A Reluctant Alliance

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She's unnerved him. She can smell it, sense it and Ana momentarily takes some pleasure in it before her underlying nature kicks in and she feels guilty. Her mind chides her, wanting to know how she'd feel if he had that kind of advantage over her and the Princess growls inwardly, hating her conscience at that moment because she knows it's right. She absentmindedly declined Oran's offer to carry her package, not really noticing that he had started to speak again and then not finish, her thoughts elsewhere. Mostly on how to handle this sudden dilemma of reluctant fairness....

When they arrive at the sparring grounds, she comes out of her musings and smiles. She started to unwrap the cloth around the item she held, but stopped when Oran's amber eyes met her gold-hazel ones. Once again - and she didn't know why - she found herself caught in his stare, unable to look away as the fire in his gaze flickered and called to her. She could not understand what it said, what song is sang, but she could feel it and it was with effort that Ana finally broke away, wondering if her face was as red as it felt. Taking a breath, she focuses on what her husband has said and not on the strange sensation still vibrating through her spirit.

"I don't come to these places to watch." she informs him, once again unwrapping the item in the cloth and letting it unravel. It's a tail-sheath, hundreds of gold armor plating that clink and glint in the sun as she starts strapping it on to her red appendage. It covers the entire tail and when she moves it, the armor ripples with ease. Ana grins at Oran then, her eyes laughing as she commands Shadow to stay and then starts to walk toward those fighting, seeing some of her own WingWarriors among them, off in their own group. She stops suddenly, something occurring to her and looks back at her husband, expression hard to decipher, but her eyes slightly guarded even as her voice is hesitant, unsure if what she is about to say will be taken well or not.

"I can smell your emotions, but that doesn't mean I know your thoughts. Emotions are...wild things. They don't always tell the truth and they can be fleeting." She made to turn back, to start walking again and her voice floated over her shoulder. "And I stare at you, Oran, because for some strange reason I cannot fathom, I like your eyes."

Let him chew on that.
Chewing on the inside of his lip, Oran feels his stomach happily gurgle, digesting the meal well and thanking him for it. His bloody fingers move to the source of his commotion, her words indeed striking him. Just as she us unable to wrap her head around Shadow not even growling at him, accepting him, in a light manner after once sniff, Oran can't fathom why she would like his eyes either. No one has ever told him that. To him, when he stares in the mirror and looks upon himself, he sees Kel'korian eyes, nothing more. They aren't volcanic or as sharp as a bolt of lightening piercing through the air. They're just ... amber. The unsettling of his innards slows easily once her words reveal that she can't read his mind, only smell emotions and sometimes he could be feeling a whole different way than what he may smell like.

Seeing the tail-sheath greet the sun, Oran can't help but raise a brow, seeing her backside trailing away from him. Her tail flicks this way and that and the poor man, her poor husband, still cannot see the point. She has explained to him that it's feeling as much as his hands are feeling, the sensory hotspots working just as well, if not greater. Sitting on a nearby ledge, Oran takes his stare off of his wife only to look at Shadow. Deep down he considers if they really had a connection before or if the animal was just being polite, as the master is. Squinting through the sun, Oran checks to see how Ana is getting along. Seeing her fight will give him an advantage for that time ever comes and they find themselves at one another's throats. Still, he cannot help but grin, her comment floating around in his head. She likes his eyes. He would never admit it to her but, even if it's a fake smile, he could get used to the curves of her lips reaching for the sky.

Shadow, Oran hopes, will keep his distance. Tapping his fingers and palm against the ledge, Oran might be giving the animal off signals, wishing for him to join Oran up on the wide ledge.
Ana debated approaching the humans for a spar, but at the last second thought better of it. First off, she didn't know if they'd fight her, being a female and a Princess at that, and second, she knew that her skills would be much more beneficiary against her own kind. She'd get more of a workout that way and they knew they were allowed to fight her with everything they had. That was an advantage a foreigner would not know. No, she'd stick with a Saliphian for now.

Getting a partner was not as easy as it looked as the WingWarrior's grinned to each other and many of them declined as she smiled back, arms crossed and tail twirling, waiting. To some it might look like they were denying her because of her status or because of her gender, but all the Saliphians knew better. They said no because they knew her skill was greater than their own and they really didn't want to be seen losing a fight with the humans around, even against one of their own kind. Eventually, though, one of them did say yes and followed Ana to an open space on the sparring floor.

There was very little warning or warm-up before both Ana and the warrior struck, one moment still and the next moment whirls of color as they clashed and danced around each other. Blades - daggers - had appeared in both their hands and time and again they met with a screech of metal and their tails with a clash, winding together, pulling and pushing until one person released and sprang back. The fight was one of animal savagery mixed with intelligent strategy and it was a sight to behold, unique.

Ana's moves were like flowing water, her lithe body very obviously faster than her opponent as her reflexes defied that of a human's. Often she would strike, only to slip away when the warrior made to retaliate, her gold-plated tail delivering hits to the ribs and legs that would have been crushing had she meant them to do such things. As it was, the warrior often found himself on his back, moving quickly to get up as the Princess came at him again.

Somewhere during the fight, claws and fangs had come out for each of them and snarls and growls occupied their strikes until they stopped using the blades all together. Ana didn't flinch when the warrior suddenly sprang at her like a cat might and she met him squarely, both of them going down in a hissing scrabble of claws and teeth. It almost looked uncontrolled, but there was an intelligence, an awareness even in this kind of fighting as they feinted and blocked hits. Ana finally rolled away from the tangle and to her feet in one swift move, her claws bloody, but her fangs white as they bared in a snarl, tail posed to strike and her skin gleaming with sweat and blood. She watched the warrior stand up, wiping blood from his lip and waited. The male shook his head, though, and smiling ruefully, bowed to Ana, walking away with a definite limp.

