen
kiotchyn- heads up, pay attention
naught for usal- it's no use trying
noge- go low down
nunz- don't go - not now.
Oraculum- a Calendar of all the days of Underland, each day having its own title and illustration.
orgal- to the left
Outlands- an untamed land to the west of Witzend
Outlandish- an old language spoken only in the Outlands adopted by the Underland underground resistance as a secret code in the revolution against the Red Queen.
Pishsalver- potion that makes one shrink
Queast- a land to the east, but not in the least
Quillian- the following day after Alice returns
saganistute- a wise person of poetry and vision
Salazen Grum- a port city where the Red Queen lives
shukrn- excrement
sloth- slowly
stang- right
slurvish- selfish, self-centered
Snud- southern Underland
Tulgey Wood- a thick wood where Alice meets the Jabberwocky
Underland- the real name for the place Alice calls Wonderland
Upelkuchen- cake that makes one grow
slurking urpal slackush scrum- dirty words of the most foul meaning.
Witzend- a western land where the Mad Hatter and March Hare were born.
yadder- far away - way yadder the Crossling in Snud.
zounder- behind you

Source: Underland Know All

Please PM to request a character or if you have any questions.
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May I reserve a spot as the white queen?
Sure thing, I will put your name up on the list.
can i play the role of the mad hatter
before i start is there any specific rules , like the length of post,
and i also are we following the original story were alice stumbles upon the tea party?
It would be after the Tim Burton movie, but we could have a tea party in it. :)
Also, as long as it's at least a more than a couple sentences long that's fine and mild language is allowed but not anything extreme. Also, there can be romance but nothing too graphic. I'm glad one of there people to be requested was the Mad Hatter though he is my favorite.
ok sounds good ,
I would love to take Iracebeth Just warning you that I haven't played many evil characters so at the start of the DP I may be a little rusty
I know it says that you want the cheshire cat to be male... but do you think I could play him as a female...? I can completely understand if you want to keep him as a male but yeah I just wanted to ask.

If I can't could I have tweedledee and/or tweedledum?
Would it be OK If I played the March hare? I love a crazy/insane character. :)
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