A Wolf Among The Sheep

The sandy haired male looked down at his leg, remaining silent as he observed the injury he had picked up there. As well as the shoulder, it seemed as though he'd picked up a second injury without realising - too occupied with the pain his shoulder provided. The outside of his upper left thigh was shredded, easily identified as claw marks. However, as was always the case, once he had seen it, the pain had gathered for it. He knew it would be difficult to walk on it, but he would be damned if he was about to let the larger of the two in front of him carry him back.

Not just out of stubborn pride and dignity... but what would his mate think? He couldn't allow that to happen. He wouldn't ever want another person's scent all over Anders' skin, it would drive him into a possessive frenzy; he couldn't allow his own skin to be tainted by either of these two. Not to mention, if he was unable to walk, his mate would undoubtedly worry.

Momentarily his mind drifted to Anders, distracted for a brief second by the thought of his anxious ramblings and small, shy smiles. The unknown wolf ducked his head rubbing at his forehead to hide the faint smile that appeared at the thought of him. He knew he was okay, there was (hopefully) nothing to worry there with him. It was his family that attacked in the end; he was with them again now.

Bringing himself back to reality, he looked between the two before dragging himself to a nearby tree. Using that, he pulled himself to his feet, face contorting with pain and teeth gritting to avoid any sounds of pain from escaping. His thigh and shoulder throbbed with the exertion, anind he was slightly breathless by the time he stood. He wrapped the blanket around his waist, wincing as the material immediately became stuck against his bloodied leg. But as well as keeping his decency, at least it hid one of his worst injuries - he didn't need Anders fretting when they knew he wouldn't be able to do anything. This all had to remain a secret, just as it had been for the past two weeks.

"I don't need either of you to carry me, I'm fine to fuckin' walk." He muttered, although he still leaned against the tree.

Gio raised an eyebrow, looking over the sorry state in front of him but eventually shrugged. He knew stubbornness when he saw it, having lived with Tate and the rest of the brothers for so long. "Alrigh', but if you fall be'ind then you'll be carried. Either in a stretcher or over someone's shoulder. Don't care which, but you ain't slowing us down."

Watching carefully for a moment, he then stepped to the side so there was a gap between him and Lyle, "Well? C'mon then, ain't got all day. Like my brother said, we're wantin' to be back by sun fall."

With a final glare, the unknown male moved forward. Pain shot up his leg in a fiery display of displeasure at being used, and he wondered briefly if it was ready to give out from under him. However he bit hard on his split lip and continued forward after a second-long pause.

"Fuck's sake." Gio growled, rolling his eyes before approaching the male who tried to step back away from the larger werewolf, "Don't touch me." He snarled but it was useless as Gio simply swept him up to put him over his shoulder.

Gio smirked slightly at the growls and snarls that were coming from behind him, eyebrow raising as one fists hammered into his back, "You would've been too fuckin' slow an' made us late for dinner. Trust us, you don't wanna get between half this pack and their food. Now shut it and deal with it. I've had enough of your pack's shit for today."
The stubbornness on display was precisely what Lyle expected from the other. Like Gio, he was used to unnecessary displays of stubbornness so he met the presentation of it with a faint, derisive smirk, knowing there was only so far the other wolf would be able to go before the pain became too much for him to bear. What he wasn't aware of was the reasoning behind the stubbornness; what he driven him to decide that he could limp his way back while maintaining the pace they demanded of him - he assumed it was just ignorance to the actual severity of the injury.

He was hardly going to assume that Ronan was more concerned about the reaction from his mate if he had to be carried back. Anders panicked over the little things, so the sight of his mate having to be carried back by Gio would inevitably skyrocket his anxieties.

And inevitably, the sight of Ronan over Gio's shoulder set the wolf's worries into overdrive. The pang of relief he felt at seeing that Ronan was at least alive was, unfortunately, overshadowed immediately by the fear that was fatally injured. He might have only known him for a few weeks and started to really develop feelings for him a fortnight ago, but that was his mate - the amount of time they had known one another meant nothing when that bond had already formed. Clarissa and Tate were proof that there could be an undying love present regardless of the little time they had really known one another. The fear that he might lose his mate this early on into their relationship horrified him, his anxiety only continuing to grow the more he was left to ponder without comfort.

He couldn't rush over and ask Ronan if he was okay, and nor could he even really pester Gio for answers without drawing suspicion to himself. All he could really do was linger on the sideline and act as though the sight of Ronan evoked no emotion in him, when the truth was the complete opposite. He chose to quietly focus on the baby in his arms to distract himself, finding that the little bundle at least helped keep his mind focused rather than let it run amok with the fears that threatened to take him over completely.

"Right, we oughta get going then. I sent a couple of guys back to camp so they can get things prepared before we arrive, give 'em good news to put them out of their misery - I'll help carry the alpha back, everyone else help out with the other stragglers we've gathered. Anders-- you carry that, uh-- that baby. Everyone else keep watch, just in case that lot are still nearby," ordered Tate sternly, standing at the front of the group as he directed them all to take on a duty and a responsibility during the journey back. He wanted to celebrate as much as they all did, to revel in the joy that had burst out amongst them at the success of the day, but that would have to wait until they were back safely where they all belonged.

"You alright carryin' him, Gio?" He murmured to his brother with a faint nod at the wolf over his shoulder. "I'm gonna have to get help carrying the alpha so if you need help with your guy, Lyle or Chester can lend 'ya a hand."
Ronan had been unable to help himself as his eyes searched the gathering of people for his mate, his physical display of displeasure at being manhandled halting as he finally found the face he was searching for. His entire body went still as he simply watched Anders for a moment, and while the situation wasn't ideal, he couldn't help the warmth that began to flood his chest as he watched his mate tend to the baby in his arms.

There had been plenty of times during the days that had passed that Ronan wanted to badly to kiss his mate so furiously that he had not choice but to feel the desire Ronan had for him. And this moment was no different, except after the kiss, he envisioned wrapping Anders up in his arms in a tender hold with a head resting on his shoulder so they could both look down at the baby.

Quickly, the sandy-haired werewolf looked away, desperate to not allow himself any hope when the possibility was that their being together wasn't to be. Before Anders had been his pack's captive, and now the roles had been reversed. Not to mention the whole complication of male mates. There would be so much confusion, then the added distraction of them now supposing to hate each other.