The Princess relaxed then, fangs and claws retracting as she strode back toward where Shadow - who had lain quiet the entire time - and Oran were. She barely seemed winded even if her hair was damp with sweat and her skin streaked with blood, shirt torn. And her feet....were still bare.
Seeing her fight is indeed a lesson for Oran for he, at first, smiled, seeing that no one would take her up on her offer. The foolish Saliphian accepts Ana's offer to a friendly spar and Oran can't help but measure the two up against one another. He being well built and looking as if he could knock down an entire wall the way his scaled tail swishes and snaps. What Oran doesn't know is that all that waving of the extra limb is all but traditional since the young WingWarrior is about to eat a cold plate of Ana's choosing. Never the less, the prince now lays against the nearest pillar, folding his legs over one another, wincing as he feels the spot where his brother kneed him in his thigh. That'll leave quite the mark.

Relaxing finally, for what seems to be the first time ever on this new planet, Oran is sure that he can relax. Not feeling the need to jump at any opposition, he simply enjoys the way the sun feels on his sleeveless arms. Even going as far as to close his eyes in a moment of total zen before hearing the battle begin across the green. Flickering his eyes open, he once again dangles his legs off of the ledge. Anticipation grows rapidly as the calculated movements are all scouted out. Seeing how they use their tails as a weapon, Oran feels guilty for what he said about them being useless before to Aaron. Squishing his eyesbrows in, he doesn't even remember if he -said- it to Aaron or was just thinking so loud it felt as though he said it aloud.

It doesn't take long, only a few rounds of them going back and forth with their weapons, aiming wherever they can pinpoint a weakness. Oran knows the feeling too well, the rush of your pulse in your temples as you only have a fraction of a second to kill or be killed. Spars are different for there is no ending of lives, even though it is known to happen if a battle gets too rough. Anyway, Oran is certain that they will have the sense not to rip one another apart. His jaw drops, thoughts fluttering all over the arena with every exciting addition to how she moves. Hardly looking at the male, Oran now knows where she likes to block and how. Because of that fact, she leaves bits and pieces of her torso open for a retaliation attack. If Oran had anything in his hands, it would be split into one million little shards beneath him for he cannot believe his eyes.

Fangs and claws. He is right! It wasn't just a damn tail he had to worry about. Closing his eyes, he is thankful for not pissing her off last night or else he might be in the Saliphian's shoes right now getting his *** handed to him on a silver platter. Even when they finish and Oran knows he should stop his gaping expression, the muscles are solidified. He couldn't dare move them even if he wanted to. Somehow the strength of her gaze makes him at least straighten up. For all he knows, there should just be droll hanging from his mouth. Luckily for him, there is none. "That... oh wow." A shaking hand comes to his forehead, brushing the short hair all over the place as he thinks of what else to say.
Ana takes some true, guilt-free, pleasure in his expression as she comes back over and her chuckle is low and soft even as she flashes him a grin, canines extending slightly just for show before she retracts them again just as fast, petting Shadow as he comes forward and noses at her stomach and the cut there. He knows better than to lick for Saliphian blood burns if consumed or exposed to another species' open wounds, but he is worried and she ruffles his ears, pushing him back as she comes to lean against the wall beside Oran.

"I'm fine, boy. Just a few scratches."

Even as she says the words, she's starting to take her armored scales off and Ana studies her tail carefully, making a face at the deep purple bruising that is starting to show up vividly already on the red scales. The tails were great weapons, carrying deadly strength, but there was always a price in using them and Anahsi knows she will pay it every time she does. Still, she's used to it and starts to examine her arms and legs, wiping at the blood to see where the cuts actually were, assessing the length and depth of each gash to determine whether she'd need to get it treated. There are only two - one claw mark, a pair of five gashes, and a bite-mark - that concern her. The scratches across her stomach where her shirt has torn are deep, running red and the bite on the inside of her arm refuses to stop bleeding, too. She'd not used her own teeth on the warrior, but had known it was a possibility that he'd use his on hers. She wasn't shocked by it as many of the scars on her body, now faint, were of bite marks. Others were of claws and knives, laser burns and suddenly all of them made sense in light of her proving she could fight. The only scar that she WASN'T proud of was not so noticeable as it was near the base of her tail - a ring shape, wrapping all the way around in a jagged line - and she worked hard to make sure it wasn't focused on.

Overall, the Princess isn't overly worried about any of her current wounds, though, and she tears the part of her shirt already hanging to wrap it around her arm, tying it off securely. She's not a healer and that's about as far as her training goes in those arts.

When she finishes, she turns her eyes to Oran, the gold-hazel hue of her own gaze much calmer and relaxed now that she's burned off some energy and steam. She tilts her head and her tangled red hair, long released from its confinement, falls to the side, many strands dipping into the blood still on her skin. "Do you have a doctor?" Not really waiting for an answer, she gathers up her armor and starts walking back to the palace, sending a smirk over her shoulder at her husband.

