A Universe Divided (Sci-Fi Civilizations RP)

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A universe divided. That's what it was. Mainly the people didn't even know of their neighbors. What a waste. What a waste of potential.

The bridge of the ship was encompassed by a sphere of glass, allowing an otherwise unattainable view. Of course it was more than just glass, but it was simpler to put it that way. The black of space, broken only by the occasional star or planet, was beautiful to the eyes of the observer. The observer was in fact used to the beautiful view - a lifetime in space did that to you - but nevertheless found it fascinating. In one sweep of the eyes he took in stars where countless species live, where countless species had died, where countless species would die. And he observed it all.

And now was the time.

Now was the time for some of those countless species to meet, to play. Like children they were compared to the observer, but nonetheless they held power, and soon, when the powers met, there would be skirmishes, and peaces, and alliances, and wars. Something to occupy the observer's time.

He leaned down, pressed a single button. It activated a transmission, one that would be heard throughout the universe to those advanced enough to find it.

"Come find me," he said, in a voice that growled and grated.

He let go of the button. Of course most if not all the ones out there who recieved it would not understand - he had not bothered setting up a translation circuit - but it was unmistakably something live that said it. Alien life, proven. They would come.

He sat back down in his seat, steepling his fingers. Yes, this would be amusing. As they traced the signal back to this system, they would come scrambling, and then they would run into each other. Yes, amusing was the word for it.

The observer let loose a raspy laugh. "Let the games begin," he muttered.


Welcome to a Universe Divided. This is a roleplay where we will each be taking our places as leaders of a civilization, one that has recently discovered FTL technology. They will have recieved the observer's transmission, and they will be pursuing it to the system of origin. We will start having arrived there, and from there we will meet each other and let events roll out from there. Anyone interested?




Territory: Keep it small, like 2 star systems at first.


History (optional):

Navy: let's keep it relatively small, at least at the start.


Unique/Specialized Technology:
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