A Reluctant Ally (w/ DJae Writer Chick)

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Ricko looked and finally saw the figures, "... Must be some forest creatures." Ricko said, "When I've gone through here before, they were fairly harmless."

Right after he said this several of the aforementioned forest creatures propelled themselves from the trees, surrounding Ricko and Zach. They looked hostile, and Ricko's horse, while not outright panicking, looked very nervous at the oncoming creatures. The forest creatures looked mainly animal-like, yet there was a plant element to them as well, some having plant vines going up their legs.

"... Except for now, apparently." Ricko said, preparing to fight. He knew he'd have to be aware of Zach and the horses, as he didn't want to injure any of them.
Zach drew a knife from his belt. He clicked his tongue, taking a single step back, and the horses followed suit, taking several steps back, his own horse neighing and pawing nervously at the ground.
Zach returned to his original position, crouching a little. "If they're following you and sneaking around, assume they can be hostile." Zach said quietly, very carefully watching them.
"... I assumed as much." Ricko said, readying his fists, watching as they all circled around them, not yet attacking, "I just don't know what they'd want to attack us for-- Territory?" he said, now starting to back up as well.

Several, smaller creatures were behind the bigger creatures, looking as if they might be young.
"Animals attack for several reasons... They feel threatened, territory, or to..." He trailed off as he noticed the smaller ones. "Or to protect their babies.." He said, much quieter now. He knelt down, letting his knees press into the dirt as he set his knife down. He didn't relax, ready to react if they did attack, but at the same time he tried to make himself look non-threatening. "If my theory is correct.. They could think we're a threat to the smaller ones." He said quietly.
Yet again Zach's eyes noticed what he didn't, younger forest creatures that were hidden behind the older ones. Ricko knew how to make himself look like and be a threat-- but being non-threatening was... a different matter altogether. He could tell that they might have perceived him as a potential predator more than they did Zach, but he still tried to make himself look as if he didn't want to attack. He followed Zach's movements, and slowly got on his knees. He even removed his hand coverings and set them down, as if that might help to make the animals not attack.

Now the creatures were going forward, seeming to sniff the two and their horses. Ricko's horse was getting even more nervous now. They were war horses, but still horses, and there were ways they could get spooked.
Zach kept his head down, hoping the horses would stay calm long enough for the creatures to see they weren't a threat. He was silent, taking calm breaths, and closing his eyes. He wouldn't challenge them by looking in their eyes and he wouldn't threaten them by looking at the babies. He hoped this would work.. He didn't want to hurt the creatures for their instincts.
While there was some more growling, after some moments of smelling and watching the two, the creatures eventually dispersed, their young following close behind.

"... Just how did you come to be so good with animals? I don't think I would have been able to handle this situation without some sort of attack happening." Ricko commented, getting up and putting his hand coverings back on.
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Zach stood, brushing off his knees and returning his knife to its place on his side. "Practice." He shrugged, turning and walking to his horse. He gently took it's snout, placing his forehead on it and gently petting its neck. His horse started to calm a little, whinnying softly. Zach looked up and rubbed its about before taking the reigns again. "Most creatures are gentle, acting on instinct." He looked at Ricko. "Humans are much the same." He then looked back to his horse, checking to make sure it had calmed and relaxed.
Seeing his horse still nervous, Ricko tried to calm his horse down as well... it wasn't as well as how Zach was doing it, but at least the horse seemed to be more at ease now. Ricko paused and thought about his remark, "... I suppose you do have a point there. I did immediately assume that I'd have to fight them off." he said, "... But, I would think humans are different in that we can think for ourselves. We're not pure instinct."
"Some are." Zach said quietly, looking down a moment before glancing up the path. "We should continue." He said, turning and starting up the path. His horse followed obediently behind, its head over Zach's shoulder. He seemed perfectly fine with the horse being there, watching everything around them. He adjusting his scarf to be sure it still covered his lower face.
Ricko took out the electronic version of the map, looking at where it was pointing them, "The map seems to be pointing us..." he looked and saw that the direction appeared to be off of the clearer path... and onto a rougher path through the forest, "... this way? ... I suppose... that makes sense. Just in case anyone might be tailing us, I suppose... I don't think that the kings would be wrong in how they did the map."
Zach seemed hesitant, but nodded. "Okay." He said quietly. He glanced around a moment, still wary of their surroundings. "Lead the way." He told Ricko, petting his horse's snout.
Ricko did so, carefully guiding his horse through the forest path as well. He continued to look at the holographic map for directions, only for it to lead... to a clear forest path. Much like the one they'd been taking a little while back. Ricko looked at the map, confused, "... It must be a coincidence, surely..." he mumbled in disbelief. He didn't want to believe that the map would have led them in a complete circle.
Zach was carefully watching his feet, looking for any hazards and listening for dangers. He led his horse with gentle commands and nudges, keeping it safe too. He glanced up and a faint frown creased his features. "A coincidence?" He asked quietly, unsure that was truth.
"It's probably only a short detour... and many parts of the forest look similar, I'm sure..." Ricko said reassuringly, although more to himself. He continued to follow the map, going deep into the forest. This time they were away from the clear path... but Ricko could have sworn that they saw that particular tree once before? He peered at the map. He wasn't used to this path, and was unsure about why they would take this one, even to get away from potential followers.
Zach took his steps slow and steady. A few times he had to untangle his horse's foot from a vine. "Are you sure?" Zach asked Ricko, frowning. He wondered if something was wrong with the map. This didn't seem right, and all of it looked familiar. He kept his scarf pulled up to protect his face.
"Well... I don't see why the map would be wrong. The kings themselves marked it!" Ricko said. Just as he was saying this, the hologram map seemed to glitch a little, and the pointer changing directions yet again.
Zach sighed. "The kings are human... And all humans make the occasional mistake." He said quietly. "Not to mention the faults and glitches in some technology."
This last sentence was said under his breath as he stared at the ground, following. He was a little agitated at Ricko's blind following of the map, but he'd worked with worse people, and he had worked on his patience enough to withstand this.
As much faith as Ricko had put into technology, he was growing worried about where the electronic map was leading them... he didn't want to admit it, but he was starting to believe that the map might have been glitching. He stopped, checking his bag for the paper map. He wanted to check and compare, just in case. He laid his copy of the paper map out by the electronic version.
Zach watched their surroundings, gently petting his horse. He kept a sharp eye out, silent, careful. He would let Ricko figure it out, but for now he looked around cautiously. He had a bad feeling about this place.
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