A relationship between good and bad

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Ayano was surprised by Zero suddenly grabbing her wrist and pulling her along to some alleyway. He was a strange kid sometimes, because the way he did things kind of made it look like he was going to take her somewhere to do something to her but Ayano knew better than to think that. She took a look down at his hand that was wrapped around her wrist for a moment, then back up to see them going into some warehouse. It was a shock to Ayano to see so many people, and two guys fighting but it made sense that it was Zero taking her. He seemed to like fights...that was it, he must have gotten beat up yesterday from this place, that's why all those injures were on him. She could feel him tightening his grip, which in this place she didn't mind. She could tell some of the people were taking unwanted glances at her. So, she was right. The injures were from here and that's why this strange looking guy was needed Zero to come to make sure he was okay. Though, Ayano wasn't happy when Zero had let go of her wrist. She felt like she was more vulnerable once that hand slipped from her arm. However, nothing bad was happening yet and Zero had turned back to Ayano once the man had walked away going to get Zero's money. "Uh, well..." Ayano began to respond, "A little. It's just I feel like a lot of these people are watching me but your with me so I'll be okay."
At least she was honest. But if something were to happen Zero was unsure if there was anything he could do about it. The injuries he had gotten were still bothering him. It was going to be hard if the wrong person picked a fight. As if the devil had smiled at them, big of broad bone himself walked out of the ring and over to Zero and Ayano. Zero didn't notice.
"Well i'm glad you can rely on me. I won't let anything happen to you."
"You sound so sure of yourself."
Zero turned to see the man from last night standing right behind him. This wasn't good. If he were attack them Zero wasn't sure if he could do much of anything. He grabbed Ayano's hand.
He moved to where he was close enough to Ayano's ear to where only she could hear him.
"If I let you go, run straight home. Don't stop for anyone, don't talk to anyone, just run STRAIGHT home."
They weren't to far from Ayano's house. The smirk the man gave posed a challenge.
"Don't worry maggot. I don't fight children who are already half dead and not worth my time. Maybe some other time." The man walked away.
Normally, Zero would have round house kicked this guys head into next weekend, but since he was with Ayano, he did nothing. He didn't realize that he had laced his fingers with Ayano's. He still didn't notice.
Ayano noticed the man coming towards them, realizing that he was there to come and bother her and Zero. She had a feeling that it was possible he was the one that injured Zero the other day. For a moment, Ayano really thought that Zero and the large man were going to fight and she didn't want that. She also didn't just want to run and leave Zero behind to get more injures. If he got anymore, it could end up more serious that it already was. But, she didn't want to upset Zero when he told her to run straight home if needed, so she gave him a nod. Though, she really didn't like the way the guy was talking back to Zero like that. Part of Ayano wanted to give piece of her mind to him, sometimes a woman could do the trick. But, uncertain as to what could happen she chose not to. When the man had walked away was when Ayano noticed the feeling of Zero's hand in hers and their fingers intertwined. They fit perfectly together, and the thought of it began to make her blush yet she kind of liked there hands together for some reason. "Do you think we can go now?" She asked a bit shyly, "I don't want anything else to happen."
Zero looked to her. Julio still hadn't come back with the money, but something else could possibly happen. Zero let out a heavy sigh and nodded his head agreeing to take Ayano home. If anything else he would come back and pick up the money he was owed tomorrow. Surely Julio would assume something and stash it away for the next time he saw Zero, which Zero assumed would be tomorrow.
"Yeah, let's get you home." Zero said taking his hand from Ayano's.
The world suddenly became colder. As if the world had lost all it's color in a brief instant. It quiet. Lonely. Once they arrived at Ayano's house Zero got a bad pang in his stomach. He didn't want to leave Ayano alone. Not after what happened back at the warehouse. He didn't want to risk someone coming after her.
"Do you want me to stay here with you tonight? You know, just in case something happens?" He couldn't look Ayano in the eyes.
This seemed so awkward. They had only known each other for two days and he was asking to stay over at her place for the night with full acknowledgement.
