A new journey

Morywin looked towards Darby and Ophelia as she stepped into the tavern and she waved gently at them. "I'm fine, no need to worry about me." Said Morywin with a gentle smile as she looked at Darby. "Garaeth is also fine." She then added and she looked down at the floor in a thoughtful manner before she shook her head. "I'm not sure, he wore a hood but I think he was a human." She sighed.

Ophelia hugged Darby tightly as she was in his embrace, her body trembled heavily in fear and her face was buried in his chest while she whimpered.

"Oh my-... She didn't see anything... did she...?" asked Morywin as she looked at Ophelia and then up at Darby, she swallowed once and she rubbed her forehead for a moment before she looked towards Maulnar. "Come, there is someone I wish you to meet." She said to Darby as she then turned around and walked back to the table where Maulnar was, she took two spare chairs with her and placed them down on either side of the table and then sat down in the chair she was sitting in before while she crossed her legs. "This is Maulnar Evermead, he'll be joining us in our journey. He is a Doctor, Surgeon, and experimental Alchemist. I'm more then certain that he will be of great aid to us." She said as she regarded Maulnar with her hand before she folded her arms across her chest and she leaned back in the chair in a thoughtful manner while she lowered her gaze to the table. Altherus sat down next to Morywin's chair and he rested his chin on her lap while a small whine escaped his maws, his ears were perked and he looked around. He had felt a familiar scent earlier when they arrived and the scent was still lingering in the air. "Forgive me for leaving in such a haste, sir Evermead. But Altherus called for me and I could not simply ignore it." Said Morywin as she inclined her head in an apologetic manner towards Maulnar. "These are my traveling companions and friends, Ophelia and Darby. Garaeth will most likely be with us soon." Morywin then said as she regarded Ophelia and Darby with a gentle hand gesture before she folded her arms again.
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Soon, Garaeth made his way into the tavern, as Morywin presumed. However, the half-elf appeared more occupied with his thoughts rather than to pay much attention to those who were there. He stopped by Morywin, his arms folded across his chest before he regarded the rest of his companions. ''You better get some rest, all of you. We will need to move again before too long.''
Morywin raised an eyebrow and glanced up at Garaeth. "I'm going to put this as delicately as I can; Park your ass down and relax for a bit. We leave when I say we leave." Said Morywin with a small twitch in her eyebrow. "Ophelia and Darby need rest and I am not sure, but I believe sir Evermead could do with some rest as well and so could you. In the meantime I will see for supplies so that we are properly stocked before we do leave."
His eyes narrowed upon her. It was unusual that anyone dared to demeanor him in such a manner. Nor did he care for the manner she did so.
While he remained quiet, Garaeth found a decreasing interest to remain in that company, and thus, the half-elf went outside once more.
He knew that there would not be any rest for him there. Morywin had thought the assassin to be human. She had not even scratched the surface of the truth.
"Quite alright, deary!" The old man responded gleefully. He tipped a non-existant hat at Darby, when Morywin introduced the lot to him, or perhaps the other way around. Either way, Maulnar now knew names and appearances of who had joined. What they were like, and their capabilities remained to be seen, but he'd find out sooner or later.

Maulnar watched Garaeth as he came and went, angry about not leaving as soon as possible. He passed him a smile, even if the half-elf did not look upon him. While Garaeth's behaviour seemed childish at first, there was probably good reasoning behind it. More death and suffering, most likely.

The old man sighed at that thought, before turning his attention back towards Morywin. "Not at all, my dear. I wouldn't be able to have fulfilled the deeds I have, had I wasted my precious time sleeping for no reason." His eyes fell upon the door of his own room for a moment. "No, I know of many things. Mixtures to revive energy is amongst the many. They help me stay awake far longer than any human possibly could, amongst other things." He explained, then smiled at the elf. With his old face, it was inevitable he had bags under his eyes, though they came from age, rather than sleep deprivation.
"But take your time. I won't hold you if you need to rest. Just tell me when, and I'll be there in a jiffy."
"We elves seldom sleep, we only sleep perhaps once a month, thrice a month at most. At least forest elves." Said Morywin with a gentle smile. She looked towards the door to the tavern before a small sigh escaped her lips and she then looked at the others again and Altherus let out a small yawn and a whine as he was drifting off to sleep. She hadn't meant to snap at Garaeth, but she was annoyed over the fact that she felt Alkaron's presence in the city but was unable to locate it.

Ophelia had once again fallen asleep in Darby's embrace, she really must feel safe with him! And she cuddled the side of her head against his chest while she drooled slightly in her sleep.

