A way to understand a woman.

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This idea just popped out of my mind.I dont either know why because of my god damn corrupted mind wanna share this but yeah,here a tip

Number 1:Dont understand them because you cant!

Number 2 untill number 99 are the same as number 1
Actually one good way is to think like one/develop similar thought patterns (:P I'm capable of it, but only partially I think o.o then again for the most part, women don't really think much different than men in my opinion so it isn't too complex if the right mindset is there.)
3: Stop assuming that women are somehow these magical eldritch beings beyond male comprehension and just treat them like you would anybody else.

Finally someone said something True and Clever. ^^

It's a fact that basically, everyone is different and therefore not Every Human being can be Never Totally understood.

Be it a man or a Woman.
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Finally someone said something True and Clever. ^^

It's a fact that basically, everyone is different and therefore not Every Human being can be Never Totally understood.

Be it a man or a Woman.
In my opinion, most men and women do have minor differences when it comes to thought patterns, however this does not mean one cannot adopt/develop others too. Stereo-types, observed behavioral patterns, etc etc while rough and highly inaccurate for the most part do contribute to this feeling that one gender is an enigma to the other (example: I've heard plenty of girls talk about how guys are so confusing and vice-versa in my own school) often due to the more publicly displayed behaviors. What I'm trying to say is; men and women may or may not think alike but a majority of the society in general (that I've observed at any rate) perceives one gender differently from another mainly in terms of behavioral/observed thought patterns which is what leads to these sorts of conundrums I guess you could say. (Not claiming that opposite genders think alike or unalike as I'm not entirely sure myself)
Wow, thank you for saying I don't deserve to be understood and that no man should ever try! Really puts us on the same level and makes me feel appreciated as a human being!
I just don't see why people think that old joke is still funny.
"When something goes wrong between partners, people often blame the other partner's gender immediately," he explains. "Having gender stereotypes hinders people from looking at their partner as an individual."


Finally science has produce evidence that supports what we already knew -- the whole "men are from Mars, women are from Venus" trope is false. According to a new study from the University of Rochester, men and women don't have such distinct psychological characteristics after all.
via http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/...ences-minimal-mars-venus-study_n_2618199.html


A first-of-its-kind study to be published in the February issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology has dealt a devastating blow to the notion that men and women are fundamentally different when it comes to how they think and act.

"Although gender differences on average are not under dispute, the idea of consistently and inflexibly gender-typed individuals is," Bobbi J. Carothers of Washington University in St. Louis and Harry T. Reis of the University of Rochester explained in their study. "That is, there are not two distinct genders, but instead there are linear gradations of variables associated with sex, such as masculinity or intimacy, all of which are continuous."

Analyzing 122 different characteristics from 13,301 individuals in 13 studies, the researchers concluded that differences between men and women were best seen as dimensional rather than categorical. In other words, the differences between men and women should be viewed as a matter of degree rather than a sign of consistent differences between two distinct groups.
via http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/02/...t-men-and-women-are-psychologically-distinct/


I mean there's more but I'm supes busy keeping up with the protest in Ferguson. So since the HuffPo article was so goddamn good, lemme repaste that whole shit:

Finally science has produce evidence that supports what we already knew -- the whole "men are from Mars, women are from Venus" trope is false. According to a new study from the University of Rochester, men and women don't have such distinctpsychological characteristics after all.

The researchers, Harry Reis, a professor of psychology at University of Rochester, and Bobbi Carothers, senior data analyst for the Center for Public Health System Science at Washington University in St. Louis, concluded that characteristics that we traditionally associate with one sex or the other actually exist on a continuum.

"Although gender differences on average are not under dispute, the idea of consistently and inflexibly gender-typed individuals is," they wrote. "That is, there are not two distinct genders, but instead there are linear gradations of variables associated with sex, such as masculinity or intimacy, all of which are continuous."

Carothers and Reis reanalyzed the data from 13 previous studies, all of which had shown significant social differences between men and women. Overall, they compiled data on over 13,000 individuals -- including a sample of 109 men and 167 women from a university psychology class which the researchers surveyed themselves -- and looked at 122 different characteristics. They examined everything from physical strength and sexual attitudes to academic preferences, mate selection criteria and major personality traits, and ran the data through three different statistical procedures, looking for characteristics that could reliably indicate whether an individual was a man or a woman. Turns out, there aren't many.

