A neighborhood where everyone has special powers

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Okay the title is self explanatory but hear me out cause this is group plotting and an interest check. So I recently moved out of my mother's house (little bird is spreading his wings and all that nonsense). Now I moved into a gated apartment complex with a friend from high school. The front gate is near the street but the complex itself is very secluded, brick walling all around and tall trees near the front means no one can see what goes on inside. (I know I'm rambling, just stay with me) Now generally there's nothing that interesting that would make people want to see what's inside but I got to thinking what if there was? What if you had an entire gated community filled with people that had special powers. A community of people who acted like any other person in society. Go to work (or school), make money (or grades), come home and relax. But if you had to hide a gift from other people in society wouldn't it be nice to live in a place where you didn't have to? Well that's the setting for the RP. I know this is pretty broad but I think it could be fun and I'm open to ideas on exactly what our characters (who would be residents in the community) would be doing so please. Leave a reply if interested. Thank you all (:
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