A Light in the Dark

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Where did it come from?
Sure the aroma might have filled the air, but no it did not come from the current vicinity. "It's coming from over there." Raising one of his five right digits. Pointing outside the Restaurant, and in the direction of the other one. " I suppose we'd better get going then." "FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDD!!!!!!!" Gasconaded the individual as he'd made a rather swift dash out the door. Charging forward, he began to salivate as he'd come ever so close to the opposing Restaurant. Where the amazing aroma came from.
"Ugh, Dad wait up!" The boy called out after his father whom suddenly bolted out of the door to find what ever scent that called to him. Cielona bolted out the door without hesitation. Not wanting to be separated within a city he was unfamiliar with. Of the utmost importance, it was just mainly to ensure his old man would not find himself in a heap of trouble for possibly swiping someones food.

The yukata of the boy fluttered with each passing step, as the boy grasped hold of the Yukata to help himself sprint after his father. Cursing himself for allowing his father even bolt out the door in the first place.
The Old Man Must have Been Quite Hungry!
His attire fluttered about with the gale, As did his obsidian-hue locks in perfect harmonization. With "The, Vindicator." Adhered to his right hip The sound of the metal of the sheathe against the guard of the blade itself combined with the near unsheathing of the blade, made several disturbing sounds amongst the wind. He'd finally reached his destination, before parting his thin lips. Revealing the oyster-white hue teeth that lied behind his lips. "Hi, sir!" He spoke meanwhile attempting to catch his breath allowing the air to circulate throughout the circulatory systems. The red blood cells carried quite a large amount of oxygen about the body. He now stood erect, dusting off his attire. " Mind if I have some food?"
The boy finally caught up with his father. Seems like his old man still had alot more vigor than he would have thought had died down due to aging. Taking, notice that his father still outpaced him as if he were still to be in his prime. Literally, wheezing upon closing in on his father. Though he may be the shinobi's son, he wasn't accustomed to sprinting after crazed people who lusted just to get a bite out of someones meal.

"Can you stop sprinting off like that please. You know I am stilling in training, I barely can keep up. Good thing I am an adept in sensory or I would have lost you in this god forsaken city." The boy gasconated as he basically stood there scolding his father before the people he requested a meal from.
The male in the grill kept himself to himself, remaining stern even while seeing the two approaching. He simply kept cooking the food and preparing to serve it to the two running in. Upon the first of them reaching the restaurant and opening the door, the hibachi grill was engulfed in an exploding flame, signalling the food had been cooked to perfection. The chef then diced the fillet, chicken, and mushroom, and put it all over a fried rice, with the shrimp put in as well, the onion was then put into a broth, making a deliciously smelling green onion soup, servings were ready for the two before they got to the table.
The male stared downward at the two servings already placed upon the table as if the cook had already been expecting them. The boy eyed the man at the grill from head to toe, being susceptible of the man. The boy craned his neck to the right, puffing up his cheeks with air. "Thank you" The boy stifled the words out from his maw as if he saw this as an act of pity.
He'd dove over atop the chair that in which rested before the table. The cosmic entity that rested above. Within the great blue dome painted with white clouds of pure beauty which brought about the winds that sang melodic lullaby's to those within the vicinity. Each and every green singularity that rested within the life filled soils danced about in perfect harmony with the winds. Even the trees began to dance about as if they were the very personification of perfection. Oh how ecstastic and joy filled were these lands. It'd been quite some time since the elderly Shinobi managed to catch sight of such beauty. His ocular devices remained peering outside. As if he were brought into a hypnotic state by merely observing the pure beauty of the outside. The vindicator came to rest upon the floor below himself. Even his blade, appeared to have been filled with joy in the presence of such an aroma combined with the beauty of the out-doors. Wonderful it was, and oh how exciting. As if the entirety of the restaurant was bathed in ecstasy, and could rival even the raging Leviathan in excellence and prominence. Within his locks, were a pair of chopsticks, forged of what appeared to have been a heavy metal. The first pair was handed to his son, and the second were held within his right hand, one in between the index finger and thumb, and the other in between the middle and ring finger, placing them upon the table oh so gracefully.
"I suppose there is no point in letting this food go to waste then." The boy retorted as he grasped onto the back of the chair, pulling it out for himself to rest his rump in. Upon sitting on the chair, the boy dug his feet into the ground, attempting to scoot himself forward toward the table before him where the suit awaited for him. Alas, he reached the table, then grasped the pair of chopsticks with his left hand. He clumsily tried to mimic his fathers hand gestures to wield the chopstick with sufficient manual dexterity on par of his father.

