A True Mate For Miec-Kal

Bounding away Olivia tossed a few coins over her shoulder and went back to strumming the lute as she dashed further into the forest, "THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANK YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU FOR YOUR PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATROOOOONAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE~" She sang, loudly and badly. She was going to escape with this lute if it was the last thing she did, "COME AFTER ME AND I'LL SMASH IT~" She cried out , tucking the lute under one arm and pulling out one of her daggers and holding it at the ready in case anyone DID decide to help her.
When you're nocturnal, day is a time for sleeping. When your hearing is sensitive, something as simple as an overzealous bird can wake you up.

Ezo had both of those problems, and now some banshee was screaming not six feet away, not even noticing him curled up on the ground trying to sleep. He had now officially crossed the line from 'I'll go back to sleep if it kills me', to 'It woke me up, I want to kill it.' So he stood up, making himself known. Not that he cared, but his appearance was probably a bit monstrous to the woman he now saw as the source of his troubles. He was humanoid but decidedly not human, with pitch-black fur covering his arms and lower body, a long tail down his back, claws on his hands and feet, and let's not forget the red eyes and razor-sharp teeth he was presently baring.

When he spoke, it was barely distinguishable from growling: "Shut. Up." He was already busy curling his hands into fists, not expecting this obnoxious woman to comply with anything. If his sense of direction weren't so terrible he'd never come close to civilization and this sort of thing would never happen.

((Let me know if I did something wrong and I'll edit or get rid of this))
He followed his companion, though made no rush of it since there appeared to be a relative of this Elf who just arrived. Leo put his hands behind his back, making simple steps towards the scene so he could take in everyone's appearances. A female bard was sighted, though she was stripped of her lute... He frowned at this thought. Leo enjoyed music and would have loved to hear a tune in exchange for one of the few coins he had left on him.

When he caught up to Aiden, he stood beside him with his tattooed arms crossed over his bare chest. "Hello there~" Leo said calmly, in no hurry to introduce himself. The more time he could spend communicating with someone, the better... Getting lost in the forests could get lonely, even for Aiden. Leo could sense a disturbing presence, causing his eyes to shift to a thicket of trees. It wasn't disturbing, really... More like, disturbed.
After greeting his sister, Miec-Kal turned and looked at the half elf and the Centaur beside him. But just as quickly, his eyes were drawn to the beast that now loomed over Olivia. Not good.... Not good at all.... He looked at Olivia, who seemed to be frightened into total stillness, and ran to help her. He grabbed her and practically dragged her several hundred yards from the beast.
Olivia stared at the beast, searching him as quickly as she could, he wasn't particularly frightening but she couldn't tell if he had anything valuable or if he was a potential client. She opened her mouth to say something but she was suddenly being dragged backwards, she turned to see the elf that shunned her before taking her away.

"Hey! HEY! I was about to make a sales pitch!" She squirmed out of his grasp. "Well I see you have decided to save me from the big bad monster and for that you shall be rewarded," she quickly turned, planted a soft kiss on his cheek and smiled, ducking past him and running off into the woods, "IF YOU SEE ME AGAIN, BE PREPARED TO MAKE A PURCHASE!" She cried out behind her, crashing past the underbrush and out of sight, the sounds of her playing the lute loudly and badly fading off into the distance.