Because I like storms!
Awesome tornado blowing a house away!
Many people think this is fake but it is not. tornadoes really are that destructive. house gone in SECONDS!
[ame=""]YouTube - Twister Destroys Home (2008)[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube - Tornado destroys a house[/ame]
This has some very nice shots in it of one major tornado.
From 3:45 to 5:00 there is some epic shots and people swearing!
[ame=""]YouTube - A Kansas Nightmare[/ame]
This is the icestorm that hit here where I live last January! I am so glad i got to see this up close! About as destructive as a hurricane because it covered many states! Sho got hit by this same storm all the way over in Kentucky!
[ame=""]YouTube - Ice Storm 2009 Northwest Arkansas[/ame]
This shows a few of the branches breaking off. The sound of them breaking is awesome!
[ame=""]YouTube - Trees breaking after Northwest Arkansas ice storm - January 2009[/ame]
Blizzards are nice but icestorms are way more destructive and awesome!
[ame=""]YouTube - ICE STORM January2009 NWA[/ame]
Now I hear there was a very powerful typhoon in the Philippines..
Videos/pics nao!
Awesome tornado blowing a house away!
Many people think this is fake but it is not. tornadoes really are that destructive. house gone in SECONDS!
[ame=""]YouTube - Twister Destroys Home (2008)[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube - Tornado destroys a house[/ame]
This has some very nice shots in it of one major tornado.
From 3:45 to 5:00 there is some epic shots and people swearing!
[ame=""]YouTube - A Kansas Nightmare[/ame]
This is the icestorm that hit here where I live last January! I am so glad i got to see this up close! About as destructive as a hurricane because it covered many states! Sho got hit by this same storm all the way over in Kentucky!
[ame=""]YouTube - Ice Storm 2009 Northwest Arkansas[/ame]
This shows a few of the branches breaking off. The sound of them breaking is awesome!
[ame=""]YouTube - Trees breaking after Northwest Arkansas ice storm - January 2009[/ame]
Blizzards are nice but icestorms are way more destructive and awesome!
[ame=""]YouTube - ICE STORM January2009 NWA[/ame]
Now I hear there was a very powerful typhoon in the Philippines..
Videos/pics nao!