A Boy and His Dragonwolf

After Nym had explored the house, he had gone to the couch and laid on it, rubbing himself on the fabric while groaning in gentle pleasure. He very much liked having this bigger room and bigger yard, even if he himself was getting bigger. Once he had knocked the pillows off and messed up the cushions slightly, Nym rolled off and went over to Tyler's laptop bag, picking it up in his mouth and waltzing over to the two humans with it. They were going to want it soon anyway, so his tail wagged hopefully for praise.
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Tyler smirked at Nym as he came trotting up with his laptop bag. He rubbed the area between the dragon-wolf's horns as he took it from him. "Thanks, buddy. How about we curl up and see what they know." He went over to the couch and straightened the cushions and pillows, sitting down on one end. With Nym next to him on one side, he patted the seat beside him for Claire. "Come on. Some of these guys are nuts, and you could use a good laugh."

She blushed, but eventually made her way over and sat next to Tyler. The three of them took up a lot of space on the couch, so she and Tyler bumped up against each other, making them both blush. He went online to the chat and introduced himself. As soon as he made it clear who he was the chat was flooded with greetings and annoying requests. He silenced them all by typing:

Guys! Look I've had Nym for about two months now and he practically doubles in size every month. How big do dragon-wolves get?

He hit post and sat back, looking to Claire. "Some of the answers are nuts, so look out for more reasonable-sounding size estimates. Assuming there are any."
Nym had climbed up onto the couch and then stretched, making Tyler bump into Claire. With a small, smug smirk he curled up and stared at the screen to see what would come up. As soon as Tyler posted his question, he got a barrage of posts.

"They only grow up to be like wolves, maybe large ones"
"Large like on TV, idjit! Ever see game of thrones? They grow up to be like the Dire Wolves in there!"
"That's ridiculous, Direwolves are a myth. They don't get any larger than a big wolf."
"You're both wrong, if they live long enough they can grow up to be as big as a mountain!"
"You're an idiot."
"You're an idiot."
"I am facepalming right now guys."
Eventually there were no more theories and the arguments began to die down, as if they were little kids looking up to their hero and waiting on his breath to say something more, to ask something of them.​
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"Wow..." Claire said. She turned to Tyler. "These are adults, right?"

He laughed. "Maybe not all of them. But what do you think? Who's closest?"

"Well, mountain boy's clearly got issues," she chuckled. "Normally, I'd say about the size of normal wolves, like the first guy said. But after seeing how Nym grows...that Dire Wolf claim might be more accurate." She looked at the doorway. "Should still be able to fit inside. Just barely. Of course, now I'm wondering about his wings. If his body is actually adapted for flight, the wingspan would be near thirty feet long or more."

"Yikes. What's he at now?"

"Last week when I measured him one wing was approaching six feet long." Tyler looked at Nym and scratched his head. He was growing so fast. It was a good thing the mountain idea was so crazy, otherwise they'd be laying on him at night. Also, he could flatten a country with his paws. Just ridiculous. She felt Claire's hand reach across and pet him too. He turned back to her and smiled.

"How about I cook tonight? I'll log off with these nuts and put something together for us," he suggested.

"Oh. Um...alright. N-Need any help?"
Nym murred happily as he laid on the couch, basking in the pets that the humans were giving him. He could hear what they were talking about, but he wasn't terribly interested. He was going to grow as big as he would get, and that was that. For him, at least. He just laid there until Tyler shut down his computer and said that he was going to go cook. With a smirk, the dragonwolf waited until Tyler wasn't looking and then gently nudged Claire off the couch and towards the kitchen. He would then follow her and sit nearby, to watch what would unfold...
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The kitchen was small enough to have the two right next to each other as they paced around, occasionally bumping butts and inspiring blushes and awkward stares from both of them. Tyler rinsed off the cutting board and set it down in front of Claire, where there was also a green pepper, a red pepper, and an onion. "Can you cut those up, please? I already got the steak started."

"Um, sure..." As she cut she looked over at him, tending to the skillet pan of meat already sizzling in fajita seasoning. "You know, I don't cook very much myself. You really seem to know what you're doing."