"Oh, and don't look so surprised. I've been trained to fight since I could walk. I've fought in the war between our kind for years. I'm not the Matawing among my people for nothing." He might recognize that name as a prominent one in the war, a name of near-legend and death, a name her people revered. It was certainly a title the enemy would have heard, just as Ana had spent years hearing of the 'Benzavi'yuvo', an enemy she'd only faced twice on the space-battlefield. Both times, they'd limped away, their ships barely functioning as their armies withdrew.
Oran never thought he could be so shocked, utterly shocked, by just a simple duel. Having trained on planet after planet, he has seen combat in many different spheres. Whether it be ground, winged combat, space, water, or even mud, Oran might have partaken in many if not all of those different genres. He remembers an old friend crafting a machine that made wings out of his arms, allowing him the aerodynamics to fly with an ore fueled jetpack easily to heights he could only imagine. For being in a spaceship is different than actually feeling the rush of the air pass you by, lifting you far into the air. That's the only moment Oran truly felt free, the rest of his days constantly encased in armor with a gun clenched in his hands. The Quantum, his favorite choice of gun, shoots round upon round of acid at the enemy, burning easily through steel. Flesh, you could imagine, is no problem. The only fault of the gun is that if it should break or jam up, it will spread the acid all over you, resulting in a friendly fire death.

Anahsi is so calm. Collected. Bloody and ... hurt. What is that look in her eyes? She is as I am - content with a victory. He finds himself smiling at her and oddly enough his eyes dance with an applauding spark even though his throat wont dare utter a word. Upon hearing that she is Matawing, Oran finds his anger bubbling up again. For that name, that person, has killed many of his people. His men and his family alike. When he first sees her wounds, he wants to help her, knowing that the cuts across her belly are deep by the way they gush out to the open world. Oran turns his head away from hers, not even turning back as he starts to walk. She has limped away once before, she can do it again. Is his train of thought, remembering the Matawing oh too well. Not even telling her where he is going, he assumes that she will follow - if not, he will bring his brother to her instead.

Twisting and turning through the halls, he finally reaches the plated door belonging to his youngest brother. Knowing that he didn't join them for breakfast, Oran doesn't even bother to wait after he knocks. Twisting the door handle, he easily strides right into the room after a solid rapping on the steel. He knows his brother, the short one with the bald head, wouldn't mind his entry. This room, the L-shaped dungeon, is littered with his supplies. Knowing he is the only one Oran will trust, the shorter brother doesn't even bother to turn around. Mixing a purple liquid into a flask, the brother squeezes three drops of a semi-solid form right in after. Quickly he swirls the flask, seeing the purple hug the sides of the container, the solution easily mixed. "I knew you would need something for your cuts and bruises, Oran. Luckily, I'm just finishing up the mixture now." How this short man knows, Oran is not sure, the pale skin of his brother shining in the windowless chamber of the basement.
His eyes had warmed her strangely as she saw the approval there, the spark of respect dancing among the flames...and then it was gone almost as quickly as it had come as his smile faded. She'd angered him. Again. And for a moment, a truly puzzled moment, Ana didn't know why. As she followed her husband, it came to her, though, swift and sharp in her head. She should not have told him her title. Not so soon. She'd killed his people, had been a terror in the skies to them and occasionally on land. Her name, while welcome among her own kind, would not be so among his. Just as Benzavi'yuvo would not be welcome among hers if she ever met the warrior she'd battled nearly a year ago.

No, she understood his sudden anger and withdrawal....even as she didn't. Ana frowned, following Oran through the twisting, turning halls, her mind in turmoil. He had a right to be angry...but at the same time, it was unfair of him to be. She was MORE than sure he'd killed many of her people. He was a warrior, he would have fought the bloody, ten year battle at some point, and she wasn't looking at him as if he were the devil incarnate. Oh, she could. She could let the bitterness and the anger and the disgust bubble up if she wanted to, she could feel that way, but what would be the point? What was done was done and their people were trying to get along now. The deaths could not be erased.....but new life could still be formed from ashes.

Ana spoke none of this, though, as she brought her mind back to the situation at hand. She stood silent, watching as the short, bald man that she tentatively recognizes as one of Oran's brothers, Fredrakio, if she remembers correctly. The Princess said nothing to him, knowing how delicate a doctor's work can be - if he is that - and respecting as much. She keeps her hand on Shadow's neck as the canine's lips curl up, but he doesn't growl. He's just stiff, distrusting and Ana has to wonder AGAIN why he's not this way with Oran. This is how he usually is with strangers and she's almost relieved to see that it hasn't changed.
"You know, Rakio," For Oran knows that only fools, in a wave of anger utter his name as 'Fred', "You should experience the sunlight more often. Looking as if you're an inch away from death all the time puts my mind to worry." As he speaks, Oran moves to stand beside his robed brother, a reassuring hand placing on his tired shoulders. Rakio pauses his work for that touch as sparked something completely different inside of the young boy. Perhaps it's the itching feeling that Oran isn't alone and Rakio cannot speak his mind. Those blue eyes do shake and quiver for this mere boy, no more than the age of fifteen, is only just learning. But being a son of an Oligarch makes it hard to wane in talent. After a tough start, Rakio had shown impressive techniques in the healing power of herbs and vines as well as other vegetation. Sadly, it took him too long to catch anyone's eye for he now teaches himself through texts. Some call him a herbalist, others call him a medicine man for Rakio doesn't even know what to call himself for he is still so young.

Unlike Oran's cratered face, the dredged canyon littering his jaw, cheek and forehead, Fredrakio has no evidence of any battle. Most of the royal family thinks of him as an outcast, those beady blue eyes not knowing any better. They think he is always at a disadvantage, being a late bloomer compared to his other brothers. Quellv, Gev, and Oran easily picked up their talents before the age of twelve, knowing what they would want to experience as they grow older. Three years too late, Fredrakio's family thinks him handicapped. Despite his late bloom, Oran is the only brother to actually pay attention to Fredrakio's ideas and let them blossom. Never understanding why the bald brother always paints his head with odd symbols that no one knows, Oran encouraged him to defy their parents and continue to mark himself. The purple lettering slinking over his forehead, swirling around his head, and down his neck.