Ayano was very conscious of Zero letting go off her hand, almost too much in a way that she wondered why it bothered her a bit that he had let go. She followed him out after he said they could leave and walked the streets in silence. It seemed strange all of a sudden and Ayano wondered if perhaps she should say something to stop the silence. They had gotten to her house, almost too fast for what Ayano wanted and as she went to the door to unlock it she heard what Zero had said. It was a weird thing to ask, but she technically had him over the other night already and he was right. What if one of those guys from that place decided to follow them and noticed that Ayano was left alone at the house. "Uh, okay." Ayano replied, but for a moment she was surprised she said yes yet happy she did. "If you don't mind staying again." She unlocked the door and opened it up to let he and him come in. Once they were inside, she closed the door, flipped on the lights inside, then locked the door again just in case. "Um, I guess if it's okay with you, you can have the couch again. I don't have much of any other choice."
Zero walked inside following close in toe with Ayano. The blanket that she had left for him that morning was still there. But he would have to leave early in the morning so he could drop by his house and get his back before school started. Great now he started caring about school? Zero had to wonder if something was wrong with him.
"Thanks. I appreciate it." Zero said walking over to the couch and laying down.
He was exhausted. He fell asleep almost as soon as all of his weight made contact with the couch. IT was a long day, Zero was still injured and there was much more to take care of tomorrow. He would have to face the fight club again and eventually everything would fall back into place. Everything would be normally again. Zero didn't want to get close to this girl. But when he thought about it more he only realized that it was already to late. He felt attatched to her, andhe didn't know why and that alone seemed to scare him if nothing else.
He wanted to tell Ayano good night, but consciousness left his body before he could breathe a word. He slept until morning.
Ayano was glad that the couch seemed to be okay for Zero. She watched him go over to it, and quickly he had fallen asleep. She walked over to him, and again placed the blanket on him like the other night. She couldn't help herself, again, she stared at him for a moment, watching him peacefully sleep. A smile formed on Ayano's face, then she walked off to her own room. Of course, she first left a note to explain the guy sleeping in the living room to her parents who always got home late at night. Ayano went to her room and got changed into a nightgown, then entered her bed. She laid there for a moment with thoughts of Zero in her mind as a sudden light blush appeared on her face. She turned to her side and closed her eyes, slowly trying to fall asleep.

In the morning, Ayano's alarm went off early and she begun her usual routine of taking a shower and getting changed into her school uniform. She then headed out of her room and into the kitchen to make breakfast for her and her guest as well as making up two lunches for them to take. She wasn't sure if he would take it, but she could at least try and give it to him.
Zero woke up around the time Ayano began making the lunches for the day. He had tossed and turned all night in his sleep, though somehow he managed to sleep rather well. Getting up from his makeshift "bed" Zero stretched out. Standing up he held his arms over his head to try and stretch out more of the muscles hearing a few pops here and there which seemed to cause more relief than they did pain. He stopped when he saw Ayano in the kitchen. It seemed to warm his morning seeing her first thing in the morning instead of a cold gray ceiling.
He was happy that for once he didn't have to wake up to arguing and screaming echoing through the house.
"Good morning." Zero said as he placed his hands behind his head.
Walking into the kitchen Zero looked over Ayano's shoulder to inspect what she was doing.
Ayano could hear some noises coming from the living room, and noticed Zero was waking up. When he entered the kitchen she looked over at him and gave him a smile. "Good morning Zero." She said cheerfully as she was finishing up the bento boxes she was making for the both of them. She could tell he was curious as to what she was doing. She turned to face him and held out one of the boxes that was now finished and packed. "This is your lunch for later while at school and breakfast is on the table. Now, I'm not going to take no for a answer when giving you this lunch so you're going to eat it when the time comes. I'll make sure of it." It was much different having someone around when she woke up in the morning. She had no doubt her parents were already gone, like they always were, off to work for the whole rest of the day. That's all they ever seemed to do, and spend their whole time there.
Zero took the box in his hands and seemed to examine it. The last time he had a boxed lunch was his first day f preschool, and that was a LONG time ago. He couldn't refuse the offer. He knew that in a verbal debate with Ayano he would have little to no success. Instead he gave her one of his rare smiles.
"I apretiate it." He said looking over to the food she had made for breakfast. More bacon.
"It looks great." Zero said.
He wasn't lying or sugar coating anything. It seemed that now days all Zero's diet consisted of was pizza and pasta. So to eat something as simple as bacon eggs and a biscut seemed like it was that of a gormey meal to him. He was thankful. But he wondered if Ayano would be eating with him. He flet he had asked enough questions as it was so he felt like asking any more than what he already had would ware out his welcome even further.