Gio meanwhile, unsuspecting to the conflict that was going on in the head of the male he carried, nodded to Tate. "I'm all good, brother. Ain't too heavy one, thank gods. Besides, barely got a proper sweat on in that fight - maybe the walk back with this one as weight will give me some sort of a work out." He grinned, the easy airs and light mood back now that their pack members had been rescued.

That, and the fact that they were all unharmed, their own fighters barely had any casualties, and undoubtedly a feast waited for them back at the clearing.

"Now let's get goin'. I don't know about all of you, but I'm fuckin' starvin'!" Gio said loudly to the rest of the group, earning a cheer to which he grinned. He glanced back to Tate, nodding again, "Lead the way, Alpha."
The journey towards the other pack had been wrought with emotional and physical difficulty. Despite the determination striving them all forward, it had still been a difficult affair, the physicality of trekking for hours on end and the emotional strain of what they might find when they got there making the journey hard to overcome. The same couldn't be said for the trek back home, with emotions riding high and the jubilation of their success driving them forward with little to no recognition of the hours they spend continually walking home. Even with the added difficulty of having to carry a few of the other pack's members with them, including their alpha, the joy and relief at not just battling back the other pack without any serious injuries to their own but also retrieving their missing friends and finding them healthy and alive meaning that nothing could bring them down, especially not a few meaningless gripes over exhaustion.

No amount of tiredness was going to stop each and every one of them celebrating once they got back to pack, after all.

Having sent two pack members back to camp before them, the mood there was already celebratory. The members that had remained there throughout the day to keep the daily running of their home going had captured two wild boars for the occasion, preparing those for the feast alongside a pie or two made from the wild berries they were fortunate to have growing amongst them. It was an evening for celebration, so the effort had to go into making it a night to remember.

The sight of the returning fighters sent that jubilation mood up a few levels, members leaving their seats and duties to rush to welcome back not just the fighters but also the members that had been absent from their homes for so long. Daisy rushed from her own seat to approach her brothers, their cuts and bruises unsubtle but her worry for those could be postponed several seconds, the girl wanting to focus on the joy she felt at seeing them back alive and without life-threatening injuries to concern herself with. Anders received the most of her joy, her arms looping around her brother and holding on as gently as she could manage in her excitement. As confusing as the sight was, she had taken the baby into consideration and so did her best not to crush the poor thing within the hug she was eager to hold Anders into.

The outburst of emotion and relief settled just a little to prioritise the health and safety of their returning heroes. Once the strangers were set down and their ropes tightened once more just to be on the safe side, Daisy, along with some of the other healers in the pack, proceeded to get down to business in spreading the herbal paste along some of the more nastier of cuts.

Anders was pulled towards the campfire to sit and rest with the others who had gone through the same ordeal he had, accepting the cup of water eagerly as his other arm kept a close hold of the baby. He wasn't sure what would happen with it but the duty had been passed to him to take care of it - no matter how long he was expected to fulfil that duty, he was going to put his entire energy into doing so. He had the right sort of temperament to care for a child anyway, his gentle demeanour and inability to really do anyone harm inevitably making him an ideal candidate to care for the baby for as long as he needed to. It didn't even occur to him that the child's parents might not be alive, that thought making so upset on the child's behalf that he opted to expel it from his mind the moment it threatened to trickle in.

"Hand the baby over to Sasha or somethin', you don't need to take care of it. Gio said he fancied tryin' for a kid soon, yeah? Let him and Sasha look after it for practise until someone comes looking for it," murmured Tate as he settled at the fire, carefully tying the bandage across his abdomen, the injury he sustained lying at its side. He wanted nothing more than to rush up to his hut and greet Clarissa, inform her of the successes and every other detail that had occurred - but he wanted to at least bandage himself up first and clean away the spots of blood that he had missed earlier on. "Seriously, relax Anders; you don't gotta look so worried. The baby will be fine with Sasha an' you can focus on getting some food in 'ya."

"...Can I go and see Clarissa?" Anders piped up in reply, lifting his head to focus on his brother opposite him, fighting the continuous temptation to peer over at Ronan and offer him a smile in comfort, knowing even that would evoke unneeded suspicion upon him. "I know she's in heat or whatever but-- but I can fight that off, it won't bother me that much. I wanna see her. I... got taken before I could apologise to her for all that shit that went on and it's been on my mind, to apologise, an'-- I just wanna see her."
Gio, having left Ronan in the capable hands of the healers now that they had arrived back at their own camp, immediately sought out Sasha to bring his mate into a firm, passionate kiss and embrace. They broke apart only after a small wince from Gio, with Sasha hitting his upper arm and muttering something about how fighting always got his blood pumping. Gio chuckled sheepishly, shrugging before being led to the small set of stairs that would take them up to their hut. He was sat down on them, with Sasha reaching out for a pot of paste from one of the healers that were passing by.

His hands roamed slightly as his mate tended to him, the occasional low growl of lust escaping him while fingers pulled at the waistband of trousers or slipped under the hem of shirt. Eventually Sasha caved, and the two disappeared into the hut for a short while.

During that time, Ronan growled and winced as his wounds were tended to. Although he was slightly surprised that he and his people were being taken care of. He hadn't really expected it, not considering what they were guilty of, but he wasn't about to argue. The blanket was tenderly pulled away from the wound on his leg and his bound hands jerked in response to the pain in caused. Soon, however, the ripped flesh on his thigh and the chunk taken from his neck were both covered in the paste and bandaged neatly. He was even given some trousers and a shirt, which surprised him further.

From there, he was bound to a pole, hands tied behind his back and secured to the mast on one side of the fire pit. Him, and the others from his pack that were picked up, were all positioned there. Seemingly so that they presence wouldn't have an entirely negative impact on the festivities of the evening. They weren't at the centre of it, so people could turn their backs and forget about them for a while.

His eyes kept drifting to Anders though, unable to go long without finding himself looking in that direction again. He knew he should control himself more, keep himself from watching his mate, but it was difficult. Besides, it wasn't as if anyone was watching him watch Anders.