The data, published in the February issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, showed that men and women as two groups do generally display distinct physical characteristics, with minimal overlap. For example, men are overwhelmingly taller than women and tend to have wider shoulders. But when it comes to psychological traits, there is a whole lot more overlap than there is difference.

The visual below demonstrates this pattern. The top graph shows physical strength, in which there is a visible split between the men and women the study examined and very little overlap between the two groups. On the other hand, the bottom graph shows assertiveness, which is stereotypically seen as a "masculine" trait. Looking at the second chart, it becomes apparent that it would be impossible to determine whether someone was a man or a woman based on how assertive they are, just as it would be impossible to determine one's gender based on one's math skills.

Gender differences may exist, but they don't exist in the way that women's magazine articles on "What He Really Thinks About (Insert Subject Here)" would have us think. "[We have a] tendency to categorize things -- it�s easier to think of 2 things (men are one way and women are another) than it is to think of all of the nuances of overlapping distributions, particularly if they�re not brought to our attention when we hear about an average difference," Carothers told Raw Story.

Far from seeing men and women in separate psychological categories, Carothers and Reis' findings support the idea that individuals' differences often have little to do with gender. "Sex is not nearly as confining a category as stereotypes and even some academic studies would have us believe," Carothers said in a press release.

****Shit also came with a video y'all****

Also, y'know, I mean, there's google. Same place I found all that shit up there.
Would rather not take advice from an emo kid. Thanks, though.
Wait... That was a joke? *was totally unaware of it o.o*

It's a joke about women being illogical. But the only funny thing about it is the mind of whoever came up with it and those who agree.
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That's supposed to be a joke? Cuz I've never laughed at it. Okay, no, that's not entirely true, but that was a long time ago, I'm a much better person now.
I enjoy the answers to this thread. Even Koori's typical copy and paste bullshit is funny.

Also, you can't understand all women or even all men. You CAN get better at understanding the people around you with an open mind and some empathy, but women aren't some ancient puzzle devised by supreme aliens.

Oh, just thought of this: You suck at stuff.

So there's that.
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I think we All shall take a moment of Silence!.. We need some Serenity for this Thread.>:)

On a serious note: there is nothing to be compared about the Absolute Understanding of a woman ( I am one myself lol )

The opinions are obviously scattered all over the place ^^'

Like many have said already.. There is a certain level of Comprehension on both sides.- women and Men-

Some can be understood to a certain extent, but then again.. Come on, be honest ! People Change.

Pain Does That to People. All the time.

End of story.~

Overall, we All live in this superstitious and fucked up world with this moral & humanity concept. When there is None.

So, the understanding can fall For women maybe more just because we have the tendency to Change our Minds or Behaviour in a short period of time? Screw you Society.

I don't care if I am understood or Not. I make my point. That's all that matters to me.*
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Poor, poor Xrow. ;__; He jus wanted to make lololololrandom. Now he's going to die.
I'm just going to document my reactions to this whole thread.

This idea just popped out of my mind.I dont either know why because of my god damn corrupted mind wanna share this but yeah,here a tip

Number 1:Dont understand them because you cant!

Number 2 untill number 99 are the same as number 1

LOL. You're missing #3 - ???? and #4 - PROFIT.

Because it had to be said.

Actually one good way is to think like one/develop similar thought patterns (:P I'm capable of it, but only partially I think o.o then again for the most part, women don't really think much different than men in my opinion so it isn't too complex if the right mindset is there.)

Yeah, I've enjoyed the company of women before I got married, and this isn't what happens.

3: Stop assuming that women are somehow these magical eldritch beings beyond male comprehension and just treat them like you would anybody else.

This, on the other hand, DOES happen. I like this advice.

Wow, thank you for saying I don't deserve to be understood and that no man should ever try! Really puts us on the same level and makes me feel appreciated as a human being!

At this point, I just started giggling to myself. As I went down most posts, I started lol'ing.

"When something goes wrong between partners, people often blame the other partner's gender immediately," he explains. "Having gender stereotypes hinders people from looking at their partner as an individual."


