A Night in the Forbidden Forest

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Pandora felt the fear nagging in the back of her mind. The Forbidden Forest had always been a nightmare for her ever since her first year at Hogwarts when a group of 7th year Slytherins thought it would be funny to pull a prank on a group of 'firsties' and get them lost in the Forest for a whole night. Ever since that then Pandora had steered clear of the Forbidden Forest, even when class called for a trip into twisting branches.

She stopped when she came to the designated meeting spot, her eyes roaming over the two other students who would be sharing in her misery tonight. She put on her best bitch face, her eyes rolling as she scoffed. She turned her eyes to focus on anything, acting as if it were more important than her fellow Hogwarts peers or the grounds keeper. Unlike most Slytherins, she didn't have a problem with Hagrid and found him to be a rather nice person. But, just like her little secret about hating everything The Dark Lord stood for, she couldn't very well convince the rest of Slytherin that Hagrid wasn't just some stupid, bumbling baboon. Plus, focusing on her role as a 'Slytherin Diva' distracted her away from the knot forming in her stomach. Every second that ticked by and every word that Hagrid rattled off ticked the time closer to when she had to step back into the Forest.

Hagrid was just finishing up the rules about safety and remembering to bow to the hippogriffs before you approach them. Before leaving them to their task at hand, he gave one more farewell and another warning, "An' remember, don' go messin' with none of the other creatures. Don' make a ruckus. And, don' get eaten."

With a hardy laugh, he untied the baby hippogriff and stomped off, leaving the teenagers to their task at hand. Pandora stared after him for a second, making sure her phobia didn't tattoo itself on her forehead. When her face was neutral again, she turned to the other two, her eyes looking them up and down like you would a moldy rug, [BCOLOR=#000000]"Well, are we going in or what?" She spit out and stormed off into the woods, not looking back to see if the other two were following or if they had taken the hippogriff's lead. When she passed the first trees, she felt her heart start pounding and her stomach tightening. She let out a deep breath and mustered the courage to continue. She wasn't going to look like a baby in front of the other houses. What shame would that bring to her parents? And what negative attention would she receive from her fellow Slytherins if they found out she was scared of some trees and howling winds. [/BCOLOR]
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