All Ronan could think was how adorable his mate looked; face lit up by the fire, baby held carefully but already so tenderly in his arm. It caused him to wonder if that was what their future could be like. But how could it, when there was still so much uncertainty? Perhaps Anders' family and pack wanted answers, what would they do to get them? Or maybe they wanted retribution... what would they do to feel like they finally got that revenge? Would Anders speak up if his life was on the line? Their bind, the pull of their mate bond was already so strong but had been kept a secret for so long already.

Walking past the group of prisoners, Chester joined Tate and Anders where they sat, groaning and then sighing contentedly. "Think you got some apologisin' to do here first, Anders. Do'ya know how much of a state you left our brother in?" Chester smirked, nudging Anders playfully - albeit cautiously considering the baby, "I didn't even know you had it in ya. Tough guy now, aye? Gotta watch how much we wind you up now otherwise we could find ourselves flat on our arses!" He chortled, running his fingers through his hair, "Ah-- come on Tate. You know I'm only jokin'. We all know how tough you were."
"Oi, you shut the fuck up; he took me by surprise. I didn't go expecting little Anders to punch the living shit outta me, did I? It would never have happened if I was expectin' it - not to say that I didn't deserve it, mind," the alpha admitted as he silently observed the meat being cooked by the pack's designated chefs. He was willing to wait as long as it took for the feast to be prepared but the smells of the honey-glazed meat were watering his mouth and causing him to fidget impatiently, wanting nothing more than to tuck in and celebrate the success of the day into the early hours.

Gio and Sasha's absence from the campfire wasn't lost on him. He hadn't brought it up to avoid giving the twins material to tease Gio with but he knew precisely what his younger brother and his mate were doing - and he couldn't really blame them. There was nothing he wanted more than to head straight up to the hut and celebrate with Clarissa, especially when doing so would also help her from the distress she was under. But unlike Gio, he wasn't willing to have a pup crying and begging for his attention in nine months time; it wasn't something he could accept so willingly. Risking that possibility by heading to Clarissa and letting his urges take over him was a recipe for disaster later on and so, however difficult it was to leave his mate in distress in the hut when all he wanted to do was take her close like Gio had with Sasha, he had to remain sat by the fire instead.

Though having Anders back, sat with them where he belonged, wasn't something he wanted to miss out on either, taking the moment in and making a mental note to himself to never take it for granted again. He didn't mind lightly teasing Anders here and there, as any brothers would, but hurting him like he had, dismissing him so casually, wasn't something he would ever do again when he thought he had lost his youngest brother forever.

"I-- I lost my temper, that's all. I'm not a tough guy," the youngest of the brothers weakly attempted as he did his best to shield the baby from the smoke. The proposition of handing the little thing to Sasha couldn't be acted upon now she had disappeared into her hut with her mate, though a part of Anders was glad about that. He was sure Sasha would want a little practise dealing with a baby and she definitely would do a good job of looking after them - but so would Anders. He obviously wasn't everyone's first choice, not when they had casually mentioned Sasha would look after it time and time again, but he didn't think that he was a disastrous caretaker. The baby was quiet and settled in his arms, peering up at Anders without any noises of discontent, and in turn, he was holding them close and offering little coos and gushes here and there in affection.

Most were quick to recognise his flaws (his sensitivity, clumsiness, a lack of common sense) but he had the attributes to be a good caregiver too; a fact he was now eager to show them all if they did try and encourage Sasha to look after the baby again.

"...I mean, I guess I can knock you all out if I really wanted to. Might be the youngest brother an' all but I guess I got some strength; Tate knows I do," he continued as he joined in the teasing, a quiet grin spreading on his face at Lyle's booming laughter and Tate's feigned annoyance, the latter eventually cracking a smile at the fact the incident, at one time horrifying, was something the brothers and Daisy could now all laugh and joke about.

"Can I go see Clar now, before dinner's done? I-- It can't be fun for her, hearing all this and being locked in the hut--"

"Nah, you ain't got a mate; you're unmated, Anders. It ain't gonna work out well if I let you wander up there. I love you, kid, but there ain't no way I'm letting you near my mate right now. You wouldn't control yourself an' I can't let that happen. But it's, like, her last day being like this, or one of the last. You can see her when it's over," nodded Tate as he rolled his shoulder back until hearing a satisfying crack. He was obviously unaware that not only had his brother found his mate, but he wouldn't be interested in Clarissa even if he hadn't - girls weren't exactly his thing. "She'll wanna see 'ya too but it'll have to wait. I can't even be with her an' it fuckin' sucks but... there we are."
"Still can't over your shitty timin', Tate." Chester grinned, leaning back so he was propped up by his elbows as he looked to his older brother, "I mean, really-- you both lasted two weeks without gettin' frisky with each other an' then the moment you do, all this shit comes to light. I'd hate to think how pissed Clar is at you-- puttin' her through this heat and she not even able to come to the fight today... maybe it's a good thing you can't see her for another day or whatever, give her some time to cool down-- no pun intended."

The twin's gaze also drifted across to the glazed meat, visibly licking his lips before he raised his hand to push it through his hair, shaking out the shaggy locks after. "Who'd've thought there would have been another pack so close after all these years too." He then added quietly, thinking it over with a tilt of the head, "How'd we not think of it before? Did we even know there were other packs in the area?" He asked, glancing to Tate.

Movement finally came from Gio's hut, and the second oldest brother clambered down the stairs. A grin on his lips as he joined his brother. It didn't even cross his mind about how his actions might be making Tate feel; too caught up in his own enjoyment and his love for his mate.

He sat near his older brother, patting him gently on the knee as he lowered himself to that level. "Speaking of Clar-- Sasha's just takin' her some more water." He hesitated, looking to Tate, "Maybe go see her once the food's cooked. Take her some. Sash said she's not been eatin' much - been drinkin' plenty, more than enough... but not eatin' like she should be. It's normal, Sash is the same. But you should see if you can get her to eat somethin'." He then smiled, patting him on the back, "I'm sure she'd like to see her mate is alive and all too. You haven't seen her since we've been back, 'ave ya?"