Finally science has produce evidence that supports what we already knew -- the whole "men are from Mars, women are from Venus" trope is false. According to a new study from the University of Rochester, men and women don't have such distinct psychological characteristics after all.
via http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/...ences-minimal-mars-venus-study_n_2618199.html


A first-of-its-kind study to be published in the February issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology has dealt a devastating blow to the notion that men and women are fundamentally different when it comes to how they think and act.

"Although gender differences on average are not under dispute, the idea of consistently and inflexibly gender-typed individuals is," Bobbi J. Carothers of Washington University in St. Louis and Harry T. Reis of the University of Rochester explained in their study. "That is, there are not two distinct genders, but instead there are linear gradations of variables associated with sex, such as masculinity or intimacy, all of which are continuous."

Analyzing 122 different characteristics from 13,301 individuals in 13 studies, the researchers concluded that differences between men and women were best seen as dimensional rather than categorical. In other words, the differences between men and women should be viewed as a matter of degree rather than a sign of consistent differences between two distinct groups.
via http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/02/...t-men-and-women-are-psychologically-distinct/


I mean there's more but I'm supes busy keeping up with the protest in Ferguson. So since the HuffPo article was so goddamn good, lemme repaste that whole shit:

Finally science has produce evidence that supports what we already knew -- the whole "men are from Mars, women are from Venus" trope is false. According to a new study from the University of Rochester, men and women don't have such distinctpsychological characteristics after all.

The researchers, Harry Reis, a professor of psychology at University of Rochester, and Bobbi Carothers, senior data analyst for the Center for Public Health System Science at Washington University in St. Louis, concluded that characteristics that we traditionally associate with one sex or the other actually exist on a continuum.

"Although gender differences on average are not under dispute, the idea of consistently and inflexibly gender-typed individuals is," they wrote. "That is, there are not two distinct genders, but instead there are linear gradations of variables associated with sex, such as masculinity or intimacy, all of which are continuous."

Carothers and Reis reanalyzed the data from 13 previous studies, all of which had shown significant social differences between men and women. Overall, they compiled data on over 13,000 individuals -- including a sample of 109 men and 167 women from a university psychology class which the researchers surveyed themselves -- and looked at 122 different characteristics. They examined everything from physical strength and sexual attitudes to academic preferences, mate selection criteria and major personality traits, and ran the data through three different statistical procedures, looking for characteristics that could reliably indicate whether an individual was a man or a woman. Turns out, there aren't many.

The data, published in the February issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, showed that men and women as two groups do generally display distinct physical characteristics, with minimal overlap. For example, men are overwhelmingly taller than women and tend to have wider shoulders. But when it comes to psychological traits, there is a whole lot more overlap than there is difference.

The visual below demonstrates this pattern. The top graph shows physical strength, in which there is a visible split between the men and women the study examined and very little overlap between the two groups. On the other hand, the bottom graph shows assertiveness, which is stereotypically seen as a "masculine" trait. Looking at the second chart, it becomes apparent that it would be impossible to determine whether someone was a man or a woman based on how assertive they are, just as it would be impossible to determine one's gender based on one's math skills.

Gender differences may exist, but they don't exist in the way that women's magazine articles on "What He Really Thinks About (Insert Subject Here)" would have us think. "[We have a] tendency to categorize things -- it�s easier to think of 2 things (men are one way and women are another) than it is to think of all of the nuances of overlapping distributions, particularly if they�re not brought to our attention when we hear about an average difference," Carothers told Raw Story.

Far from seeing men and women in separate psychological categories, Carothers and Reis' findings support the idea that individuals' differences often have little to do with gender. "Sex is not nearly as confining a category as stereotypes and even some academic studies would have us believe," Carothers said in a press release.

Dude, Koori, old buddy. Why the TL;DR???

Would rather not take advice from an emo kid. Thanks, though.

Remember when I said I started lol'ing? This was that moment.

Anyway, as a man, I'm going to go eat rocks and kill bulls or something. Seems an appropriate thing to do at this point.

Yeah. Bull-killing.

Like Mas freakin' Oyama.

This idea just popped out of my mind.I dont either know why because of my god damn corrupted mind wanna share this but yeah,here a tip

Number 1:Dont understand them because you cant!

Number 2 untill number 99 are the same as number 1

Yo punk,listen.There alot of way to understand women.This jokes is getting old and stupid,you should know that
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