A man walked down the streets of Soriath, he stopped outside the blacksmith and he eyed the different weapons as he had his arms folded across his chest. He wore pitch black armor with red linings and his hair was raven back and it was tied in a ponytail that rested down the right side of his chest. He wore a hood to cover his elven ears and his skin was deeply tanned. He had a tattoo on his left cheek of a roaring dragon and he looked quite muscular. "The longer I can keep myself from being found by her, the better." He thought to himself and then purchased a large claymore which had a silver blade and a golden and black hilt. He strapped it to his back before he turned around and he looked towards the tavern, he had seen Morywin walk inside and that was a big reason as to why he would not return there.
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Garaeth stood outside the tavern when he noticed someone staring in that same direction. Not at him, but the half-elf could tell that whatever reasons there were for looking lied within. And that something was not entirely right with the stranger. Yet, what reason would there be to confront him about the matter in such a sudden manner? Instead, he remained outside, alone with his thoughts.
Rogue Gypsy Girl.jpg

Run. Keep running. Hester's chest was burning, her breaths ragged, but still she ran. She ran and ran, the cobblestones clattering under her riding boots. A short huff of laughter burst from her as she rounded a corner, tight to the wall and the shadows that clung to it. The exhilaration of the chase really got to her - eyes bright, blood pumping in her ears, she stopped to listen. A few shouts, getting fainter, heavy footsteps and the clink of armoured boots. All fading - it seemed her disappearing act over by the well had baffled the town guard. Most likely they had split into small groups and partnerings, fanning out from where they had last seen her. Hester grinned again, sweeping a tumble of auburn hair from her face and pulling a scarf downward. This place wasn't safe for her tonight, but she'd stick around. Carefully, she untangled a few strands of hair and unsheathed one of her twin knives from her belt, severing the hairs from her head. Replacing the knife, she uncouched her crossbow from her back, retrieved a bolt and tied the hair around the shaft. Aiming at a tall yew growing across the street, she fired and the quarrel buried itself deep in the bark, the red lock waving in the breeze.
That would infuriate them. The Kestrel had been here, been here and again evaded capture. Disturbed by her movements, the small furry head of a pine marten poked out the hood of her cloak.
"You can't go following scents now, Rascal." Hester muttered, tucking him back into the folds of her cloak. Heading back to a secluded, nondescript house in a rather roundabout fashion, Hester picked the lock with ease and entered, careful to re-lock the door after. In the first of many empty rooms, she eyed a roll of parchment on the table. Moving over to it, hesitant, the redhead unrolled it and stared at the unfinished map of the land. An untidy pile of papers rested at the other end of the table, filled with diagrams, maps of manors, woodland paths, city backstreets. She had copied them all down, painstakingly illustrating some, while others were merely sketches. The manor in Soraith she had been breaking and entering into had been one she had been trying to map out for a good while now. But the town was getting old. She longed to explore new places. Standing up abruptly, Hester let the map roll up and headed back out the house. Through three streets and a courtyard she strode, finally coming to the stable of her favourite tavern. Three new horses were stabled there tonight, one's neither she or her chestnut mare, Sunburst, had seen before. Visitors.
Hester liked visitors, visitors bought information, stories. Stories took her away from herself, made her forget the things that always lingered in the back of her mind the rest of the time. Shaking her head, Hester slipped into the tavern, and immediately raised her eyebrows at the rather large wolf at one of the tables. So they were the newcomers. Starting towards the table, Hester was surprised to see Maulnar, a great man who knew many healing magics, with them. She wondered if he remembered, but his care, magics and potions had healed her when she had broken two ribs and her forearm falling off a roof a few years ago. Smiling, with greater confidence, she strode forward.
"Excuse me. Maulnar, with respect, I did not think to see you in here. A pleasant surprise!" She smiled at the two with him. "Could I be introduced to your companions? They look like they have a tale to tell."
Darby nodded gravely. "Yes.. I was too late to cover her eyes," he admitted quietly, stroking gently on Ophelia's back. Darby was also quite jealous that Ophelia could just fall asleep so quickly after what she saw, but thought it was also for the better - some rest after all that happened. He looked towards Maulnar and gave him a respectful nod. "I'd shake hands with you, sir, but I have my hands full right now," he smiled weakly as he adjusted little Ophelia's weight in his arms. Darby was having some mixed feelings though - yes, he was glad that they now have one more (possibly) valuable member to their group, but he was reminded of the identity he still had to hide. Only Morywin knows now, and even Garaeth doesn't know about it yet. Hopefully the half-elf carried on not knowing, and he certainly hoped that Maulnar wouldn't turn him in if he knew his nobility.

One more person swept into the room, but Darby bowed slightly. "I have excuse myself for a moment," he apologized. "I'll just bring this little girl to her room." Darby glanced at Altherus if the wolf was going to join him or not to help guard Ophelia, but inside he thought Al would probably stay next to his master instead.
Maulnar responded to Darby's apology with an understandable nod, before turning his attention towards a familiar person. While the old man couldn't remember her name, he knew who this person was. Senses are indirect memory, and much stronger than direct memory. He remembered her voice, her look, even the faint smell she managed to cast through the smell of smoke stuck to his cloak.
Never was he any good at names. And quite frankly, he's heard too many to possibly be able to remember. Wandering across the planet, giving aid where aid is required, Maulnar has met many people, heard many tales, discussed many ideas, inventions and creations. Every single person was so very unique, so very unlike the next person. They might look the same, but they will sound different, smell different, act different.
No, a name was too common for this unique thing called a person. Names were only temporary to Maulnar.

