A Thousand Shining Stars ♥ Night of the Masquerade [2]

Hey if you're still looking for Faisen I've got a 'wicked' idea for a character. I'm not sure if that's a pun or not. No really.
Dibs on a spot in this. I'll read over it some more when the weekend hits. Two weeks of break from school means a lot of free time. Just wait for me. D:
Character Name: Lilith Fray

Gender: Female

Status: Princess

Kingdom: Kingdom of Lightwood

Age: 18


She's in a red dress that goes down to her knees. Nothing special about it and it's really lose on her, kind of like a night gown. Also her hair is down and she has fake angel wings on her back as apart of her costume for the party.


General Personality: Sweet and a tad shy. She doesn't like to be in crowds and loves being outdoors. Likes to rant about random things and goes off topic a lot.

General History: She used to be the youngest kid out of two in her kingdom. Her father, the current king, had always wanted a son and he got one. But Thomas died just before Lilith turned 18, making her next in line for the crown. After the death of her older brother her mother killed herself and now her dad spends his days focused on making his kingdom a safer and better place so that nobody has to feel the pain and loss that he has. He's also become very protective of Lilith in the past year and rarely lets her leave the house. He barely let her go to this masquerade party. But since she is of age to be married he thought this the perfect time for her to find a suitor.
LVL, your character is great! You can post him or I'll just add him to the list :]
BoredAsUsual, nice backstory!
Hartke, we'll wait on you a while~

Sorry guys! got caught up in exam prep~ and weekends are sloooow for me! I'll have this started soon, just want to have a full boat with the FaisensxDeceptions, too!
Character Name: Cordellio Esme Faisen
Gender: Male
Pillar of Faisen
Kingdom: Faisen

General Appearance:
Tall and thin, a bit smaller-framed than most young men his age but not at all sickly looking. A full, pale pink face is usually somewhat hidden behind fluffy (But well-kept), dark red hair that reaches just above his lower back. His eyes are a soft aqua that seem to inspire the same calmness that his face often wears.

Masquerade Appearance:
White formal attire lined with gold, simple gold half-mask (Like this one http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n120/skullmunky/MASQUERADEMASKGUISE.jpg), hair pulled back by a long piece of white cloth.

General Personality:
As suggested earlier, Cordellio is generally a very calm and relaxed person. To realize when he's in any kind of off mood short of a full emotional crisis, one would have to know him well or have a good eye for little things. To compliment his expression, he has a soft voice that completes his harmless appearance.

General History:
Many attempts to escape his father earned Cordellio the title of a rebel, one whose main purpose was to defy his greaters. This was not so, in truth he simply grew bored of the life he led and wished to see the rest of the world. Of course, he never had the chance to venture too far, but he did have his fun. As he aged, his adventurous side had calmed a bit. He'd still skip out to roam the city between the training sessions his father would schedule though, observe people's daily lives and try his luck with any young lady he might notice. This much, though perhaps not to Faisen's liking, was not unnacceptable. People recognized him, and how quick the great wizard was to send armed men when the young man stayed out for more than a night or two. Most figured it best not to start trouble. Life was good. Now he's told of this masquerade. For once, he's not only given permission to attend some swank party away from home, but told to. Of course, he's been sent with orders, but surely there'd be time to enjoy himself between killing a few people and taking control of a few more.


When other Faisens pop in, feel free to PM and discuss any sort of details about our relationship as a family. Sibling rivalries, dependence of one another, etc.

Oh, also drew my character. As I told Sakura, the way he turned out looked more sour than I intended, so try not to imagine him looking pissy all the time xD http://derranged-mono.deviantart.com/art/Pillar-of-Faisen-261276627
YAY! :]

Just a poking reminder to (myself) & everyone to get their profiles in if they haven't already!

I'll go asking around for more members :D

>my profile will be here soon<
Almost done, just need to finish the history and I think it will be ready.
I'd love to be in this, but what is available? I'd be anything that is available. I'll read over the info here in a little bit, but i definitely want to join in!
the only thing that's not available are Memoian Heirs.

Other than that, we have 2 Faisen Pillar Spots.
& Deceptian Royals, Neighboring Royals, & Faisen Assassins.
i died because of midterms, so this almost died! i am sooorrrryyyy! D:
i will try to see if we can get more members for faisens and stuff, otherwise, we'll start sometime this weekend!

thank you for not poking me while i was busyyy and waiting patiently.
If you want I can create another character. ^^ One that can fill the space.
Ah, I wouldn't want to burden anyone with twoo.
I guess I can try starting without them and use NPCs (I'll create profiles for them eventually)

Sorry for the delay guys, fever for the past weekkk D;
definitely will get to this by this weekend or else remind me, please!

Dunno if this is still happening or not, but I wanted to let you know that I may not be around for a while. If I'm able, I'll pop in every now and then, but I really don't know. If I can though, I'd still love to be a part of this.