A Whispering Enigma

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I keep having dreams that make me want to write about them. Which is good and all, but wow, I've never written so much sap...

His Andromeda

"My Andromeda," he said
"My galaxy, my goddess"

I'll draw her in the sky
She'll be outlined by the stars
And be coloured by sunsets

A smile so alluring
And eyes filled with shining stars
Her beauty surpasses all

Laugh for me, Andromeda
It is music to my ears
I exist to bring you joy

Stay near me, Andromeda
For if evil approaches
You will be safely guarded

He said I'm his galaxy
With a rocket of his own
He'd travel the universe

To find his Andromeda
To find his darling goddess
Heart Cage

Held against a heart cage
From where I hear a voice
A thumping serenade
A yearn for affection

Alas, where is the key?

Such a comforting pulse
From this heart in a cage
Reminding me he's there
Telling me "have no fear"

And so I had no fear.

The world is in motion
Bringing a pleasant warmth
A moment of pure bliss
A flare of ecstasy

There's no better feeling.

A protective embrace
With a lovely caress
'Tis a sanctuary
Unlike any other

This heart cage is my home.

Words of solicitude
Murmurs of endearment
A croon sweet to my ears
Why must the singing end?

I don't wish it to end.
This poem is not very good, but it's helped me feel a little bit better...

My Sky

My sky was blue
'Till you brought the clouds
Banishing my sun
What a somber sight

Telling me I'm wrong
Feeding me these lies
I'm imperfect, I know

Your expectations
I'll never meet them

My sky is gray
Since you brought the rain
Trapping me in a storm
Such a scary sight

The pennies I've spent
The promises I've made
You've sabotaged it all

Just what am I worth?
I feel like a tool

My sky's now black
'Cause you brought your knife
Cold against my chest
It's a bitter sight

You kill me slowly
With those rueful words
They pierce my heart so

I atone for it
My shameful failure
A little something I came up with during my wake. One thing I miss about the drier states is the butterflies. *dreamy sigh*

Little Butterfly

Dear little butterfly
I admire your grace
and your magnificence
And your freedom to soar

I can see that you're scared
And I can understand
There's so much in this world
that will harm what's precious

Fear not, dear butterfly
I swear to protect you
No harm will reach your wings
These lovely, lovely wings

I will be your flower
Providing what you need
Serving a great purpose
While proudly holding you

Without you, I'm nothing
Please don't ever leave me
I need you, little one
More than water and air

Oh how you complete me
My darling butterfly
Not my best work, but I'm upset. And wanted to rhyme stuff.

Emotional Tempest

Trapped within a tempest
Of outrage, grief and fear
My hands clutched to my chest
I do not belong here

The voices never stop
I'm a monster, they say
Shed another teardrop
I feel like I'm their prey

For all that I have done
I have to pay the price
After that, I will run
I'll run to someplace nice
I don't know what you're talking about, that was really good!
And now something less angry.

Peace Maker

An unfortunate night
So full of twists and turns
Turmoil and despair
Grave nightmares plaguing me

A long, weeping river
And breaths expressing fright
The world would surely drown
Surely, without him

A mighty battle axe
To slay the demons with
And a yell that is strong
Dispelling the silence

The demons in my mind
He'll vanquish them, he says
My dripping eyes are kissed
Until they sob no more

At last, peace; peace, at last
Assurance I will sleep
Thank you, my paladin
My shield, my sword, my friend
My Light

Wandering in obscurity
No more than a fragment of map
A clue so small, so confusing

In darkness, let there be light
An untouched glow in the distance
Still bright enough to lead the way

They mean nothing, the map and clues
Merely distractions from the goal
Unwanted items of the damned

A magnificent view, this light
The most beautiful sight of all
Bravely opposing the darkness

Oh precious light, you are my key
You will unlock my fantasies
My aimless adventure ends now

With you, dreamland is so blissful
Serenades are never-ending
They're lyrics about paradise

My world is illuminated
So full of warmth and enchantment
Graced with undying affections

Truly a dream turned to real life
For You

All of my treasures?
For you

The songs that I sing?
For you

My smiles, my laughs?
For you

My amounts of love?
For you

The tears that I shed?
For you

The battles I fight?
For you

My dreams and my hopes?
For you

Everything I am
Everything I do

They are all for you
Eternal Flame

What I hold in my hands
A gift with so much worth
It's worth infinity
Infinity and more

A flame that's eternal
To guide you in the dark
And scorch those who harm you
'Tis protective passion

And I give it to you
My everlasting love
Clutch it to your heart cage
Caress it with your lips

