A Tragedy is like a joke without a punchline

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The Tragedy

Original poster
Hola, bonjour, hello, various other languages i don't know. I am Tragedy, Awekin... daddy... whatever you so wish to call me even the bad stuff i don't judge. I finally decided to roll out into the open, be on the chopping block for someone to be fortunate enough to roleplay with someone like myself. I have been roleplaying for about what's it been... carry the 2, divide by 0, square it... 6 years.
My post length generally is 1 fairly good paragraph to 2 decent paragraphs. I'm open to really any set up for a roleplay except for slice of life. Hit me up with any interest you may have to roleplay with me as i find setting up a list of pairing to be to constricting when we can keep things open for anything.
I expect anyone who roleplays with me have a general understanding of how grammar works and not make me want to kill myself when they talk like a 4 year old who got a hold of their mother's phone
Good evening! Or morning, or night. Midday, maybe? I'm Levy! I would be absolutely delighted to roleplay with the great almighty Tragedy! Go ahead and shoot me a PM and we can work on world building, if you like.
I e got a couple different plots in a medieval fantasy world.
if your still looking I wouldn't mind tossing a few ideas around :3
I have a few plots if you're interested.
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