A Little Bit of Trouble (Ziloxillusion)

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"Yeah. Unless you don't want to. But you'll have to keep up. I'm a traveler." He smiled and he kneeled to her level. "But if you do, it's guaranteed protection."
Arisu looked up at him and nodded. "I can keep up."
He smiled and said "I'm Kai. Kisaragi Kai. And you are?" He started walking towards Veyra, still cleaning the swords.
"Arisu. . . just Arisu." She followed him, her hand reaching to be sure her bag was there still.
"Pleasure to meet you Arisu. So why were you being chased?" He turned around and started walking backwards towards Veyra. "They seemed persistent."
"I...I escaped.. and they don't like that." She played with her hair nervously as she followed.
"I see." He looked at her tattered dress and said "I'll buy you some clothes when we get to town. You stick out like a sore thumb with that." He turned around and saw a bunch of rocks. "Huh...Someone broke it."
"I have a spare dress. . ." She peered around him at the rocks, "Broke what?"
"The dress will make you stand out. You need normal clothes." He walked through the rocks and replied "There used to be an archway here...It was a monument for some hero...I forget the story."
She looked at the rocks, "You mean the Reyre? The archway of legends."
"Yeah. I'm surprised you knew." He hopped over a small ravine and kept going. "Not even I remembered. Watch your step."
Arisu hopped over the gap and looked at him, "I was educated between beatings. . . so if I was asked about a history lesson at a party, I could answer." She wrapped her arms around her waist. "It was to keep up their charade that they were tutoring and training me to be the perfect heir and woman." Though I don't think I will be making it to my next birthday if they find me again/
"Heir? So you're royalty? All the more reason for you to not wear dresses. Bandits have an eye for royalty." He frowned a bit and looked in his pack and threw her some clothes and turned away. "Put those on and throw the dresses in the ravine." He tapped his foot impatiently as he looked up, only to see the sun setting.
She caught the clothes and looked down at them, she set her bag down and turned away from him. The shirt was a bit too big and the pants were loose. She pulled a piece of twine out of her bag and tied the pants s they stayed on her thin frame. She was thinner than she should be for her age and height but she would make the clothing work. She picked up her bag and looked at him.
"Alright...We won't be making it to Veyra tonight. Gotta set up camp..." He dropped his bag and fell to the floor, sighing loudly. "I'M SO DAMN HUNGRY." After about 30 second he stood up and said "I'm gonna get firewood. Can you fight with a sword?" He threw Choice to her. "Before you strike, say what area of the body. You gotta make the choice. I'm sure a pretty you g woman like you should have no problem. Of course you can come with me."
Arisu caught the sword and looked at it,"A man tutored me in sword fighting. He had taken pity on me and wanted me to be able to defend myself if I ever escaped long enough." She artfully swung it in an arc. "I think I can handle it."
"If something happens call and I will return." He smiled warmly and turns to the trees. "Be safe." He runs forward, disappearing into the thickness of the trees. Inside, the thing illuminating his surroundings was the glow of Truth. With such low visibility, he did as best as he could to grab good firewood.
She sat down and fingered a scar on her wrist as she watched the treeline. Her thoughts went to the man whom had tutored her but she stopped those thoughts almost immediately He had been killed for helping her learn to defend herself. It was her fault he was dead. She wiped her eyes and turned to the book she had in her bag and slipped it. The worn cover was stained from years of use but it was still in good shape. She ran her fingers over the hard cover and opened it with a word of power. Her fingers slid over the worn pages ans she read it.
"This should be enough..." He walked back they way he came and emerged from the tree line, smiling. "Hey!" He got closer to her and saw a book. Eyeing it he asked "Did you have anytrouble? And what are you reading there?" He began setting up the fire and looked back at her.
"No trouble." She closed it and bound the covers tight and looked at him,"Its the book of blood arts. It has spells that I can use to prefect my skill."
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