He lazily guided the chopsticks into the soup, testing its viscosity to see if the liquid adhered thickly or would it simply roll of the chopsticks as if it were a thin liquid. Then finally trying to partake in the pieces of fillet, literally acting as if he were playing a claw game. He forced the two sticks to sandwich the poultry betwixt the sticks, only to have it slip and plop back into the soup. Oh how that infuriated the boy, he attempted once more, ending up with the same result. Now he was enraged, forcing the two chopsticks downward, stabbing into the piece of meet. Unfortunately the boy cracked the bowl, having its contents spilling out from the crack that presented itself.
"......." The chef looked at the younger boy, catching the spilling contents in yet another bowl, which he seemed to have gotten out of seemingly nowhere, having been prepared for the coming disaster. He moved the contents to the other bowl without letting a single piece hit the table. He then scuffled the younger boys head, his finger's going between the young cross-dressing man's hair. He placed the new bowl, with the contents still steaming hot inside, down onto the table. Sighing as he walked back over to his grill and began cooking more, seeing that after tasting the food, the pair would most likely want a second serving.
The boys irises rested upon the chef that gave him aid with his food-ware. This time paying attention to their hosts face. The boys lips curved into a heart warming smile. "Thank you." The boy uttered toward the cook who went back to work. Looking at the newly acquired bowl, the boy lifted the bowl with his palms and slowly tipped the soup toward his lips, his maw unhinged as his eyes caught sight of its meal inching toward himself. The boy done his best to enjoy the soup quietly, making occasional slurping noises here and there. But the boy stomached the soup.
He did not bother using his chopsticks. " Gahhhh, Screw formality at this point!" He leaned forward slamming his face into the bowl of soup drinking the entirity of the soup in an instant. Before dragging his face about the table, and then lifting it back up he rammed the chopsticks into the large amount of fried rice, forking it into his mouth, and it was as if the elderly male wasn't even bothering to chew. Just swallow the food down and move on.
He sighed, having another serving ready for them soon after returning to the grill, this time he had taken a bit and made a bowl for himself, beginning to eat from it with the same calm look on his face, almost as if he were to admire his own work, eating it and thoroughly enjoying every bite of rice, mushroom, steak, chicken, and shrimp. He of course had not made himself any onion soup, due to the fact the broth was yet to finish boiling. But while eating from his bowl, with his two royal purple chop-sticks, a bell was rung, signalling that a second serving had been prepared for the both of them.
The boy's eyebrow twitched in disgust. Having to see his father "Dog-Bowling" the hell out of the soup like some person who lacked a loving family to teach formality and discipline. The boy set down the bowl back upon the table. The leaned over toward his father, whilst sweeping his right hand toward the man in a smooth arc. There, the force echoed outwards the winds carried out the echo for the next two blocks.

"Why do you have to act like such and idiot?!" The boy scolded the man who would possibly happen to respond to the searing intensity at the back of his cranium.
He raised his visage slowly. The bowl was practically "Suction cupped." To his visage. Stuck to his visage, leaving the elderly male, to grasp the sides of the bowl and begin viciously yanking at the bowl itself. Causing the flawless flesh of the elderly male, who was in-fact incredibly young in appearance, he'd look like he was a mere twenty years of age. He was afraid to stain the silken clothing that he wore, meanwhile making a wild attempt to remove the bowl that was infact stuck to his visage. He grew aggrieved, a low grown began to occur underneath the bowl. As he stood erect yanking the bowl in a descending motion leaving his flesh to stretch with elasticity.
"How barbaric, you eat like a damned animal. Have you no sense old man?! It's a terrifying sight to see you conduct yourself as such." Continuing on with scolding his father for his, uncommon eating habits. The boy safely assumed what he had said to the man went through one ear and out the other.
The male saw the other man stuck, finishing his bowl and putting it down, then walking over to the other male. His phalanges wrapped around the bowl on the males face, his opposite appendage extending to push him back and remove the bowl accordingly. Putting the bowl down on the table and looking at the rather animalistic male. "First time someone almost drowned in my soup..."
"I do apologize for my father. He's a bit deranged in some sorts. I believe he's off his rocker..." The boy chatted on and on possibly he probrably would not have fallen deaf to the cooks ears. Observing the cook performing a "surgical procedure" to uproot the bowl that was plastered upon the mans face. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted as a chill went up his spine, something was afoot, but he did not know what. Awaiting for what ever he possibly could have sensed to unveil itself unto the three men who was just having quite a comical time.
... " What is that, my son.. do you see that?!?" Gasconaded the elderly male, as his optics widened as if he'd just seen something beyond terrifying. It was quite the strange sight to see this elderly male terrified. With all the bloodshed and battling that he has done in his lifetime, something had to be absolutely malevolent to have done this to the elderly man. As many dead bodies as the elderly man had seen, and as many warlords and children he'd burned the corpses of. Nothing could've made him appear like this... A ghost, was walking directly out of the wall. Approaching the several entities within the store, but he wondered if he was the only one who could see it.
"Oh, errr... Yeah, spirits. You get used to em', kinda like that one freeloader who won't move out, if you ask me".
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