"Thanks. I always like to try something new. It doesn't always work, but this is something I'm practiced in," he replied, turning and poking around the meat.

"Okay, here's the pepper." Claire scooped the sliced peppers into the pan then got to work on the onion. "So, are we likely to be doing this a lot? It's kind of fun, though we need a bigger kitchen."

"This is fine. Kind of nice when you're bumping your butt into me." He looked at Claire and shook his head. "T-That's not what I mean! I meant..."

She smirked and bumped her booty into him again. Then again, pushing him around. The two started laughing and he pushed her back, Claire practically twerking on him in jest. They got everything cooked and in a separate pan lightly singed the tortillas, folding them up. Tyler gave a full one to Nym - mostly meat, but with some of the veggies in there, too - in a bowl. He also went light on the sauce for those two, since he'd gotten a spicy one he liked.

"Is it just because I'm a woman that you think I can't handle a little spice?" Claire teased as they ate.

"No, it's because you're a wuss with spice is why I think you can't handle spice," he replied with a grin.

She picked up the jar, turned it and added A LOT of spicy taco sauce, and then took a bite. She put on a brave face for about half a minute, then she was glugging down her glass of milk with Tyler laughing. "I'll get a milder sauce next time."
Nym had chuckled and leaned against the wall, sitting and watching the two humans blushing away at one another, waving his tail and near the end raising his eyebrow, with a small smug smirk like he knew that stuff like this was about to happen. But even then they seemed to be needing a small nudge. So that was exactly what the dragonwolf was going to give them.

While Claire chugged her milk, Nym looked up from his tasty, tasty meal and yipped at her food, changing it around a little to be a milder sauce. Though as he yipped, he bumped up against Tyler which would make the human have to grab Claire's leg for balance. Then, satisfied, the canine went back to his bowl and began to eat on the meat and veggies that Tyler had given him.
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"Whoa!" Tyler's hand squeezed Claire's thigh instinctively as he recovered himself. He turned to look at Nym, but the smug pup was heading back to his food. He looked at Claire, waiting for the impending reaction, whatever it was. She froze and slowly put down her glass, then took Tyler's hand and removed it from her leg.

"Your little friend's quite the matchmaker," she said. Her cheeks were red. She hadn't let go of his hand. "Did you tell him to do this?"

"No," he replied, scooting closer. "But I'm kind of glad he did."

They leaned forward and kissed. Their lips touched hesitantly at first, then a second time more deeply. When they parted again, both of them were sweating, and it had nothing to do with the spice. Claire was the first to speak. "So...that was nice."

"Want to do it again?" Tyler asked.

"No!...Er...yes." And with that they kissed again.
Nym glanced up from his food and smirked at the two kissing humans, his face saying more than any amount of words truly could have. Though if either of them looked, he would quickly go back to his bowl and just chew on the meats and veggies. Though his tail continued to wag, a very sure sign that he was quite pleased with himself. From there the dragonwolf would just stay nearby the humans, letting them work out their affections in any way they desired, before curling up next to Tyler and sleeping the night away.


A week later, Claire and Tyler would take Nym up to the park, like Tyler did near every day. Claire had sometimes not been able to join them as often as she might like, but with her college year basically over she had much more free time. Which seemed to please the dragonwolf to no end. During the week, Nym's coloring, and plumage started to grow even more vibrant, as the young pup finished maturing, even if he wasn't done growing.

This particular time, when Tyler threw a stick deep into the trees, Nym leaped and chased after it. It went somewhat far, but after picking up the stick, Nym ventured even farther into the trees. Following a strange but familiar music and a strange yet very intriguing scent.
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Tyler and Claire walked hand-in-hand through the park. That first kiss had turned into a heavy make-out session, followed by an awkward moment where they went to sleep in separate rooms. From there they got steadily more intimate at home, finally having their first night in the same bed a few days ago. After that, any thoughts that they were just looking for a good time was gone, and they were definitely a couple. They found Nym in Claire's bed the morning after, since they both slept in Tyler's.

Tyler kissed Claire while he waited for Nym to reemerge with the stick. And waited. He cocked his head and started to step forward. "Nym?"

