A Boy and His Fox

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He looked back at her, and frowned slightly by her reaction. Zane forgot about it, though, and listened to her. That was the way he imagined the woods, but it wasn't a much common though within the villagers. "Sounds nice." told her, resting her head against the tree and closing his eyes. For a moment, he could see himself living on the woods. Not that part of the woods, actually as far away from that house of nutshells as possible, but still in the woods. As he had told her through his description, he enjoyed living in the village, but when he was younger, he used to dream with the woods a lot. But, of course, the son of a know blacksmith could never have that life. He sighed slightly and stayed silent.
Riko was glad at what Zane said and that he didn't criticise her when she allowed a small part of her feelings free. She watched him lean back and close his eyes. By his expression she knew he was picturing himself in the woods. She laid back down in the grass and curled up like a cat and closed her own eyes. She thought of her parents and little siblings. She forced her tears back.
When he opened his eyes once again, he saw a completely different girl than the one that had kidnapped him. Of course, he realized how broken she was a moment ago, but at that moment, she was completely different. She was someone who only needed another someone. And, just like that, with some encouragement of his inner personality that was always trying to help, he got back to his previous movement. He lifted his arm, and put it around her, without looking at her at any moment. Anyway, words did not leave his mouth.
Riko knew that it was her fault her family was gone. She blamed herself for it all, even the parts where she wasn't involved. Ever since that day she had felt hollow and broken, like a ghost in a body. She pursed her lips together, feeling the tears about to slid down her cheeks when she suddenly felt an arm around her. Riko's eyes opened wide and her mouth opened slightly. She stayed that way for a few short seconds before a smile took over. She closed her eyes again and gently placed a hand on his arm and whispered thank you.
'You are so damn stupid' whispered mentally to himself. And he really believed he was. What was he doing? Comforting the one that took him away from home? What was he even trying? Anyway, in the other hand, he just couldn't deny a hug from someone that looked like her. When she thanked him, he even felt more sympathy for his kidnapper, and pulled her a little closer to him. And, at that moment, a weird peaceful sensation took over his body, making him a little sleepy.
Riko was shocked that he pulled her closer buy accepted it. She felt happiness and peace slowly flow make it's way up her body from her feet and pretty soon the feelings filled a part of herself. Riko didn't really know what to see in this situation so she stayed as she was but curled up a little more and held onto him in fear that if she let go he would slip away.
Once again, he relaxed and closed his eyes, laying his head against the tree. He stayed like that, completely relaxed, and could also feel how his eyelids became heavier. Even though he had a good night of sleep the previous night, it seemed that all the events of that day exhausted him, and he was showing it. Anyway, at his first approach to unconsciousness, he went back to his reality. It wasn't safe. He couldn't just fall asleep that close to that cute little demon. He had no idea what she was capable of.

With those thoughts running around his mind, he abruptly separated of her. He took his arm away and felt a little awkward. What was he thinking before?
Riko was almost asleep when she suddenly felt him take his arm away. Loneliness and pain hit her like a wave all over again. She immediately opened her eyes and sat up on her knees, baj to him. She moved a lock of hair behind her ear and stood up. "Sorry." She muttered then walked into the house. Riko should have known he would be afraid of her but the sudde movement still hurt her mentally. She held her emotions down though as she walked through the crowd, heading to her room. Whisp stood up and looked over at Zane, curiosity sparking in it's eyes.
Her reaction provoked a mix of emotions inside him. Her expression looked genuine, and so it made him feel a little bad. But it was definitely the right thing to do. Besides, when she completely disappeared from his view, he felt safer once again. Of course, the big fox was still looking at him, but he was harmless without orders. With a deep sigh, he laid his head against the tree once again, and did his best to fall asleep.
Whisp was suddenly engulped in dark purple fire. When the fire died down Whisp was as big as a normal fox with pure white fur and eyes like the sky. It looked toward the house then Zane. Whisp walked over to Zane and laid on his lap. Riko finally made it to her room and locked the door. She laid down on her bed and looked up at the cieling.
He watched the fox surprised by the fire around her. Anyway, he was not afraid. He was sure that, unless the girl told her to, she wasn't going to harm him. As the fox approached and laid on his back, he didn't pulled away. Everyone was definitely crazy around there, but it seemed he'd get used to it. "You are not as bad as everyone else in here, aren't you?" asked, slowly approaching his hand to her, about to caress her head.
Whisp understood what Zane said and was doing, buy then again she was a demon. Whisp looked up into Zane's eyes but Whisps reflected what Riko's eyes looked like, emotion wise. It wasn't unnatural though. Riko and Whisp were connected by a blood bond thay free very strong since the day they made it, when Sky was five.
He touched her softly, and ran his hand through her head until reaching her back. Anyway, it didn't take him long to remove his hand from the fox, and laid his head against the tree, once again. There weren't many thing he could do with the giant fox looking after him, so he just tried to get some sleep. It was difficult, with all the sounds of the woods around him, but he still could accomplish it after a few minutes.
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