A Wicked Path

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She dropped the call. The boy was delusional for any number of reasons. Blood loss, hypothermia, shock, the reasons kept rolling in but she didn't want to panic him so she left the matter. She brought old towels from the cellar and dried him. She brought nuts and non-perishables and a couple of water bottles for him. All the while she grunted, she could feel a cold coming on. She grabbed a warm blanket and got changed out of her wet clothes in another section of the cellar.
Henry moaned, "They'll find him, he'll kill her, then me then me then me..." He kept moaning. He shivered and pulled off his wet shirt so he could stop feeling cold. This not only exposed his wounds, but also sent a fresh stream of blood up.
Jacklin walked back out wearing little more than her underwear under the blanket. She was shocked to come in on his fresh blood and the removal of his shirt. "You idiot! Do you want to die?" she scolded. The wounds sent new shrills into her nerves but they tightened accordingly. Just adding to the list of things to take care of later. She threw some more towels on his wounds and covered him up again.
Henry moaned and looked at her, not even caring she was part naked, "Can I...sleep?"
"Uh..." Jacklin didn't think she had the authority to tell him what what he could and couldn't do. She was just a girl after all. After all the worst was over, she returned to herself. "Sure..."
Henry blinked at her, "t-thank you..." He moaned, then slipped into a broken slumber.
With a final sigh, Jacklin fell to her knees. The events had finally taken their toll on her. She slowly lay herself on the cold stone floor and stayed there a while. When she felt she had the strength, she rose again and made her way to an abandoned chair she dragged off the bi-monthly garbage collection. She then noticed she had scrapes on her knees which ripped through her jeans and she was splashed all over with mud. She rose and stumbled over to the boy and peeled a towel from him and began to clean herself up.

After that was done, she nibbled on the snacks she lay out for the boy. Half an hour passed. She grew tired of boredom and gathered her satchel. Having no other subject, she drew the boy's face. Every detail was perfect. From his eyelashes to the the curves of his ears, an artist's hand was present. Well, besides the very middle of his face. Yes, she couldn't for the life of her, draw his nose.
Henry shifted in his rest, then he woke up to a burning sensation, "Hello? Father, are you here to punish me?"
Jacklin excused his mumblings for delusions again and let the boy alone. She had bigger things to worry about, like her own family. The moment this boy could walk, she was out of here. She'd already got herself digging around someone else's den and she didn't like that. "Stop moving, she said dismissively. She had tried different angles but the boy's nose still managed to evade her. She continued to swear under her breath until she was forced to submit her tools. Then she sat in silence and restlessness.
HE looked over, "What is your name?"
"Rosy." She lied, as had become her custom. Most people laughed at the resemblance her name bore to the one which belonged to a boy. So she created her name for herself as easily as she drew herself onto a piece of paper.

"What's it to you?" she growled. She didn't want any attachment to this person, who seemed like he was carrying a lot of luggage in the sense of life. She would have none of it. Besides, what happened to his mania not 3 hours ago? She was tickled suspicious all over at this boy. She pushed his away on all sides. She would have to restock this place afterward.
Tired and exhuasted, he moaned, "You say that angrily, are you lying? I know all types of people who lie," He groaned ,then looked at her, "You desreve to konw who did this. My father...my father doesn't love me. He wants a new soon. But I helped smuggle my sister away, but she doesn't want to leave town. S-so I stay here and take the abuse so he won't find her."
"Whatever," she sighed. "Go back to sleep, you maniac. I'll get a friend to fix you up when you can walk if you're so scared of the ambulance. The best thing to do right now is rest."

I sure have a nutcase on my hands, Jacklin thought to herself. She winced as she cleaned her scrapes again. She continued to do so until her phone chimed. Her uncle was wondering where she was, she replied by saying she was out for a long walk. Her uncle would know to loosen her leash, she was a developing woman after all. Who knows the horrors he would face if this feline was kept indoors.

She kept moving about the boy: offering him water, checking if her clothes we dry, snacking, waiting was a horrible thing to do but the rain outside had stopped at last.
Henry gave up and sat up, "Whatever, I'll just go home."
Feeling the boy had suddenly awakened, Jacklin wrapped the blanket closer around her body. She eyed him oddly. "You won't get far like that, I promised you."
Henry sat up, "I've done this before," He growled, then moved unsteadily across the floor.
"Hello?" She roared. "Crazy guy, Henry, whatever. If you hadn't noticed, I saved your life! You are bleeding to death, you're not thinking straight, you're not eating food or drinking water and now you're planning to go outside?" Had her efforts been in vain? He was mad surely, she reiterated. Was life precious enough? Her secret would be exposed. Her hours wasted and her wounds possibly infected to save a crazed teenager. She was so angry.

"Fine, go die in a pit somewhere! I should have left you, you ungrateful pig!" she yelled after him.
Henry turned, "I'm an ungrateful pig? What did I do to you?" He moaned, then came back, "Whatever, fine! I'll stay if it helps you!"
I second that.
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