"I would appreciate it if you survey my wife and the wounds she has received during a duel with one of her fellow kind." Rakio shoots him a glare, one moment is all he needs for Oran to nod in acceptance. Normally Rakio only uses his talent on Oran because of the bond that they share. Not becoming angry though, Rakio turns his silvery blue gaze to Ana, a childish smile appearing at his pudgy face. Unlike the three elder brothers who all have built features, and minds of a warrior and king, Rakio has let himself go, even wearing loose fitting clothes most of the time to gain the most gratifying experience possible. When Gev looks at Ana, she can feel his judgement come down in a swift hammer, not giving any second thoughts to the way he feels about her. Rakio is different, he is open and kind, Ana might be able to feel that through the air.

"And how did your ladyship get hurt?" The question fills the small room, Rakio getting up and wobbling out of his chair. Pushing the wooden stool under the desk he motions for her to sit on the bed. "Well, come, come. Let's see what we're working with. Where does it hurt m'dear?" Having the attitude of an old man, Rakio easily takes Ana under his wing, no judgement for her race fluttering through his mind. "Oran, if you would be so kind as to leave us--" Then his eyes move to the wolf, the hungry look startling the boy. "Oh!" He cries, his demeanor of confidence crumbling to the ground as he hides behind Oran, clutching to his shirt for dear life. "Please protect me..." Comes the whines into Oran's belly.
Ana had smiled at the young man, her demeanor easily relaxing at his friendliness and her nose quickly telling her that his own smile is genuine. There is no deceit in this one, no beguiling or fakeness. He is as he is and she instantly likes him, human and all. She had not thought to find a gentle person other than the women in this place, so Rakio's attitude is surprising, but welcome. He reminds her of the healers back home and she almost wishes she knew something about those arts to share with him. She can sense and see that he takes his work seriously even for one so young and she can respect that. His odd appearance is fascinating to her, but she's careful not to stare as she starts to walk forward.

At his cry, her body immediately tensed, tail rising in an instinctive motion to strike as her eyes dart around, looking for the danger. When she realizes it is Shadow that has terrified him, she relaxes with a soft chuckle that is not mocking, but slightly amused and reassuring all at once. Ignoring Oran entirely, as if he is an object instead of a person, Ana peeks around him to meet the blue eyes of the younger prince. Her voice was gentle and reassuring, a tone she had not yet taken during her stay here.

"He will not hurt you. I promise. Despite his appearance, he's not dangerous unless I command him to be and I have no desire to hurt you." She turns to Shadow and grabs his scruff, speaking in his native tongue, the words rolling thick and accented, but melodies off her tongue. The canine calms under her attention and Ana points him to the door where he goes without fuss, laying there, alert, but no longer in the vicinity of Rakio.

Ana smiles at the young healer again before walking to the bed and sitting down, her feet swinging as she sits far enough back that they can't catch the floor. She speaks easily. "It hurts everywhere, but the only places I need treated are my stomach and my arm. The bruises and other gashes will heal in their own time."
Squeezing his eyes shut, Rakio only whimpers against his brother's lofty rootedness. Oran opens his mouth to tell his brother to suck it up when Ana intrudes, peaking around him. Oran, feeling he should leave, bends down to scoop his shorter brother up in his arms, giving him a large bear hug. Rakio, still in shock, starts spilling out curses to Oran but in his fear, he reverts to his native tongue as well. It's a harsh language, sound like that of German, every syllable seems to jab and slice at the air. However the boy may speak, his cheeks turning red from embarrassment at easily being taken advantage of by his elder brother, his eyes still glitter. Any fear is soothed once her voice reaches his ears. Nodding once he wipes his teary eyes on his sleeves and moves back to his work.

"Thank you..." He mumbles, much like Oran but still, not having the lashing spite anywhere visible. She is correct that he shows his emotions straight up, unlike any of the other Kel'korians who are prone to shielding outsiders from every aspect of their nature. During the move, Oran says nothing, a brow raising at how kind her words sail through the air. The smell of potions fill his nose, causing his stomach to churn once more for he hates anything having to do with medicine. "And Oran-" comes the small man's voice across the room before Oran closes the door, "You didn't put your cream on last night. How about you apply it now, yes? Don't you want that thing to heal?" Oran, huffing, just shuts the door, crossing his arms and walking down the dim hallway. How did that little bugger know!?

"Having you hurt everywhere, m'lady Princess, is not a good sign. Tell me, how does this tail of yours function? Perhaps there is a certain remedy I can quickly mix up as to not burn it off. It's different from human flesh you see so I am not sure if my already concocted potions will do any good on your scales." Bringing the purple vial to where she is, the bald boy easily tips the bottle onto a rag. The white of the cloth easily soaks up the remedy and the boy hands it to her. "Do you like Oran?" He asks out of the blue, starting to dab his own cloth on some of the cuts and scrapes. Noticing the way they look at one another, the little boy is very observant when most would think he isn't. Sometimes they seem fascinated by one another and other times they seem unhappy or just exhausted. Rakio is not really sure what to think. "I'll have to examine your cuts, is it o.k. for me to take this cloth off?" His rolls of fingers pause before uniting the ripped shirt.
Ana had looked after Oran with a soft snort she was sure he didn't hear as he was nabbed in the act of not doing as he was supposed to by his little brother. She found herself amused by the whole situation and she'd been surprised at the open display of affection her husband had bestowed on his sibling. She hadn't know he could do that....be...well, be loving, nurturing. It was obviously in his own way, but it was there and she'd not been expecting it. It would appear there was more to the man she'd married than she'd initially thought. He wasn't just brute strength and cunning. There was a softer side she'd not been sure was real when she'd glimpsed it earlier, only thinking it to be an act. It would appear that it wasn't and Ana knew she'd have to think about that further when she was alone. They both have a lot to learn and it would seem that they would have a long time to learn it.

