A Troublesome Assignment

It would probably never seaze to suprise him how a wound like that could just heal and barely leave a mark even, logically it was easy she was dead so how could she die again, although that in itself wasn't very logical though. "So I suppose you'll stay on my heels then," he said, not so much a question as a statment really. "And will you spy from far a way or stay so close I'll eventually have to introduce you?" He asked with a teasing smirk. Almost seeing how his sister would react to meeting Rose, not to mention some of his friends.
Rose smiled at his teasing. "I wouldn't call it spying...just observing at a close distance" she said. It wasn't up to her. She didn't care either way. Rose was very good at not being seen if she da to stay far away. And she thought she was nice enough to introduce to his friends and sister. So she told him, "But that part is up to you. I'm fine either way."
"Well, you can do what you want really," he said, she had mentioned earlier that she could take care of herself so it would be up to her. "But if you want to stay close you'll have to deal with some attention, and least of it will come from guys, I hope you like children," he added. Perhaps Laura would be too busy with Rose that she wouldn't be able to give him a bad conscience about his habits, at least he could hope so. Taking a closer look at her Seth wondered if he imagined her to look tired or if almost dying and then regenerating took its toll on her, logically it should but this day had proven logic wasn't always present. "Maybe you should rest? Wouldn't want you to fail at your job later," he said to her.
Rose yawned without meaning to. She was about to tell him that she was fine but today's events had worn her out. So instead of arguing she just nodded. "I think that's a good idea. I'm exhausted." she said getting off of the couch and moving towards her door. "I'm glad things are working out a little." she said smiling. "Well Seth I guess i'll see you in a day or two. If you don't see me in about three days please come check on me?" she asked seriously.
"As long as you don't go dying on me again," Seth replied. "I'm not too fond of cleaning." He said with slight smirk, not that he liked all the blood and death either but he wasn't going to say that out loud. Leaving Rose to rest up Seth went back home, stuffed his clothes back into a drawer and flipped on the TV, he wasn't paying much attention though whatever program was on was more like a background noice as he grabbed a beer and heaved half off it in one go. All this stuff about angels and heaven was so much to take in for one who had never offered religion or believes much attention, to him it had always been something that people believed in to help them through life but now he couldn't say it was not real. Going to bed around midnight, quite early for him, he was slightly lulled in to sleep by the alcohol although it took stronger drinks than that to knock him out or make him drunk. Next morning he dawdled around the apartment eating breakfast before showering and pulling on some clothes before leaving, heading for the bar to get his mind off things with some cards.
Rose smiled at his comment and closed the door behind him. Now that Seth was gone it felt like the world came crashing down Rose. She felt sad, tired, mad, and frustrated all at once. But the strangest thing was she didn't know why. It must just be fatigue she thought to herself. Rose went to her room. She showered and washed her hair before changing into some comfortable pajamas. Rose yawned. Today had been a stressful day and she was glad for the much needed rest time. Hopefully Seth would keep himself out of trouble. Rose shook her head at the thoughts. Only positive thoughts she told herself. Rose climbed into bed and made her mind go blank. She fell into a deep sleep-like state for four days.