A Chance Meeting... And hanky-panky (2nd thread)

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Shiloh jumped at the sudden voice.He bit his lip shyly and nodded,"I-It's nice..."he stuttered shyly and blushed.He noticed it was the golden haired boy from the bar.He pulled his sleeves over his hands in a shy gesture.
He pulled his hair back, staring at the painting "that one's one of my fathers pieces" he smiled, as if recalling a distant memory
Shiloh looked at him in disbelief,"R-Really?Wow."he looked back at it,"H-He's really good."he shifted shyly.His voice always remained at a soft,tentative level like there was a sound barrier he couldn't break.
He looked back to him in curiosity, then smiled "my names Trevor, what's yours?" He said as he held out his hand.
Shiloh gently took Trevor's hand,"S-Shiloh..."he answered softly,"N-Nice to meet you..."
He smiled back "nice to meet you too" his opinion of him had gotten better, but he still didn't like his shitty brother, make fun of me will he! Ha!
Shiloh looked around,"S-So...umm..."he fidgeted a little,"I-I'm new here.W-Would you mind showing me around?"he asked,"U-Unless y-you have things to do..."he blushed.
"No, I'm always free, I only ever do what I want" he smiled "where would you like me to take you?" He asked with a happy-go-lucky expression.
"A-Anywhere I should know about.I-I'm not from here,t-the country I mean.S-So..."he blushed and looked away,"I-I'm not sure what to do here..."
(Btw, in my head it's close to sunset)
He gave him a curious confused frown, then sighed "alright, come on!" He smiled and took him by the hand and ran.
Shiloh blushed and followed behind him.He looked around at the buildings shyly.He held on to Trevor's hand,worried he would get lost.
(I'm listening to this mashup song, it feels like the pace and notes fit this for some reason xD -
it's also just a really great mashup)

He smiled as he reached the shoreline, where the scene was bathed in the golden glow of the sunset, the water glistening and downcast shadows emphasizing the hills in the background. "Though we live in a city, we can have this view.. My dad loves to sit here and paint, it's also one of my favourite places to go"
((Nice ^.^ thank you for posting that.Are they at the Ocean or just a body of water?I'm just asking because he has never been to the ocean lol))

Shiloh looked at it,"W-Wow."he looked so enchanted by it.He looked at Trevor,"I-It's so pretty."he said softly.
(It's a body of water that connects to the ocean)

He smiled as he watched the scenery "this is the one thing that hasn't changed since I moved here," he pointed in the direction of the hills "almost all of that entire area over there is a nature preserve so virtually no buildings have been built over there." He smiled at him "just telling you now, if you want to find me, mostly I'll either be right here, or at one of the clubs"
((Ah ok ^.^))

Shiloh nodded,"O-Okay..."he looked at him then away at the water,"E-Everything has changed for me."he started,"I-I was taken from my home by my brothers and force to live here.W-Well...more like Christian brought me here..."he fidgeted again,he just needed to get it off his chest.He seemed frustrated,upset,and scared and didn't know what to do.
Yea! your brothers are total assholes! No he couldn't just say that out loud even though that was really what he thought. He turned back to the water "then why not run away? Or just tell them straight up you don't like what they're doing?"
"I-If only it was that easy..."Shiloh shifted and hugged himself,"If I-I ran,Christian would hunt me down and b-bring me back.I-If I told them..."he looked away,"They will brush it off a-and keep watch of me.T-They are very possessive,e-especially Christian."he was telling Trevor just the surface of the problem,it a quiet and calm way.
He frowned, not knowing what to say to him. It certainly was a difficult situation, but hey, he was an outsider in this, he didn't particularly care either. He sighed, "there's a few more places I want to show you" he smiled.
Shiloh nodded shyly and followed him,'W-Why did I even tell him.I-I shouldn't bother people with this...'he chastised himself.
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He took him to the shopping district, then the separate parks of the area, and finally, his fathers studio. He smiled as they approached the colourful front porch, the door itself was a masterpiece. The opened the door, a bell going off. "Dad, I'm back!"
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