Ana smiles at Rakio openly, much more relaxed now that Oran has gone and she laughs softly again at his first words, wondering with some fondness already whether she will be able to get a word in edge-wise with this one. He reminds her of Jamekon, though her brother is much younger, calm and confident in his area of expertise, but so incredibly awkward and hesitant about everything else, in need of protection and nurturing. In need of someone to understand. For Jamekon, that was Anahsi and apparently for Rakio....that was Oran, much as it still startled her to think about.

"I am no healer and I have always been very......dangerous around anything that resembles potions, so I am afraid I can't be much help to you. I DO know one herb, however, that is good for any kind of injury, whether it be bruising or cuts. It's called Chonich. I can have it imported from Saliphia along with instructions on how to use it. I can even have medical books sent in if you'd like." Her offer was genuine and so was her smile as she nodded her consent for the torn shirt to be moved, but when she thought about the question he'd asked about his brother, the smile faded, a thoughtful expression taking over and her gold-hazel eyes coming alive with turmoil.

"I...do not know your brother. It is hard for me to say whether I like him or not. I suppose....I like certain things that I have noted about him. He is a skilled warrior, one of the best humans I have seen fight, and he is intelligent as well as honorable, good qualities, but....he does not let me see him and I don't trust him to see me. We are...enemies, strangers who are trying to become allies and maybe friends, but those things take time. I suppose it is safe to say I don't really feel one way about your brother over another. I don't know him well enough to have more than a fleeting opinion, as quickly changing as the moment in which the opinion came."
The little man easily inspects the wounds with not so much as running his finger over the air separating his flesh from hers. The cute calculating look washes over the small brother, even going so far as to let out a troubled huff of air. "The last thing I want to do is hurt you, lady Princess." With a spring in his step for all the wrong reasons, shouldn't he be more solemn when dealing with grotesque injuries? Rakio opens up some of the cabinet and even hums as he stretches his arm as far up as it will go to reach for another square container. At the offer of her bringing medical journals back from her home planet, he nearly drops the metal tin. "You would do that?!" He happily chirps, bouncing back over to her, his eyes alight with wonder at what information they could hold. "These are Nep leaves." Opening the container, she would be able to see the brittle leaves, or what is left of them, in the palm sized tin. "What I'm going to do is apply these directly to your open wounds and it should help absorb the bleeding." Motioning her to lay down he rocks back and forth on his heels a bit nervously.

"I don't wanna hurt you, lady Princess." He tells her yet again, nodding to himself as he hears her words on his brother. "So you didn't marry for love? I always pinned Oran has the type of guy who would marry a great woman and have lots of children. You should have seen him when I was a baby! So overprotective of me, even going so far as to guard my crib at night!" The fuzzy memory plays in his mind as the boy applies the leaves to her wounds, splashing a bit of a lime colored liquid over them, causing them to grow and fold over the bloody wounds. This is, of course, after he cleans them. "Are you opposed to shots?" He asks swiftly, pulling a syringe from what seems to be thin air. "It'll help with the pain and also help seal up them wounds." Frowning, he sighs, "Sadly this planet doesn't have my -whole- lab! You ought to come and see it! It's magnificent! I have a big operating table and everything... do would ... would you like to see it?"

Thinking back to his brother, Rakio just grins, "You'll learn to deal with his uniqueness and I'm sure he'll warm up to you. I'm sure he just isn't too keen on the whole 'you killing his people' thing... your people. Do you resent him? Oran -has- killed so many people... I am really disgusted by it but he is silly and thinks that only through his status can he gain honor. The more he kills, the higher he believes his status will be. At least that's how I see it." Bravely putting his hand on hers, she can feel the moist warmth of his palm, "You don't dislike him though... yeah? He is trying! I'm sure he is. Don't kill him... Your wounds aren't as bad has some Oran has been dealt. You're skilled, hm? With fighting and stuff... something I'll never understand."
Oh, yes, just like Jamekon, babbling a mile a minute. Luckily Ana has experience in such things and she lets him speak as he will, nodding when he asks to do things and listening attentively to everything that pours from his lips. Her memory is a steel trap from years of experience on both a battle field and dealing with younger brothers and when he stops to breathe, she starts to answer his questions as he asked them, watching him work and hardly flinching at anything he had to do, no matter how it hurt. She was used to such things and used to being healed after them. The solution he uses stings a little on the scales that are speckled all over her body, but she knows it will fade and if it doesn't she will just wash it off and deal with the pain until it leaves.

"Don't worry, Rakio. You aren't going to hurt me anymore than you have to and I understand you are only helping. You're fine. And please, call me Ana." She smiles at him, one arm - the uninjured one - behind her head and her hair gathered back to keep it out of his way. "As for your questions, yes, I would be very willing to provide you with any medical information you might like. I feel knowledge should be shared...even if that knowledge is not something I understand." She said the last part with mirth and then moved on, enjoying the joy on his face, missing seeing it on her brothers' faces, missing it altogether as everyone here up until now seems to so formal and stiff, guarded.