Nym would step around a tree and see another dragon-wolf. This one was white with blue accents, vibrant check-shaped patches over a smoky white-grey. Nym could smell it was a female, and she regarded him with an attractive aloofness. She raised her tail, allowing him to get close and smell her feminine pheromones, but once he was close she yipped and leaped away, prompting him to follow.
Nym looked over the female and instantly perked up, waving his tail a bit and regarding her. She seemed to be a bit older than him, but was very attractive to the ladies man that was Nym, who cocks his head as she rose her tail. He stepped closer and sniffed the air, waving his tail in glee at the smell. When she pounced away he yipped and bounded off after her, spreading his wings a bit as he chased her, an instinctual measure to show himself off and begin to court. He began a small song of sounds, making a plea for the female to stop. If she did, then they could move onto the next part of the courting process.
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She did stop, after bounding a little further into the forest. She had led Nym to a patch between the trees where she slowly circled. Nym would follow her scent, the two pacing in a circle. She would occasionally wag and lift her tail, spreading her scent even more. Whenever he would get too close behind the female spread her wings, which easily overshadowed his, before drawing them back and continuing her pacing. He would have to follow, but keep his distance.

Their pacing slowly drew them into a tighter and tighter circle. Soon they were practically on top of each other, and the female did a quick turn and rubbed her head on Nym's, marking him as hers. Her tail wagged and patted over him as she paced around him. Then - with nothing more than a yip and the rustle of wings - she leaped up through the patch of trees and started flying away.

"Nym? Nym, where are you, buddy?" Tyler came trotting into the circle then, Claire shortly behind. "There you are, Nym? What happened? You get bored playing fetch?"
Nym smiled and waved his tail, spreading his wings wide once the female stopped and began to pace around him. With a wave of his tail, he closed his wings and began to pace in the same circle, sniffing her scent as they did so. He only got too close once, at which point he stepped back and unfurled his wings as well, showing he was sorry but not weak.

The circle got ever tighter, the point at which the female would break away if she found him wanting. But it seemed that she didn't, and Nym yipped when she rubbed his head with hers. He waved his tail and began to rub his body, and thus his scent, over her, as hers would be on him. He chirped and murred a soft song as they paced and rubbed on each other. At least until she flew away, him giving out a single bark of farewell.

Then Tyler came through the trees, and Nym looked back at them, suddenly remembering what they were doing. But he didn't worry about the stick and instead rubbed up against Tyler's legs, purring happily as he circled the human's legs, feeling an abundance of affection after the happenings.
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Tyler chuckled and scratched his head, going down to pet his back. Claire laughed and smiled too, petting him as well. "Well, what's gotten into you, little buddy? Awfully affectionate all of a sudden."

He continued returning the affection until Nym finally pounced him and began to nuzzle and lick his face. Eventually he was able to pull the dragon-wolf off of him and they managed to go back home, where that sudden affection continued all the way until he laid down with them for bed.

It didn't last forever, thankfully. Eventually Nym got back to normal, which meant from time to time Tyler and Claire could enjoy the nights together. After about a week it was time for another checkup, and Tyler got up and decided to take Nym outside before going to the university. Spring was in bloom, and it would be a waste for him not to take advantage of it.
Nym was feeling ecstatic. His first courting opportunity with the female he had met was a success! He had no idea when he would see her again, but he knew for sure they would. Because they had marked each other with their scent, and they both wanted to go to the next stage - otherwise she would have run off anytime earlier than that. A week passed, and when Tyler woke up Nym was there on the bed, bounding around all while he waited for the human to get ready. There was something that the pup wanted to try now, and anything that delayed him seemed to be making him antsy.

Eventually they got outside, into the deep spring air. Blossoms on flowers and leaves on trees, everything one would expect from a gorgeous spring day. Though even as Nym admired it, he only waited for a little bit before spreading his wings. He held them out for a while before forcing them down and leaping into the air, barking in excitement as he took to the skies and began to soar about, not too high and never out of sight from Tyler.
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He pet the dragonwolf while he dressed, noting how excited he seemed. And how big. He couldn't really call Nym a pup anymore. According to Claire, he still didn't seem fully-grown, but he wasn't the cute little fluff and soot ball he'd found during the winter anymore. And Claire had stopped saying he was growing, instead saying that he was maturing. After some time, Tyler was inclined to agree.