There's no other for me
No one other than you
With my flame, brave the world
Keep it safe forever

Cherish this flame, my love
It glows only for you
Cherish all that I am
I live only for you
Amorous Discord

Ecstasy is in bloom
A luminous chrysanthemum
blossoms when our lips touch

Like vines of the jungle
Our fingers intertwine
As we soak sunlight
and taste the raindrops

Astonishing splendor
Akin to migrant petals
He is as majestic
As the oak is mighty

Alas, the roots unplanted
Ill-fated separation
At fault of the zephyr
that carried me away

The absence is sore
My contentment dwindles
and I wither
'Tis a bleeding heart
'Till we reunite
I amaze myself with the poetry I come up with, sometimes. This one's quite good for one telling how terrible of a person I am. :D


It is I
The imp
A basis of woe

Your wounds are scars
Your scars are ghastly
Cursed markings
from my claws
of wretchedness

A tainted soul
Not yours, but mine
The thought is farfetched
that I'd have a soul at all
For I am a demon

The shame
It drips from my fangs
The blood of a heart
is so bitter
Just like me

Yet I still smile
With everlasting gratitude
Because you once loved me
Do you still?
Oh, imaginably

I forlornly declare
I am unworthy
of such compassion

I'm as wicked
as I am charismatic
I detest it so
as should you

I beg of you
Suffer no longer
and abandon me
Sorry I deceived you
with my angelic disguise
Fluffy's having a depressing, tough time in life... So expect to see poems of emo-ness. :/ But I will try to follow up with something much happier. It helps me balance my emotions.


A glitch, just a glitch
An emergency beyond repair
A beast mistaken for beauty

Hush the voices
The chants torture me so
As my strength is preyed on
And my sight
is dazed with tears

Reprieve, sweet reprieve
Just one stroke away
A slash of my blade
My wrongs are penalized
and I am in bliss

The pain, it consoles me
The cold, it embraces me

Does it delight you
to see me fall?
Drowning, aching
in my own blood?

Traitors, deserters
Names carved in my flesh
Scarring as I decay
I'm collapsing beneath my woes
Those Eyes

I'm lost in this phase
Since meeting your gaze
It leads me astray
Each and every day

A stare that is wise
With enchanting guise
And force that is sound
All threats will rebound

The look is sternest
As it is earnest
Lit by emotion
Firm with devotion

Of the darkest shade
Never are afraid
Charm and elegance
Visible balance

Victim to this stare
Should I even dare
to get lost elsewhere?

Your eyes, they are art
And they warm my heart
Solar Compassion

Indomitable mask
Every emotion
kept shadowed and ignored
Condemned feelings hidden,
frozen underneath stone

Then greeted by sunlight
Soreness upon my eyes
As they have been deprived
of such beauty and warmth

Acceptance, affection
Such comforting sunshine
Lightly kissing my face
After I remove it
This stoic mask of mine

This be everlasting
An embrace most sincere
Protection, at long last
And no reason to hide

With endless gratitude
I shall cherish my sun

Two hands juxtaposed
Fingers intertwined

His large, calloused palm
closed tightly above
her tiny knuckles

So tender, this clasp
'Tis an epitome
of absolute glee

Intimate lips brush
so adoringly
upon the joined hands

When separated
she mourns his absence
as he laments hers

'Till they touch once more
With fingers tangled
as tight as can be

Cherish this symbol
of togetherness
each passing day

'Tis love unsurpassed
'Tis love that is true
Darling Robin

Oh, darling robin
I love it when you sing

Tiny chirps of cheer
Charming tweets of love
Soft croons of sorrow
Songs of tomorrow

I embrace them all

Should your wings weaken,
make haste to my palms
I will hold you high
I will help you fly

For the sky is yours

My heart, it is warmed
by the sight of you
Such a gentle soul
With a simple goal

A goal to make joy

The prettiest bird
Doubt it no longer
You're my feathered friend
'till the very end
This one is kind of epic, wow. I can pull out some of the coolest stuff when I'm going crazy from sleep deprivation. o:

Spear and Shield

A tenacious warrior
Prepared to take on the world
In one hand, a deadly spear
The other, a sturdy shield

Every step is undaunted
with posture so confident
She carries herself with grace
The very symbol of fear

All enemies hesitate
to challenge the brave soldier
Whose stare is cold as winter
but heart is warm as a flame

Such valiance is achieved
with the help of spear and shield
Without them, no victory
Without them, no direction

Massacre and protection
'Tis the purpose of her tools
No warrior, no purpose
Even weapons have their needs

The bards will sing of the wars,
travels, missions and battles
of a champion so great
because of her spear and shield