Her eyes watch the young man as he moves about and she studies him as she has studied his brother, liking the calm blue of his eyes. Well, maybe calm wasn't the right word as his hues were like the ocean, turbulent and constantly moving and yet.....still tranquil below the surface, confident in a secret kind of way that only those who looked closely would see. She finds she likes his eyes, but strangely, not as much as she likes Oran's. At the thought of him, she speak again, addressing Rakio's words.

"We married because we had to, so no, there is no love between us. I am not sure there ever will be, but I do not doubt his protectiveness over his family and the fact that he is trying. He has been very...civil since I came here." Yes, even when angry and grumpy, he was painfully civil. And now she forces herself to be that as she thinks over what the young man has said about his brother killing her people. The anger wants to rise, but after so recently being at the target of Oran's anger, she calmed her mind before she spoke, thinking about what she actually wanted to speak before she did, being wise about it and letting her emotions settle.

"I do not resent Oran. I resent the war. I resent the killing that had to be done on both sides. I have killed many of your people as well for I was in the war since its beginning. I do not enjoy the grief I have inflicted on the families of the men I have killed and I do not like death. I find the fight thrilling, but...if I could do it without bringing such heartache, I would. I have a feeling your brother might think the same way, so no, I do not resent him and I will not kill him. You do not have to worry about that."

Ana smiled then, less happiness in the expression, but still kind and she raised a brow at Rakio. "Worse wounds? Like what?"
"Ana," Rakio breathes, nodding his understanding to her preference and respecting her for it. "And you know my name already so we are even then." With an attempt at a firm nod, Rakio's cheeks actually blush a bit for he finds Ana very attractive. He cannot help, in his boyhood actions, turn and giggle to himself as he grabs another cloth and finishes cleaning up. "You'll have to rest for a bit so that the leaves can latch onto you, so to say, and soak up the rest and .. yeah, they heal the wound that way." Bringing a hand to his chin, the boy shakes his head a little, trying to remember how it all happens. Sadly, all he can remember is that it's used to stop deep wound bleeds. "Sorry Pri- Ana, but I can't remember -how- exactly it does it. Oh Oran would be so angry if he were hear!" His comment is not out of fear for Rakio knows Oran would never strike him or even think about it for that matter.

"Oran is always telling me that if I study and study, I'll be able to know every single herb or flower or vine or waterlily in the book! Where they're found, what they do and -how- they do it! Isn't that great? Oran really is a smart man and I'm really, really, happy that you're giving him another chance. Well, not so much another chance as -just a single chance-. Hearing you don't resent my brother is very smart. It's a good decision for it would only cause more rocks along your path if you hate him. And even a bigger rock if you kill him for my -whole- family would come after you and I'm sure your family would come after Oran if he killed you. But! Oran doesn't hurt anyone out of pure... evil."

Hearing himself blabbering on and on about his brother, Rakio places a hand over his mouth. The flush of his face doesn't reside as he hears of her question about Oran's wounds. "Oran loves to fight too! Maybe you two can duel one another once you sort of get to know each other. I'm sure right now it would just be painful and awkward to be fighting out of fear that you'll -actually- kill one another. But! Oran has a sense of control that my papa even says that he hasn't even seen in the best of his soldiers." Taking a breath, he wipes his sweaty brow, "Worse wounds! Yeah, yeah! There was this one battle out on Levor92 where Oran was protecting Divi and there was this whole explosion and the two of them were stuck on an island and Oran... what did Oran do? He had to get them back to base and it was miles and miles away! Miles! And Oran and Divi had to trek through a swamp and there were all these monsters. Oran wouldn't describe them to me, saying that they would give me nightmares."

Chewing his lip, Rakio pauses for a moment. "But Oran just told me to imagine a monster that is the size of a tree! Not just a bush or shrub. You see, Oran never backs down, he is great!" Maybe the boy is over exaggerating just a bit, "So Oran," As he goes on and on, the excitement in Rakio's eyes, showing his true love for his brother's heroism. Telling her about him having to carry Divi, who was thrown into the swamp by the monster, Oran having to go find her. He finally did and defeated the swamp beast, having to carry Divi all the way back with a fractured tibia, ribs and shoulder from being thrown around like a ball. Not to mention all the cuts and scrapes becoming infected with swamp water. It was disgusting!" While finishing up his story, Rakio hopes that his tone didn't suggest that Oran loved Divi for, in Rakio's eyes, they were just great friends. What no one in their family will know is that Oran really did love her. Of course, his family just thought his 'leave no soldier behind' mentality kicked in.
Ana listened as only a big sister can to the young boy before her, feeling an ache in her chest as she thinks of her own brothers, but she doesn't show the sadness, instead smiling at the male in front of her. No, she wouldn't be sad right now. This was a happy time. She was speaking with someone who didn't look at her and see a Saliphian, but a woman who was just as lonely for company as this child seemed to be. It is nice to have someone she is already feeling could be a friend in this place.

As he goes on about his brother, she finds herself hiding a smile at the obvious exaggerations, but also listening attentively to his words, reading between them what she can. There is a great love there, a deep respect and adoration on Rakio's part and Ana knows that kind of loyalty is not given to men who are not worthy of it. No, Oran is very much what she had suspected all day. A great warrior, someone his men could trust and follow, but what surprised her was that he seemed to be a great brother, too, a good son and friend. Is it just her that brings out the cold politeness and stiff anger? Or was she not being fair....again.

