A Series of Unusual Events

"A-alright..." Kacela took a deep breath. She had no right to freak out. However, the moaning of the injured dragon simply spurred her mind into a deeper panic. The young woman dashed out of the cave, getting a bit away before screaming out, "Lazulis! Lazulis please! Your brother is injured! Lazulis!" The woman was crazy. She was absolutely insane. Her world had not only turned upside down, it had inverted itself and twisted into a tight spiral. What the hell was happening to her?
The other dragon heard the far off call and smiled before setting forth to help. Landing in front of the human female, the she-dragon huffed gently in her face before lumbering past her into the cave. Upon seeing her younger brother and what had happened, she turned an angry eye on the human.
Spitfyre rumbled something in the dragon tongue, so only Lazulis understood. She just snnorted and pulled him up before looking expectantly at Kacela.
"Get on her back, kacey." Spitfyre groaned, leaning heavily on his older sister.
As the older dragon landed in front of her, Kacela's hand immediately went to her bow. She kept her guard up, breathing quickening as she followed the female's every move. Her instincts screamed at her to move, to take the two down and run back home. However, it felt like a force beyond her control was making her release her hold on her weapon. She nodded faintly to Spitfyre, clambering onto Lazulis' back. She gripped onto whatever she could. Carefully she tried to breathe through her conflicting feelings. She wanted the dragons to get to safety, however she also wanted the safety of her fellow man. Letting the beasts live endangered her fellow humans. Killing the beasts endangered the dragon she had connected to.
Slowly, Lazulis helped Spitfyre raise into thevsky, blood still dripping from his wound. He krpt his eyes closed letting his older sister guide him. Soon ehough, they reached the valley and Lazuli set Spitfire down by the river.
"Kacey...pour some water over my wound."
Max scrambled off of the other dragon, swiftly doing as Spitfyre asked. She took a deep breath as she started to cup the water into her hands before pouring it onto the wound. She wrinkled her nose in sympathy. The girl knew just how wounds could sting. It didn't help that she was indirectly-or maybe directly-responsible for the wound.
Spitfyre made a low keening sound. It drew other dragons to them, many sounding sympathetic. One clucked at the human, turning up her snout.
Kacela ignored the dragons, focusing on doing what she could to help her dragon. "I'm sorry..." She murmured, gently scratching the red snout. The woman needed to leave. A persistent rising of paranoia tickled the back of Kacela's mind. However, Spitfyre needed her now. She would stay until the male dragon was healed. After that, she would split. Her hand twitched, longing to reach for the comfort of her weapons.
He crooned softly as the magic water healed his wound. He flicked his tongue at Kacela, forgiving her easily as his soul bond. He laid down, still weak but slowly getting better.
Kacela sighed as she saw the wound fully heal. Slowly, she stood up. "Alright. You're better, your sister will take care of you, and I'm sure all of the dragons probably hate me right now. I'll come back to meet you later, but right now I need to get back." She looked around for a good exit, a wave of paranoia hitting her harshly.
Spitfyre looked at her. "What if I could take you away from them. We can live together happily somewhere else. We are bonded, it will hurt too much if we aren't close." He begged. He crouched in front of her, fire-hot teare pooling in his eyes.
Aw damn it, why did he have to cry? The dragon was guilt tripping her, and she hated it. "Look, Spitfyre, I don't know you. You don't know me, and I have people counting on me! I can't just uproot my life because we happen to be bonded or whatever the hell this is! I'm going to have a hell of a time finding new work since I can't go back to hunting dragons." That felt like a shitty thing to say in front of a whole bunch of dragons, but Kacela was tired, overwhelmed, and feeling a bit panicked. "It's kinda obvious that your dragon buddies here hate me, and you can't just leave your life with them for some human you only met a few minutes ago! Hell, I'm still convinced you're going to eat me at some point! So, no, I can't just go off with you, but I can visit you. That's all I can promise, okay?" She felt like a dick. That wasn't fair. How come she was suddenly the jerk because she had siblings that relied on her damn income? Suddenly she was the bad guy because she needed to get back to her life. The other dragons were not helping as she felt her breath start to pick up. The huntress was going to start hyperventilating if she did not calm down or get away from the giant beasts.
Spitfyre took a step back after her speech. He felt like tearing himself apart for hurting her. He looked at his family and chirped, asking them to give the bonded pair a minute. They all ambled away. He turned back to Kacela. "I apologize, dear one. I understand. Only one problem...this is my last day in this area. By dawn tomorrow, I will be gone. To a new place. I suppose we'll meet again some day. Until then, I wish you well. Goodbye." The red dragon, dipped his head to her, spine ridges standing up. His new scales glinted in the sun and he took a another step back.
Oh this was just turning into a mess. She still wanted to get to know the damn beast! "Wait!" She pulled out a map, shaking slightly as she unfurled it. "Look, I get you have to keep moving, but how about we figure out a place to meet, yeah? I won't be able to stay with you, but at least then we won't just stay strangers who can talk to each other in their heads." There. They could have a set place to meet, and she could still head back home to set everything up. The young woman's breathing had calmed significantly as the other dragons left. One dragon at a time was enough for her, thank you very much!
Spitfyre shook his head. "I don't know if that's a good idea Kacela...what if I get caught. I would lead them straight to you and yours. I refuse to put you in danger." He paused. If he voiced it...it would be the only possible way. "You'd have to come find me when you could. Lazulis would help you." He smiled softly.
Kacela sighed and rolled up the map. "Alright, alright... I'm still going to find you though. Count on that, alright. You've piqued my curiosity, and I won't let that go until I figure all of this shit out!" She gave Spitfyre a small smile before standing back up. "I guess we should say goodbye... Though I much prefer until next time."
He bentbhis head, gently nudging her. "Until next time, dear one. Go on home." He looked at her. "Remember me."

(Skip a few years later? She finds him near a lake but he doesn't recognize her at first?)