It was the first time Ayano had seem Zero's smile, and she liked it but she was a bit too embarrassed to go admitting that to him right now, at least while they were still just becoming friends. "I'm glad your going to take it. I thought I might have to force you." She replied back as she cleaned up the area when she was done with her much similar looking meal for lunch. She took a seat down at the table, then motions for Zero to do too. "You can eat breakfast with me you know." She said as she got a plate made for herself as well and picked up her fork and started to eat. It would be one of the rare times that she actually ate with someone, especially for breakfast and it was nice.
Zero sat across from Ayano and began to eat feeling the satisfying sensation of his taste buds dance because of the flavor. Thinking about it Zero could see Ayano trying to force feed him. She was small and didn't look like she had to much strength compared to him. Though who knew? Maybe she could be backing a decent size punch behind those scroney arms. A metal laugh formed in Zero's mind imagining what the situation would be like. IT had been a long time since Zero had eaten breakfast with anyone...or ate breakfast in general. He always woke up so late and rarely ever ate. It was Wednesday, there were only three more days left in the school week. Zero looked at his watch. He would have to go pretty soon if he wanted to have enough time to get his bag. Once he was done eating Zero stood from his chair.
"I need to run home so I can get my bag." Zero said walking to the door.
"I'll see you at school Ayano."
Zero didn't know why, but for one reason or another it felt really nice to say that. It made Zero happy. He left Ayano's house and seemed in a rush to get to his own. The sooner he got there the sooner he could get to school the sooner he got to school the sooner he could get to see Ayano. Zero stopped mid jog and thought to himself.
'Why am I doing this? Why am I troubling myself with this girl. She's just going to turn out like all the others... so why does she feel so different?'
Zero felt confused and walked the rest of the way to his house.
Ayano ate in silence with Zero on the other side, but the silence this time didn't seem bad. She just liked having someone else at the table this time, just to at least see and eat when. They didn't have to say anything to each other at all for Ayano to enjoy that moment. She was finishing up when Zero had finished, and mentioned about getting his bag back home. "Oh, yeah." She said, forgetting how the night had went. It would make sense he didn't have his bag, he didn't think he would be staying at her house. "Bye bye." She said as he left. When he was gone, she finished up then put everything away.She got the rest of herself ready for school and headed out. Though, a thought came into her mind about when Zero got home. What would his parents do? He wasn't supposed to be out all night, what would they have thought happened? She really hoped he wouldn't end up getting in trouble by them. The only way would be to wait until she saw him at school.

She made her way towards the school like usual, not realizing that the only thing on her mind now was all thoughts relating to Zero. She slipped through the schools entrance and headed for her classroom when her friends were starting to show up around her, though she didn't really saw much back to them. Zero was still in her head, even as she went to sit down in her seat and take out what was needed for class. She looked over at the seat next to hers, that was now Zero's seat. She really wanted him to get there as soon as possible, hopefully he wouldn't just decide to skip, Ayano wanted to see him again as soon as possible.
Unlocking the front door with the key he had Zero walked in. The house was still, it seemed just about everything had been cleaned. Once Zero walked in he was surprised that the house was quiet. It seemed that his parents weren't arguing. A slam of the door and his father was in the room. The older man shot him a cold hard glare.
"Where were you last night?" His father asked walking into the kitchen making himself a cup of coffie.
"Does it really matter?" Zero questioned as a response.
His father went silent and Zero's heart stopped. The next second his father was infront of him. The man struck Zero in the face. Zero's bangs swept over his face to hide his pain filled eyes as another bruise formed on his face under his left eye.
"Get out." Were the only two words his father said to him.
Zero said nothing as he grabbed his bag and walked out of the house.
All Zero wanted to di was run. Run and hide to where no one could ever find him again. It didn't take him to long to make it to his school. He let out a heavy sigh as he set his foot in hell. The principal seemed impressed to see him there on time. When he first walkd into the classroom and saw Ayano surrounded by her friends. They seemd well engaged in a conversation, so Zero thought it best he stay out of it. Walking to his desk, Zero comensed in his usual routene, he set down his bag next to his chair and laid his head down.