She hadn't exactly been welcoming either, but...it was hard. She had no idea whether he'd ever desired a wife, children, love of that kind....but she had. More than anything she'd wanted to be a mother, to be happy with someone who would accept her and this....this was the dashing of all her private dreams. She had been loyal to her people and her duty, but it had broken her heart to do so and this man....he didn't care. It was had to feel warm toward someone like that. And yet....here was Rakio saying Oran WASN'T like that. That he was a man she could actually grow to like.

It was incredibly confusing and the Princess suddenly just wanted to get away. She didn't move, though, smiling gently at Rakio. "That is quite a story. Your brother is very brave." She looked down, picking at the leaves on her stomach before looking up again, gold-hazel eyes warm. "How long do these have to stay on again?"
"I can give you something to have you sleep just for a little. Oh! Or perhaps something you would like some more is tea. Would you care for some tea, Ana?" Seeming completely over the emotional story, Rakio can't help but become a bit jittery. "Do you want Oran to return? I can go fetch him if you want his company. You two have to get to know one another and fall in love." Such childish antics! Rakio easily gets up from the side of the bed where he was applying the leaves to her wounds. Glancing back to her, he calculates and looks to the sky, "Carry it over for about ... well, lie down and relax for about half an hour to forty-five minutes. Sorry it's sort of the last of the bunch and is lacking in power. Usually I can have you outta here within fifteen minutes but I'm not sure how potent it is." Rakio moves to the door, "Or you really shouldn't but I'm sure you can at least make your way up to the sun. Perhaps the soothing heat will help the leaves? They seem to respond to the heat well in my experiments."

Oran, during this time, would be just walking around the palace. Is this place where they're to live for the rest of their lives. Sighing, Oran moves to sit on the outer wall, letting his feet dangle off the edge. The wind from here is sweet as he looks over the marketplace with its fluttering colors. Literally living life on the edge, Oran is sure to keep his senses heightened as to hear any footsteps behind him. The last thing he wants to do is willingly be pushed to his death. With those lively eyes shut, he takes in a deep breath, seeing Divi painted on his lids. Oh how he adores her, remembering the warmth they shared together in the swamp and the love that sparked because of it. Oran always liked her but their time together, one on one, really changed her opinion for she too thought of him as an arrogant soldier who only cared for battle and for his men. That's all she could see of him, it took them years before she actually cracked. "I miss you Divi." Comes his whisper to the wind, wanting her to be here with him so that they may have the trill again of sneaking into the black of night together. Stealing kisses and hugs as the rest of the kingdom slept. That all ended once Yuvo ordered Oran to be married.

It's over. Done. I'll never see her again. Why can't I just accept that fact? Focus, Oran, focus. My thoughts should be of my wife, not her.
Ana laughed lightly at his antics and finally shook her head, standing from the bed and resting a gentle hand on the boy's shoulder. She looked down at him with a friendly light in her eyes and an appreciative expression. "Thank you, Rakio. I don't need to sleep, but I will go sunbathe for a while if that will help the healing." She wanted to ruffle hair he didn't have but instead just leaned down on impulse and kissed his head as she would one of her own brothers before straightening and giving him another smile. "You are a good healer. Keep up the excellent work."

They are her parting words before she heads to the door and Shadow follows her, ever faithful. The Princess makes her way through the halls then, her mind wandering. It is her first mistake as she doesn't see the figure approaching. Her second mistake is being alone, but she really couldn't help that bit and Shadow, at her side starts to growl savagely. It startles Ana out of her musings and she looks forward and up quickly. Upon seeing the man standing before her, seemingly completely unconcerned by the wolf at her side, Ana pales completely, color draining away as she takes a hasty step back. Her eyes are wide and she hisses her words.

"What are you doing here?!"

The male Saliphian chuckles and it's not a friendly sound, dark and low as he spreads his hands in a mocking way, showing he has no weapons. Ana knows he needs none. "Must we go through this every time? Why, Princess, I am here to congratulate you on your marriage of course! Quite the occasion for our people."

"You are not one of my people. You betrayed my family! Stay away from me!" she spits out, continuing to back away, keeping her hand tight on Shadow's fur as she pulls him back, too. The canine is almost frothing at the mouth, wanting to spring at the male but his training greater as he allows his mistress to pull him back. He can smell her fear rolling off her in waves and only wants to get rid of the threat to her, but she won't let him. She is wiser than the wolf and knows to let him go would be a grave mistake. No, her only chance is to find a person, ANYONE, and not be alone with the Saliphian, though....being with someone can be just as dangerous. For them.

The male grins, following her, black eyes glittering with cruel amusement that he can hide very well when it suits him. "Come now, Ana, those charges were never proven. Your father still trusts me, why won't you?"

"Y-you know very well why." Her voice trembles, but she doesn't care. She just wants to be away from him. The wall that is suddenly at her back prevents it, though, as his hand blocks the only way out, now on the wall by her head and Ana's hand tightens on Shadow's fur as he starts to bark, nearly in a frenzy now, not that the male seems to notice at all as he leans close to the Princess, a smirk on his face. "I am afraid my memory is not what it used to be. Remind me?" he taunts and Ana shakes as she glares at him, fear and anger warring in her eyes and in her face. Beside her, Shadow suddenly stops barking, going limp as he drops to the floor and Ana feels terror creep through her.

"You sold me."

"You're here now." he retorts and Ana clenches her jaw, voice seething. "I was a child. I was terrified. They tortured me and YOU sold me to them! You've haunted my life ever since!" Her voice is raised now, furious and he suddenly clamps a hand over her mouth, voice a hiss.

