A Fateful Crack In Time

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Kelsi Kitsune

Original poster
The world has been going along peacefully, perfectly. Many nations cover the surface of the planet. The planet is little more than villages, and horse and carriage. Settlements have surrounded with various oceans, lakes, mountain regions, and forests. The currency of this world used to be silver coins, but recently, it has started using small gold bars also, the bars being a bit bigger than a small stack of paper, and about the length and width of an ID. The planet is absolutely filled with all manner of beasts and animals.

The peace and prosperity, however, was not to last. A ear bursting screech rang out across the planet, and a rip in time opened up near a major village. People gathered to look at it. It was big enough the they could see a portion of the area behind it, within. There wasn't an easy way to discern the tear from their reality, aside from where its' apocalyptic scene abruptly, and seamlessly, connected to the tranquil word they knew. It was like they were seeing exactly what their world would be in ruins.

Brave souls from all over volunteered to venture in, to find the cause. You are these souls. various races filled with courage and honor. This is your story.
Kanatsu wandered slowly towards the apocalyptic scene in front of her, sword at the ready. As she got closer, she could see everything begin to seem to fade from a peaceful land, to a burning wasteland. Regardless, Kanatsu carried on, until she was all the way in, and looking at the world as the apocalyptic scene she'd just been looking at. She turned around, looking at the gathering of people who were coming to witness this fracture in the fabric of time.

This certainly wasn't something she'd ever seen before, and definitely something she wanted no part of, if it were to happen again. She was terrified, deep down, but showed no emotion on the surface. This was not something one could look at, without being even the slightest bit discouraged.
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