Clarissa had been wondering why Tate had yet to show his face. It caused her to pace anxiously in the hut, despite the heat that continued to roll through her body. She had noticed his scent, so she knew he was at least back. The celebratory mood outside was clear, the atmosphere electric and the smell of the honey-roasted meat causing her temperamental stomach to grumble. She had picked up Anders' scent too, and whined at the thought of not being able to see her friend again yet either. She stood behind the net-curtained windows, peering out in an attempt to see the faces of those she loved, but that was useless.

There was another scent, unknown yet familiar at the same time. It called to her, nagged at her. It poked and prodded at a part in her mind that was deep and rooted fast, incapable of moving.

In her highly strung state, Clarissa began to pace again, only pausing at the appearance of Sasha and the jug of water. Clarissa wanted to growl in jealousy as she caught the heavy stink of sex on Sasha's skin, but she swallowed it back, simply exchanging the full jug for the empty one to quickly pour herself a glass and drink it just as rapidly.

"Food's almost done, Clarissa," Sasha said gently, "You really ought to--"

The other werewolf shook her head, "No, I'm fine with water. Honestly, Sasha. It's-- it's too hot to eat anything. The water's keeping me full. I'll be fine."
It there was one certainty in life, it was that the twins would inevitably get under his skin and drive him mad no matter the circumstance or situation. They had the uncanny ability to wind him up, developing that talent when they were all young children. Tate was the eldest and he felt he ought to have been the one to lightly tease and jest his brothers - yet that had clearly not gone to plan when he distinctly remembered the twins starting to tease him the moment they learned how to properly speak.

It wasn't that deep - as annoying as it was, he wouldn't change them for the world. That didn't mean it wasn't incredibly irksome to have Chester turn his attention onto the relationship with Clarissa. It was a current sore point of his, something he was struggling with, so to have that be made into the focus of the twins' jokes wasn't great. He resented the fact he couldn't hold his mate when she was going through so much; he couldn't even face going to see her when it provoked so many feelings in him that he physically refused to act upon.

Having that become a joke that created a few laughs around the pack made his jaw clench tightly.

"Yeah, well, let's see how funny 'ya think it is when you and Lyle get mates - if that ever fuckin' happens. At least I have one," he grunted in response as he miserably poked at the fire with a stick to stoke the flames, needing something to do to take his mind off the sudden outburst of bitterness he was hit with. He wasn't necessarily angry at his brothers, their words just reiterating how awful the situation was - and making him miss Clarissa all the more.

Gio wasn't exactly helping either, Tate eyeing his brother grumpily. He couldn't expect the younger brother to not celebrate with his mate when they had that opportunity - he wanted to do the exact same with Clarissa. The difference was he couldn't, so for Gio to casually sit down back amongst them, his actions with Sasha clear as day, wasn't easy for Tate to take in.

"I can't fuckin' go over there yet, I wanna get my head sorted first. She'll understand. You ran to your hut with your mate, Gio; lemme clear my fuckin' head so I don't end up doing something like that with Clar, alright? Lemme just-- fuck, let me just unwind a little first, alrigh'?" He mumbled as he did his best to avoid the glances from his brothers and from Daisy, his sister possibly the most stern on him and he wanted to avoid a judgemental speech from her if it was at all possible.

Eventually, growing tired of the unsubtle glances in his direction from other members of the pack, he heaved himself up from chair with a faint grimace, holding his injured side as he made the journey up to his pack. Being injured was enough of a hassle to deal with but now he also had to try and contend with the affects the other's heat had on him, the all-too familiar desires hitting him before he even made it to the hut.

"...Clar? I-- I'm back. You knew that, obviously, I just-- how 'ya doin'?" Tate smiled as he leaned against the wall beside the window, his usual spot for when he came up to see her. He rested an arm in through the gap in the window, his eyes briefly taking Sasha in though focused back quickly on Clarissa. "...I was hopin' you would feel a bit better, so you could come an' celebrate with us, but-- obviously 'ya still not okay yet, huh? That sucks."
At the glance from Tate, Sasha quickly made herself scarce, taking the empty jug of water with her. She joined Gio and the rest of the family where they sat, nestling into his side but still keeping a cautious eye on Tate where he was outside the hut. Clearly wondering if he would resist the pull after all that had transpired through the day.

The sound of Tate's voice had Clarissa scrambling from the window Sasha was at and to his, her hand instantly taking his through the little gap that had become their only way of contact. She breathed a heavy sigh at the brief relief that came with it, eyes closing before they opened to take him in. He looked a little tired, and there was the faintest scent of blood on his skin. She leaned down to hold his hand against her cheek, even if the faint coppery tang of blood was stronger there.

"Whose blood is it?" She questioned softly, fighting the urge to take his hand and run it all over her body as she had just envisioned it doing. She quickly removed his hand from her cheek, settling just to hold it, "Tell me how badly hurt are you, Tate Rivers, an' don't go fuckin' lyin' to me." She threatened sternly, swallowing back a whine, wanting nothing more than to be out there and helping tend to him.

If it were any other time, she would have joked that they were at least now even - he couldn't help to her wounds after the attack only two days ago, and now she couldn't help him with his.

A whine did escape then and she doubled over to a point her head hovered just over where their hands were entwined. She wanted nothing more than to join the pack and celebrate with them. But she couldn't help it when the heat had her imagining just in what ways she and Tate would be celebrating, alone, in the hut. Especially with Sasha's appearance, sex staining her skin. Clarissa couldn't help but wonder if that was how she would have been, if it wasn't for this fucking heat. Her mind grew fuzzy, unfocused, and fogged with the drunken thought of Tate's scent covering every inch of her skin, his claim over her renewed.

Before she could realise what she was doing, her lips gently pressed against the back of his knuckles. They grazed the back of his hand before she turned his hand over to leave a kiss on the inside of his palm, and then the inside of his wrist.
Having naively assumed that she would be far too preoccupied dealing with her heat to notice the coppery smell tinged to his skin, Tate's expression froze in the realisation that he hadn't really prepared himself for the sternness from his mate. It ought to have been inevitable, and yet he had overlooked the possibility that she would sternly demand the truth and, in doing so, be made aware of the injury he had sustained. Hiding it from her was going to be impossible - he would be able to hold her within the next day or so and, in doing so, she would obviously notice the bite mark at his side, not life-threatening but still deep, raw and severe.