When he was set to leave he opened the door for Nym and jumped back as he ran past him. He watched as he spread his wings, expecting the dragonwolf to make more of the large leaps he'd been making lately. And at first it started that way, but after a few practice jumps he took flight, and Tyler watched with his mouth agape as he flapped and hovered about twenty feet in the air.

"Nym! Nym, you're flying!" he laughed and ran underneath him. "Ha...oh, that's so awesome! Around the tree! Come on!" He circled around the tree in the front yard, looking up to see if he was following him.
Nym flapped his wings and stayed in the air for a while, looking around at the town that surrounded where he lived. It was something new to see it all from so high up, and it was rather exhilarating too! He rose his head and gave an excited howl, before looking down at the sound of Tyler's Voice. The large canid looked down and saw his friend running around the tree, and with a wag of the tail he started to dive. At the end up the dive he curled around the tree just in time to tackle Tyler, at which point the dragonwolf began to lick over his face in glee and happiness. It was a very important time for dragonwolves, when they start to fly. And he was happy to have shared it with Tyler.
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"Oof!" Tyler was thrown back when Nym suddenly tackled him, and he chuckled and scratched at his sides when the dragonwolf began licking his face. He gave him a hug as he finally managed to get up into a sitting position from his overly-excited friend. He scratched his ears and looked at him proudly. "That was incredible. We should get in the car so we can take you to tell Claire, but after that let's go to the park and find an open space for you to practice flying."

He got up and pulled the collar out of his pocket and put it around his neck, still giving Nym little bits of praise and scratches, even a treat. He'd had to buy two additional collars since getting his first one since he kept on growing. After that, they drove to the college and headed in for Nym's checkup. The joy of flight seemed to have distracted Nym from the drudgery of the collar and the normal routine, and he was sure the little guy was really looking forward to showing off his new trick to Claire.

They went into the new office for them and found her getting things together. Like with the collars, they had to move to a larger place to run checkups because of his growth. He wasn't too big for the old room, but it was easier to move around.

"Hey, Claire." Tyler leaned in and kissed her before unhooking Nym's leash. "Guess what? Nym flew this morning! His first flight!"

"Really?" she beamed down at him and knelt to scratch between his horns and nuzzle noses. "I'd love to see that. Such a growing boy!"
Nym had only made the smallest sound when the collar was put over his neck, waving his wings as he gave Tyler another quick lick on the cheek. On the way to his office, the dragonwolf was very much strutting his stuff, wagging his tail and preening quite a bit all the way until they met up with Claire. He walked around the room until Claire was told the news, at which point he murred at her touches and happily rubbed his nose against hers. Then, like the normal routine, he opened his wings and spread them as far as possible, so she could check the span and his muscles as she did every time, as part of the entire checkup.
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"His wingspan's grown since the last checkup," Claire said as she measured his wings. "Another four inches on each wing. I guess that was all he needed to get off the ground. And the muscle - " She reached down and felt Nym's wing muscle, her fingers failing to budge the tough meat. " - solid as a rock. Gotta be strong to pick him up, so hardly surprising."

Tyler smiled and patted Nym's back, watching as she inspected him. "Any chance we can cut the appointment short, so you can see him fly yourself?"

"Sure. Just let me get the typical stuff out of the way..."

They breezed through the heartrate, breathing, and measurements, and quickly brushed over the signs of health, since everything looked normal. Once they were done Claire was almost as eager as Nym to get out of there, and Tyler jokingly commented that he should get a leash for her too to keep her calmed down. That earned him a sore shoulder, and he had to drive them to the park. Once they got in past the gates, Tyler led him in on his leash. He knew he could run around freely, but he wanted to build the suspense. Once they were near an open space he was sure he could get up and flying in, he removed the collar and scratched his ears.

"Okay, Nym. Strut your stuff," he said and stepped back to give him room.