"Always a pleasure to see familiar, friendly faces!" Maulnar greeted Hester, returning the smile she gave them. "Indeed. A tale I have yet to discover, and a tale they yet have to discover." He chuckled a little, finding this remark funny, apparently. Then he pointed his finger towards the man leaving them, carrying a child in his arms. "Darby, and Ophelia." Next he tilted his head towards Morywin. "Miss Morywin. And if I'm not mistaken, there is one more outside?" He looked at Morywin, asking for confirmation with his eyes.

"But you'll have to excuse me and my old memory. Names aren't my cup of tea. What's yours again, sweetheart?" Maulnar asked. Surely he didn't remember, but the way he stared at her arm and chest, it was certain he remembered what troubled times had brought these two together in the past. It's not everyday people fall off rooftops, especially not women! Not in this day and age, at least.
A nasty fall it was, indeed, but a broken bone isn't quite that hard to mend. Some calmth, some rest, and aiding the human body a little can do wonders for such things.
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Morywin inclined her head in a polite manner towards this newly arrived woman while she smiled gently as she was introduced and she then looked at Maulnar. "Indeed there is. His name is Garaeth, you will soon learn that he is the quiet type." Said Morywin with a small sigh as she shook her head. She looked down at Altherus and told him something in elven. The dire wolf listened eagerly to her words and then took off like a speeding bullet and out of the tavern. He sniffed the ground as he was outside and he then looked around as he had caught the scent he was looking for. He then took off down the road and down in the direction the hooded man had disappeared to and soon one could hear an annoyed grunt as someone fell to the ground. Altherus had tackled the man to the ground and he was now growling ferociously. "Get off me, Altherus!" The man snarled but Altherus didn't budge.

Morywin glanced over her shoulder as she heard a howl from Altherus and she then turned back her head towards Maulnar. "Do excuse Altherus, I believe he was hungry for a small snack." Said Morywin with an apologetic nod.

Ophelia slept calmly in Darby's embrace and she cuddled against him while her tiny hands clenched on his chest.
He had heard Altherus' howl. He was certain that Morywin were likely to have heard it, as well. His head turned and he looked in the direction that he had heard the howl come from - the same direction he had seen a hooded man disappear to mere moments before. It may be a coincidence, that at one moment there were a hooded male inspecting the tavern before he ran off, and a moment later Altherus had ran off in the same direction, before he heard the commotion yet another moment after that. Garaeth was not too keen on sticking to matters of coincidence, however, as he took off in the same direction with determined steps. Who was this stranger that had examined the tavern before? In light of all that had happened thus far, it was certain to not bode well, and the half-elf would find the roots of it all.
"Hester's the name." smiled Hester, after acknowledging the retreating back of the man - Darby - and noted the young girls feet poking out past his sides - Ophelia, then. She pondered why these travellers - for they were definitely travelling, the mud splatters on cloak and boot and the weary horses told of a hard ride here. Perhaps that's why the man and child were so tired. Hearing Morywin talk of this other man, Gareath, made Hester ponder - a troubled soul perhaps? Or just one that chooses to listen rather than speak? Looking forward to meeting this mystery, she held out her hand to Morywin, intending to shake as a polite show of respect and amity. Seating herself at the table beside Maulnar, Hester raised her eyebrows as the wolf abruptly sped out of the tavern, briefly wondering if it was an adverse reaction to her before being reassured by Morywin's excuse.
Catching a barmaid's elbow as she wandered past, Hester quickly ordered a hearty meal, one she had been looking forward to all day. "So," she began, turning back to these new companions. "In the warmth and light of the fire on this somewhat sleepy evening, perhaps this tale could be told to your keen audience of two? If you are wont to tell it, of course." the redhead smiled, leaning back in her chair..
"Still waters run deep." Maulnar said and nodded, in response to Morywin calling Garaeth "the quiet type". He raised an eyebrow when she began to speak elven, though. While he has met with a few sympathizers, and thus picked up a few words, he couldn't formulate entire sentences in their tongue. Licking his lips, he continued, whilst looking at the elf. "Words hold power. Someday, I'll learn your tongue, and it will broaden my.. abilities." He muttered to himself, then spoke in his regular voice again. "How intelligent is Altherus? I noticed you told him something. Does it go beyond simple tricks? Can he understand speech?" He asked. A dire wolf wasn't very common, and the old man was showing his unhealthy interest in all matters life again.