GROUP RP PLOTTING A spooky 'Choose your own adventure' styled rp



Original poster
I want to do a spooky tale in a bastardized 'choose your own adventure' format, where the line between life and death would lay in your character's initiative, ingenuity and wits coupled with some luck and feat based event where the more thought-out and detailed the action the better the chance of survival. If you die, no big deal, you can start over with a close relation of your character, in which they would contact via letters, or, if you feel like making a challenge out of it, a passerby that stumble on your search logs.

Now, what I am asking is if anyone would be interested in such an idea and if so, what type of setting and elements would you like to see?
Sounds like something I could partake in. I would prefer a Medieval type setting though.
That could certainly be arranged. Any other preference towards the type of story or the setting?
Not really. Only that I am able to play a female character, otherwise I'm fine with whatever.
Got it, hopefully a little bit more interest will be found and I can shape a tale that will at least satisfy us all.