He couldn't hide that from her but he had hoped to stop her worrying about it by delaying the inevitable; by pretending he was in a fit condition and that the blood tainting his skin was that of the enemy. Most of it was, but that didn't mean some of it wasn't his own. Admitting as such to his mate when she had enough on her plate to deal with wasn't something he wanted to do but even as he opened his mouth to lie and play it off casually, her demand that he tell her the truth and not lie to protect her made him think otherwise.

A part of him smiled in amusement at the use of his full name, the sternness from his mate simply an indication of how much she loved him and that obviously touched him - but there was also a part of him that didn't want to upset Clarissa, unashamed in admitting that she could be quite daunting when she was angry. Lying to her face would only evoke that anger and for a plethora of reasons, that had to be avoided.

"Some dickhead bit me pretty hard on my side. Now, it really ain't some life threatening thing; it didn't stop me walking back all this way so it ain't nothin' you gotta worry about, Clar--" He began with a heavy sigh, resting further against the wall now he didn't have to hide how painful his side was. He wasn't lying when he said that it was okay but he had been trying to be tough nonetheless - so her knowing about the injury allowed him to lean against the wall for some support, allowing himself to show his pain and his weakness.

If anyone could see him like that, it was going to be his mate.

He was prevented from continuing with his reassurances when feeling the kiss against his knuckle. A smile made his way onto his face at the affection, however minimal it was. In their situation, they would take anything over nothing so a simple kiss against the back of his knuckles was everything to him, it settling a little of the desire that had constantly threatened to overwhelm him in her presence.

He did, however, begin to panic when that kissing continued. He didn't want to tear his hand away (hell, he wanted to return the affection if anything) but he knew he couldn't let her continue; not when it would end up leading them into a position both of them had worked tirelessly to avoid.

"H-Hey, c'mon Clar, this ain't-- I-- I'll go an' fetch you some food, yeah? I-- maybe Sasha should bring it up to 'ya, or Daisy? I don't think-- we can't manage me comin' to see 'ya right now," he laughed awkwardly as he attempted to pull his hand back, though the reluctance started to set in and his hand remained through the gap in the window, his inability to walk away and remove himself from the situation not exactly boding well for them. He could feel his cheeks redden and those urges grow louder, egging him on to get into the hut and celebrate with his mate like Gio had, and resisting that temptation after Clarissa's kisses was almost impossible.

"Do you-- should I come in an' see 'ya? 'Cos I want to, Clar; I wanna hold you an'... be with 'ya. I will if you want me to, I... just tell me to come in an' I'll come in."
At his stuttering, that innate part within Clarissa purred softly. It's what drove her to loosen her grip on his hand, giving him the option to take it away should he choose to... but when he didn't... it only cause the heat crawling over her body to flare up again. Everything they had talked about, everything they said they would do to avoid any temptations, was whisked away from her. That cloud of lust had fallen heavily over her mind and Clarissa was having a hard time focusing on anything but Tate.

Her lips and nose pressed once more against the inside of his wrist, lingering there for a moment as she simply took in his scent. It excited something feral within Clarissa, the mixture of his scent with the faint, metallic copper of blood. The idea of her mate going out to fight and coming out it the stronger one. It sent that wild, wolfen side of her crazy.

"I'm not hungry for what's roasting on the fire, Tate."

It felt as though someone else was speaking for her; she didn't even recognise the voice that answered him. Low and husky, purring yet growling at the same time.

At this point in time, Clarissa knew she was in no fit state to turn him away. The fear they had before, of the high possibility of conceiving a pup, wasn't even in her mind. All she wanted was her mate. And she was be determined to get him in the hut one way or the other.

The heat, the high temperature, that had been taunting and torturing her for days burned higher at the mere thought. The hunger she had previously felt for her mate seemed to double, if not triple. Perhaps it was the added influence of knowing he had just been fighting, the possibility that she could have lost him but had him back, safe and relatively well. The affection, the attention, she would undoubtedly be showering him with if things were normal would come immediately after her desire, and her heat, had been seen to. She was aware enough of herself to know that.

"Ple-- please. Come in. I... I need you."
A part of him wanted Clarissa to turn down his sudden advances. To regain some control of herself and tell him that it was a bad idea and to turn him away; demand that he head back down to the roaring campfire and join the others in the growing celebrations. He deserved to celebrate as much as they all did, even more given it had been his plan and he had led from the front. He wanted her to snap at him if she needed to, tell him he was being stupid by willing to risk the consequences just to spend the night with her when they had a lifetime ahead of them for that sort of thing.

But another part of him, a much greater, substantial part, didn't give a shit about the consequences. That part of him didn't want Clarissa to be smart and wise about the situation, but rather ached for her to throw caution to the wind and ask him to step inside the hut. They had worked so hard for almost two days in fighting their feelings and for that to have all been for nothing would be regrettable - but again, Tate couldn't find a single part of him that seemed to care about that at the moment.

All he wanted was to be in his home with his soulmate - and the moment she confirmed that she wanted, needed, him to be in there with her, he willingly obliged.

Eyes from observing pack members down below would watch in a mixture of surprise and amusement as their leader, having proclaimed to be strong enough to resist the temptation, unlocked the door and slipped inside the hut. Once he stepped into the home, there was no going back - the scent was stronger than ever in the confined space and his eyes here were free to roam over his mate's body. Nobody would be able to remain strong enough to be in the presence of their mate, amongst their pheromones, and walk out without giving into natural, carnal desire; it was impossible and so even Tate, someone who prided himself on his inner strength, found himself stood before his mate, ready to do whatever it was their instincts demanded of them.

And the first thing on the agenda was just taking Clarissa in his arms in a general move of affection, ignoring the pain in his side as he stepped forward to take his mate in close. The smell of her scent mingling with his, something he had taken for granted just a few days ago, made him growl in contentment, the sound rumbling from the back of his throat. Something so simple as a hug, having his skin against hers, was enough to calm the pains of his desires; enough to fulfil them for the moment.