"Please, Princess. Shouting does not become you." He moves his hand away from her sheet-white face and trails his fingers down her cheek. "You turned out well enough. Better than I expected even. They didn't ruin you. You should thank me for that. I gave explicit orders."
Upon the sharp barking cutting through the air, Oran's eyes flash open. Turning around, he slips off of the ledge into the gardens. The soft crunch of grass and the soft earth beneath his booted feet. When the barking grows more and more frantic, Oran is soon to pick up where it's coming from. Quickly, he knows that Shadow is the only wolf here and he is with Ana. Stopping beside a pillar, Oran blinks at his actions. Why is he running to save her? She can take care of herself, can't she? His presence will only cause unwanted tension, something he doesn't want to deal with. Feeling stone encase itself around his heart, he slinks away, the gusto of the moment draining from his mind. Any girl would love to have him barge in and save her but Ana is not like most women. Conflicted, Oran reaches a few pillars down and leans his weight against it, unsure of what to do.

A hand idly moves to his tight chest, the rugged breathing of his anxious to make this split second decision. He won't just back down. No! Ana might be in serious trouble and she may need him. Those injuries made her limp - she is not herself right now, Oran is sure. For the medication Rakio provides is very effective, potent and concentrated. With wounds of her size and depth, he is sure that she is fast asleep by now. But Shadow -is- the only wolf here, it has to be her. Gritting his teeth, Oran turns back from the pillow in the direction the barking was coming from. Now only silence greets his ears. Every fiber of him wants to call out her name, seeing if she needs him but again, she shouldn't. She proved to him that she can take care of herself today. Groaning, Oran pulls himself together and starts a steady jog around the palace, keeping his ears open for any sounds at all.

((I know it's a short post - I promise for my next one to be longer! :) ))
"Oh, yes, I am extremely grateful for your thoughtfulness."

Ana's voice drips sarcasm and she knows immediately that its the wrong thing to do as her head snaps back and hits the wall. She lets out a short, but pained cry that contains more fear than pain as the world tilts and spins for a moment, as stars explode before her eyes. As soon as her vision clears, her body snaps into motion, shoving the male back away from her. He goes almost willingly, but his expression has darkened and his voice sends a shiver through Ana as she stares at him with wide eyes, suddenly realizing what she's done and what it means.

"I see you've forgotten the rules, Ana."

She shakes her head, backing up again as he watches her, dark eyes hard and no longer even amused. The Princess doesn't dare speak again, but the male does it for her, seeming almost thoughtful, something she knows is more dangerous than when he is confident and sure in his words. "Hmm....to punish you or to show mercy. Which do you think, Ana? Shall we try again? Can you be good?"

"P-please....I didn't...I understand. You don't need to hurt anyone." She speaks softly, eyes darting around, seeking help even as she knows better than to call out for it. The male Saliphian approaches again with a smile, pinning her once more, tilting his head as he studies her and she wants to disappear, shrinking as far away as she can. "I think you've forgotten the rules, Ana. Tell me, does your new husband know them?"

Her eyes snap up, wide, but anger sparking through their gold-hazel depths. "Leave him out of this. You leave him and his family out of this!" Her voice is cold, commanding and the male looks surprised before he laughs, reaching out to tilt her chin up, his fingers leaving marks that will bruise. Ana shakes in his hold and her tail curls tight around her leg. Her skin is cold, so very cold.

"Oh, I think including him could be fun. I've heard he's a warrior, stubborn, but honorable. Those people are the best ones to break. Yes, I think I will include him." The male grins and lets go of her chin to run his fingers over her cheek again, dark eyes alight with malice. "Go on, Princess. Call him to you."

Ana didn't want to. Every fiber in her body told her no, told her to remain silent, but experience had taught her that to cross Ceverno was not worth it. It was downright horrifying. Her eyes glance down at Shadow, still dead to the world and she hates herself as she opens her mouth and screams with everything in her, letting the terror out now that she's allowed to. "ORAN!!"

(((That's fine! And yeah, I found a villain... He's working himself into the plot.... If you'd like more detail, just IM me. :) )))
Upon hearing his name being shouted, Oran quickly springs into action. Feeling a strange sensation tingle through his body, her scream is enough to get him into a powerful dart. The way the sound traveled, most men would think she is on the Eastern corridor side when in reality, the echo from the courtyard would twist her voice, making it seem as such. She is -really- on the Western side. Noticing this early on with the sound of sparring men and women, Oran thinks of how lucky Ana is that he is observant. Not even bothering to shout, he quickly leaps up onto the Western pillar, finding cracks in the stone just big enough to jam his fingers into. Within an easy three 'steps' Oran finds himself slipping and not nearly close enough to the upper ledge of the courtyard to make a successful jump. He has to try though. He can't know unless he tries.

With trembling legs and strained arms, Oran quickly whispers his prayer, looking up at the lower lip of the ledge, knowing that he -might- be able to catch it on his fingertips. His legs push off of the stone and he does his best to rocket himself up, his fingers outstretched. YES! Comes his first thought as he feels the limestone catch underneath his dirty fingernails, hanging from the ornamented bottom of the lip. Next time, just take the stairs. He reminds himself very quickly throwing his body upwards once more to grip another area of the stone. His whole upper torso is shaking as he pulls his aching muscles upwards and rolls over the lip of the banner. Flying into the hallway, Oran easily rolls over his shoulder, coming up in a daze, the world spinning sideways. If he were inexperienced, it would cause him to be off balance. Oran quickly turns, seeing at he end of the hallway, Ana in the clutches of this unknown man.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing!!!" Comes his rumbling voice throughout the hallway, "Get your hands off of her!" Quickly running in their direction.
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