Ayano suddenly noticed that Zero came into the classroom and took a seat down, but before she could even say anything his head was down. Was he still feeling pain from his injures. "Zero, are you alright?" Ayano said, cutting off any of the conversation her friends were having with her, which to the group of girls was a surprise. They began to question about the fact that Ayano was trying to talk with Zero again. "Are you're injures acting up? I can give you something for the pain...or was your parents not happy with you?" Still, her friends were confused as others were beginning to get curious too. How did Ayano know about wounds on Zero and why did it seem like she was talking more casually then the other day with him.
Zero looked at Ayano shifting his head to where he was laying on the right side of his face. All could see the new bruise that his fathefr had left there.
"Nothing's wrong Ayano...i'm just tired that's all..." Zero said n a mumble.
He could see the awkward stares that people were giving them and his defenses immedietly flew up. Zero burried his face back nto the walls of his arms. He hated all the attention his always got. Most of thr time it was completely unintentional. Zero didn't want to be seen. All he wanted was o dissapear, he didn't want to be seen by others that vould judge him. All the sadness turned o anger and Zero slowly became more and more enraged with each passing moment.
Ayano's eyes widened when she saw the bruises on Zero's face. "Zer-." She stopped herself, she knew that that was not there before he had left and that could only mean one thing; that something did happen back at his house. But, it wasn't the time and place at the moment to go asking him about it with all the others staring at them. Though, it wasn't over once it came to lunch Ayano was going to find of the truth. Just then the teacher walked in and Ayano's other friends took their seats. The class began, but Ayano kept eying Zero making sure everything was alright for now. She just needed them to get to lunch then she would go somewhere private to talk to him about it.

Finally, the bell had rang for the class to be over and soon enough they were going to their next class. That one also went by and it was finally time for lunch. Ayano knew Zero would probably go off somewhere to eat by himself, so she would have to follow him. She waited for a few moments to see where he would go, then once he started to walk she would follow after him and talk to him while they would eat lunch together. That was her plan.
The day seemed to go by faster than usual. Probably because Zero knew that he would have to end up gojng back home to face his father again eventually. Unless he just went straight to the ware house, but Zero knew that more than likely wasn't going to happen.
Once it was time for lunch Zero walked out into the courtyard and looked around. There were to many people around today. So Zero made his way up to the roof. He didn't climb over the fence that time, he simply sat on the inside of the fence leaning his back up against it. He had completely forgotten about the boxed lunch thatAyano had made for him. Zero looked up at the sky and cursed the gods in his head. Closing his eyes he felt like simply dissapearing at that moment, he wished everyone would forget that he even exsisted. He wanted to simply run away and start life over somewhere else.
Ayano followed Zero as he walked, seeing that the courtyard was taken up by people it seemed Zero was going to find another place. So, he was going up to the roof. Ayano waited until he was there and when he had his eyes closed. She followed him up to the roof, then stood there for a moment while he had his eyes closed. "Are you not going to eat the lunch I made you?" She finally said to him, as she was standing right in front of him. "I told you that I would make you eat, did I not." That was the first thing in getting the truth from him, they just simply had to sit around and eat together, then maybe he would finally open up to her again like he had did the other day. They were getting closer yet now it almost seemed like they had went a step back. He wasn't saying anything to her, and he even walked away at lunch without even asking Ayano if she wanted to eat together or come with him. And, he wasn't eating that lunch she made for him.
Zero looked at her. What made her different from the rest? He could pay her easily like all the others, at least that's what he thought, but would he really be able to bring himself to do something like that to Ayano? Why not? He wondered. He didn't want Ayano to get dragged further into his problems. HE didn't want a good student to get involved with a junkie like himself. She seemed so perfect and Zero knew he was far from that. Zero looked at the boxed lunch she had taken the time to make for him. He shook his head as a no to her answer. Zero felt like he was starving but didn't want to admit it. He wanted to sever this tie he had with Ayano. He didn't want things to go any further, that's what he honestly believed. At least that's what he hoped he had believed. Zero was never accustomed to sharing things with others. He had built up such high walls for so long, and he was honestly terrified to break them down.
"Ayano..." Zero began "I..." He tried to sit out the words he wanted to say, but they were all nothing but a jumble of confusion in his mind.
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