Naturally, it wouldn't be enough to calm them entirely which led the man to lean down and press his lips against hers in a need to satisfy the desires raging within him like a storm.
The effect of him stepping into the hut was immediate. Her eyes hungrily drank him in, body highly-strung and teetering on the edge of just launching herself at him. Her gaze wandered over his form, only clothed in his trousers and the bandage around his abdomen; she still only in underwear due to the unbearable heat of her body. She was unable to tear her gaze away from the strength in his shoulders, the muscles that rippled under skin, and the mark that claimed him as hers at his throat.

She had remained at the window, almost frozen now and slightly in disbelief that he was in the hut with her. Clarissa had to wonder if it was just a hallucination, brought on by the tormenting hormones. But the moment he brought her into his arms, she realised it truly was real. He hadn't gone back to the fire pit for food and resisted the temptation.

Her body instinctively pressed close against his, leaving no space between them as his arms came around her. A soft whimper breathing out at the grazing of skin which instantly cooled the flames of her heat. Her hands raised to drape her arms over his shoulders, careful to not knock his injured side. Clarissa pushed herself up onto tiptoe, nuzzling her face into the side of his neck and pressing lips against his mark. Her back arched lightly, causing her upper body to become even firmer against his and Clarissa greedily enjoyed the sensations of skin against skin. There were a lot of things she knew she would not take advantage of again, such as his scent mixing with hers and hers becoming a stain on him. Or just simply being held by her mate.

Looking back on it, Clarissa would flush at the selfish, wanton behaviour of that night. She would cringe at her actions and feel awful for not telling him to go back to enjoy the celebrations with his pack - he deserved it, after everything. However in that moment, her instincts had taken over, and nothing else mattered.

The sound of his growl caused the heat to flare briefly, desire pooling in her stomach which led to her playfully nipping at his mark. She was interrupted by providing that area any more attention as his lips met hers.

Instantly Clarissa forgot everything. Her mind went blank and all she could think about was Tate. Then it was like a switch had been flipped. Her fingers became tangled in his hair, perhaps slightly rougher than the last time, and she used the moment to flip them so she could push him back against the wall. Still mindful of his injury, Clarissa's breathing became ragged and unsteady as she moved her lips against his, nipping at his lower lip and pulling firmly at his hair.
By the morning, Tate would look back on the present events with regret. Not because he hadn't wanted to be with Clarissa, but because they should have waited; had a bit more self-control to resist temptation, despite the heat complicating everything and drawing them to one another more than ever before. They should have kept that in the forefront of their minds, known that they would feel inclined to act upon their desires rather than put them aside and reunite when it was safer to do so; when it didn't run triple the risk of conceiving a pup.

But that was in the morning; tomorrow.

It felt like it was a world away because the present moment, so caught up in engaging entirely in the intimacy, made time feel like it had come to a stop. All that mattered was Clarissa. The celebrations beyond their hut couldn't be farther from his mind; they were entirely inconsequential to him when compared to the mood in his home with his mate. Almost two days without her in his arms would be torturous under normal circumstances, to to have to remain away when she was under the influences of the heat was easily one of the most difficult things the alpha had had to endure.

And clearly, he hadn't been able to see that restraint through. Instead, he had given in to his urges - and while it would be a regret tomorrow, it was the best thing he could have done today.

The push against the wall would have aggravated the injury if it wasn't for the consideration Clarissa gave it. Even in the midst of their passion, even with the heat inevitably encouraging them to act on every instinct and desire their both held, Tate found a smile on his face at the fact his mate was able to look out for him and not get so carried away that she put him through more pain. Admittedly, he wouldn't have cared about the pain, not when he much preferred to focus on Clarissa and matching her intensity, but the gesture meant a lot to him nonetheless.

It was inevitable that things were leading towards the bed, the alpha wasting little time in first moving towards it whilst continuing the kiss, before laying down and pulling his mate down onto the mattress beside him. The inevitability of what was going to happen only made a grown emit in satisfaction, unable to consider the consequences when everything felt right; this was where he was supposed to be and this was what he was supposed to be doing, especially after he had just succeeded as an alpha.

He wanted to be with his mate to celebrate his feat of strength and leadership; not sat around the fire miserable without her company.
Thoroughly and utterly satisfied and spent, Clarissa was careful as she untangled herself from her mate. Now, with the fog of lust and desire lifting, she was even more acutely aware of Tate's injury and didn't want to accidentally hurt him more than she might have done when she... wasn't feeling so concerned.

The heat of her skin had subdued significantly and it was safe to say she was feeling back to her old self. At least for now. It wasn't as if they had stopped to ask Gio and Sasha if the heat disappeared after the first time of giving into it or if it would still last for the entire three days. Clarissa hoped and prayed that it was over now, not that it would matter - the damage had been done. However, her relief for the normal body temperature and cooling skin was much stronger than the fear she would undoubtedly feel later about the potential conceiving of a pup.

For now, she was content to curl up against Tate's good side. Her usual position only on the opposite side; a leg tangled between his and a hand resting on his chest while her head laid on his shoulder. Her fingers gently traced patterns against his skin, a soft grumble of contentedness clear to hear as her head tilted so she could press her lips against the line of his jaw.

"Did I-- was I--" She finally began, lifting her head up as she propped herself up on her elbow, looking down at him. She nibbled at her lower lip, eyes darting to the bandaged side before they returned to his, "Was I careful enough? I-- I'm sorry if I wasn't, I just, I don't know this heat... it's... it's fuckin' intense-- you probably know, you must have felt somethin', right? On-- on your side of it? . So if I ended up hurtin' you or caught you by accident then I'm sorry--"

Clarissa cut off her rambling, eyes lowering and cheeks burning as her fingers continued to tap and draw invisible things on his skin, "Two days-- that was so fuckin' long." She finally breathed, "I... missed you."
Tate was in no position to start answering his mate. He heard her speak and acknowledged the words with a faint nonverbal noise but finding the words to reply to her with was currently something he wasn't able to do.

The lack of energy was a reason for that, the act with Clarissa rendering him exhausted given how much he had devoted himself to pleasing her, but beyond that, he just didn't think anything he could say would do what they had just did any justice. It was cheesy but he had fallen in love with her more deeply than he had thought possible and trying to put the depth of his love into words was a task he didn't think he would ever manage.

