A Challenger Approaches


Mistress Dizzy

Original poster
What do you prefer to be called? - Dizzy or Diz

Boy, girl, or a mystery? - Female

How old are you? - 28 (Wah, I'm old..)

Are you new to the site but not to roleplaying? - Definitely not new to RP. Iwaku is the biggest RP site I've been on, ever...

Do you like group Roleplays or just a single partner? - I prefer single partners or small groups.

On a rainy day do you like jumping in puddles, or curling up on the sofa? - Definitely sofa, with a book and a blanket.

SING IT OUT LOUD! What song is tormenting your mind? - I don't know the name of the song, but I've got the chorus lodged in my ear on a 15 second loop. Gonna blast it out with some death jazz.
Hi there Dizzy! 8D I hope this is the place for you! Welcome aboard!
Welcome to Iwaku, Dizzy. ^^ I hope you'll enjoy it here. :)
Everyone seems quite chill so far. I do feel a bit lost on the forums, but with the help of the few people I know, I'm slowly making my way around.