A Moment like this

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Original poster
Have you ever had moments like this:

If so, tell us about them and then post a video to ask a question whether anyone has had a moment like the video.

To the point that it's bananas and people think I am psychic. :D I'm just really observant to cues.

Also, I am not going to post a video because I am lazy. D: BUT HAVE YOU EVER HAD A MOMENT WHEN YOU'RE ABOUT TO CALL SOMEONE BUT THEY CALL YOU FIRST?
I have an incredible sense of foresight.

(So yeah, I see stuff coming all the time.)

I don't often receive calls, but I do make them on a regular basis, so other people get that experience with me.

No video, no question -- kind of busy this morning at work. Might post something later!
Same here.

And with that here is the next question.

Have you had a moment like this:
This is my moment after stress.
Tenchi's Clip: Yes. I've actually thought that exact line in my head a few times. It's usually before I'm about to do something I've never done before like getting on a terrifying ride or riding horseback. I may be scared the whole way but in the end I feel like I've learned something and grown. So it's kind of cool :D!

Fox's Clip: Aw yeah. Usually after a stressful day or if something messed up happened. Also sometimes even to celebrate something unexpected like my best friend getting married. Either way it usually ends up good times :cool:.

Anyone ever have a moment like this?:

<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/txnhjjTFvSw" allowfullscreen="" width="420" frameborder="0" height="315"></iframe>
(Just the first line there)
....... I'll get back to you on that one Hartake

@FoxMaiden: HELL YES!!!!

How about this:
I want to do this every time I go to fast food restaurants.
Oh wow, I've never done that before, but I'd like to >:3

Any moments like this?

Haha I have but I look forward to these moments.
*suddenly has a dirty thought about FoxMaiden*
.......No comment.

I've always had ,moments like these:

What about you?
I want to do this every time I go to fast food restaurants.

I can do that anytime I want.

The only problem is that I have to wait until I'm travelling. . . otherwise you have to keep going back to the same drive thru where they remember you as that crazy guy who messed with them last week.

On the other hand. . . anyone ever had a moment like THIS:

I know I have.
A moment like this is more like it.
Orion's Clip: I thought that just today! O_O

Fox's Clip: If you're going for that one moment when you see something you want to unsee, then YES! YES! A THOUSAND TIMES YES!

Have you ever had a moment where you just have tto say:
Hahaha. If I don't like that person. ^^

When You feel like you're the best shit ever.



)>'n')> HUG ME ILI<('n'<(

I know everyone has had a moment like this:
Na this is the moment of all moments.
I'm not so sure I'd let myself be violated like that, but..... yeah.

Try This: Freak Out moments