A Mortal and a God (Nassione and Chello)

"I don't have to listen to you, you are not my mother." Loki responded with a bit of attitude, "did you ever think me not eating was by choice. That I want to die," he spoke with honesty.

Thor decided to go and do some training with his friends and let Jane have her privacy, he too didn't like the tension in the room.
Darcy shook her head "you really have mummy issues huh?" She groaned a tad upset that he wouldn't eat or drink. "I don't think your mother would want you to die"

Jane found a comfortable spot to read. There were many many books that caught her attention. Grinning she opened the first book and began to read.
"Well it's not like she can do anything about it, she isn't allowed to visit me." Loki responded, "and I don't have mother issues I have father issues. He's the reason why I am down here, why I did everything I did. He doesn't allow my mother to see me." Loki took a deep breath, "I'm sorry for my out look on life I just don't want to live any more."
Darcy sighed listening to Loki, she could feel his pain but death was never the answer to anything. It's the cowards way out. "You should want to live sitting here wanting to die is the cowards way out" she said standing up prepared to find a way into the cell no matter what happened. "Your mother wouldn't want you to die" she said looking around.

"No she would not" a kind familiar voice said from the stairs. "My son why must you do this to yourself?" The gentle female voice said as she came down into view. Frigga stood beside Darcy and touched her shoulder gently "thankyou for treating him kindly" she said softly looking up to Loki.
Loki swallowed hard, he forgot how stealthy his mother could be. Nevertheless Loki stood up and looked at his mother putting his arms behind his back, "hello mother..I didn't not hear you coming," he responded in his usual tone as if he had done nothing wrong. "I meant what I said, and not to add fuel to this already lovely burning fire you can't really do anything about it mother. I am in here and you are out there."
Frigga shook her head "You may have done some extremely foolish thing's Loki but you do not deserve to die... you must learn from your mistakes" she said calmly. She did not want to see her son suffer. Closing her eye's she appeared inside the cell with him Darcy alongside. Frigga was an illusion her body still stood outside the cell. "I know I cannot be here with you but this one can"

Darcy stared blankly at them both as she heard words flow through her mind "you may pass through the cells barrier until you must leave with Jane and Thor" Frigga looked at them both then returned to herself. "I must leave now before your father realizes I am no longer in the library"
"Having her in here is not going to change my outlook on life, still not going to eat, still not going to do anything. Your arguments or ticks are invalid," Loki responded with a bitter tone. "There are other ways to end my life, much more quicker ways. So just give up on trying to stop the inevitable," he crossed his arms against his chest. "Just leave me alone mother, I don't need you nor have I ever needed you." Loki's words were harsh but he really didn't mean them he was angry for being locked up, still feeling hurt from being betrayed by his family.
Frigga looked at her son saddened "if that is what you truly think my son..." she said still calm but very wounded by his words. She left to the library.

Darcy stood up looking at Loki then slapped him across the face. "You need to grow up" she said annoyedly.
Loki looked at Darcy unemotional by her slap, "that woman is not my mother she never was. Why should I care?" His tone was quiet as he walked to his bed and sat down, "and why are you still here?"

Thor walked into the library, "mother..Mother what's wrong?" Thor asked walking up to her, he could tell she was hurting."
Darcy shook her head "I'm still hear to help you because weirdly enough I kinda like your company" she said grabbing the food from earlier and placing it in front of him. "Eat.."

Frigga looked at her son and half smiled "it is nothing Thor I am just tired" she said softly telling a lie.
Loki looked at her, "you can not tell me what to do. So no I will not eat," he responded. "Now would you kindly get out so I can sleep, don't make me call the guards." Loki pushed the food away and flopped down on his bed closing his eyes.

Thor lowered his eyes at her, "mother..You are lying I can tell," he softly spoke. "Let me guess it has something to do with Loki? Did he say something to you that upset you, because I can go down there and ring him out."
Darcy shook her head "I refuse to leave until you eat at least something" Darcy said stubbornly. She remembered when Jane acted this way when Thor left. Then she almost got fat when she began to eat again.

"Loki believes he never needs or needed me and now he starves himself planning on death to help him escape from his life" she said sadly her voice was shaken and uneasy.
"Then you are going to be in here a long time," Loki responded not opening his eyes. "Well at least until your friend dies, then well.." He spoke with honesty, Loki knew that Jane wouldn't survive long with the Aether inside of her.

Thor hugged his mother, "you know Loki didn't mean that. Loki is just angry, he still loves you mother. He's just..Well, Loki." He sighed, "you'll always have me mother. I will always need you."
Darcy sat down beside him "well I'm going to balance my time between you and Jane" she says with a nod. "And I will make you eat" she said softly picking up a piece of bread poking it against his cheek. Darcy was just as stubborn as Loki.

Frigga smiled to her son "and you will always have me Thor... I just wish Loki was not so stubborn" she said reaching across and hugging Thor gently.
Loki opened his eyes and looked at her, "damn you are a stubborn one aren't you?" He spoke still ignoring her attempts to make him eat, "I can ignore you. Remember I grew up with Thor who was just as annoying as you are."

"I know mother, but he will always be Loki." Thor sighed, "there is nothing we can do to change him. Loki has always had a bleak outlook on life even before all of this mess."
Darcy smirked "well I'm not like Thor" she said grinning as she pulled him of the bed he was resting on. "I'm worse" she mused tipping a small amount of water on him.

Frigga nodded stepping back "do not mention this to your father" she said softly walking off. She failed to mention how she made it possible for Darcy to enter the cell.

Further in the library Jane was seated with a pile of books around her. She was fascinated in knowing the origin of the creatures who tried to use the aether.
"I can still ignore you," Loki responded. "I still have my magic I can make myself disappear, well actually appear invisible. Then what are you going to do?" Loki asked as he stood up, "why do you even care if I live or not? I did try taking over your world, killed a lot of people."

Thor nodded and walked to Jane, "hello my love. How are you doing? Are you enjoying our many books?" Thor asked sitting down next to her.
"Because everyone deserves a second chance" she said softly backing away "hmm.." she muttered staring at him silently.

Jane smiled warmly "the books are stunning and I'm okay" she mused happily grabbing his hand gently she felt a little light headed.
"Not me, so please just leave me alone to die in peace." Loki responded, "I am not going to eat or drink. It won't take long before I die of starvation or dehydration."

Thor looked at her, "are you feeling alright? Do you want to go and lay down," he asked putting his hand on her face. He was worried about her.
Darcy looked at him angrily. "Fine go die" she muttered annoyedly walking through the barrier she was not going to visit the wimpy god. Going to find Jane in the library she pouted.

Jane stood up "I'm sure I'll be fine" she said softly then fell over. Her head was spinning.

"Oh my god Jane!" She yelled running up to her.