A new world

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Akira nods slowly, looking like he was deep in thought "Yeah... It never really stays in the same spot." he says with a sigh, the forest itself seemed to swallow most trails that might lead them to their current camp... It might just be because he wasn't very familiar with this particular area, often times he gets lost easily his first few days in new places before he memorizes everything, his group is used to sending someone out to look for him at first by now. Though this has got to be the first time the person they sent out hadn't returned home like they expected.
"Alright, but after you two find your way I must go to my village. I'm sure the others are getting worried." She sits comfortably next to the fire. She looks at Akira then to Duncan. "You two should get some sleep. I can stay on watch for the rest of the night."
"Not a bad idea, we will wait for you here, though at least one of us should stay awake to keep watch just in case our camp passes by us or if any more animals attack" he suggests, looking towards Akira.
"I'll just wait until you two are back with your own people. Besides everyone would be asleep. You though" She pointed to Duncan. "You should get some rest. You've already been up most of the night."
"I'll stay awake then, it's really no big deal." Akira concludes, he figured he wasn't gonna sleep too much more tonight anyways; the lolves that attacked hvae made him a little paranoid to say the least.
"Ill sleep then, you guys can go and work what you are talking to out." he said as he was lying down and getting comfortable
Sorcha watched the man settle down for sleep. There was no way in hell she was going to sleep now. And boy how her village will be worried when they see her wounded. She sat at the mouth of the cave and rested back on her hands looking at the stars. Thinking over things that she should look into doing. Making her seem like she was in a daze.
Glancing away from the mouth of the cave for a moment to check on Sorcha, he noticed she seemed a little dazed. Akira walked over and put a hand on her shoulder "Hey, are you ok?" he asked her, looking a little concerned, he'd never seen Sorcha like this yet... Probably because he hadn't known her for that long in the first place, nevertheless it still worried him...
The hand on her shoulder made her jump a bit. She turned and gave him a sweet smile. "Yes. I was just thinking about a few things..." She looked out to the forest and knew what would have to be done to keep anymore bloodshed from happening.
"Are you willing to talk about them? Akira asked a little hesitantly, it was usually better if someone spoke about their problems where he came from... However it might be different for Sorcha, though he needed to do something about the situation.
Looking at Akira she couldn't help but blush a little and give a small smile. "well I feel that your people need to be informed that these lands are already inhabited and that we're not all deranged savages. At least as long as we don't have to be." She giggled at her own comment. "Though I want to make my own people aware of your's, and your different ways as well. That way you may travel through the forests with out having to worry about any misunderstandings."
Akira thought about what Sorcha said, he too felt they needed to establish some sort of peace with her people and his own "I think we can work something out..." he said after a long pause, if they take things slow, they could work out a way their own people could come together in a more peaceful manner... It would loosen any tensions and misconceptions both sides had about one another, plus; it would make it harder for that enemy army they keep hearing about to get through to both of their lands...
Sorcha smiled brightly, and hugged Akira. "Oh thank you!" She released him from the hug after a moment. "Do you think that if I help you two get back safely. I may speak to your chief?" She wanted everyone to be on the same page, and didn't want to see anybody else killed over such a trivial matter of misunderstandings.
Akira found himself blushing just a little when Sorcha hugged him. Regaining his composure quickly afterwards, he nods in response to her question "Sure, I think that can be arranged. Be carefull though, he can be a little... Ruthless at times." He answered, his voice grew quiet as he finished his sentence.
Sorcha nodded knowing the type. "Plenty of our warriors are that way. Which is why they are not the chief. I mean I suppose we have had such chiefs in the past. But our current chief is vary understanding and peaceful. As long as he is not angered." She knew she would have to be careful.
"I guess all that will wait till morning though, you wanna keep watch with me?" Akira asks Sorcha, he didn't mind having someone keep him company if Sorcha wasn't feeling tired...
"I suppose I can. I don't think I can sleep after the visit we just got" As she said this she put her hand over her bandaged wound.
Akira smiles and nods understandingly, he stared off into the distance outside the cave watching for anything happening... Since nothing much was going on, he started to lose himself in his thoughts slowly but surely. He was worrying about their chief, and the many things that may go wrong, along with what would happen if there was another wolf attack. However before he knew it, the day had come and he didn't seem the slightest tired...
It was halfway through the night, and when Sorcha looked over to her fair skinned companion she decided to leave him to his thoughts. She too, just looked out to the black sky thinking a lot more than she should. A few hours before daylight started to creep over the horizon she leaned onto Akira's shoulder and dozed off.
"Wake up you two, its almost noon and we haven't even started moving" ordered Duncan who was still somewhat drowsy having just woken up
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