Fortunately, he knew he wouldn't have to say anything - Clarissa would innately understand the love he held for her because it was a feeling she herself held. Their bond was sacred and while he had adored her before, this moment after they acted on the lust from the heat had only deepened how he felt.

Eventually, he turned to lay on his good side to be able to take her in properly, his eyes drinking in her features - and the slight blush on her cheeks which made him smile smugly to himself in knowing he was the reason for its presence, much like how his own reddened cheeks were because of her. He was already beginning to slightly harbour guilt over the incident (he couldn't regret it when it was everything they needed) but openly acknowledging the consequences of what they had done would just ruin the celebratory mood. He wanted to remember how good this moment felt, regaining his breath after a moment of passion with his mate - recognising aloud that what they had done made it likely they would have a pup coming along in nine months time would hardly keep the good mood going.

"What-- oh don't be so fuckin' daft, I'm fine; that was fuckin' fantastic," he blurted once finding the words to say - they weren't poetically romantic, but that wasn't Tate's style. He was blunt and to the point, and when he felt as good as he did, the tingling sensation from the pleasure still running through him despite them having finished minutes prior, he wasn't prepared to stop gushing about it.

"Really, it was-- god. You're great. I don't think I'm that bad either, mind. You clearly don't think so," he snorted as he propped himself up on his elbow, his other hand reaching to run through her hair. "Two days, huh? Can't even go two days without seeing one another properly; we're kinda soppy as fuck, ain't we? But it's fine, I can handle that. What I can't handle is my idiot brothers taking the piss outta me for this; they won't say shit to Gio havin' sex but the moment I stroll outta here, they'll smirk and say somethin' they think is witty-- speakin' of, do you reckon you can come down and have food with us; celebrate? Anders is dyin' to see 'ya. Won't shut up about it."
The redness in her cheeks deepened further at his rather crass words and she was briefly left at a loss for words. Eventually she raised her averted gaze with a fond shake of her head, "I was more talkin' about your injury and if I was careful enough; I wasn't on about our performance." She finally drawled, eyebrow arched as she took him in. Just as he had done, she took pleasure in witnessing the warmth in his cheeks and the slight breathlessness he had. It made that carnal side of her growl in satisfaction at having put their mate through their paces.

"Blame this mate bond. Besides, I don't think it would've been as hard if it weren't for the fuckin' heat. Sasha was right about everything." She muttered, eyes closing as his brush strands of hair from her face. A soft sigh escaped through her nose, relishing the simple affectionate contact.

Opening her eyes again, she gently pushed him back onto his back so she could straddle him. The blanket pulled up to just over her waist as she leaned over him, her one leg careful not to make contact with his injured side while her hands cradled his face. Her thumbs softly stroked over cheekbones as she simply looked at him, a smile creeping over her face before she finally lowered her head down to press her lips to his, moving them slowly and tantalisingly against his.

"Let them, besides, you don't know if they're out there givin' Gio hell right now." She chuckled, brushing her nose against his before her lips moved to his throat. Her desire for her mate was flaring up once more, but at least not in the same way, or intensity, as the heat had made it. This was just a normal want, an indescribable love for her mate which had only seemed to deepen and strengthen with what had just passed. "I was... hopin' to keep you to myself for a little longer, now that you're here," she hummed, paying extra attention to the sensitive skin where his mark lay, since she knew that area was extremely sensitive for her too, "but I guess I've... kept you away from the celebrations for long enough. It would be greedy to keep you here for more than one round." She chuckled against the side of his throat, leaving one more kiss there before pulling back.

"I can't know for... sure if the heat has gone now, we didn't really ask Sasha about that part of it. But I suppose I can see how things go an' if things do flare back up then we... just get me back in here. Except I suppose now you might as well stay with me an' provide me with all the comfort I need." A small, suggestive smirk accompanied the last of her words. A teasing comment, still lightly broaching the subject since she too still didn't want to think about the seriousness of their actions. But as she had thought before, the damage had been done now, what was the point in suffering through the last bit of it if it did return?
Tate knew that his absence from his pack would only fuel the gossip further. There was no doubt amongst any of them what had happened in the hut with him and Clarissa; no mate would ever be able to resist being so close to their partner during a heat and not capitalise on the moment. He knew they would probably be talking about it in their little groups by now, his brothers undoubtedly taking the moment to laugh about it - hopefully if they did that, they also gave Gio the ribbing he deserved too.

He knew he had to get back out to them, not just to engage in the celebrations but to make sure those gossips were cut short before they had the chance to develop further. Making a quick appearance and sitting back amongst them as though nothing had happened was the best and only way to shut them all up - but he couldn't. Despite proposing that they get a move on back down to the pack and absorb the celebratory mood that had erupted amongst them all, he hadn't attempted to shift from the bed whatsoever, remaining comfortable in his position beside his mate.

And when she moved to straddle him and pepper more kisses along his neck, how could he abandon that? How could he leave the hut and join the pack when he could instead be with his mate, making up for lost time and fulfilling the need he had to be with her like this?

Easily put, he couldn't - though nor did he want to, the mischievous glint now returning to his eye as he looked up eagerly at his mate. He put everything else to the back of his mind -the pack, the celebrations, the potential consequences of what he and Clarissa had done- and instead chose to focus on her alone; devote his time and energy into continuing their intimacy.

"You got a good point there; ain't no need to rush off. Better to stay here with 'ya just in case the heat flares up an' all that; safer for you here. An' what sort of mate would I be if I just abandoned 'ya again? Nah, you're better off in here with me, I think that's the wise option," remarked the alpha, his smirk only growing when the intent behind his words became all too-clear. It might have been left unsaid but he wasn't kidding anyone - there was clearly just one thing on his mind and, from Clarissa's earlier words, on hers too.

"I ain't greedy; I could go for round two. I got good stamina, despite being injured an' everythin'," he hummed smugly as he rested his hands behind his head, his eyes unashamedly roaming before a light snort escaped him. He was still in disbelief that he had a mate when he had been so certain it wasn't for him, but to have a mate like Clarissa bewildered him more. He felt undeserving of her most days, as though she was way out of his league, but their bond confirmed the fact that they were meant for one another and all he could was thank the gods for bringing her into his life.
"A pretty lousy one." Clarissa teased, grinning down at him as she propped herself up on her hands which were just above his shoulders on the mattress. "I'm glad we're in agreement... I don't think I would have let you go back out there anyway, to be perfectly honest with you, darlin'." She leaned down to steal a quick kiss to then sit back up.

