a little magic to stop a little hell.

i'm still interested!
For my mobile friendly users that are interested in the RP and want to make a character for this thread, here's a mobile friendly version of the main post!
    Screams of terror fill the night, footsteps smacking the pavement. The ground is slick with fresh rain, but that isn't a surprise in Florence, Oregon. However, the terrified individual slips, their shoes slowing their journey. Their breath appears in the air as they pant, trying to suck air into their burning lungs. Their heart pounds, not just due to the exercise, but in fear. Fight or flight mode is activated, and the individual chose flight. They have no idea what they witnessed as they sauntered on the sidewalks that evening.

    They search their surroundings, trying to find anywhere to hide. Alleyways aren't good, they'll trap the individual. Anything outside a building doesn't provide adequate protection. God only knows whatever the thing they saw could do. They run to the nearest shop, jiggling the door handle. Dammit. It's locked. They try the next one and the next one, running out of options. As they're checking a handle, they hear faint stomping on the wet pavement. The creature is gaining on them. They flee from the door, their legs beginning to ache from running without stopping.

    Soon, they come across a shop, a light on. It's a peculiar shop, but they need to hide somewhere. They run to the door, quickly twisting the knob. It's unlocked. They yank the door open, running into the shop and slamming the door behind them. They quickly turn around, locking the door behind them. They pant aggressively, trying to regain their breath as sweat drips down their brow and back, drenching the clothing keeping them warm. Their back slides against the door, ducking out of view of the window.

    The running on the pavement outside gets louder, snarling coming from the thing. The person freezes in terror, doing their best not to give away their hiding place. The creature runs by, not stopping to check the shop out. The individual lets out a shaky chuckle, tears pricking their eyes. They regain their breath and slowly slide up from their hiding place, their back to the stairs in the shop. A lithe figure comes down the staircase, dressed in a black dress with a flowing skirt and flowing sleeves.

    "Can I help you, dear?" the woman asks. The individual jumps in fright, turning around. How do they explain what they saw to this woman? They aren't even sure of what they saw. Their eyes widen, their mouth opening. Nothing comes out, and they gulp, knowing they aren't supposed to be there. They begin to stutter and the woman chuckles gently. She gestures to a small table.

    "Sit, child. Let me get a cup of tea, and then we can discuss what you saw," the woman climbed upstairs, her soft smile going into a thin line. Now was not the time for all hell to break loose.

    Apologies for the long intro, but I thought I would do something to keep your attention. Now that you've made it this far, hello and welcome! The idea of this thread is sort of inspired by The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. The premise of this thread is a portal to hell has been opened, and creatures are slowly sifting through into the human world. After first sighting of a creature by a human, the witches housed in Florence call an emergency meeting. They summon the two representatives of each coven from all over the world.

    The representatives travel to Florence, being notified of what the issue is. It is up to them to figure out how the portal to hell was opened and shove the creatures back in hell. However, they will face problems in their task to keep the humans safe from what they do not need to witness. They may even face Lucifer himself.

    It is up to you, witches, to ensure hell doesn't arrive on earth. If it does, the consequences may be grave.
  • ✦ RULES. ✦

    -- all iwaku rules apply out of character and in character.
    -- no harassment, fighting, bullying, etc. if this occurs, i will handle the issue and possibly get moderators involved.
    -- this thread is adept at a minimum. i require a minimum of at least two decently sized paragraphs. they need to contain proper english, but i understand if english isn't your first language. if that applies to you, do your best.

    i also understand if there are moments of low muse. i am not the best at coming up with ideas and tend to rush plots to move onto something else.
    -- all forms of romance are allowed. no discrimination.
    -- this thread will have a mature rating for the following: language, possible violence, possible gore, and dark themes. sexual content is prohibited on this thread.
    -- if y'all want to do sexy times, please move it to another thread. we want to keep the story going, and i'm sure not everyone wants to see it.

    if you do get to sexy times and make a separate thread for it, fade out in the thread and/or don't respond until the sexy times for your characters are done.
    -- do not steal this form or anything on the character form. please do not change anything that doesn't need to be changed on the character form.
    -- please try to make your posts look nice in the roleplay. it makes it easier on everyone if they are able to read your posts.
    -- face claims are required. please no anime or drawn characters. this is a human roleplay.
    -- you are limited to two characters. i would prefer if both weren't in the same coven.
    -- try to keep the genders even. this isn't one of those, "only women are witches" threads.
    -- please do not chat on the signup or roleplay thread.
    -- don't control other people's characters or make your character the most powerful in the world. also, don't control everything. i was guilty of that with my characters and it just starts unwanted drama.
    -- for now, i would like two witches per power. if there is a larger interest in this thread, i am more than happy to consider opening more positions.

    -- if you've read all of the rules, please put your favorite animal as the first head canon in italics.

    nera p. martell / cosmic witch / themysteriousashe.
    irya a. w. zima / air witch / themysteriousashe.
    damiana al grest / sea witch / persephone.
    tasha a. volkov / secular witch / persephone.
    severin terbis / secular witch / annyeong bunny.
    thanawat panyarachun / voodoo witch / annyeong bunny.
    victoria smith / kitchen witch / danasaur.
    mateus a. cardoso / ceremonial witch / tarieles.
    emiko sasaki - sasaki emiko / green witch / tarieles.
    beatrice a. kolkowsky / air witch / mobley eats.
    anton j. sheerloft / ceremonial witch / mobley eats.
    seora chu / fire witch / wingwong.
    amias kouame / hedge witch / wingwong.
    emmanuel david / kitchen witch / katsea.
    amelie beaumont / sea witch / katsea.
    hanjae min or min hanjae / hedge witch / dyvniai.
  • ✦ LINKS. ✦