Her fingers ran through her hair, untangling a set of knots in one part of her hair as she watched him. Her body warmed once more as his eyes wandered, pink blossoming on her cheeks as she resisted the urge to cover up. It would be ridiculous to cover up now he had seen all of her, but that quiet and oddly intimate moment where he just took her in made her momentarily forget about her own suggestive comments and flirtatious behaviour.

She leaned down so her upper body was pressed to his, lips finding themselves back at his jawline. "You better not be laughing at me, Tate Rivers. You'll regret it if you were," she threatened playfully, "And I reckon with this injury, I could take you on now." She smirked against his skin, "Do you ever think there'll be a time where neither of us are injured and we can just... enjoy each other without having to worry about where our hands are going or how firmly we're holding the other?" She then chuckled, hands lowering to spread fingers across his chest to softly massage and graze nails across skin.

Clarissa was fully aware that they probably ought to head out to the fire pit. She was longing to see Anders and make sure all was well between them given the way things ended before he was taken. She wanted so badly to see the young man who she considered her brother. However the desire to remain wrapped up in her mate's arms, and stay even longer in his presence, was too strong a want to ignore. The heat had made her hungry for his touch, and even though that may have looked to have been satisfied, Clarissa still longed for more. She was all too grateful that the same want seemed reflected in her mate's eyes.

She rolled onto her side to lay beside him once more, a leg moving to hook over his hip but staying just below the injury. Her fingers moved up to trace his features, sliding down his nose and brushing over his cheekbones. The more she looked at him, the broader her smile became and eventually she moved to press her forehead against his.


The claim breathed past her lips before Clarissa could halt it, too relaxed to even realise what she was murmuring until the word came out. Once it did, however, her body subconsciously pressed closer, hand cupping his cheek.
"I ain't laughing at 'ya, don't be daft; I'm admiring 'ya. I gotta pinch myself sometimes 'cos it still fucking amazes me that you're here with me, Clar. It doesn't make sense-- look at you. You're amazing," he gushed before he could quite help himself, the soppy chatter not being something he ordinarily wanted to rattle off. Though now was one instance where everything came tumbling from his mouth, unable to hold back his gushing thoughts just like he couldn't resist being with her.

She had that effect on him generally, the alpha incapable of maintaining some tough facade when around his mate, her presence often encouraging him to be himself and not bottle up the emotions he ordinarily held back from the surface. In an intimate scenario like this, her effect resulted in him being unable to hold back the tide of compliments - as blunt and explicit as his words might be, there remained a sweetness to them too; the gushing rambles of a man deep in love.

The heat might have subsided, at least in its intensity, but the desire for his mate nevertheless remained and he was going to capitalise on every second of it. He wanted to enjoy every moment of it regardless of the fact he had to miss out on the celebrations to do so - compared to showing his mate how deeply he loved her, it really wasn't that important.

And at the simple word that left her lips, the reiteration that he was hers and hers alone, there was no chance he was going to spend his time anywhere else other than in bed with her.

The obviousness of what their alpha was doing, what he had given into, did provoke laughter among the pack - not at his expense but mostly in understanding what he was going through and how inevitable it was that all his protestations of being strong enough to withstand the call of his mate would fall through. The adults who had mates understood what it was like so seeing their alpha give in and slip into the hut to be with Clarissa was an inevitability they had been waiting to witness - and the right move, despite the potential for the consequences to make themselves known in a month or two.

The night continued without them without resentment; no bitterness towards their alpha existed when he was where he needed to be, doing what he and Clarissa wanted to do. The celebrations wouldn't stop without him, though, the pack enjoyed the joyous atmosphere and the feast laid out before them. A separate stew was made in conjunction with the honey-glazed pork purely for the benefit of the baby that had been brought to the pack though eventually, that stew was fed to the captive strangers too - they didn't deserve to be treated with the food from the feast, after all, but they had to eat, and so the stew came in handy for that.

Anders, naturally, didn't want his mate to have endured the smells of the glazed pork without being to taste it so spent the night quietly holding back portions of the meat and carefully wrapping them up in some paper for Ronan. He spent hours patiently waiting for his chance to get out and see the man properly; talk to him and hold him as any mate would want to. It had been torture not being able to even offer him a smile, being far too anxious to do so - it only took one person in the pack to notice and question him for everything to fall apart.

He waited until the pack slowly started to end their festivities and head to bed, reluctantly following the twins and Daisy back into their hut. The sight of his bed did make him smile, the thought of being back on a mattress and curled up beneath a blanket being a pleasure he had dreamt of throughout his time in the other pack, but he couldn't let himself get too comfortable. He remained laying on the bed for what seemed like an eternity, waiting patiently for his siblings to drift to sleep before he could dare to climb down from his bunk. With a final check on the baby, now placed in a crib borrowed from one of the other huts, he slipped out from the hut and made his way as quietly as he could to the area of the camp where the strangers had been left, tied up and without shelter.

"...Hey. Are you-- obviously you're not okay, just ignore me," the man mumbled with a roll of his eyes at his own awkwardness, kneeling down near his mate to start untying the ropes. He knew it was risky to do so when anyone could wander from their huts - he could perhaps make up an excuse as to why he was talking to Ronan, but he couldn't excuse untying his ropes without it being seen as suspicious. But he couldn't just sit in front of the man seeing him tied up, the sight alone making him grimace.

It was a misconception amongst some of the pack that Anders was perhaps weaker than others. His sensitivity and shy, gentle demeanour somehow caused people to believe that he was weak when that wasn't the case. If his attack on Tate hadn't proved that, then him being able to untie the ropes from Ronan without assistance would - even if the only person to witness that strength was his mate.

"Here, I-- saved back some pork for you. It's honey-glazed so it's-- it's really good," he grinned as he settled back on the ground opposite the other, handing over the little parcel of food he had collected throughout the night. "...I would hug you but I don't want to hurt you or anythin'."